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The stone marten is a widely distributed mustelid in the Palaearctic region that exhibits variable habitat preferences in different parts of its range. The species is a Holocene immigrant from southwest Asia which, according to fossil remains, followed the expansion of the Neolithic farming cultures into Europe and possibly colonized the Iberian Peninsula during the Early Neolithic (ca. 7,000 years BP). However, the population genetic structure and historical biogeography of this generalist carnivore remains essentially unknown. In this study we have combined mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequencing (621 bp) and microsatellite genotyping (23 polymorphic markers) to infer the population genetic structure of the stone marten within the Iberian Peninsula. The mtDNA data revealed low haplotype and nucleotide diversities and a lack of phylogeographic structure, most likely due to a recent colonization of the Iberian Peninsula by a few mtDNA lineages during the Early Neolithic. The microsatellite data set was analysed with a) spatial and non-spatial Bayesian individual-based clustering (IBC) approaches (STRUCTURE, TESS, BAPS and GENELAND), and b) multivariate methods [discriminant analysis of principal components (DAPC) and spatial principal component analysis (sPCA)]. Additionally, because isolation by distance (IBD) is a common spatial genetic pattern in mobile and continuously distributed species and it may represent a challenge to the performance of the above methods, the microsatellite data set was tested for its presence. Overall, the genetic structure of the stone marten in the Iberian Peninsula was characterized by a NE-SW spatial pattern of IBD, and this may explain the observed disagreement between clustering solutions obtained by the different IBC methods. However, there was significant indication for contemporary genetic structuring, albeit weak, into at least three different subpopulations. The detected subdivision could be attributed to the influence of the rivers Ebro, Tagus and Guadiana, suggesting that main watercourses in the Iberian Peninsula may act as semi-permeable barriers to gene flow in stone martens. To our knowledge, this is the first phylogeographic and population genetic study of the species at a broad regional scale. We also wanted to make the case for the importance and benefits of using and comparing multiple different clustering and multivariate methods in spatial genetic analyses of mobile and continuously distributed species.


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Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning (MARL) algorithms face two main difficulties: the curse of dimensionality, and environment non-stationarity due to the independent learning processes carried out by the agents concurrently. In this paper we formalize and prove the convergence of a Distributed Round Robin Q-learning (D-RR-QL) algorithm for cooperative systems. The computational complexity of this algorithm increases linearly with the number of agents. Moreover, it eliminates environment non sta tionarity by carrying a round-robin scheduling of the action selection and execution. That this learning scheme allows the implementation of Modular State-Action Vetoes (MSAV) in cooperative multi-agent systems, which speeds up learning convergence in over-constrained systems by vetoing state-action pairs which lead to undesired termination states (UTS) in the relevant state-action subspace. Each agent's local state-action value function learning is an independent process, including the MSAV policies. Coordination of locally optimal policies to obtain the global optimal joint policy is achieved by a greedy selection procedure using message passing. We show that D-RR-QL improves over state-of-the-art approaches, such as Distributed Q-Learning, Team Q-Learning and Coordinated Reinforcement Learning in a paradigmatic Linked Multi-Component Robotic System (L-MCRS) control problem: the hose transportation task. L-MCRS are over-constrained systems with many UTS induced by the interaction of the passive linking element and the active mobile robots.


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A cicatrização constitui processo complexo envolvendo diferentes sistemas biológicos e imunológicos , sendo essencial para manter a integridade do organismo. Três fases bem definidas ocorrem, a inflamatória, a proliferativa e a de maturação. A falha ou prolongamento em uma fase pode resultar em retardo da cicatrização tecidual. A sutura dos tecidos e sua cicatrização é um dos fundamentos básicos da cirurgia e a procura de substâncias que melhorem este processo é um desafio constante. O uso de substâncias de plantas têm sido testados por vários autores. Objetivo - Analisar comparativamente as alterações macroscópicas e histológicas proporcionadas pelo uso do extrato bruto da Jatropha gossypiifolia intraperitonial, na cicatrização de suturas realizadas na bexiga urinária de ratos. Material e método Sessenta ratos da linhagem Wistar, adultos, machos foram distribuídos em 2 grupos animais. O procedimento experimental constituiu-se em laparotomia mediana infraumbelical, incisão longitudinal de 1cm na parede ventral da bexiga e síntese em plano único com pontos separados de poliglactina 910 5-0 (Ethicon). O procedimento nos animais do grupo controle (ratos 1 a 30) instilou-se na cavidade peritonial água destilada na proporção de 1ml por kg de peso e no grupo Jatropha (ratos 31 a 60) utiilizou-se o extrato bruto de Jatropha gossypiifolia na proporção de 1ml por kg de peso, que representava 200mg do fototerápico, intraperitoneal. Cada grupo foi dividido em 3 subgrupos de 10 animais sendo estes submetidos à eutanásia no 7 e 14 pós-operatório. Foi feita análise macroscópica e histológica comparativa entre os subgrupos . Resultados - No 7 dia foi observado diferença estatisticamente significativa nas variáveis inflamação aguda, neoformação vascular e colagenização, sendo a primeira maior no grupo controle e as duas últimas no grupo Jatropha; no 14 variáveis inflamação aguda e proliferação fibroblástica apresentaram-se mais intensas com significado estatístico no grupo controle. No 21 dia as variantes se alinharam não havendo diferença estatística na sua comparação. Conclusão - Foi observado homogeneidade na cicatrização nos 2 grupos, contudo, a mesma foi mais intensa no grupo controle. Não se observou, portanto, efeito favorecedor cicatrizante do extrato bruto da Jatropha gossypiifolia intraperitonial, em dose única, na bexiga urinária de rato.


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