918 resultados para Deficit irrigation
The main goal of this paper is to expose and validate a methodology to design efficient automatic controllers for irrigation canals, based on the Saint-Venant model. This model-based methodology enables to design controllers at the design stage (when the canal is not already built). The methodology is applied on an experimental canal located in Portugal. First the full nonlinear PDE model is calibrated, using a single steady-state experiment. The model is then linearized around a functioning point, in order to design linear PI controllers. Two classical control strategies are tested (local upstream control and distant downstream control) and compared on the canal. The experimental results show the effectiveness of the model.
Irrigation canals are complex hydraulic systems difficult to control. Many models and control strategies have already been developed using linear control theory. In the present study, a PI controller is developed and implemented in a brand new prototype canal and its features evaluated experimentally. The base model relies on the linearized Saint-Venant equations which is compared with a reservoir model to check its accuracy. This technique will prove its capability and versatility in tuning properly a controller for this kind of systems.
tWater use control methods and water resources planning are of high priority. In irrigated agriculture, theright way to save water is to increase water use efficiency through better management. The present workvalidates procedures and methodologies using remote sensing to determine the water availability in thesoil at each moment, giving the opportunity for the application of the water depth strictly necessaryto optimise crop growth (optimum irrigation timing and irrigation amount). The analysis is applied tothe Irrigation District of Divor, Évora, using 7 experimental plots, which are areas irrigated by centre-pivot systems, cultivated to maize. Data were determined from images of the cultivated surface obtainedby satellite and integrated with atmosphere and crop parameters to calculate biophysical indicatorsand indices of water stress in the vegetation—Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), Kc, andKcb. Therefore, evapotranspiration (ETc) was estimated and used to calculate crop water requirement,together with the opportunity and the amount of irrigation water to allocate. Although remote sensingdata available from satellite imagery presented some practical constraints, the study could contribute tothe validation of a new methodology that can be used for irrigation management of a large irrigated area,easier and at lower costs than the traditional FAO recommended crop coefficients method. The remotesensing based methodology can also contribute to significant saves of irrigation water.
Berry size and crop yield are widely recognized as important factors that contribute to wine quality. The final berry size indirectly affects the phenolic concentration of the wine due to skin surface-to-berry volume ratio. The effects of different irrigation levels, soil management and plant crop level on growth of ‘Trincadeira’ berries were studied. In order to test the influence of different irrigation levels (rainfed, pre-veraison and post-veraison), different soil management (tillage and natural cover crops) and different plant crop levels (8 and 16 clusters per vine), leaf water potential, skin anthocyanin, polyphenols, berry skin and seed fresh weight were measured in fruits. The segregation of berries into three different berry classes: small, medium and large, allowed to identify different levels of contribution of soil management and irrigation level into berry, skin and seeds ratios. As expected, higher water availability due to irrigation and soil tillage management during berry development induced an increase in berry flesh weight and this was more evident in larger berries; however, berry skin and seed fresh weight remained unchanged. Also, anthocyanins did not show significant differences.
Vitis vinifera L. cv. Crimson Seedless is a late season red table grape developed in 1989, with a high market value and increasingly cultivated under protected environments to extend the availability of seedless table grapes into the late fall. The purpose of this work was to evaluate leaf water potential and sap flow as indicators of water stress in Crimson Seedless vines under standard and reduced irrigation strategy, consisting of 70 % of the standard irrigation depth. Additionally, two sub-treatments were applied, consisting of normal irrigation throughout the growing season and a short irrigation induced stress period between veraison and harvest. Leaf water potential measurements coherently signaled crop-available water variations caused by different irrigation treatments, suggesting that this plant-based method can be reliably used to identify water-stress conditions. The use of sap flow density data to establish a ratio based on a reference ‘well irrigated vine’ and less irrigated vines can potentially be used to signal differences in the transpiration rates, which may be suitable for improving irrigation management strategies while preventing undesirable levels of water stress. Although all four irrigation strategies resulted in the production of quality table grapes, significant differences (p ≤ 0.05) were found in both berry weight and sugar content between the standard irrigation and reduced irrigation treatments. Reduced irrigation increased slightly the average berry size as well as sugar content and technical maturity index. The 2-week irrigation stress period had a negative effect on these parameters.
Abstract Vitis vinifera L. cv. Crimson Seedless is a late season red table grape developed in 1989, with a high market value and increasingly cultivated under protected environments to extend the availability of seedless table grapes into the late fall. The purpose of this work was to evaluate leaf water potential and sap flow as indicators of water stress in Crimson Seedless vines under standard and reduced irrigation strategy, consisting of 70 % of the standard irrigation depth. Additionally, two sub-treatments were applied, consisting of normal irrigation throughout the growing season and a short irrigation induced stress period between veraison and harvest. Leaf water potential measurements coherently signaled crop-available water variations caused by different irrigation treatments, suggesting that this plant-based method can be reliably used to identify water-stress conditions. The use of sap flow density data to establish a ratio based on a reference ‘well irrigated vine’ and less irrigated vines can potentially be used to signal differences in the transpiration rates, which may be suitable for improving irrigation management strategies while preventing undesirable levels of water stress. Although all four irrigation strategies resulted in the production of quality table grapes, significant differences (p ≤ 0.05) were found in both berry weight and sugar content between the standard irrigation and reduced irrigation treatments. Reduced irrigation increased slightly the average berry size as well as sugar content and technical maturity index. The 2-week irrigation stress period had a negative effect on these parameters.
The group of 65-year-olds is becoming more numerous and with greater needs for health care. So, is necessary the reflection about new models of provision, organization, and allocation of health resources. According to the United Nations Organization, 2015, in 2050 elderly people will reach two million people (20% of the world’s population), what mean that the number of people over 60 years old will exceed a population of young people under 15 years. Parallel to aging, less healthy lifestyles have contributed to the prevalence of chronic diseases, especially cerebrovascular diseases. Hypertension and diabetes mellitus are risk factors and increase predisposition to other diseases. With aging, there is an increased risk for developing chronic, oncological and degenerative diseases, which account for more than 50% of the burden of diseases, with profound implications on independency, use of health care and services.
Hancornia speciosa Gomes é uma espécie conhecida popularmente no Brasil como mangabeira, cujo fruto apresenta alto valor nutricional. O conhecimento sobre a sua fisiologia é ainda escasso, principalmente no que se refere ao desenvolvimento inicial. Dessa forma, o objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos de diferentes níveis de déficit hídrico sobre o padrão de crescimento, fluorescência de clorofila e relações hídricas em mudas de mangabeira. Foi utilizado um esquema fatorial (tratamentos x época de avaliação) com quatro tratamentos hídricos com base na capacidade de campo (CC) (80%, 60%, 40% e 20%), com cinco repetições. Foram avaliados a altura das plantas, número de folhas, diâmetro do caule, produção e partição de biomassa, eficiência quântica do fotossistema II (PSII), potencial hídrico (?w), teor relativo de água (TRA) e teor de carboidratos, proteínas e prolina. O déficit hídrico severo (20% CC) levou a uma redução no crescimento e alterou o padrão de partição de biomassa nas mudas. No entanto, as relações hídricas não foram significativamente afetadas, pois as mudas mantiveram altos valores de ?w e TRA, sem acúmulos significativos nos teores de solutos orgânicos quando cultivadas com 20%CC. Além do mais, a eficiência quântica do PSII não foi afetada pelos diferentes regimes hídricos, sugerindo que não houve fotoinibição devido ao estresse hídrico. A mudança no padrão de crescimento, com um incremento no aprofundamento das raízes e redução no crescimento da parte aérea parece ser a principal estratégia das mudas de H. speciosa para a manutenção da hidratação dos tecidos durante períodos de déficit hídrico.
ABSTRACT: This study aimed to estimate the probability of climatological water deficit in an experimental watershed in the Cerrado biome, located in the central plateau of Brazil. For that, it was used a time series of 31 years (1982?2012). The probable climatological water deficit was calculated by the difference between rainfall and probable reference evapotranspiration, on a decennial scale. The reference evapotranspiration (ET0) was estimated by the standard FAO-56 Penman-Monteith method. To estimate water deficit, it was used gamma distribution, time series of rainfall and reference evapotranspiration. The adherence of the estimated probabilities to the observed data was verified by the Kolmogorov-Smirnov nonparametric test, with significance level (a-0.05), which presented a good adjustment to the distribution models. It was observed a climatological water deficit, in greater or lesser intensity, between the annual decennials 2 and 32.
A mandioca é um alimentar tipicamente brasileiro, cultivada em várias regiões do País. Apesar de ser considerada uma planta tolerante ao deficit hídrico, sua produtividade é baixa sob certas condições edáficas e pluviométricas do Semiárido nordestino, onde é amplamente consumida na alimentação humana e animal. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o crescimento inicial e a capacidade fotossintética sob déficit hídrico de dez acessos de Manihot esculenta do Banco Ativo de Germoplasma de Mandioca da Embrapa, para a identificação de materiais mais tolerantes à seca. O delineamento experimental foi realizado em blocos ao acaso, com quatro blocos por tratamento em esquema fatorial 2 (disponibilidade hídrica) x 10 (acessos), com espaçamento 0,9 m entrelinhas e 0,85 m entre plantas. O crescimento em altura foi avaliado aos 60 dias do plantio. O deficit hídrico foi induzido aos 120 dias do plantio com a suspensão da irrigação. A taxa fotossintética foi monitorada entre 90 e 111 dias após o início do deficit hídrico. Os genótipos GCP 01, 9624-09, 89, 279, Dourada, 785, 815, e cacau mostraram-se como os mais tolerantes à seca com base na menor diminuição da taxa fotossintética aos 90 dias de suspensão da irrigação, sendo os dois primeiros mais tolerantes que os acessos 163 e Formosa.
Aims: With this research, we wanted to investigate and promote the conservation of biodiversity in the network of drainage canals of the Po Valley Study area: The canal network of Bologna plain, long more than 1150 km (Po Valley, North Italy) Methods: In Chapter II we analyzed the geographical patterns that characterize our transects, the land use of their upstream basins, the water quality at the closure points of their river basins. In Chapter III we described the plant communities with some ecological information and we also tested the effect of the canal size on the plant communities. In Chapter IV we described the relation beetween some functional traits of the plant species sampled and some environmental parameters Results: A total of 272 species were sampled in 118 transects. The plant communities of the drainage canals have been found to have a significant influence: the geographical pattern "proximity to protected areas", the class of land use "agrozootechnical settlements", and some water parameters. The analysis of the parameter "canal depth" indicated a significant distinction between small and large canals based on plant communities. The functional composition of the plant communities was affected by the bank aspect, the inclusion/exclusion from the protected areas and the upstream basin land uses. Moreover, the functional groups of species responded differently to environmental drivers, water quality gradients and were influenced by a combination of environmental stresses Conclusions: This research confirms the key role of the canals network in sustaining the plant richness in oversimplified landscapes. Considering the fragility of the floodplains and the global warming that is taking place, it is necessary to rethink the role of irrigation canals and their plant communities in the near future. This work reinforces the belief that long-term sampling plans and greater knowledge about canal management practices are needed
Anthropogenic activities and climatic processes heavily influence surface water resources by causing their progressive depletion, which in turn affects both societies and the environment. Therefore, there is an urgent need to understand the contribution of human and climatic dynamics on the variation of surface water availability. Here, this investigation is performed on the contiguous United States (CONUS) using remotely-sensed data. Three anthropogenic (i.e., urban area, population, and irrigation) and two climatic factors (i.e., precipitation and temperature) were selected as potential drivers of changes in surface water extent and the overlap between the increase or decrease in these drivers and the variation of surface water was examined. Most of the river basins experienced a surface water gain due to precipitation increase (eastern CONUS), and a reduction of irrigated land (western CONUS). River basins of the arid southwestern region and some river basins of the northeastern area encountered a surface water loss, essentially induced by population growth, along with a precipitation deficit and a general expansion of irrigated land. To further inspect the role of population growth and urbanization on surface water loss, the spatial interaction between human settlements and surface water depletion was examined by evaluating the frequency of surface water loss as a function of distance from urban areas. The decline of the observed frequency was successfully reproduced with an exponential distance-decay model, proving that surface water losses are more concentrated in the proximity of cities. Climatic conditions influenced this pattern, with more widely distributed losses in arid regions compared to temperate and continental areas. The results presented in this Thesis provide an improved understanding of the effects of anthropogenic and climatic dynamics on surface water availability, which could be integrated in the definition of sustainable strategies for urbanization, water management, and surface water restoration.
Il Complesso I (CI) mitocondriale è uno dei target metabolici più promettenti nelle terapie anti- cancro. In particolare, la metformina è un inibitore noto del CI, capace di inibire la crescita delle cellule tumorali, ma non di eradicare la patologia. Recentemente, l’associazione metformina ed ipoglicemia si è rivelata letale per i tumori, sebbene l’efficacia terapeutica del trattamento sinergico possa essere influenzata dall’accumulo di alterazioni genetiche nei più noti drivers della tumorigenesi. Abbiamo così investigato l’effetto dello stress metabolico indotto dalla restrizione di glucosio in un pannello di linee cellulari tumorali con un severo deficit sul CI e con un diverso stato genetico di TP53. Il deficit del CI associato alla carenza di glucosio inducono un abbattimento dei livelli di espressione della proteina p53 mutata, ma non della controparte wild-type. Il fenomeno biologico osservato non dipende né da un blocco trascrizionale, né dall’innesco di vie di degradazione intracellulare, come proteasoma ed autofagia. La scomparsa di p53 mutata, invece, sembra dipendere da un blocco generale della sintesi proteica, verosimilmente indotto dallo stress energetico e nutrizionale. Nella controparte p53 wild-type, invece, si osserva solo una parziale riduzione della sintesi proteica, suggerendo l’innesco di possibili vie di adattamento per compensare il danno sul CI. La carenza di amminoacidi è una caratteristica dei tumori solidi che potrebbe essere esacerbata in condizioni di deficit generali della catena respiratoria mitocondriale. In particolare, l’inibizione del CI causa auxotrofia da aspartato, metabolita limitante per la proliferazione, condizione che potrebbe generare il blocco della sintesi proteica osservato. L’incremento di espressione dei livelli del trasportatore aspartato/glutatammato mediata da p53 mutata compensa l’auxotrofia da aspartato, identificando un meccanismo di adattamento al deficit del CI. Dunque, i risultati ottenuti sottolineano l’importanza di implementare la terapia anti-complesso I nel cancro, poiché il diverso stato di p53 può alterare l’efficacia del trattamento.
Revascularization outcome depends on microbial elimination because apical repair will not happen in the presence of infected tissues. This study evaluated the microbial composition of traumatized immature teeth and assessed their reduction during different stages of the revascularization procedures performed with 2 intracanal medicaments. Fifteen patients (7-17 years old) with immature teeth were submitted to the revascularization procedures; they were divided into 2 groups according to the intracanal medicament used: TAP group (n = 7), medicated with a triple antibiotic paste, and CHP group (n = 8), dressed with calcium hydroxide + 2% chlorhexidine gel. Samples were taken before any treatment (S1), after irrigation with 6% NaOCl (S2), after irrigation with 2% chlorhexidine (S3), after intracanal dressing (S4), and after 17% EDTA irrigation (S5). Cultivable bacteria recovered from the 5 stages were counted and identified by means of polymerase chain reaction assay (16S rRNA). Both groups had colony-forming unit counts significantly reduced after S2 (P < .05); however, no significant difference was found between the irrigants (S2 and S3, P = .99). No difference in bacteria counts was found between the intracanal medicaments used (P = .95). The most prevalent bacteria detected were Actinomyces naeslundii (66.67%), followed by Porphyromonas endodontalis, Parvimonas micra, and Fusobacterium nucleatum, which were detected in 33.34% of the root canals. An average of 2.13 species per canal was found, and no statistical correlation was observed between bacterial species and clinical/radiographic features. The microbial profile of infected immature teeth is similar to that of primarily infected permanent teeth. The greatest bacterial reduction was promoted by the irrigation solutions. The revascularization protocols that used the tested intracanal medicaments were efficient in reducing viable bacteria in necrotic immature teeth.