928 resultados para Dental pulp. Stem cells. Cryopreservation. Cell culture


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Respiratory diseases are a major cause of mortality and morbidity worldwide. Current treatments offer no prospect of cure or disease reversal. Transplantation of pulmonary progenitor cells derived from human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) may provide a novel approach to regenerate endogenous lung cells destroyed by injury and disease. Here, we examine the therapeutic potential of alveolar type II epithelial cells derived from hESCs (hES-ATIICs) in a mouse model of acute lung injury. When transplanted into lungs of mice subjected to bleomycin (BLM)-induced acute lung injury, hES-ATIICs behaved as normal primary ATIICs, differentiating into cells expressing phenotypic markers of alveolar type I epithelial cells. Without experiencing tumorigenic side effects, lung injury was abrogated in mice transplanted with hES-ATIICs, demonstrated by recovery of body weight and arterial blood oxygen saturation, decreased collagen deposition, and increased survival. Therefore, transplantation of hES-ATIICs shows promise as an effective therapeutic to treat acute lung injury.


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BACKGROUND AIMS The diverse phenotypic changes and clinical and economic disadvantages associated with the monolayer expansion of bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) have focused attention on the development of one-step intraoperative cells therapies and homing strategies. The mononuclear cell fraction of bone marrow, inclusive of discrete stem cell populations, is not well characterized, and we currently lack suitable cell culture systems in which to culture and investigate the behavior of these cells. METHODS Human bone marrow-derived mononuclear cells were cultured within fibrin for 2 weeks with or without fibroblast growth factor-2 supplementation. DNA content and cell viability of enzymatically retrieved cells were determined at days 7 and 14. Cell surface marker profiling and cell cycle analysis were performed by means of multi-color flow cytometry and a 5-ethynyl-2'-deoxyuridine incorporation assay, respectively. RESULTS Total mononuclear cell fractions, isolated from whole human bone marrow, was successfully cultured in fibrin gels for up to 14 days under static conditions. Discrete niche cell populations including MSCs, pericytes and hematopoietic stem cells were maintained in relative quiescence for 7 days in proportions similar to that in freshly isolated cells. Colony-forming unit efficiency of enzymatically retrieved MSCs was significantly higher at day 14 compared to day 0; and in accordance with previously published works, it was fibroblast growth factor-2-dependant. CONCLUSIONS Fibrin gels provide a simple, novel system in which to culture and study the complete fraction of bone marrow-derived mononuclear cells and may support the development of improved bone marrow cell-based therapies.


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Cellular therapies, as neuronal progenitor (NP) cells grafting, are promising therapies for patients affected with neurodegenerative diseases like Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD). At this time there is no effective treatment or cure for CJD. The disease is inevitably fatal and affected people usually die within months of the appearance of the first clinical symptoms. Compelling evidence indicate that the hallmark event in the disease is the conversion of the normal prion protein (termed PrPC) into the disease-associated, misfolded form (called PrPSc). Thus, a reasonable therapeutic target would be to prevent PrP misfolding and prion replication. This strategy has been applied with poor results since at the time of clinical intervention substantial brain damage has been done. It seems that a more effective treatment aimed at patients with established symptoms of CJD would need to stop further brain degeneration or even recover some of the previously lost brain tissue. The most promising possibility to recover brain tissue is the use of NPs that have the potential to replenish the nerve cells lost during the early stages of the disease. Advanced cellular therapies, beside their potential for cell replacement, might be used as biomaterials for drug delivery in order to stimulate cell survival or the resolution the disease. Also, implanted cells can be genetically manipulated to correct abnormalities causing disease or to make them more resistant to the toxic microenvironments present in damaged tissue. In recent years cell engineering has been within the scope of the scientific and general community after the development of technologies able to “de-differentiate” somatic cells into induced-pluripotent stem (IPS) cells. This new tool permits the use of easy-to-reach cells like skin or blood cells as a primary material to obtain embryonic stem-like cells for cellular therapies, evading all ethical issues regarding the use of human embryos as a source of embryonic stem cells. The complete work proposes to implant IPS-derived NP cells into the brain of prion-infected animals to evaluate their therapeutic potential. Since it is well known that the expression of prion protein in the cell membrane is necessary for PrPSc mediated toxicity, we also want to determine if NPs lacking the prion protein have better survival rates once implanted into sick animals. The main objective of this work is to develop implantable neural precursor from IPS coming from animals lacking the prion protein. Specific aim 1: To develop and characterize cellular cultures of IPS cells from prp-/- mice. Fibroblasts from prp-/- animals will be reprogrammed using the four Yamanaka factors. IPS colonies will be selected and characterized by immunohistochemistry for markers of pluripotency. Their developmental capabilities will be evaluated by teratoma and embryoid body formation assays. Specific aim 2: To differentiate IPS cells to a neuronal lineage. IPS cells will be differentiated to a NP stage by the use of defined media culture conditions. NP cells will be characterized by their immunohistochemical profile as well as by their ability to differentiate into neuronal cells. Specific aim 3: Cellular labeling of neuronal progenitors cells for in vitro traceability. In order to track the cells once implanted in the host brain, they will be tagged with different methods such as lipophilic fluorescent tracers and transduction with GFP protein expression.


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Successful gene therapy depends on stable transduction of hematopoietic stem cells. Target cells must cycle to allow integration of Moloney-based retroviral vectors, yet hematopoietic stem cells are quiescent. Cells can be held in quiescence by intracellular cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors. The cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p15INK4B blocks association of cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK)4/cyclin D and p27kip-1 blocks activity of CDK2/cyclin A and CDK2/cyclin E, complexes that are mandatory for cell-cycle progression. Antibody neutralization of β transforming growth factor (TGFβ) in serum-free medium decreased levels of p15INK4B and increased colony formation and retroviral-mediated transduction of primary human CD34+ cells. Although TGFβ neutralization increased colony formation from more primitive, noncycling hematopoietic progenitors, no increase in M-phase-dependent, retroviral-mediated transduction was observed. Transduction of the primitive cells was augmented by culture in the presence of antisense oligonucleotides to p27kip-1 coupled with TGFβ-neutralizing antibodies. The transduced cells engrafted immune-deficient mice with no alteration in human hematopoietic lineage development. We conclude that neutralization of TGFβ, plus reduction in levels of the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p27, allows transduction of primitive and quiescent hematopoietic progenitor populations.


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The spermatogonial stem cell initiates and maintains spermatogenesis in the testis. To perform this role, the stem cell must self replicate as well as produce daughter cells that can expand and differentiate to form spermatozoa. Despite the central importance of the spermatogonial stem cell to male reproduction, little is known about its morphological or biochemical characteristics. This results, in part, from the fact that spermatogonial stem cells are an extremely rare cell population in the testis, and techniques for their enrichment are just beginning to be established. In this investigation, we used a multiparameter selection strategy, combining the in vivo cryptorchid testis model with in vitro fluorescence-activated cell sorting analysis. Cryptorchid testis cells were fractionated by fluorescence-activated cell sorting analysis based on light-scattering properties and expression of the cell surface molecules α6-integrin, αv-integrin, and the c-kit receptor. Two important observations emerged from these analyses. First, spermatogonial stem cells from the adult cryptorchid testis express little or no c-kit. Second, the most effective enrichment strategy, in this study, selected cells with low side scatter light-scattering properties, positive staining for α6-integrin, and negative or low αv-integrin expression, and resulted in a 166-fold enrichment of spermatogonial stem cells. Identification of these characteristics will allow further purification of these valuable cells and facilitate the investigation of molecular mechanisms governing spermatogonial stem cell self renewal and hierarchical differentiation.


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Hemopoietic stem cells are a distinct population of cells that can differentiate into multilineages of hemopoietic cells and have long-term repopulation capability. A few membrane-bound molecules have been found to be preferentially, but not uniquely, present on the surface of these primitive cells. We report here the identification of a unique 105-kDa glycoprotein on the surface of hemopoietic stem cell line BL3. This molecule, recognized by the absorbed antiserum, is not present on the surface of myeloid progenitors 32D and FDC-P1 cells, EL4 T cells, and NIH 3T3 fibroblasts. This antiserum can also be used to block the proliferation of BL3 cells even in the presence of mitogen-stimulated spleen cell conditioned medium, which is known to have a stimulating activity on BL3 cells. It can also inhibit development of in vitro, fetal liver cell-derived multilineage colonies, but not other types of colonies, and of in vivo bone marrow cell-derived colony-forming unit spleen foci. These data suggest that gp105 plays an important role in hemopoietic stem cell differentiation.


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Throughout the process of development and continuing into adulthood, stem cells function as a reservoir of undifferentiated cell types, whose role is to underpin cell genesis in a variety of tissues and organs. In the adult, they play an essential homeostatic role by replacing differentiated tissue cells "worn off" by physiological turnover or lost to injury or disease. As such, the discovery of such cells in the adult mammalian central nervous system (CNS), an organ traditionally thought to have little or no regenerative capacity, was most unexpected. Nonetheless, by employing a novel serum-free culture system termed the neurosphere assay, Reynolds and Weiss demonstrated the presence of neural stem cells in both the adult (Reynolds and Weiss, 1992) and embryonic mouse brain (Reynolds et al., 1992). Here we describe how to generate, serially passage, and differentiate neurospheres derived from both the developing and adult brain, and provide more technical details that will enable one to achieve reproducible cultures, which can be passaged over an extended period of time.


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Cancer stem cells (CSCs) are initiating cells in colorectal cancer (CRC). Colorectal tumours undergo epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT)-like processes at the invasive front, enabling invasion and metastasis, and recent studies have linked this process to the acquisition of stem cell-like properties. It is of fundamental importance to understand the molecular events leading to the establishment of cancer initiating cells and how these mechanisms relate to cellular transitions during tumourigenesis. We use an in vitro system to recapitulate changes in CRC cells at the invasive front (mesenchymal-like cells) and central mass (epithelial-like cells) of tumours. We show that the mesoderm inducer BRACHYURY is expressed in a subpopulation of CRC cells that resemble invasive front mesenchymal-like cells, where it acts to impose characteristics of CSCs in a fully reversible manner, suggesting reversible formation and modulation of such cells. BRACHYURY, itself regulated by the oncogene β-catenin, influences NANOG and other 'stemness' markers including a panel of markers defining CRC-CSC whose presence has been linked to poor patient prognosis. Similar regulation of NANOG through BRACHYURY was observed in other cells lines, suggesting this might be a pathway common to cancer cells undergoing mesenchymal transition. We suggest that BRACHYURY may regulate NANOG in mesenchymal-like CRC cells to impose a 'plastic-state', allowing competence of cells to respond to signals prompting invasion or metastasis. Copyright © 2011 UICC.


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With the cell therapy industry continuing to grow, the ability to preserve clinical grade cells, including mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), whilst retaining cell viability and function remains critical for the generation of off-the-shelf therapies. Cryopreservation of MSCs, using slow freezing, is an established process at lab scale. However, the cytotoxicity of cryoprotectants, like Me2SO, raises questions about the impact of prolonged cell exposure to cryoprotectant at temperatures >0 °C during processing of large cell batches for allogenic therapies prior to rapid cooling in a controlled rate freezer or in the clinic prior to administration. Here we show that exposure of human bone marrow derived MSCs to Me2SO for ≥1 h before freezing, or after thawing, degrades membrane integrity, short-term cell attachment efficiency and alters cell immunophenotype. After 2 h's exposure to Me2SO at 37 °C post-thaw, membrane integrity dropped to ∼70% and only ∼50% of cells retained the ability to adhere to tissue culture plastic. Furthermore, only 70% of the recovered MSCs retained an immunophenotype consistent with the ISCT minimal criteria after exposure. We also saw a similar loss of membrane integrity and attachment efficiency after exposing osteoblast (HOS TE85) cells to Me2SO before, and after, cryopreservation. Overall, these results show that freezing medium exposure is a critical determinant of product quality as process scale increases. Defining and reporting cell sensitivity to freezing medium exposure, both before and after cryopreservation, enables a fair judgement of how scalable a particular cryopreservation process can be, and consequently whether the therapy has commercial feasibility.


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Tissue-engineered blood vessels (TEBV) can serve as vascular grafts and may also play an important role in the development of organs-on-a-chip. Most TEBV construction involves scaffolding with biomaterials such as collagen gel or electrospun fibrous mesh. Hypothesizing that a scaffold-free TEBV may be advantageous, we constructed a tubular structure (1 mm i.d.) from aligned human mesenchymal cell sheets (hMSC) as the wall and human endothelial progenitor cell (hEPC) coating as the lumen. The burst pressure of the scaffold-free TEBV was above 200 mmHg after three weeks of sequential culture in a rotating wall bioreactor and perfusion at 6.8 dynes/cm(2). The interwoven organization of the cell layers and extensive extracellular matrix (ECM) formation of the hMSC-based TEBV resembled that of native blood vessels. The TEBV exhibited flow-mediated vasodilation, vasoconstriction after exposure to 1 μM phenylephrine and released nitric oxide in a manner similar to that of porcine femoral vein. HL-60 cells attached to the TEBV lumen after TNF-α activation to suggest a functional endothelium. This study demonstrates the potential of a hEPC endothelialized hMSC-based TEBV for drug screening.


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Decellularized adipose tissue (DAT) is a promising biomaterial for soft tissue regeneration, and it provides a highly conducive microenvironment for human adipose-derived stem/stromal cell (ASC) attachment, proliferation, and adipogenesis. This thesis focused on developing techniques to fabricate 3-D bioscaffolds from enzymatically-digested DAT as platforms for ASC culture and delivery in adipose tissue engineering and large-scale ASC expansion. Initial work investigated chemically crosslinked microcarriers fabricated from pepsin-digested DAT as injectable adipo-inductive substrates for ASCs. DAT microcarriers highly supported ASC adipogenesis compared to gelatin microcarriers in a CELLSPIN system, as confirmed by glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GPDH) enzyme activity, lipid accumulation, and endpoint RT-PCR. ASCs cultured on DAT microcarriers in proliferation medium also had elevated PPARγ, C/EBPα, and LPL expression which suggested adipo-inductive properties. In vivo testing of the DAT microcarriers exhibited stable volume retention and enhanced cellular infiltration, tissue remodeling, and angiogenesis. Building from this work, non-chemically crosslinked porous foams and bead foams were fabricated from α-amylase-digested DAT for soft tissue regeneration. Foams were stable and strongly supported ASC adipogenesis based on GPDH activity and endpoint RT-PCR. PPARγ, C/EBPα, and LPL expression in ASCs cultured on the foams in proliferation media indicated adipo-inductive properties. Foams with Young’s moduli similar to human fat also influenced ASC adipogenesis by enhanced GPDH activity. In vivo adipogenesis accompanied by a potent angiogenic response and rapid resorption showed their potential use in wound healing applications. Finally, non-chemically crosslinked porous microcarriers synthesized from α-amylase-digested DAT were investigated for ASC expansion. DAT microcarriers remained stable in culture and supported significantly higher ASC proliferation compared to Cultispher-S microcarriers in a CELLSPIN system. ASC immunophenotype was preserved for all expanded groups, with reduced adhesion marker expression under dynamic conditions. DAT microcarrier expansion upregulated ASC expression of early adipogenic (PPARγ, LPL) and chondrogenic (COMP) markers without inducing a mature phenotype. DAT microcarrier expanded ASCs also showed similar levels of adipogenesis and osteogenesis compared to Cultispher-S despite a significantly higher population fold-change, and had the highest level of chondrogenesis among all groups. This study demonstrates the promising use of DAT microcarriers as a clinically relevant strategy for ASC expansion while maintaining multilineage differentiation capacity.


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In the present paper, we report on the use of the heteroduplex PCR technique to detect the presence of clonally rearranged VDJ segments of the heavy chain immunoglobulin gene (VDJH) in the apheresis products of patients with multiple myeloma (MM) undergoing autologous peripheral blood stem cell (APBSC) transplantation. Twenty-three out of 31 MM patients undergoing APBSC transplantation with VDJH segments clonally rearranged detected at diagnosis were included in the study. Samples of the apheresis products were PCR amplified using JH and VH (FRIII and FRII) consensus primers and subsequently analyzed with the heteroduplex technique, and compared with those obtained at diagnosis. 52% of cases yielded positive results (presence of clonally rearranged VDJH segments in at least one apheresis). The presence of positive results in the apheresis products was not related to any pretransplant characteristics with the exception of response status at transplant. Thus, while no one patient with positive apheresis products was in complete remission (CR), negative immunofixation, before the transplant, five cases (46%) with negative apheresis were already in CR at transplant (P = 0.01). The remaining six cases with heteroduplex PCR negative apheresis were in partial remission before transplant. Patients with clonally free products were more likely to obtain CR following transplant (64% vs 17%, P= 0.02) and a longer progression-free survival, (40 months in patients transplanted with polyclonal products vs 20 with monoclonal ones, P = 0.03). These results were consistent when the overall survival was considered, since it was better in those patients with negative apheresis than it was in those with positive (83% vs 36% at 5 years from diagnosis, P= 0.01). These findings indicate that the presence of clonality rearranged VDJH segments is related to the response and outcome in MM transplanted patients.


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Stem cell transplantation holds great promise for the treatment of myocardial infarction injury. We recently described the embryonic stem cell-derived cardiac progenitor cells (CPCs) capable of differentiating into cardiomyocytes, vascular endothelium, and smooth muscle. In this study, we hypothesized that transplanted CPCs will preserve function of the infarcted heart by participating in both muscle replacement and neovascularization. Differentiated CPCs formed functional electromechanical junctions with cardiomyocytes in vitro and conducted action potentials over cm-scale distances. When transplanted into infarcted mouse hearts, CPCs engrafted long-term in the infarct zone and surrounding myocardium without causing teratomas or arrhythmias. The grafted cells differentiated into cross-striated cardiomyocytes forming gap junctions with the host cells, while also contributing to neovascularization. Serial echocardiography and pressure-volume catheterization demonstrated attenuated ventricular dilatation and preserved left ventricular fractional shortening, systolic and diastolic function. Our results demonstrate that CPCs can engraft, differentiate, and preserve the functional output of the infarcted heart.


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Commercial purity titanium with an average grain size in the low sub-micron range was produced by equal channel angular pressing (ECAP). Attachment of human bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) to the surface of conventional coarse grained and ECAP-modified titanium was studied. It was demonstrated that the attachment and spreading of hMSCs in the initial stages (up to 24h) of culture was enhanced by grain refinement. Surface characterization by a range of techniques showed that the main factor responsible for the observed acceleration of hMSC attachment and spreading on titanium due to grain refinement in the bulk is the attendant changes in surface topography on the nanoscale. These results indicate that, in addition to its superior mechanical properties, ECAP-modified titanium possesses improved biocompatibility, which makes it to a potent candidate for applications in medical implants.