981 resultados para Dangerous consumptions


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Introduction. Selectively manned units have a long, international history, both military and civilian. Some examples include SWAT teams, firefighters, the FBI, the DEA, the CIA, and military Special Operations. These special duty operators are individuals who perform a highly skilled and dangerous job in a unique environment. A significant amount of money is spent by the Department of Defense (DoD) and other federal agencies to recruit, select, train, equip and support these operators. When a critical incident or significant life event occurs, that jeopardizes an operator's performance; there can be heavy losses in terms of training, time, money, and potentially, lives. In order to limit the number of critical incidents, selection processes have been developed over time to “select out” those individuals most likely to perform below desired performance standards under pressure or stress and to "select in" those with the "right stuff". This study is part of a larger program evaluation to assess markers that identify whether a person will fail under the stresses in a selectively manned unit. The primary question of the study is whether there are indicators in the selection process that signify potential negative performance at a later date. ^ Methods. The population being studied included applicants to a selectively manned DoD organization between 1993 and 2001 as part of a unit assessment and selection process (A&S). Approximately 1900 A&S records were included in the analysis. Over this nine year period, seventy-two individuals were determined to have had a critical incident. A critical incident can come in the form of problems with the law, personal, behavioral or family problems, integrity issues, and skills deficit. Of the seventy-two individuals, fifty-four of these had full assessment data and subsequent supervisor performance ratings which assessed how an individual performed while on the job. This group was compared across a variety of variables including demographics and psychometric testing with a group of 178 individuals who did not have a critical incident and had been determined to be good performers with positive ratings by their supervisors.^ Results. In approximately 2004, an online pre-screen survey was developed in the hopes of preselecting out those individuals with items that would potentially make them ineligible for selection to this organization. This survey has aided the organization to increase its selection rates and save resources in the process. (Patterson, Howard Smith, & Fisher, Unit Assessment and Selection Project, 2008) When the same prescreen was used on the critical incident individuals, it was found that over 60% of the individuals would have been flagged as unacceptable. This would have saved the organization valuable resources and heartache.^ There were some subtle demographic differences between the two groups (i.e. those with critical incidents were almost twice as likely to be divorced compared with the positive performers). Upon comparison of Psychometric testing several items were noted to be different. The two groups were similar when their IQ levels were compared using the Multidimensional Aptitude Battery (MAB). When looking at the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI), there appeared to be a difference on the MMPI Social Introversion; the Critical Incidence group scored somewhat higher. When analysis was done, the number of MMPI Critical Items between the two groups was similar as well. When scores on the NEO Personality Inventory (NEO) were compared, the critical incident individuals tended to score higher on Openness and on its subscales (Ideas, Actions, and Feelings). There was a positive correlation between Total Neuroticism T Score and number of MMPI critical items.^ Conclusions. This study shows that the current pre-screening process is working and would have saved the organization significant resources. ^ If one was to develop a profile of a candidate who potentially could suffer a critical incident and subsequently jeopardize the unit, mission and the safety of the public they would look like the following: either divorced or never married, score high on the MMPI in Social Introversion, score low on MMPI with an "excessive" amount of MMPI critical items; and finally scores high on the NEO Openness and subscales Ideas, Feelings, and Actions.^ Based on the results gleaned from the analysis in this study there seems to be several factors, within psychometric testing, that when taken together, will aid the evaluators in selecting only the highest quality operators in order to save resources and to help protect the public from unfortunate critical incidents which may adversely affect our health and safety.^


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Although the processes involved in rational patient targeting may be obvious for certain services, for others, both the appropriate sub-populations to receive services and the procedures to be used for their identification may be unclear. This project was designed to address several research questions which arise in the attempt to deliver appropriate services to specific populations. The related difficulties are particularly evident for those interventions about which findings regarding effectiveness are conflicting. When an intervention clearly is not beneficial (or is dangerous) to a large, diverse population, consensus regarding withholding the intervention from dissemination can easily be reached. When findings are ambiguous, however, conclusions may be impossible.^ When characteristics of patients likely to benefit from an intervention are not obvious, and when the intervention is not significantly invasive or dangerous, the strategy proposed herein may be used to identify specific characteristics of sub-populations which may benefit from the intervention. The identification of these populations may be used both in further informing decisions regarding distribution of the intervention and for purposes of planning implementation of the intervention by identifying specific target populations for service delivery.^ This project explores a method for identifying such sub-populations through the use of related datasets generated from clinical trials conducted to test the effectiveness of an intervention. The method is specified in detail and tested using the example intervention of case management for outpatient treatment of populations with chronic mental illness. These analyses were applied in order to identify any characteristics which distinguish specific sub-populations who are more likely to benefit from case management service, despite conflicting findings regarding its effectiveness for the aggregate population, as reported in the body of related research. However, in addition to a limited set of characteristics associated with benefit, the findings generated, a larger set of characteristics of patients likely to experience greater improvement without intervention. ^


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Although long distance running clearly has benefits--as witnessed by its popularity--it also has risks of injury and death. Little is known, however, about the prevalence of potentially dangerous training habits in long distance runners, although anecdotal information suggests that many runners have erroneous beliefs about risks and benefits of marathon running. We conducted a cross-sectional survey to estimate the prevalence of 19 potentially dangerous training habits (risky behaviors) among marathon runners. A 66-item self-administered questionnaire was mailed to a stratified random sample of runners who finished of the 1992 Houston-Tenneco Marathon and were 21-71 years of age. Responses were obtained from 508 runners (83%) with approximately equal representation in four age-gender groups: men $<$40 years, men $\ge$40 years, women $<$40 years, and women $\ge$40 years.^ Prevalences of risky behaviors were high. 50% or more ran in dangerously hot and humid conditions, did not cool down or stretch after running, did not wear proper running gear, or ran when injured or ill; 25-49% did not warm up, ran on dangerous surfaces, did not drink sufficient water during training, increased weekly mileage too quickly, and ran during lightning storms; 10-24% ran daily, ran in areas with high pollution, ran in the same direction as traffic, did hard runs frequently, ran more than 60 miles per week, or ran against the advice of a physician.^ Positive associations were found between the practice of risky behaviors and self-reported prevalence of musculoskeletal injuries, heat-related injuries, noncompliance with recommendations for preventive health examinations, and noncompliance with positive health habits.^ These results indicate that many marathon runners engage in training habits that may increase risk of substantial injury or illness. Further studies are needed to explore the association of risky training behaviors on the incidence of injuries, and to determine reasons for noncompliance with recommendations from sports medicine specialists. ^


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Research has indicated that day laborers engage in higher risk occupations and suffer a high number of occupationally related fatal and non-fatal injuries. Although there have been some studies focusing on immigrant workers and their occupational injuries, none to our knowledge has studied Houston’s day laborers. An exploratory study of Houston’s day laborer population was conducted in 2008 by Dr. Fernández-Esquer from the University of Texas. ^ The aims of the current study are to analyze secondary data from this parent study and describe the prevalence of the self reported occupational injuries among Houston immigrant day laborers seeking work during the months of October through December 2008. The study also aims to determine if the reported injuries varied by age group, education level, length of time living in the U.S. and length of time working as day laborers and describe if injuries were more common by the number of different job types or job conditions reported or the use of personal protective equipment used (PPE). ^ This study analyzed 325 questionnaires that included job-related information from the parent study. One hundred and nine workers (35 %) reported an occupational injury or illness in the year before the interview. The most frequent injuries or illnesses reported were falls (26.7 %), cuts and lacerations (23.3 %) and being struck by an object (18.3 %). Over half of the workers (57 %) reported working 4 to 6 different jobs in the year before the interview, followed by 22.5 % reporting 1 to 3 different jobs. A combined 79 % of day laborers in Houston reported exposure to 7 or more of the job conditions listed and 69 % of those workers also reported an injury or illness. PPE use varied from 44 % of workers reporting using 4 to 6 PPE items to 6.8 % reporting not using any type of PPE. Thirty two percent of workers reporting not using any PPE also reported an injury or illness. ^ Injuries were found not to have varied significantly by age group, time living in the US, time working as a day laborer, numbers of different job types and the number of PPE used. Injuries did vary significantly by education level of the participants and the number of different job conditions reported (education, X2 (4, N = 315) = 12.651, p =0.013; and job conditions, X2 (3, N = 319) = 14.698, p = 0.002). ^ Although this first study of Houston’s day laborers was successful at engaging the population and getting background information regarding the occupational health of these workers, more studies are needed to further characterize the day laborers occupational experiences and injuries along with determining what specific job types and job conditions were present when injuries occurred and what kind of PPE was being used at the time. It is also clear that these workers need better safety training programs regarding working in potentially dangerous jobs and job conditions. They would also benefit from programs that would help empower them to negotiate for safer conditions.^


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Globalization as progress of economic development has increased population socioeconomical vulnerability when unequal wealth distribution within economic development process constitutes the main rule, with widening the gap between rich and poors by environmental pricing. Econological vulnerability is therefore increasing too, as dangerous substance and techniques should produce polluted effluents and industrial or climatic risk increasing (Woloszyn, Quenault, Faburel, 2012). To illustrate and model this process, we propose to introduce an analogical induction-model to describe both vulnerability situations and associated resilience procedures. At this aim, we first develop a well-known late 80?s model of socio-economic crack-up, known as 'Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars', which presents economics as a social extension of natural energy systems. This last, also named 'E-model', is constituted by three passive components, potential energy, kinetic energy, and energy dissipation, thus allowing economical data to be treated as a thermodynamical system. To extend this model to social and ecological sustainability pillars, we propose to built an extended E(Economic)-S(Social)-O(Organic) model, based on the three previous components, as an open model considering feedbacks as evolution sources. An applicative illustration of this model will then be described, through this summer's american severe drought event analysis


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El crecimiento de los sectores populares urbanos hacia fines del siglo XVIII y comienzos del XIX, quizás haya sido uno de los fenómenos demográficos más significativos y que ha producido más rupturas en la organización social corporativa y jerárquica de Antiguo Régimen. Recién cuando la ciudad creció y adquirió características de urbe (que no eran sinónimos), pudo hablarse de la presencia de un grupo social que no pertenecía a la corporación de vecinos y que incluso se oponía a ésta. El tema que se plantea en este trabajo es la construcción de la trama social urbana en San Miguel de Tucumán en las postrimerías coloniales. En este contexto, problematizamos la situación de forasteros y migrantes como un problema para las autoridades en torno a su ubicación social y su control. La hipótesis que planteamos es que la definición de "forastero en la ciudad" aplicada por las autoridades, estaba dirigida a los migrantes "de baja esfera", es decir, a quienes no eran reconocidos por los vecinos como pares. Progresivamente, la referencia de identificación utilizada fue la patria: el lugar de origen. Cada vez era más frecuente la expresión "natural deÔǪ" como única referencia de identidad, más allá de las señas personales.


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Este artículo estudia la identificación de los homosexuales varones como un grupo singular durante la primera década peronista, bajo la figura de los "amorales". A diferencia de principios de siglo XX, donde estaban integrados en el caótico ambiente de la mala vida. Los varones de mediados de siglo que tenían relaciones sexuales con varones comenzaron a ser destacados como una desviación peligrosa del ideal familiarista y heterosexista. Este proceso se explica a través de la masculinización de la clase obrera operada por el peronismo y la aparición contemporánea de los jóvenes como un sector social problemático y peligroso. Se estudia este desarrollo de la intolerancia comenzando en los primeros años '40 hasta llegar a las razzias antihomosexuales de 1954-1955 en las calles, bares y plazas de Buenos Aires. A diferencia de otras interpretaciones que subrayan el carácter ancilar de las batidas policiales, sostenemos que fueron más que una excusa en el combate del peronismo contra el catolicismo, pues se inscribían en tensiones más profundas del orden social, sexual y simbólico de la Argentina de posguerra.


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La calidad ambiental se refiere a la contribución del ambiente al bienestar humano. Los usos del suelo de tipo peligroso en un ambiente urbano pueden afectar dicha calidad. En este trabajo, se analiza y evalúa la calidad ambiental urbana con respecto a los usos del suelo de tipo peligroso ubicados dentro del ejido urbano: depósitos de agroquímicos; silos; garajes de fumigadores terrestres; depósitos de garrafas y tubos de gas licuado; estaciones de servicio. La metodología propuesta para este estudio es la aplicación de Sistemas de Indicadores Ambientales bajo el modelo "Presión-Estado-Respuesta" (OCDE), con el fin de plantear y medir un índice de Calidad Ambiental. El objetivo final es identificar factores que se comportan como profundizadores o mitigadores del riesgo, medidos a través de indicadores de presión, estado y respuesta


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El crecimiento de los sectores populares urbanos hacia fines del siglo XVIII y comienzos del XIX, quizás haya sido uno de los fenómenos demográficos más significativos y que ha producido más rupturas en la organización social corporativa y jerárquica de Antiguo Régimen. Recién cuando la ciudad creció y adquirió características de urbe (que no eran sinónimos), pudo hablarse de la presencia de un grupo social que no pertenecía a la corporación de vecinos y que incluso se oponía a ésta. El tema que se plantea en este trabajo es la construcción de la trama social urbana en San Miguel de Tucumán en las postrimerías coloniales. En este contexto, problematizamos la situación de forasteros y migrantes como un problema para las autoridades en torno a su ubicación social y su control. La hipótesis que planteamos es que la definición de "forastero en la ciudad" aplicada por las autoridades, estaba dirigida a los migrantes "de baja esfera", es decir, a quienes no eran reconocidos por los vecinos como pares. Progresivamente, la referencia de identificación utilizada fue la patria: el lugar de origen. Cada vez era más frecuente la expresión "natural deÔǪ" como única referencia de identidad, más allá de las señas personales.


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Este artículo estudia la identificación de los homosexuales varones como un grupo singular durante la primera década peronista, bajo la figura de los "amorales". A diferencia de principios de siglo XX, donde estaban integrados en el caótico ambiente de la mala vida. Los varones de mediados de siglo que tenían relaciones sexuales con varones comenzaron a ser destacados como una desviación peligrosa del ideal familiarista y heterosexista. Este proceso se explica a través de la masculinización de la clase obrera operada por el peronismo y la aparición contemporánea de los jóvenes como un sector social problemático y peligroso. Se estudia este desarrollo de la intolerancia comenzando en los primeros años '40 hasta llegar a las razzias antihomosexuales de 1954-1955 en las calles, bares y plazas de Buenos Aires. A diferencia de otras interpretaciones que subrayan el carácter ancilar de las batidas policiales, sostenemos que fueron más que una excusa en el combate del peronismo contra el catolicismo, pues se inscribían en tensiones más profundas del orden social, sexual y simbólico de la Argentina de posguerra.


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La calidad ambiental se refiere a la contribución del ambiente al bienestar humano. Los usos del suelo de tipo peligroso en un ambiente urbano pueden afectar dicha calidad. En este trabajo, se analiza y evalúa la calidad ambiental urbana con respecto a los usos del suelo de tipo peligroso ubicados dentro del ejido urbano: depósitos de agroquímicos; silos; garajes de fumigadores terrestres; depósitos de garrafas y tubos de gas licuado; estaciones de servicio. La metodología propuesta para este estudio es la aplicación de Sistemas de Indicadores Ambientales bajo el modelo "Presión-Estado-Respuesta" (OCDE), con el fin de plantear y medir un índice de Calidad Ambiental. El objetivo final es identificar factores que se comportan como profundizadores o mitigadores del riesgo, medidos a través de indicadores de presión, estado y respuesta


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Globalization as progress of economic development has increased population socioeconomical vulnerability when unequal wealth distribution within economic development process constitutes the main rule, with widening the gap between rich and poors by environmental pricing. Econological vulnerability is therefore increasing too, as dangerous substance and techniques should produce polluted effluents and industrial or climatic risk increasing (Woloszyn, Quenault, Faburel, 2012). To illustrate and model this process, we propose to introduce an analogical induction-model to describe both vulnerability situations and associated resilience procedures. At this aim, we first develop a well-known late 80?s model of socio-economic crack-up, known as 'Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars', which presents economics as a social extension of natural energy systems. This last, also named 'E-model', is constituted by three passive components, potential energy, kinetic energy, and energy dissipation, thus allowing economical data to be treated as a thermodynamical system. To extend this model to social and ecological sustainability pillars, we propose to built an extended E(Economic)-S(Social)-O(Organic) model, based on the three previous components, as an open model considering feedbacks as evolution sources. An applicative illustration of this model will then be described, through this summer's american severe drought event analysis


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Este artículo estudia la identificación de los homosexuales varones como un grupo singular durante la primera década peronista, bajo la figura de los "amorales". A diferencia de principios de siglo XX, donde estaban integrados en el caótico ambiente de la mala vida. Los varones de mediados de siglo que tenían relaciones sexuales con varones comenzaron a ser destacados como una desviación peligrosa del ideal familiarista y heterosexista. Este proceso se explica a través de la masculinización de la clase obrera operada por el peronismo y la aparición contemporánea de los jóvenes como un sector social problemático y peligroso. Se estudia este desarrollo de la intolerancia comenzando en los primeros años '40 hasta llegar a las razzias antihomosexuales de 1954-1955 en las calles, bares y plazas de Buenos Aires. A diferencia de otras interpretaciones que subrayan el carácter ancilar de las batidas policiales, sostenemos que fueron más que una excusa en el combate del peronismo contra el catolicismo, pues se inscribían en tensiones más profundas del orden social, sexual y simbólico de la Argentina de posguerra.


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La calidad ambiental se refiere a la contribución del ambiente al bienestar humano. Los usos del suelo de tipo peligroso en un ambiente urbano pueden afectar dicha calidad. En este trabajo, se analiza y evalúa la calidad ambiental urbana con respecto a los usos del suelo de tipo peligroso ubicados dentro del ejido urbano: depósitos de agroquímicos; silos; garajes de fumigadores terrestres; depósitos de garrafas y tubos de gas licuado; estaciones de servicio. La metodología propuesta para este estudio es la aplicación de Sistemas de Indicadores Ambientales bajo el modelo "Presión-Estado-Respuesta" (OCDE), con el fin de plantear y medir un índice de Calidad Ambiental. El objetivo final es identificar factores que se comportan como profundizadores o mitigadores del riesgo, medidos a través de indicadores de presión, estado y respuesta


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El crecimiento de los sectores populares urbanos hacia fines del siglo XVIII y comienzos del XIX, quizás haya sido uno de los fenómenos demográficos más significativos y que ha producido más rupturas en la organización social corporativa y jerárquica de Antiguo Régimen. Recién cuando la ciudad creció y adquirió características de urbe (que no eran sinónimos), pudo hablarse de la presencia de un grupo social que no pertenecía a la corporación de vecinos y que incluso se oponía a ésta. El tema que se plantea en este trabajo es la construcción de la trama social urbana en San Miguel de Tucumán en las postrimerías coloniales. En este contexto, problematizamos la situación de forasteros y migrantes como un problema para las autoridades en torno a su ubicación social y su control. La hipótesis que planteamos es que la definición de "forastero en la ciudad" aplicada por las autoridades, estaba dirigida a los migrantes "de baja esfera", es decir, a quienes no eran reconocidos por los vecinos como pares. Progresivamente, la referencia de identificación utilizada fue la patria: el lugar de origen. Cada vez era más frecuente la expresión "natural deÔǪ" como única referencia de identidad, más allá de las señas personales.