910 resultados para Dementia mild cognitive impairment


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Screening measures of cognitive status are traditionally administered face to face. In survey research such screening mcasurcs, while desirable, must he administered by other means. As part of pilot survey research on a New Zealand war veteran population with some degree of hearing impairment, a face-to-face administration of the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE; Folstein, Folstein and McHugh, 1975) and a telephoneadministration of the Telephonc Interview for Cognitive Status (TICS; Brandt, Spencer and Folstein. 1988) were compared. Brandt ('/ u/. (1988) reported a very strong linear relationship between scores on the MMSE and the TICS (r=0.94, p < .0001) in an Alzheimer patient population with a mcan MMSE score of 12.06 (6.78). For a sample of 44 mildly to moderately hearing impaired veterans, with a mean MMSE score of 25.52 (2.16) and a mean TICS score of 32.52(5.43), the correlation between the instruments was .39. When veterans who wore hearing aids during the telephone interview ( N = 2 2 ) wcrc separated out from those who did not, the correlation rose to .54. Age was ncgatively correlated with the MMSE ( r = -0.41, / I < .01) and not significantly correlated with the TICS. Education level was unrelated to either measure. The data suggest that the wearing or non-wearing of hearing aids may contribute significantly to the reliability of the TICS. Furthermore, on non-demented populations with a less restricted range of scores. the correlation of the MMSE and TICS may he lower than previously reported.


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Esta pesquisa investiga a possível correlação entre os níveis de depressão e ansiedade e a percepção de suporte social em profissionais de enfermagem em ambiente hospitalar. Utiliza-se de método descritivo exploratório de caráter quantitativo comparativo. Foram aplicados: A Escala Beck de Depressão BDI total e as subescalas S1 cognitivo-afetiva, S2 somática e de desempenho; o Inventário de Ansiedade BAI (Beck Anxiety Inventory) ; a Escala de Percepção de Suporte Social (EPSS) e questionário sócio-demográfico-clínico em 39 profissionais de enfermagem, auxiliares e técnicos de hospital particular de médio porte. Os dados da BAI revelaram uma freqüência média de 6,10 (DP=5,826) ; a BDI total, média de 7,36 (DP=5,163), com média de 4,31 (DP= 3,764) na subescala cognitivo-afetiva e média de 3,03 (DP= 2,323) na subescala somática e de desempenho. Os dados evidenciam sintomas de ansiedade em 15% dos participantes e depressão em 18%, na faixa de intensidade leve, sem comprometimento funcional significativo. O escore médio fatorial da percepção de suporte social emocional, verificado é de 2,61(DP=0,781), obtendo no suporte prático frequência média de 2,28 (DP=0,686). . Foi verificada uma relação significante positiva (P=0,004) entre os escores das escalas BAI e BDI BDIS1 e BDIS2. Por outro lado, a correlação entre a Percepção de Suporte Social Emocional e o nível de ansiedade verificado pela Escala BAI apresenta uma relação negativa e inversa com BAI e significante (P=0,022), ou seja, enquanto a percepção de suporte emocional aumenta, o escore da escala de ansiedade diminui. Também uma foi verificada uma correlação negativa inversa significante entre a Percepção de Suporte Social Emocional e o nível de depressão verificado pela escala BDI total (P=0,012), e com BDI S1 (P=0,019). A correlação entre a percepção de Suporte Social Prático e o nível de depressão verificado pela Escala BDI Total (P=0,016) e BDI S1(P=0,014) apresenta um relação negativa e inversa, significante , ou seja, enquanto a percepção de suporte social prático aumenta, o escore da escala de depressão diminui. Esses dados apontam para que a percepção de suporte social tenha efeitos mediadores na proteção de saúde, agindo como moderador do impacto negativo de possíveis condições adversas de trabalho do profissional de enfermagem.


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A large body of evidence supports a role of oxidative stress in Alzheimer disease (AD) and in cerebrovascular disease. A vascular component might be critical in the pathophysiology of AD, but there is a substantial lack of data regarding the simultaneous behavior of peripheral antioxidants and biomarkers of oxidative stress in AD and vascular dementia (VaD). Sixty-three AD patients, 23 VaD patients and 55 controls were included in the study. We measured plasma levels of water-soluble (vitamin C and uric acid) and lipophilic (vitamin E, vitamin A, carotenoids including lutein, zeaxanthin, β-cryptoxanthin, lycopene, α- and β-carotene) antioxidant micronutrients as well as levels of biomarkers of lipid peroxidation [malondialdehyde (MDA)] and of protein oxidation [immunoglobulin G (IgG) levels of protein carbonyls and dityrosine] in patients and controls. With the exception of β-carotene, all antioxidants were lower in demented patients as compared to controls. Furthermore, AD patients showed a significantly higher IgG dityrosine content as compared to controls. AD and VaD patients showed similar plasma levels of plasma antioxidants and MDA as well as a similar IgG content of protein carbonyls and dityrosine. We conclude that, independent of its nature - vascular or degenerative - dementia is associated with the depletion of a large spectrum of antioxidant micronutrients and with increased protein oxidative modification. This might be relevant to the pathophysiology of dementing disorders, particularly in light of the recently suggested importance of the vascular component in AD development. Copyright © 2004 S. Karger AG, Basel.


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Alzheimer's disease is the commonest degenerative disease of the nervous system to affect elderly people. It is characterised by 'dementia', a global cognitive decline involving loss of short term memory, judgement and emotional control. In addition, patients may suffer a range of visual problems including impairment of visual acuity, colour vision, eye movement problems and complex visual disturbances.


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β-Amyloid (Aβ) deposition in regions of the temporal lobe in patients with dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) was compared with elderly, non-demented (ND) cases and with Alzheimer's disease (AD). The distribution, density and clustering patterns of diffuse, primitive and classic Aβ deposits were similar in 'pure' DLB and ND cases. The distribution of Aβ deposits and the densities of the diffuse and primitive deposits were similar in 'mixed' DLB/AD cases compared with AD. However, the density of the classic deposits was significantly lower in DLB/AD compared with AD. In addition, the primitive Aβ deposits occurred more often in small, regularly spaced clusters in the tissue and less often in a single large cluster in DLB/AD compared with 'pure' AD. These results suggest that pure DLB and AD are distinct disorders which can coexist in some patients. However, the Aβ pathology of DLB/AD cases is not identical to that observed in patients with AD alone. (C) 2000 S. Karger AG, Basel.


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Background - Agitation in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is common and associated with poor patient life-quality and carer distress. The best evidence-based pharmacological treatments are antipsychotics which have limited benefits with increased morbidity and mortality. There are no memantine trials in clinically significant agitation but post-hoc analyses in other populations found reduced agitation. We tested the primary hypothesis, memantine is superior to placebo for clinically significant agitation, in patients with moderate-to-severe AD. Methods and Findings - We recruited 153 participants with AD and clinically significant agitation from care-homes or hospitals for a double-blind randomised-controlled trial and 149 people started the trial of memantine versus placebo. The primary outcome was 6 weeks mixed model autoregressive analysis of Cohen-Mansfield Agitation Inventory (CMAI). Secondary outcomes were: 12 weeks CMAI; 6 and 12 weeks Neuropsychiatric symptoms (NPI), Clinical Global Impression Change (CGI-C), Standardised Mini Mental State Examination, Severe Impairment Battery. Using a mixed effects model we found no significant differences in the primary outcome, 6 weeks CMAI, between memantine and placebo (memantine lower -3.0; -8.3 to 2.2, p = 0.26); or 12 weeks CMAI; or CGI-C or adverse events at 6 or 12 weeks. NPI mean difference favoured memantine at weeks 6 (-6.9; -12.2 to -1.6; p = 0.012) and 12 (-9.6; -15.0 to -4.3 p = 0.0005). Memantine was significantly better than placebo for cognition. The main study limitation is that it still remains to be determined whether memantine has a role in milder agitation in AD. Conclusions - Memantine did not improve significant agitation in people with in moderate-to-severe AD. Future studies are urgently needed to test other pharmacological candidates in this group and memantine for neuropsychiatric symptoms.


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Dementia with Lewy bodies ('Lewy body dementia' or 'diffuse Lewy body disease') (DLB) is the second most common form of dementia to affect elderly people, after Alzheimer's disease. A combination of the clinical symptoms of Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease is present in DLB and the disorder is classified as a 'parkinsonian syndrome', a group of diseases which also includes Parkinson's disease, progressive supranuclear palsy, corticobasal degeneration and multiple system atrophy. Characteristics of DLB are fluctuating cognitive ability with pronounced variations in attention and alertness, recurrent visual hallucinations and spontaneous motor features, including akinesia, rigidity and tremor. In addition, DLB patients may exhibit visual signs and symptoms, including defects in eye movement, pupillary function and complex visual functions. Visual symptoms may aid the differential diagnoses of parkinsonian syndromes. Hence, the presence of visual hallucinations supports a diagnosis of Parkinson's disease or DLB rather than progressive supranuclear palsy. DLB and Parkinson's disease may exhibit similar impairments on a variety of saccadic and visual perception tasks (visual discrimination, space-motion and object-form recognition). Nevertheless, deficits in orientation, trail-making and reading the names of colours are often significantly greater in DLB than in Parkinson's disease. As primary eye-care practitioners, optometrists should be able to work with patients with DLB and their carers to manage their visual welfare.


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Independent studies have shown that candidate genes for dyslexia and specific language impairment (SLI) impact upon reading/language-specific traits in the general population. To further explore the effect of disorder-associated genes on cognitive functions, we investigated whether they play a role in broader cognitive traits. We tested a panel of dyslexia and SLI genetic risk factors for association with two measures of general cognitive abilities, or IQ, (verbal and non-verbal) in the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC) cohort (N>5,000). Only the MRPL19/C2ORF3 locus showed statistically significant association (minimum P = 0.00009) which was further supported by independent replications following analysis in four other cohorts. In addition, a fifth independent sample showed association between the MRPL19/C2ORF3 locus and white matter structure in the posterior part of the corpus callosum and cingulum, connecting large parts of the cortex in the parietal, occipital and temporal lobes. These findings suggest that this locus, originally identified as being associated with dyslexia, is likely to harbour genetic variants associated with general cognitive abilities by influencing white matter structure in localised neuronal regions.


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This paper explores the legal position of the off-label prescription of antipsychotic medications to people with dementia who experience behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD). Dementia is a challenging illness, and BPSD can be very difficult for carers to manage, with evidence that this contributes to carer strain and can result in the early institutionalisation of people with dementia. As a result, the prescription of antipsychotic and other neuroleptic medications to treat BPSD has become commonplace, in spite of these drugs being untested and unlicensed for use to treat older people with dementia. In recent years, it has become apparent through clinical trials that antipsychotic drugs increase the risk of cerebrovascular accident (stroke) and death in people with dementia. In addition, these types of medication also have other risk factors for people with dementia, including over-sedation and worsening of cognitive function. Drawing on recent questionnaire (n = 185), focus group (n = 15), and interview (n = 11) data with carers of people with dementia, this paper explores the law relating to off-label prescription, and the applicability of medical negligence law to cases where adverse events follow the use of antipsychotic medication. It is argued that the practice of off-label prescribing requires regulatory intervention in order to protect vulnerable patients. © The Author [2012]. Published by Oxford University Press; all rights reserved.


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Cognitive systems research involves the synthesis of ideas from natural and artificial systems in the analysis, understanding, and design of all intelligent systems. This chapter discusses the cognitive systems associated with the hippocampus (HC) of the human brain and their possible role in behaviour and neurodegenerative disease. The hippocampus (HC) is concerned with the analysis of highly abstract data derived from all sensory systems but its specific role remains controversial. Hence, there have been three major theories concerning its function, viz., the memory theory, the spatial theory, and the behavioral inhibition theory. The memory theory has its origin in the surgical destruction of the HC, which results in severe anterograde and partial retrograde amnesia. The spatial theory has its origin in the observation that neurons in the HC of animals show activity related to their location within the environment. By contrast, the behavioral inhibition theory suggests that the HC acts as a ‘comparator’, i.e., it compares current sensory events with expected or predicted events. If a set of expectations continues to be verified then no alteration of behavior occurs. If, however, a ‘mismatch’ is detected then the HC intervenes by initiating appropriate action by active inhibition of current motor programs and initiation of new data gathering. Understanding the cognitive systems of the hippocampus in humans may aid in the design of intelligent systems involved in spatial mapping, memory, and decision making. In addition, this information may lead to a greater understanding of the course of clinical dementia in the various neurodegenerative diseases in which there is significant damage to the HC.


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Objective:  To review the literature relating to the use of acetyl cholinesterase inhibitors in Parkinson's disease dementia (PDD). Method:  MEDLINE (1966 – December 2004), PsychINFO (1972 – December 2004), EMBASE (1980 – December 2004), CINHAL (1982 – December 2004), and the Cochrane Collaboration were searched in December 2004. Results:  Three controlled trials and seven open studies were identified. Efficacy was assessed in three key domains: cognitive, neuropsychiatric and parkinsonian symptoms. Conclusion:  Cholinesterase inhibitors have a moderate effect against cognitive symptoms. There is no clear evidence of a noticeable clinical effect against neuropsychiatric symptoms. Tolerability including exacerbation of motor symptoms – in particular tremor – may limit the utility of cholinesterase inhibitors.


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Objectives: dementia is a debilitating condition characterised by global loss of cognitive and intellectual functioning, which reduces social and occupational performance. This population frequently presents with medical co-morbidities such as hypertension, cardiovascular disease and diabetes. The CONSORT statement outlines recommended guidance on reporting of participant characteristics in clinical trials. It is, however, unclear how much these are adhered to in trials assessing people with dementia. This paper assesses the reporting of medical co-morbidities and prescribed medications for people with dementia within randomised controlled trial (RCT) reports. Design: a systematic review of the published literature from the databases AMED, CINAHL, MEDLINE, EMBASE and the Cochrane Clinical Trial Registry from 1 January 1997 to 9 January 2014 was undertaken in order to identify RCTs detailing baseline medical co-morbidities and prescribed medications . Eligible studies were appraised using the Critical Appraisal Skills Programme (CASP) RCT appraisal tool, and descriptive statistical analyses were calculated to determine point prevalence. Results: nine trials, including 1474 people with dementia, were identified presenting medical co-morbidity data. These indicated neurological disorders ( prevalence 91%), vascular disorders (prevalence 91%), cardiac disorders ( prevalence 74%) and ischaemic cerebrovascular disease ( prevalence 53%) were most frequently seen. Conclusions: published RCTs poorly report medical co-morbidities and medications for people with dementia. Future trials should include the report of these items to allow interpretation of whether the results are generalisable to frailer older populations.


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Dementia is a debilitating condition characterised by global loss of cognitive and intellectual functioning, which gradually interferes with social and occupational performance. It is a common worldwide condition with a significant impact on society. There are currently 36 million people worldwide with Alzheimer's disease (AD) and other dementias [1]. This is expected to more than double by 2030 (65 million) and reach ∼115 million in 2050, unless a major breakthrough is made. The worldwide societal costs were estimated at USD 604 billion in 2010 and rising [2]. To date research on the specific physical healthcare needs of people with dementia has been neglected. Yet, physical comorbidities are reported as common in people with dementia [3] and have been shown to lead to increased disability and reduced quality of life for the affected person and their carer [4]. Dementia is most frequently associated with older people who often present with other medical conditions, known as co-morbidities. Such co-morbidities include diabetes, chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder, musculoskeletal disorders and chronic cardiac failure and are common, 61% of people with …


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Elevated serum cholesterol concentrations in mid-life increase risk for Alzheimer's disease (AD) in later life. However, lower concentrations of cholesterol-carrying high density lipoprotein (HDL) and its principal apolipoprotein A1 (ApoA1) correlate with increased risk for AD. As HDL transports oxocarotenoids, which are scavengers of peroxynitrite, we have investigated the hypothesis that lower HDL and oxocarotenoid concentrations during AD may render HDL susceptible to nitration and oxidation and in turn reduce the efficiency of reverse cholesterol transport (RCT) from lipid-laden cells. Fasting blood samples were obtained from subjects with 1) AD without cardiovascular comorbidities and risk factors (AD); 2) AD with cardiovascular comorbidities and risk factors (AD Plus); 3) normal cognitive function; for carotenoid determination by HPLC, analysis of HDL nitration and oxidation by ELISA, and 3H-cholesterol export to isolated HDL. HDL concentration in the plasma from AD Plus patients was significantly lower compared to AD or control subject HDL levels. Similarly, lutein, lycopene, and zeaxanthin concentrations were significantly lower in AD Plus patients compared to those in control subjects or AD patients, and oxocarotenoid concentrations correlated with Mini-Mental State Examination scores. At equivalent concentrations of ApoA1, HDL isolated from all subjects irrespective of diagnosis was equally effective at mediating RCT. HDL concentration is lower in AD Plus patients' plasma and thus capacity for RCT is compromised. In contrast, HDL from patients with AD-only was not different in concentration, modifications, or function from HDL of healthy age-matched donors. The relative importance of elevating HDL alone compared with elevating carotenoids alone or elevating both to reduce risk for dementia should be investigated in patients with early signs of dementia.


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Background: In 2008, the Anticholinergic Cognitive Burden (ACB) scale was generated through a combination of laboratory data, literature review, and expert opinion. This scale identified an increased risk in mortality and worsening cognitive function in multiple populations, including 13,000 older adults in the United Kingdom. We present an updated scale based on new information and new medications available to the market. Methods: We conducted a systematic review for publications recognizing medications with adverse cognitive effects due to anti-cholinergic properties and found no new medications since 2008.Therefore we identified medications from a review of newly ap-proved medications since 2008 and medications identified throughthe clinical experience of the authors. To be included in the updatedACB scale, medications must have met the following criteria; ACBscore of 1: evidence from in vitro data that the medication has antag-onist activity at muscarinic receptors; ACB score of 2: evidence fromliterature, prescriber’s information, or expert opinion of clinical anti-cholinergic effect; ACB score of 3: evidence from literature, pre-scriber’s information, or expert opinion of the medication causingdelirium. Results: The reviewer panel included two geriatric pharmacists,one geriatric psychiatrist, one geriatrician, and one hospitalist.Twenty-three medications were eligible for review and possible inclu-sion in the updated ACB scale. Of these, seven medications were ex-cluded due to a lack of evidence for anticholinergic activity. Of the re-maining 16 medications, ten had laboratory evidence ofanticholinergic activity and added to the ACB list with a score of one.One medication was added with a score of two. Five medicationswere included in the ACB scale with a score of three.Conclusions: The revised ACB scale provides an update of med-ications with anticholinergic effects that may increase the risk of cog-nitive impairment. Future updates will be routinely conducted tomaintain an applicable library of medications for use in clinical andresearch environments.