947 resultados para DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM


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Reputation systems are very useful in large online communities in which users may frequently have the opportunity to interact with users with whom they have no prior experience. Recently, how to enhance the cooperative behaviors in the reputation system has become to one of the key open issues. Emerging schemes focused on developing efficient reward and punishment mechanisms or capturing the social or economic properties of participants. However, whether this kind of method can work widely or not has been hard to prove until now. Research in evolutionary game theory shows that group selection (or multilevel selection) can favor the cooperative behavior in the finite population. Furthermore, some recent works give fundamental conditions for the evolution of cooperation by group selection. In the paper, we extend the original group selection theory and propose a group-based scheme to enhance cooperation for online reputation systems. Related concepts are defined to capture the social structure and ties among participants in reputation system, e.g., group, assortativity, etc. Also, we use a Fermi distribution function to reflect the bounded rationality of participants and the existence of stochastic factors in evolutionary process. Extended simulations show that our scheme can enhance cooperation and improve the average performance of participants (e.g. payoff) in reputation system.


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Migrants, such as birds or representatives of other taxa, usually make use of several stopover sites to cover the distance between their site of origin and destination. Potentially, multiple routes exist, but often little is known about the causes and consequences of alternative migration routes. Apart from their geographical distribution, the suitability of potential sites might play an important role in the animals’ decisions for a particular itinerary. We used an optimal-migration model to test three nonmutually exclusive hypotheses leading to variations in the spring migration routes of a subspecies of Red Knot, Calidris canutus islandica, which migrates from wintering grounds in Western Europe to breeding grounds in Greenland and the Canadian Arctic: the breeding location hypothesis, the energy budget hypothesis, and the predation risk hypothesis. Varying only breeding location, the model predicted that birds breeding in the Canadian Arctic and on West Greenland stop over on Iceland, whereas birds breeding in East and Northeast Greenland migrate via northern Norway, a prediction that is supported by empirical findings. Energy budgets on stopover sites had a strong influence on the choice of route and staging times. Varying foraging-intensity and mass-dependent predation risk prompted the birds to use less risky sites, if possible. The effect of simultaneous changes in the energy budget and predation risk strongly depended on the site where these occurred. Our findings provide potential explanations for the observations that C. canutus islandica uses a diverse array of migration routes. Scrutinizing the three alternative driving forces for the choice of migratory routes awaits further, specific data collection in rapidly developing fields of research (e.g., predation risk assessment, GPS tracking). Generally, the type of modeling presented here may not only highlight alternative explanations, but also direct follow-up empirical research.


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Lithostratigraphy, biostratigraphy of the Ordovician Xainza area, northern division and correlation divided of approximates of the early as of Ordovician of Tetragraptus (Paratetragraptus)-Didymograptus (Corymbograptus) deflexus combination of Middle Ordovician Michelinoceras elongatum- combination with Sinoceras chinese and the Late Ordovician Michelinoceras huangnigang-Columenoceras priscum combination band. Early Ordovician strata author from 2000 to 2001 making Xainza County Sheet 1:250000 regional geological survey newly discovered, is the oldest strata of reliable fossils based in northern Tibet. Especially Tetragraptus (Paratetragraptus) approximatus discovery, not only to expand the distribution of it in our geographic area Early Ordovician strata the similar stratigraphic correlation international biological basis.

The paper deals with the classification and correlation of lithostratigraphy and biostratigraphy of the Ordovician System in the Xainza region, North Tibet. Based on fossils, the Ordovician System is divided into several biozones as follows: Tetragraptus (Paratetragraptus) approximatus Didymograptus (Corymbograptus) deflexus graptolite assemblage of Early Ordovician, The sediments of Early Ordovician is discovered recently by authors during 2000~2001 when making the geological surveying 1:250000 scale of Xainza county, Which has been the oldest stratum based on fossils up to now in northern Tibet. What is more, the discovery of Tetragraptus (Paratetragraptus) approximatus enlarges its geographical distribution in our nation as well as provides biology evidence to international correlation of the Ordovician in Xainza county.


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The ability to uniquely identify individual objects is essential in many applications such as manufacturing, distribution logistics, access control, anti-counterfeiting and healthcare. Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology provides one solution for automatic identification of entities using radio waves. Although there is considerable potential in deploying RFID technology, reliability is a key challenge that requires careful attention for RFID to deliver its inherent benefits. In this paper, we highlight the reliability challenges in RFID technology and we analyze the reliability aspects of RFID technology and their major causes. We will also discuss techniques to improve the reliability of RFID systems.


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Emulation facilitates the testing of control systems through the use of a simulation model. Typically emulation has focused on low level control, to ensure that resources within a system are commissioned correctly. Higher level control that deals with complex issues such as throughput, in-system time and stacking, has not received as much attention. In this paper, a higher level agent-based emulation framework was proposed. Then an emulation model for a distribution centre is described that can test distribution centre level algorithms directly. This methodology also allows playback of real world operations, making it an ideal tool to analyse problems with performance of commissioned systems.


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A multi-layer circular planar inverted-F antenna is designed and simulated at the industrial, scientific, and medical (ISM) band of 915 MHz for closed loop deep brain stimulation implant. The ISM band is considered due to the capabilities of small antenna size, high data rate, and long transmission range. In the proposed four-layer antenna, the top three radiating layers are meandered, and a high permittivity substrate and superstrate materials are used to limit the radius and the height of the antenna to 3.5 mm and 2.2 mm, respectively. The bottom layer works as a ground plate. The Roger RO3210 of εr = 10.2 and δ = 0.003 is used as a dielectric substrate and superstrate. The resonance frequency of the proposed antenna is 915 MHz with a bandwidth of 12 MHz at the return loss of -10 dB in free space. The stacked layered structure reduces the antenna size, and the circular shape makes it easily implantable into the human head. The antenna parameters (e.g. 3D gain pattern), SAR value, and electric field distribution within a six layers spherical head model are evaluated by using the finite element method (FEM). The feasibility of the wireless transmission of power, control and command signal to the implant in the human head is also examined. © 2012 IEEE.


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Illumination and pose invariance are the most challenging aspects of face recognition. In this paper we describe a fully automatic face recognition system that uses video information to achieve illumination and pose robustness. In the proposed method, highly nonlinear manifolds of face motion are approximated using three Gaussian pose clusters. Pose robustness is achieved by comparing the corresponding pose clusters and probabilistically combining the results to derive a measure of similarity between two manifolds. Illumination is normalized on a per-pose basis. Region-based gamma intensity correction is used to correct for coarse illumination changes, while further refinement is achieved by combining a learnt linear manifold of illumination variation with constraints on face pattern distribution, derived from video. Comparative experimental evaluation is presented and the proposed method is shown to greatly outperform state-of-the-art algorithms. Consistent recognition rates of 94-100% are achieved across dramatic changes in illumination.


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Global positioning system (GPS) technology has improved the speed, accuracy, and ease of time-motion analyses of field sport athletes. The large volume of numerical data generated by GPS technology is usually summarized by reporting the distance traveled and time spent in various locomotor categories (e.g., walking, jogging, and running). There are a variety of definitions used in the literature to represent these categories, which makes it nearly impossible to compare findings among studies.

The purpose of this work was to propose standard definitions (velocity ranges) that were determined by an objective analysis of time-motion data. In addition, we discuss the limitations of the existing definition of a sprint and present a new definition of sprinting for field sport athletes.

Twenty-five GPS data files collected from 5 different sports (men’s and women’s field hockey, men’s and women’s soccer, and Australian Rules Football) were analyzed to identify the average velocity distribution. A curve fitting process was then used to determine the optimal placement of 4 Gaussian curves representing the typical locomotor categories. 

Based on the findings of these analyses, we make recommendations about sport- specific velocity ranges to be used in future time-motion studies of field sport athletes. We also suggest that a sprint be defined as any movement that reaches or exceeds the sprint threshold velocity for at least 1 second and any movement with an acceleration that occurs within the highest 5% of accelerations found in the corresponding velocity range.

From a practical perspective, these analyses provide conditioning coaches with information on the high-intensity sprinting demands of field sport athletes, while also providing a novel method of capturing maximal effort, short-duration sprints.


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Isolated distribution systems are dispersed throughout regional Queensland to supply small isolated communities that are distant from the main supply grid. The costs of maintaining the electricity supply to these areas is costly; mainly due to the cost of diesel fuel. Furthermore, there is a community focus on climate change, and Ergon Energy aims to reduce the reliance on fossil fuels whilst optimising cost efficiencies and greenhouse gas emissions. The objective of this study is to examine the impacts of renewable energy sources in isolated power systems. For the locations studied, viable renewable energy sources have been integrated into these networks. Anticipated challenges and issues with the integration of the intermittent renewable energy sources were addressed, using mitigation techniques, including energy storage solutions. The investigation and findings demonstrated that network improvements can be achieved by an ideal level of renewable penetration, which has been the main focus of the project. The project involved the development and simulation of MATLAB Simulink and SINCAL models of the two isolated networks at Gununa and Bamaga. The subsequent analysis of these systems has shown a modest penetration level of renewables can be combined with energy storage solutions, which reduces fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions at these locations.


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Wind energy is one of the most promising renewable energy sources due to its availability and climate-friendly attributes. Large-scale integration of wind energy sources creates potential technical challenges due to the intermittent nature that needs to be investigated and mitigated as part of developing a sustainable power system for the future. Therefore, this study developed simulation models to investigate the potential challenges, in particular voltage fluctuations, zone substation, and distribution transformer loading, power flow characteristics, and harmonic emissions with the integration of wind energy into both the high voltage (HV) and low voltage (LV) distribution network (DN). From model analysis, it has been clearly indicated that influences of these problems increase with the increased integration of wind energy into both the high voltage and low voltage distribution network, however, the level of adverse impacts is higher in the LV DN compared to the HV DN.


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This paper proposes an effective VAR planning based on reactive power margin for the enhancement of dynamic voltage stability in distribution networks with distributed wind generation. The analysis is carried over a distribution test system representative of the Kumamoto area in Japan. The detailed mathematical modeling of the system is also presented. Firstly, this paper provides simulation results showing the effects of composite load on voltage dynamics in the distribution network through an accurate time-domain analysis. Then, a cost-effective combination of shunt capacitor bank and distribution static synchronous compensator (D-STATCOM) is selected to ensure fast voltage recovery after a sudden disturbance. The analysis shows that the proposed approach can reduce the size of compensating devices, which in turn, reduces the cost. It also reduces power loss of the system.


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This paper proposes a distributed generator (DG) placement methodology based on newly defined term reactive power loadability. The effectiveness of the proposed planning is carried out over a distribution test system representative of the Kumamoto area in Japan. Firstly, this paper provides simulation results showing the sensitivity of the location of renewable energy based DG on voltage profile and stability of the system. Then, a suitable location is identified for two principal types DG, i. e., wind and solar, separately to enhance the stability margin of the system. The analysis shows that the proposed approach can reduce the power loss of the system, which in turn, reduces the size of compensating devices.


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This paper investigates the oscillatory behavior of power distribution systems in the presence of distributed generation. The analysis is carried out over a distribution test system with two doubly fed induction type wind generators and different types of induction motor loads. The system is linearized by the perturbation method. Eigenvalues are calculated to see the modal interaction within the system. The study indicates that interactions between closely placed converter controllers and induction motor loads significantly influence the damping of the oscillatory modes of the system. The critical modes have a frequency of oscillation between the electromechanical and subsynchronous oscillations of power systems. Time-domain simulations are carried out to verify the validity of the modal analysis and to provide a physical feel for the types of oscillations that occur in distribution systems. Finally, significant parameters of the system that affect the damping and frequency of the oscillation are identified.


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In this paper, simulation results showing the effect of lower and higher penetration of distributed wind generation on the voltage profile in distribution systems have been presented. The analysis is carried out over two distribution test systems. The detailed mathematical modeling of the system is also presented. It also investigates the small-signal stability of distribution systems using eigenvalue approach. The analyses show that voltage variation problems occur in different nodes of the distribution networks with an increase of penetration level. However, proper selection of dispersion level can improve the voltage profile of the distribution systems


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Traditional distribution networks were not originally designed to accommodate power generation facilities. The installation of distributed generation (DG) units with significatn capacity in these passive networks can cause reverse power flows which will result in some conflicts with the operation of the existing protection system. In this context, utilities around the world have started establishing requirements to ensure safe and reliable interconnection of generators in low- and medium-voltage networks. Grid interconnection is presently one of the most important issues involving DG. This paper presents a critical review of the requirements adopted by distribution companies in selected countries such as the USA, the UK, germany and Australia to facilitate the connection of DG. Critical issues such as voltage regulation, islanding operation, dynamic interactions among DG and loads are discussed to identify a few points where attention is still needed to improve the reliability of distribution systems