967 resultados para DNA Sequences


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We describe a method for cloning nucleic acid molecules onto the surfaces of 5-μm microbeads rather than in biological hosts. A unique tag sequence is attached to each molecule, and the tagged library is amplified. Unique tagging of the molecules is achieved by sampling a small fraction (1%) of a very large repertoire of tag sequences. The resulting library is hybridized to microbeads that each carry ≈106 strands complementary to one of the tags. About 105 copies of each molecule are collected on each microbead. Because such clones are segregated on microbeads, they can be operated on simultaneously and then assayed separately. To demonstrate the utility of this approach, we show how to label and extract microbeads bearing clones differentially expressed between two libraries by using a fluorescence-activated cell sorter (FACS). Because no prior information about the cloned molecules is required, this process is obviously useful where sequence databases are incomplete or nonexistent. More importantly, the process also permits the isolation of clones that are expressed only in given tissues or that are differentially expressed between normal and diseased states. Such clones then may be spotted on much more cost-effective, tissue- or disease-directed, low-density planar microarrays.


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The τ and γ subunits of DNA polymerase III are both encoded by a single gene in Escherichia coli and Thermus thermophilus. γ is two-thirds the size of τ and shares virtually all its amino acid sequence with τ. E. coli and T. thermophilus have evolved very different mechanisms for setting the approximate 1:1 ratio between τ and γ. Both mechanisms put ribosomes into alternate reading frames so that stop codons in the new frame serve to make the smaller γ protein. In E. coli, ≈50% of initiating ribosomes translate the dnaX mRNA conventionally to give τ, but the other 50% shift into the −1 reading frame at a specific site (A AAA AAG) in the mRNA to produce γ. In T. thermophilus ribosomal frameshifting is not required: the dnaX mRNA is a heterogeneous population of molecules with different numbers of A residues arising from transcriptional slippage on a run of nine T residues in the DNA template. Translation of the subpopulation containing nine As (or +/− multiples of three As) yields τ. The rest of the population of mRNAs (containing nine +/− nonmultiples of three As) puts ribosomes into the alternate reading frames to produce the γ protein(s). It is surprising that two rather similar dnaX sequences in E. coli and T. thermophilus lead to very different mechanisms of expression.


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DNA vaccines that encode encephalitogenic sequences in tandem can protect from subsequent experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis induced with the corresponding peptide. The mechanism for this protection and, in particular, if it is specific for the amino acid sequence encoding the vaccine are not known. We show here that a single amino acid exchange in position 79 from serine (nonself) to threonine (self) in myelin basic protein peptide MBP68–85, which is a major encephalitogenic determinant for Lewis rats, dramatically alters the protection. Moreover, vaccines encoding the encephalitogenic sequence MBP68–85 do not protect against the second encephalitogenic sequence MBP89–101 in Lewis rats and vice versa. Thus, protective immunity conferred by DNA vaccination exquisitely discriminates between peptide target autoantigens. No bystander suppression was observed. The exact underlying mechanisms remain elusive because no simple correlation between impact on ex vivo responses and protection against disease were noted.


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To accelerate gene isolation from plants by positional cloning, vector systems suitable for both chromosome walking and genetic complementation are highly desirable. Therefore, we developed a transformation-competent artificial chromosome (TAC) vector, pYLTAC7, that can accept and maintain large genomic DNA fragments stably in both Escherichia coli and Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Furthermore, it has the cis sequences required for Agrobacterium-mediated gene transfer into plants. We cloned large genomic DNA fragments of Arabidopsis thaliana into the vector and showed that most of the DNA fragments were maintained stably. Several TAC clones carrying 40- to 80-kb genomic DNA fragments were transferred back into Arabidopsis with high efficiency and shown to be inherited faithfully among the progeny. Furthermore, we demonstrated the practical utility of this vector system for positional cloning in Arabidopsis. A TAC contig was constructed in the region of the SGR1 locus, and individual clones with ca. 80-kb inserts were tested for their ability to complement the gravitropic defects of a homozygous mutant line. Successful complementation enabled the physical location of SGR1 to be delimited with high precision and confidence.


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A family of RNA m5C methyl transferases (MTases) containing over 55 members in eight subfamilies has been identified recently by an iterative search of the genomic sequence databases by using the known 16S rRNA m5C 967 MTase, Fmu, as an initial probe. The RNA m5C MTase family contained sequence motifs that were highly homologous to motifs in the DNA m5C MTases, including the ProCys sequence that contains the essential Cys catalyst of the functionally similar DNA-modifying enzymes; it was reasonable to assign the Cys nucleophile to be that in the conserved ProCys. The family also contained an additional conserved Cys residue that aligns with the nucleophilic catalyst in m5U54 tRNA MTase. Surprisingly, the mutant of the putative Cys catalyst in the ProCys sequence was active and formed a covalent complex with 5-fluorocytosine-containing RNA, whereas the mutant at the other conserved Cys was inactive and unable to form the complex. Thus, notwithstanding the highly homologous sequences and similar functions, the RNA m5C MTase uses a different Cys as a catalytic nucleophile than the DNA m5C MTases. The catalytic Cys seems to be determined, not by the target base that is modified, but by whether the substrate is DNA or RNA. The function of the conserved ProCys sequence in the RNA m5C MTases remains unknown.


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To assess the role of the Ogg1 DNA glycosylase in the transcription-coupled repair (TCR) of the mutagenic lesion, 7,8-dihydro-8oxoguanine (8-OxoG), we have investigated the removal of this lesion in wild-type and ogg1−/− null mouse embryo fibroblast (MEF) cell lines. We used nonreplicating plasmids containing a single 8-OxoG·C base pair in a different assay that allowed us to study the removal of 8-OxoG located in a transcribed sequence (TS) or in a nontranscribed sequence (NTS). The results show that the removal of 8-OxoG in a wild-type MEF cell line is faster in the TS than in the NTS, indicating TCR of 8-OxoG in murine cells. In the homozygous ogg1−/− MEF cell line, 8-OxoG was not removed from the NTS whereas there was still efficient 8-OxoG repair in the TS. Expression of the mouse Ogg1 protein in the homozygous ogg1−/− cell line restored the ability to remove 8-OxoG in the NTS. Therefore, we have demonstrated that Ogg1 is essential for the repair of 8-OxoG in the NTS but is not required in the TS. These results indicate the existence of an Ogg1-independent pathway for the TCR of 8-OxoG in vivo.


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The DNA binding activity of p53 is crucial for its tumor suppressor function and is subject to tight regulation. Previous studies revealed that the inhibitory function of the p53 C terminus is implicated in the latent, low affinity sequence-specific DNA binding activity of p53 in the uninduced state. Sequence-specific DNA binding of p53 has been shown to be activated by several posttranslational modifications and interacting proteins that target predominantly the C terminus. Moreover, several authors have shown that synthetic peptides corresponding to p53 C-terminal sequences activate p53 sequence-specific DNA binding. In an effort to identify the interaction site of p53 with these activating peptides we assessed complex formation between p53 deletion constructs and C-terminal activating peptides by peptide affinity precipitation. This study revealed that two distal regions of the p53 molecule contribute synergistically to the interaction with activating C-terminal peptides: amino acids 80–93 and 364–393. The C-terminal residues 364–393 are already well characterized as having negative regulatory function. DNA binding analyses with these deletion constructs reveal a comparable negative regulatory activity for residues 80–93, defining this region as a previously unidentified negative regulatory domain of p53. Furthermore, synthetic peptides spanning this newly identified proline-rich negative regulatory region (residues 80–93) are able to activate p53 sequence-specific DNA binding in vitro. We suggest that both negative regulatory regions, residues 80–93 and 364–393, contribute cooperatively to the maintenance of the latent, low-affinity DNA binding conformation of p53.


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M2 is a double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) element occurring in the hypovirulent isolate Rhs 1A1 of the plant pathogenic basidiomycete Rhizoctonia solani. Rhs 1A1 originated as a sector of the virulent field isolate Rhs 1AP, which contains no detectable amount of the M2 dsRNA. The complete sequence (3,570 bp) of the M2 dsRNA has been determined. A 6.9-kbp segment of total DNA from either Rhs 1A1 or Rhs 1AP hybridizes with an M2-specific cDNA probe. The sequences of M2 dsRNA and of PCR products generated from Rhs 1A1 total DNA were found to be identical. Thus this report describes a fungal host containing full-length DNA copies of a dsRNA element. A major portion of the M2 dsRNA is located in the cytoplasm, whereas a smaller amount is found in mitochondria. Based on either the universal or the mitochondrial genetic code of filamentous fungi, one strand of M2 encodes a putative protein of 754 amino acids. The resulting polypeptide has all four motifs of a dsRNA viral RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RDRP) and is phylogenetically related to the RDRP of a mitochondrial dsRNA associated with hypovirulence in strain NB631 of Cryphonectria parasitica, incitant of chestnut blight. This polypeptide also has significant sequence similarity with two domains of a pentafunctional polypeptide, which catalyzes the five central steps of the shikimate pathway in yeast and filamentous fungi.


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Strong positive Darwinian selection acts on two sperm fertilization proteins, lysin and 18-kDa protein, from abalone (Haliotis). To understand the phylogenetic context for this dramatic molecular evolution, we obtained sequences of mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (mtCOI), and genomic sequences of lysin, 18-kDa, and a G protein subunit. Based on mtDNA differentiation, four north Pacific abalone species diverged within the past 2 million years (Myr), and remaining north Pacific species diverged over a period of 4–20 Myr. Between-species nonsynonymous differences in lysin and 18-kDa exons exceed nucleotide differences in introns by 3.5- to 24-fold. Remarkably, in some comparisons nonsynonymous substitutions in lysin and 18-kDa genes exceed synonymous substitutions in mtCOI. Lysin and 18-kDa intron/exon segments were sequenced from multiple red abalone individuals collected over a 1,200-km range. Only two nucleotide changes and two sites of slippage variation were detected in a total of >29,000 nucleotides surveyed. However, polymorphism in mtCOI and a G protein intron was found in this species. This finding suggests that positive selection swept one lysin allele and one 18-kDa allele to fixation. Similarities between mtCOI and lysin gene trees indicate that rapid adaptive evolution of lysin has occurred consistently through the history of the group. Comparisons with mtCOI molecular clock calibrations suggest that nonsynonymous substitutions accumulate 2–50 times faster in lysin and 18-kDa genes than in rapidly evolving mammalian genes.


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To determine human Ig heavy chain variable region (VH) gene segment organization on individual homologous chromosomes, an efficient approach has been developed. Single spermatozoa were used as subjects for the study. Upon sperm lysis, VH regions in each sperm were randomly sheared into fragments by the random Brownian force. The fragments were separated from each other by aliquoting the lysate into a certain number of tubes. The gene segments in the VH1 and VH4 families in each tube were identified by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis after PCR amplification. The polymorphic VH sequences were used to determine the parental origins of the analyzed sperm. VH segment organization in the parental haplotypes was determined by aligning the overlapping fragments from the spermatozoa with the corresponding haplotypes. Based on this comparison between the resulting haplotype maps and the composite map reported previously, the VH region on chromosome 14 could be subdivided into four portions. The numbers and compositions of the VH gene segments differ considerably among the maps in two portions, but are highly conserved in the other two. The data also indicate that the VH region on chromosome 15 may contain a large duplicated block with copy number varying among haplotypes. The approach used in the present study may be used to construct high-resolution haplotype maps without molecular cloning.


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Multizinc finger peptides are likely to reach increased prominence in the search for the “ideal” designer transcription factor for in vivo applications such as gene therapy. However, for these treatments to be effective and safe, the peptides must bind with high affinity and, more importantly, with great specificity. Our previous research has shown that zinc finger arrays can be made to bind 18 bp of DNA with picomolar affinity, but also has suggested that arrays of fingers also may bind tightly to related sequences. This work addresses the question of zinc finger DNA binding specificity. We show that by changing the way in which zinc finger arrays are constructed—by linking three two-finger domains rather than two three-finger units—far greater target specificity can be achieved through increased discrimination against mutated or closely related sequences. These new peptides have the added capability of being able to span two short gaps of unbound DNA, although still binding with picomolar affinity to their target sites. We believe that this new method of constructing zinc finger arrays will offer greater efficacy in the fields of gene therapy and in the production of transgenic organisms than previously reported zinc finger arrays.


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The transposon Tn5090/Tn402 encodes a 559 amino acid transposase, TniA, with a DDE motif. Gel mobility shifting and cleavage protection analysis with DNase I and hydroxyl radical probes revealed that TniA binds to multiple repeat sequences on either terminus of Tn5090/Tn402. Four of these TniA-binding 19mers occurred on the left-hand (t) end and two on the right-hand (i) end. Hydroxyl radical cleavage protection demonstrated the presence of 3–6 bp contact sequences on one face of the DNA helix. The binding pattern and organisation of repeats suggested parallels between Tn5090/Tn402 and Mu, which controls its transpositional activity in the assembly step of a higher order transpososome complex. The complex terminal structure and genes of transposase and nucleotide-binding proteins in tandem are hallmarks of the handful of Mu-like elements that are known to date.


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DNMT2 is a human protein that displays strong sequence similarities to DNA (cytosine-5)-methyltransferases (m5C MTases) of both prokaryotes and eukaryotes. DNMT2 contains all 10 sequence motifs that are conserved among m5C MTases, including the consensus S-adenosyl-l-methionine-binding motifs and the active site ProCys dipeptide. DNMT2 has close homologs in plants, insects and Schizosaccharomyces pombe, but no related sequence can be found in the genomes of Saccharomyces cerevisiae or Caenorhabditis elegans. The crystal structure of a deletion mutant of DNMT2 complexed with S-adenosyl-l-homocysteine (AdoHcy) has been determined at 1.8 Å resolution. The structure of the large domain that contains the sequence motifs involved in catalysis is remarkably similar to that of M.HhaI, a confirmed bacterial m5C MTase, and the smaller target recognition domains of DNMT2 and M.HhaI are also closely related in overall structure. The small domain of DNMT2 contains three short helices that are not present in M.HhaI. DNMT2 binds AdoHcy in the same conformation as confirmed m5C MTases and, while DNMT2 shares all sequence and structural features with m5C MTases, it has failed to demonstrate detectable transmethylase activity. We show here that homologs of DNMT2, which are present in some organisms that are not known to methylate their genomes, contain a specific target-recognizing sequence motif including an invariant CysPheThr tripeptide. DNMT2 binds DNA to form a denaturant-resistant complex in vitro. While the biological function of DNMT2 is not yet known, the strong binding to DNA suggests that DNMT2 may mark specific sequences in the genome by binding to DNA through the specific target-recognizing motif.


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Ligase-mediated gene detection has proven valuable for detection and precise distinction of DNA sequence variants. We have recently shown that T4 DNA ligase can also be used to distinguish single nucleotide variants of RNA sequences. Here we describe parameters that influence RNA-templated DNA ligation by T4 DNA ligase. The reaction proceeds much more slowly, requiring more enzyme, compared to ligation of the same oligonucleotides hybridized to the corresponding DNA sequence. The reaction is inhibited at high concentrations of ATP and NaCl and both magnesium and manganese ions can support the reaction. We define reaction conditions where 80% of RNA target molecules can template a diagnostic ligation reaction. Ligase-mediated RNA detection should provide a useful mechanism for sensitive and accurate detection and distinction of RNA sequence variants.


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The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has compiled and maintained a Short Tandem Repeat DNA Internet Database (http://www.cstl.nist.gov/biotech/strbase/) since 1997 commonly referred to as STRBase. This database is an information resource for the forensic DNA typing community with details on commonly used short tandem repeat (STR) DNA markers. STRBase consolidates and organizes the abundant literature on this subject to facilitate on-going efforts in DNA typing. Observed alleles and annotated sequence for each STR locus are described along with a review of STR analysis technologies. Additionally, commercially available STR multiplex kits are described, published polymerase chain reaction (PCR) primer sequences are reported, and validation studies conducted by a number of forensic laboratories are listed. To supplement the technical information, addresses for scientists and hyperlinks to organizations working in this area are available, along with the comprehensive reference list of over 1300 publications on STRs used for DNA typing purposes.