988 resultados para Daughters of the American Revolution


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The crystal structure of TANDEM (des-N-tetramethyltriostin A), a synthetic analogue of the quinoxaline antibiotic triostin A, has been determined independently at -135 and 7 'C and refined to R values of 0.088 and 0.147, respectively. The molecule has approximate 2-fold symmetry, with the quinoxaline chromophores and the disulfide cross-bridge projecting from opposite sides of the peptide ring. The quinoxaline groups are nearly parallel to each other and separated by about 6.5 A. The peptide backbone resembles a distorted antiparallel 13 ribbon joined by intramolecular hydrogen bonds N-H(LVal)--O(L-Ala). At low temperatures, the TANDEM molecule is surrounded by a regular first- and second-order hydration sphere containing 14 independent water molecules. At room temperature, only the first-order hydration shell is maintained. Calculations of the interplanar separation of the quinoxaline groups as a function of their orientation with respect to the peptide ring support the viability of TANDEM to intercalate bifunctionally into DNA.


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The amino terminal suzukacillin decapeptide fragment, Boc-Aib-Pro-Val-Aib-Val-Ala-Aib-Ala-Aib-Aitbh-eO Me, two pentapeptides Boc-AibPrc-Val-AibVal-OMe and Boc-Ala-AibAla-AibAibOMe, and the tripeptide Boc-Ala-AibAibOMe have been studied by 270-MHz 'H NMR spectroscopy. By use of solvent dependence of chemical shifts in a CDC13-(CD3),S0 system and temperature dependence of amide NH chemical shifts in (CD3),S0, the intramolecularly hydrogen bonded NH groups in these peptides have been identified. The tripeptide possesses one hydrogen bond, both pentapeptides show evidence for three intramolecular hydrogen bonds, and the decapeptide has eight NH groups participating in hydrogen bonding. An Ala( 1)-Aib(2) @ turn is proposed for the tripeptide. Both pentapeptides favor 310 helical conformations composed of three consecutive B turns. The decapeptide adopts a 310 helical conformation with some flexibility at the Va1(5)-Ala(6) segment. The proposed conformations are consistent with the known stereochemical preferences of Aib residues.


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The crystal structure of cyclo-(L-histidyl-L-aspartyl) trihydrate has been determined by x-ray diffraction techniques, and refined to a final R index of 0.056 for 1601 reflections. The molecule is in a folded conformation, with the imidazole ring facing the diketopiperazine ring. However, since the diketopiperazine ring is essentially planar, the interaction between the two rings is not as intimate as in those cyclic dipeptides in which the diketopiperazine ring is in a boat conformation with the side chain occupying an axial, or flagpole, site. Planarity of the diketopiperazine ring may be dictated by steric interactions between the imidazole ring and the aspartyl side chain. The molecule is a zwitterion, a proton having been transferred from the carboxyl group of the aspartyl side chain to the imidazole ring.


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Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is an emerging treatment modality for a range of disease classes, both cancerous and noncancerous. This has brought about an active pursuit of new PDT agents that can be optimized for the unique set of photophysical characteristics that are required for a successful clinical agent. We now describe a totally new class of PDT agent, the BF2-chelated 3,5-diaryl-1H-pyrrol-2-yl-3,5-diarylpyrrol-2-ylideneamines (tetraarylazadipyrromethenes). Optimized synthetic procedures have been developed to facilitate the generation of an array of specifically substituted derivatives to demonstrate how control of key therapeutic parameters such as wavelength of maximum absorbance and singlet-oxygen generation can be achieved. Photosensitizer absorption maxima can be varied within the body's therapeutic window between 650 and 700 nm, with high extinction coefficients ranging from 75,000 to 85,000 M(-1) cm(-1). Photosensitizer singlet-oxygen generation level was modulated by the exploitation of the heavy-atom effect. An array of photosensitizers with and without bromine atom substituents gave rise to a series of compounds with varying singlet-oxygen generation profiles. X-ray structural evidence indicates that the substitution of the bromine atoms has not caused a planarity distortion of the photosensitizer. Comparative singlet-oxygen production levels of each photosensitizer versus two standards demonstrated a modulating effect on singlet-oxygen generation depending upon substituent patterns about the photosensitizer. Confocal laser scanning microscopy imaging of 18a in HeLa cervical carcinoma cells proved that the photosensitizer was exclusively localized to the cellular cytoplasm. In vitro light-induced toxicity assays in HeLa cervical carcinoma and MRC5-SV40 transformed fibroblast cancer cell lines confirmed that the heavy-atom effect is viable in a live cellular system and that it can be exploited to modulate assay efficacy. Direct comparison of the efficacy of the photosensitizers 18b and 19b, which only differ in molecular structure by the presence of two bromine atoms, illustrated an increase in efficacy of more than a 1000-fold in both cell lines. All photosensitizers have very low to nondeterminable dark toxicity in our assay system.


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The molecular structure of trichloroacetonitrile has been studied by electron diffraction by the visual interpretation of sectored photographs. These parameters were obtained: C-N = 1.165 ± 0.025, C-C = 1.465 ± 0.025, C-Cl = 1.765 ± 0.01 A., and < CCCl = 109.5 ± 1°.


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The standard Gibbs energies of formation of RuO2 and OsO2 at high temperature have been determined with high precision, using a novel apparatus that incorporates a buffer electrode between the reference and working electrodes, The buffer electrode absorbs the electrochemical flux of oxygen through the solid electrolyte from the electrode with higher oxygen chemical potential to the electrode with lower oxygen potential, The buffer electrode prevents polarization of the measuring electrode and ensures accurate data, The standard Gibbs energies of formation (Delta(f)G degrees) of RuO2, in the temperature range of 900-1500 K, and OsO2, in the range of 900-1200 K, can be represented by the equations Delta(f)G degrees(RuO2)(J/mol) = -324 720 + 354.21T - 23.490T In T Delta(f)G degrees(OsO2)(J/mol) = -304 740 + 318.80T - 18.444T In T where the temperature T is given in Kelvin and the deviation of the measurement is +/- 80 J/mol, The high-temperature heat ;capacities of RuO2 and OsO2 are measured using differential scanning calorimetry. The information for both the low- and high-temperature heat rapacity of RuO2 is coupled with the Delta(f)G degrees data obtained in this study to evaluate the standard enthalpy of formation of RuO2 at 298.15 K (Delta(f)H degrees(298.15K)). The low-temperature heat capacity of OsO2 has not been measured: therefore, the standard enthalpy and entropy of formation of OsO2 at 298.15 K (Delta(f)H degrees(298.15K) and S degrees(298.15K), respectively) are derived simultaneously through an optimization procedure from the high-temperature heat capacity and the Gibbs energy of formation. Both Delta fH degrees(298.15K) and S degrees(298.15K) are treated as variables in the optimization routine, For RuO2, the standard enthalpy of formation at 298.15 K is Delta fH degrees(298.15K) (RuO2) -313.52 +/- 0.08 kJ/mol, and that for OsO2 is Delta(f)H degrees(298.15K) (OSO2) = -295.96 +/- 0.08 kJ/mol. The standard entropy of OsO2 at 298.15 K that has been obtained from the optimization is given as S degrees(298.15K) (OsO2) = 49.8 +/- 0.2 J (mol K)(-1).


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The structural characterization in crystals of three designed decapeptides containing a double D-segment at the C-terminus is described. The crystal structures of the peptides Boc-Leu-Aib-Val-Xxx-Leu-Aib-Val- (D)Ala-(D)Leu-Aib-OMe, (Xxx = Gly 2, (D)Ala 3, Aib 4) have been determined and compared with those reported earlier for peptide 1 (Xxx = Ala) and the all L analogue Boc-Leu-Aib-Val-Ala-Leu-Aib-Val-Ala-Leu-Aib-OMe, which yielded a perfect right-handed a-helical structure. Peptides 1 and 2 reveal a right-handed helical segment spanning residues 1 to 7, ending in a Schellman motif with Ala(8) functioning as the terminating residue. Polypeptide chain reversal occurs at residue 9, a novel feature that appears to be the consequence of a C-(HO)-O-... hydrogen bond between residue 4 (CH)-H-alpha and residue 9 CO groups. The structures of peptides 3 and 4, which lack the pro R hydrogen at the C-alpha atom of residue 4, are dramatically different. Peptide 3 adopts a right-handed helical conformation over the 1 to 7 segment. Residues 8 and 9 adopt at conformations forming a C-terminus type I' beta-turn, corresponding to an incipient left-handed twist of the polypeptide chain. In peptide 4, helix termination occurs at Aib(6), with residues 6 to 9 forming a left-handed helix, resulting in a structure that accommodates direct fusion of two helical segments of opposite twist. Peptides 3 and 4 provide examples of chiral residues occurring in the less favored sense of helical twist; (D)Ala(4) in peptide 3 adopts an alpha(R) conformation, while (L)Val(7) in 4 adopts an alpha(L) conformation. The structural comparison of the decapeptides reported here provides evidence for the role of specific C-(HO)-O-... hydrogen bonds in stabilizing chain reversals at helix termini, which may be relevant in aligning contiguous helical and strand segments in polypeptide structures.


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We have synthesised and determined the solution conformation and X-ray crystal structure of the octapeptide Ac-Delta Phe(1)-Val(2)-Delta Phe(3)-Phe(4)-Ala(5)-Val(6)-Delta Phe(7)-Gly(8)-OCH3 (Delta Phe = alpha,beta-dehydrophenylalanine) containing three Delta Phe residues as conformation constraining residues. In the solid state, the peptide folds into (i) an N-terminal (3)10(R)-helical pentapeptide segment, (ii) a middle non-helical segment, and (iii) a C-terminal incipient (3)10(L)-helical segment. The results of H-1 NMR data also suggest that a similar multiple-turn conformation for the peptide is largely maintained in solution. Though the C-terminal helix is incipient, the overall conformation of the octapeptide matches well with the conformation of the hairpins reported. Comparison of the pi-turn seen in the octapeptide molecule with those observed in proteins at the C-terminal end of helixes shows the structural similarity among them. A water molecule mediates the 5 --> 2 hydrogen bond in the pi-turn region. This is the first example of a water-inserted pi-turn in oligopeptides reported so far. Comparison between the present octapeptide and another (3)10(R)-helical dehydro nonapeptide Boc-Val-Delta Phe-Phe-Ala-Phe-Delta Phe-Val-Delta Phe-Gly-OCH3 solved by us recently, demonstrates the possible sequence-dependent conformational variations in alpha,beta-dehydrophenylalanine-containing oligopeptides.


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The standard Gibbs energy of formation of the spinel MgAl2O4 from component oxides, MgO and α-Al2O3, has been determined in the temperature range 900 to 1250 K using a solid-state cell incorporating single-crystal CaF2 as the solid electrolyte. The cell can be represented as—Pt,O2,MgO+MgF2|CaF2|MgF2+MgAl2O4+α-Al2O3,O2,Pt—The standard Gibbs energy of formation from binary oxides, computed from the reversible emf, can be represented by the expression—capdeltaG°f,ox=−23600 − 5.91T(±150) J/mol—The ‘second-law’ enthalpy of formation of MgAl2O4 obtained in this study is in good agreement with high-temperature solution calorimetric studies reported in the literature.


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A paradigm shift from hard to flexible, organic-based optoelectronics requires fast and reversible mechanical response from actuating materials that are used for conversion of heat or light into mechanical motion. As the limits in the response times of polymer-based actuating materials are reached, which are inherent to the less-than-optimal coupling between the light/heat and mechanical energy in them, 1 a conceptually new approach to mechanical actuation is required to leapfrog the performance of organic actuators. Herein, we explore single crystals of 1,2,4,5-tetrabromobenzene (TBB) as actuating elements and establish relations between their kinematic profile and mechanical properties. Centimeter-size acicular crystals of TBB are the only naturally twinned crystals out of about a dozen known materials that exhibit the thermosalient effect-an extremely rare and visually impressive crystal locomotion. When taken over a phase transition, crystals of this material store mechanical strain and are rapidly self-actuated to sudden jumps to release the internal strain, leaping up to several centimeters. To establish the structural basis for this colossal crystal motility, we investigated the mechanical profile of the crystals from macroscale, in response to externally induced deformation under microscope, to nanoscale, by using nanoindentation. Kinematic analysis based on high-speed recordings of over 200 twinned TBB crystals exposed to directional or nondirectional heating unraveled that the crystal locomotion is a kinematically complex phenomenon that includes at least six kinematic effects. The nanoscale tests confirm the highly elastic nature, with an elastic deformation recovery (60%) that is far superior to those of molecular crystals reported earlier. This property appears to be critical for accumulation of stress required for crystal jumping. Twinned crystals of TBB exposed to moderate directional heating behave as all-organic analogue of a bimetallic `strip, where the lattice misfit between the two crystal components drives reveriible deformation of the crystal.


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An elastic organic crystal, 2,6-dichlorobenzylidine-4-fluoro-3-nitroaniline (DFNA), which also shows thermosalient behavior, is studied. The presence of these two distinct properties in the same crystal is unusual and unprecedented because they follow respectively from isotropy and anisotropy in the crystal packing. Therefore, while both properties lead from the crystal structure, the mechanisms for bending and thermosalience are quite independent of one another. Crystals of the low-temperature (a) form of the title compound are bent easily without any signs of fracture with the application of deforming stress, and this bending is within the elastic limit. The crystal structure of the a-form was determined (P2(1)/c, Z = 4, a = 3.927(7) angstrom, b = 21.98(4) angstrom, c = 15.32(3) angstrom). There is an irreversible phase transition at 138 degrees C of this form to the high-temperature beta-form followed by melting at 140 degrees C. Variable-temperature X-ray powder diffraction was used to investigate the structural changes across the phase transition and, along with an FTIR study, establishes the structure of the beta-form. A possible rationale for strain build-up is given. Thermosalient behavior arises from anisotropic changes in the three unit cell parameters across the phase transition, notably an increase in the b axis parameter from 21.98 to 22.30 angstrom. A rationale is provided for the existence of both elasticity and thermosalience in the same crystal. FTIR studies across the phase transition reveal important mechanistic insights: (i) increased pi...pi repulsions along 100] lead to expansion along the a axis; (ii) change in alignment of C-Cl and NO2 groups result from density changes; and (iii) competition between short-range repulsive (pi...pi) interactions and long-range attractive dipolar interactions (C-Cl and NO2) could lie at the origin of the existence of two distinctive properties.


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The objective of the article is to present a unified model for the dynamic mechanical response of ceramics under compressive stress states. The model incorporates three principal deformation mechanisms: (i) lattice plasticity due to dislocation glide or twinning; (ii) microcrack extension; and (iii) granular flow of densely packed comminuted particles. In addition to analytical descriptions of each mechanism, prescriptions are provided for their implementation into a finite element code as well as schemes for mechanism transitions. The utility of the code in addressing issues pertaining to deep penetration is demonstrated through a series of calculations of dynamic cavity expansion in an infinite medium. The results reveal two limiting behavioral regimes, dictated largely by the ratio of the cavity pressure p to the material yield strength σY. At low values of p/σY, cavity expansion occurs by lattice plasticity and hence its rate diminishes with increasing σY. In contrast, at high values, expansion occurs by microcracking followed by granular plasticity and is therefore independent of σY. In the intermediate regime, the cavity expansion rate is governed by the interplay between microcracking and lattice plasticity. That is, when lattice plasticity is activated ahead of the expanding cavity, the stress triaxiality decreases (toward more negative values) which, in turn, reduces the propensity for microcracking and the rate of granular flow. The implications for penetration resistance to high-velocity projectiles are discussed. Finally, the constitutive model is used to simulate the quasi-static and dynamic indentation response of a typical engineering ceramic (alumina) and the results compared to experimental measurements. Some of the pertinent observations are shown to be captured by the present model whereas others require alternative approaches (such as those based on fracture mechanics) for complete characterization. © 2011 The American Ceramic Society.