953 resultados para Daddi, Bernardo, fl. 1327-1348.


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No Dia do Professor, Constituintes lembram as principais reivindicações da classe. O Deputado Simão Sessim (PFL-RJ) declara que é importante garantir os vinte e cinco (25) anos de aposentadoria do professor. O Deputado Mello Reis (PDS-MG) quer o fortalecimento da classe e a certeza da aposentadoria com tempo reduzido. A Deputada Maria Lúcia (PMDB-AC) acredita na valorização do ensino e dos professores. O Deputado Hermes Zaneti (PMDB-RS) lembra que, a nova Carta traz as novas bases para o Plano Nacional de Educação. O Deputado Marcelo Cordeiro (PMDB-BA) declara sobre a importância do sistema educacional. A Deputada Sandra Cavalcanti (PFL-RJ) responde as críticas que o Consultor-Geral da República, Saulo Ramos, fez ao trabalho da Constituinte. O Deputado Bernardo Cabral (PMDB-AM) solidarizou-se com a Deputada. Aprovada emenda do Deputado Vicente Bogo (PMDB-RS) que trata dos direitos do produtor rural e do pescador artesanal sendo que esses trabalhadores terão direito a seguridade social. O Deputado Haroldo Lima (PCdoB-BA) comenta sobre o esforço entre os líderes dos partidos para tentar reduzir o número de destaques. O Deputado Euclides Scalco (PMDB-PR) declara que cada líder deve apresentar na próxima reunião a redução desses destaques.


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Grande movimentação popular no Congresso Nacional. Cidadãos chegam ao Congresso para defender suas propostas junto aos Constituintes. Distribuição de senha para os cidadãos assistirem as sessões no plenário. Na Comissão da Família, da Educação, Cultura e Esporte, da Ciência e Tecnologia e da Comunicação da Assembleia Nacional Constituinte (ANC) o relatório de Artur da Távola (PMDB-RJ) foi rejeitado. Pompeu de Souza (PMDB-DF) defende o parecer apresentado pelo relator, diz que a luta continua mesmo com a rejeição. Artur da Távora (PMDB-RJ) discorre sobre os principais pontos do seu relatório: ensino gratuito e privado de qualidade, reserva de mercado e democratização dos meios de comunicação. José Thomaz Nonô (PFL-AL) entrega o relatório da Comissão de Organização dos Estados a Bernardo Cabral (PMDB-AM), relator da Comissão de Sistematização. Cabral parabeniza a eficácia dos trabalhos da Comissão de Organização do Estados. Nonô relata a forma como os trabalhos na sua comissão foram conduzidos. A Comissão da Organização Eleitoral, Partidos e Garantias das Instituições aprova o mandato do presidente. Francisco Rossi (PTB-SP) diz que o mandato do presidente será de cinco anos. Imagens dos parlamentares levando o caixão do senador Fábio Lucena (PMDB-AM).


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A preocupação de alguns constituintes é com o tamanho da nova Carta. Adroaldo Strek (PDT-RS) acha que, na Comissão de Sistematização da Assembleia Nacional Constituinte (ANC), haverá um enxugamento do texto. Humberto Lucena (PMDB-PB), presidente do Senado, espera que a nova Constituição represente uma síntese do pensamento dos constituintes. Bernardo Cabral (PMDB-AM) deseja que na Carta esteja o fundamental. Foi entregue à Comissão de Sistematização a redação final do anteprojeto da Comissão da Ordem Econômica. José Lins (PFL-CE) disse que o anteprojeto deverá sofrer reparos. A Comissão de Sistematização irá organizar o que foi produzido nas fases anteriores. Nelson Jobim (PMDB-RS) diz que agora as mudanças serão de articulação e colocação. O Primeiro-Ministro da Espanha, Felipe Gonzales em visita ao Congresso e é recebido pelo Presidente da Constituinte Ulysses Guimarães (PMDB-SP), pelo Presidente do Senado Humberto Lucena (PMDB-PB) e pelos líderes de partidos.


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Upward leakage of saline water from an artesian aquifer below 1,500 feet has caused an increase in chloride concentration in the lower Hawthorn aquifer from less than 1,000 mg/1 (milligrams per liter) to values ranging from about 1,300 to 15,000 mg/1. Similarly the higher temperatures of the intruding water has caused an increase in water temperatures in the aquifer from 82"F to values ranging from 83 to 93"F. The intruding water moves upward either through the open bore hole of deep wells or test holes, or along a fault or fracture system, which has been identified in the area. From these points of entry into the lower Hawthorn aquifer, the saline water spreads laterally toward the south and southeast, but is generally confined to components of the fault system. The saline water moves upward from the lower Hawthorn aquifer into the upper Hawthorn aquifer through the open bore hole of wells, which connect the aquifers. This movement has resulted in an increase in chloride from less than 200 mg/1 in the unaffected parts of the upper Hawthorn aquifer to values commonly ranging from about 300 to more than 3,000 mg/1 in parts of the aquifer affected by upward leakage. The upper Hawthorn aquifer is the principal source of ground-water supply for public water-supply systems in western Lee County. Similar effects have been noted in the water-table aquifer, where chloride increased from less than 100 to concentrations ranging from about 500 to more than 5,000 mg/1. This was caused by the downward infiltration of water discharged at land surface from wells tapping the lower Hawthorn aquifer. The spread of saline water throughout most of the McGregor Isles area is continuing as of 1971. (40 page document)


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Upper Old Tampa Bay, a 17-square mile area of Old Tampa Bay, Florida, has been proposed for conversion to a fresh-water lake. The amount of runoff to the proposed lake and its chemical quality are both adequate to freshen and sustain a fresh-water lake in this part of the bay. During 1950-66 runoff to the proposed lake, including discharge from Lake Tarpon, would have averaged 134 mgd (million gallons per day) and would have displaced the volume of the proposed lake at normal pool stage (2.5 feet above mean sea level) about 1.7 times per year. Without discharge from Lake Tarpon, the volume of the proposed lake would have been displaced 1.2 times. If the lake level was initially at a normal pool stage during a critically dry year, such as 1956, the proposed lake would have declined 0.25 to 0.5 foot below the minimum design level, (1.5 feet above mean sea level). (44 page document)


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The water problems confronting Hallandale are similar to those of other coastal cities of southeastern Florida which are undergoing rapid growth with tremendous increase in water demand. The highly permeable Biscayne aquifer underlying the Hallandale area is an excellent source of water; however, the permeable nature of the Biscayne aquifer would permit the intrusion of sea water, if fresh water levels were lowered excessively, as well as the infiltration of urban or industrial contaminants, from land surfaces and surface water bodies. This study is to provide the hydrologic data necessary for proper water resource development and planning in the Hallandale area. (40 page document)


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This report presents discharge, chemical analyses, temperatures, and specific conductance records collected at 25 surface-water sites and chemical analyses of ground water, well descriptions and records of ground-water levels collected at 164 ground-water sites. It also contains 35 logs of the sedimentary rocks penetrated in the drilling of wells and test borings ranging in depth from 147 to 625 feet. These hydrologic data were collected as part of an investigation of the water resources of the county. The interpretative results of the investigation are in the report entitled, "Water resources of Walton County," by C. A. Pascale (in preparation, 1971). (108 page document)


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The center of low pressure of a tropical disturbance which moved northward in the Gulf of Mexico, reached land between Panama City and Port St. Joe, Florida, on September 20, 1969. This system was nearly stationary for 48 hours producing heavy rainfall in the Quincy-Havana area, 70-80 miles northeast of the center. Rainfall associated with the tropical disturbance exceeded 20 inches over a part of Gadsden County, Florida, during September 20 through 23, 1969, and the maximum rainfall of record occurred at Quincy with 10.87 inches during a 6-hour period on September 21. The 48-hour maximum of 17.71 inches exceeded the 1 in 100-year probability of 16 inches for a 7-day period. The previous maximum rainfall of record at Quincy (more than 12 inches) was on September 14-15, 1924. The characteristics of this historical storm were similar in path and effect to the September 1969 tropical disturbance. Peak runoff from a 1.4-square mile area near Midway, Florida, was 1,540 cfs (cubic feet per second) per square mile. A peak discharge of 45,600 cfs on September 22 at the gaging station on the Little River near Quincy exceeded the previous peak of 25,400 cfs which occurred on December 4, 1964. The peak discharge of 89,400 cfs at Ochlockonee River near Bloxham exceeded the April 1948 peak of 50,200 cfs, which was the previous maximum of record, by 1.8 times. Many flood-measurement sites had peak discharges in excess of that of a 50-year flood. Nearly $200,000 was spent on emergency repairs to roads. An additional $520,000 in contractual work was required to replace four bridges that were destroyed. Agricultural losses were estimated at $1,000,000. (44 page document)


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This report summarizes municipal use of water in 138 selected municipalities in Florida as of December 1970 and includes the following: 1) Tabulation of data on water-use for each listed municipality; 2) tabulation of chemical analyses of water for each listed municipality; and 3) graphs of pumpage, included when available. Also included are selected recent references relating to geology, hydrology, and water resources of those areas in which the municipalities are located. (218 page document)


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This report will be of substantial value to water managers in developing the St. Johns River as a multiple resource. Evaluation of the capacity of the river to accept pollutants without adversely affecting other uses requires detailed data of flow and chemical characteristics and an understanding of how they interact. (66 page document)


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The Department of Natural Resources, Bureau of Geology, is publishing as its Information Circular No. 85 the report entitled, "Water Levels in Artesian and Non-Artesian Aquifers of Florida, 1971-72," by Henry G. Healy, of the U. S. Geological Survey. In order to prevent future shortages developing from increasing demands, the present supplies of ground water must be properly appraised before they can be effectively utilized. Records of trends and fluctuations of ground water have long formed a basis for such an appraisal. (105 page document)


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(26 page document)


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(11 page pamphlet)


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(11 page pamphlet)


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Representantes de vários partidos debatem sobre a reforma agrária, no substitutivo do relator Bernardo Cabral, bem como o que deve ainda ser alterado na votação em plenário. O Deputado Gerson Peres (PDS-PA) defende um tratamento diferenciado na política agrícola, de acordo com cada região do país. O Deputado Alisson Paulinelli (PFL-MG), ex-Ministro da Agricultura, defende a emissão de posse da terra e explica os benefícios da lei agrária. O Deputado Federal Vicente Bogo (PMDB-RS) comenta que a Constituinte garante o direito à propriedade, às condições de trabalho e assegura ainda que os pequenos e médios imóveis rurais não serão desapropriados. Humberto Lucena (PMDB-PB), Presidente do Senado, quer criar uma Comissão de Fiscalização, após a promulgação da Constituição, com o objetivo de fiscalizar os atos do Poder Executivo. A proposta teve origem na emenda apresentada pelo Senador Mauro Benevides (PMDB-SP), que acredita que a medida trará mais controle das verbas públicas. Foram apresentados dezessete destaques referentes à autonomia política do Distrito Federal (DF), sugerindo que Brasília tenha um prefeito e não um governador, como consta no atual projeto. A bancada do DF na Constituinte é contra a proposta. O Deputado Francisco Carneiro (PMDB-DF) defende a eleição de governador e vice-governador e, ainda, a criação de Assembléia Legislativa para o Distrito Federal. A Deputada Márcia Kubitschek (PMDB-DF), não quer mandato tampão para governador do DF. A Comissão de Sistematização resolve manter o texto do substitutivo sobre o salário mínimo. A proposta do Deputado Carlos Sant¿anna (PMDB-BA) de mudança da expressão salário mínimo para piso nacional de salário foi recusada. O Deputado Paulo Paim (PT-RS) retirou o seu destaque que dava poder ao Congresso de fixar o valor do salário.