998 resultados para Crime sexual contra as crianças Brasil 1990-2011


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A questo agrria do ponto de vista estrutural se insere nas formas combinadas, desiguais e contraditrias do capitalismo. A represso poltica manifestada contra os movimentos socioterritoriais ser o fundamento de elaborao de nossa argumentao e a preocupao central desta monografia. O ponto de partida de nossa proposio foi caracterizar e dimensionar espacialmente os casos de processos judiciais criminais impostos s pessoas envolvidas no processo de luta pela terra, que integram majoritariamente os movimentos socioterritoriais no Pontal do Paranapanema, dentro do perodo de 1990 a 2009. Outra anlise foi verificar os componentes dos processos judiciais criminais, pesquisando as sentenas finais disponveis na pgina digital do Tribunal de Justia do Estado de So Paulo, bem como as matrias publicadas sobre os casos e elaborar reflexes sobre esses componentes a partir das leituras geogrficas por meio dos conceitos de espao e territrio. Desta forma houve o impulso de incorporar a dimenso espacial da represso poltica. Consequentemente aprofundamos a anlise sobre as sentenas judiciais criminais e procuramos entender a politizao do judicirio e sua espacialidade. A compreenso da espacialidade da represso poltica na 1 e 2 instncia dos processos judiciais criminais movidos aos movimentos socioterritoriais constituiu outra passagem importante do trabalho. Conseguimos tambm ampliar nosso estudo pela comparao da represso poltica a partir do estudo dos casos do Pontal do Paranapanema no Brasil e Crdoba na Argentina. Manifestamos tambm a necessidade de estabelecer dilogo com alguns marcos terico-metodolgico sobre a categoria geogrfica territrio com o intuito de colaborar com o nosso esforo de explicar a represso poltica aos movimentos socioterritoriais no Pontal do Paranapanema entre os anos de 1990 e 2009


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Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)


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The formation of intellectuals, in Gramscian terms (GRAMSCI, 2000), was addressed throughout our academic career, for example, Villela (2003; 2008; 2009; 2010-2012; 2011; 2012; 2014). This article aims to resume some relationships between education of intellectuals in Italy for years 1920, the organization of industrialization in So Paulo and the construction of bourgeois hegemony in Brazil. In this paper I review my dissertation, Villela (2003), whose aim was to understand the rationalization of work processes in architectural offices. This dissertation possible to trace, among other things, another story of the relationship between architecture and state in Brazil from industrialization in So Paulo. Based on the notion of intellectuals Gramsci, we discuss the extended state design and envision a particular kind of state, which in our case is the State industrialist. And relate interested in public policy of that State for industrialization industries office designed by Rino Levi Architects Associate SC Ltda. (ERLAA) that has developed over the decades its activities from 1920 to 1990, many projects in the city of So Paulo. The relationship proposed here is unprecedented. Grounded in this relationship, put in another scene about the formation of intellectuals and hegemony, a Gramscian point of view.


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Ps-graduao em Servio Social - FCHS


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Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientfico e Tecnolgico (CNPq)


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Este texto tem por objetivo refletir acerca da formao inicial e continuada de professores (as) em sexualidade, educao sexual e relaes de gneros no Brasil e em Portugal. Pontua a importncia de maiores investimentos no sentido de incluir estas temticas nos currculos oficiais de cursos que formao inicial de professores (as), evitando-se assim, formar professores (as) mal preparados (as), cheios (as) de tabus e de equvocos que acabam claramente sendo repassados atravs dos currculos ocultos, contribuindo para aumentar o desrespeito e a violncia na comunidade. Reflete ainda sobre a importncia de investimentos dos governos dos dois pases em aes de formao continuadas, como forma de minimizar a lacuna deixa na formao inicial. Conclui ser este, em curto prazo, o caminho possvel e vivel de dar subsdios tericos e prticos aos professores (as), para que a legislao vigente em Portugal e os parmetros curriculares propostos no Brasil sejam cumpridos de forma eficaz e com possibilidade de responder s necessidades emergentes e urgentes destes dois pases.


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The article searches to launch some analyses and investigations on the historical reach of produced participative processes in Spain and Brazil. Evidently, both the processes if had uncurled in historical, social, economic contexts and distinct politicians, but, exactly thus, keep some approaches that we intend to give prominence in the present article. For example, the popular mobilization in the two presented cases after occurred a long period of not attendance of social demands socials. In the same way, the processes of democratic renewal of both are related with historical landmarks end of the cold war and the dismantlement of the State of well-being that introduced new rationalists in the relation between governing and governed dynamic, over all in the coinage and offer of public politics. How much to the dismantlement of the State of social welfare, we present, still, that in the case of Spain occurred a decentralization of its formulator power to decide arrangement of public politics that started to count on the participation of social actors in the called relational city (BECERRA, 2011). In the case of Brazil, the dictatorial period (1964-1985), the fast urban growth and the generation of precarious peripheries in the main cities, the distension and the Constituent (1986-1988) had generated the enough forces of pressure so that, gradually, if it incorporated the participative arrangement in the power to decide process. We identify that in both the cases, kept the had ratios, the instauration of a critical scene of suppression/absence of formulated public politics from an interface with the social movements were the propeller spring of the transformations in the power to decide mechanisms of formularization and implementation of public politics.


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Over the last years, Brazil has gained international visibility especially due to the capacity of its economical development and the progress of its public policies on fighting poverty. Though there reason for celebration exists with respect to the countrys recent achievements, Brazil still has a lot to do if it wants to gain international prominence. In this paper, we address two issues that are fundamental for Brazil to achieve real leadership: education and culture.


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The objective of the present article is to introduce Zaira de Bittencourt Martinss contributions to psychoanalysis in Rio Grande do Sul, identifying her as pioneer in child psychoanalysis in this State. Starting from a historic research based on interviews with psychoanalysts, bibliographical sources and contacts with relatives, the author composed a biographical outline of the psychoanalyst above mentioned. Zaira Martins, together with her husband, the psychiatrist and psychoanalyst Mario Martins, immigrated to Argentina in 1944, and in 1947 was recognized as an analyst by the Argentinian Psychoanalytic Association. On her return to Brazil she became the first non physician woman to make part of the Psychoanalytic Society of Porto Alegre, collaborating with her foundation, in 1963. She played the pioneer role as child psychoanalyst and contributed in the dissemination of Kleinian ideas in her State. She also contributed in the formation of young analysts who were beginners in the child analyst field, through courses and supervisions.


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The objective of this article is to analyze the accounts rendered of the provisions bought by the magistrate Incio Jos de Alvarenga Peixoto to serve the soldiers of Minas Gerais state sent to fight in the war against the Spaniards in the south of Brazil.


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Ps-graduao em Gentica e Melhoramento Animal - FCAV


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O Estatuto da Criana e do Adolescente (ECA) preconiza que crianças e adolescentes so sujeitos de direitos e que esses direitos precisam ser obrigatoriamente assegurados e efetivados. Para que o ECA seja efetivado, se faz necessrio o conhecimento e compreenso sobre o que esse documento prev. Assim, chama-se as instituies formadoras a assumirem seu o compromisso ticopoltico de formao da sociedade. Reflete-se, portanto, sobre a inquestionvel necessidade da utilizao de estudos e pesquisas dentro das Universidades para que se possa construir espaos de formao diferenciados. Neste contexto, a pesquisa desse Trabalho de Concluso de Curso objetivou uma anlise sobre a formao e influncia na vida profissional e pessoal de alunos universitrios que participaram de um curso de extenso denominado Formao de Agentes Sociais, Professores e alunos em Polticas de atendimento a Criana e ao Adolescente. Tratou-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa, com a utilizao de trs instrumentos de coleta de dados: um questionrio inicial; observao e registro em Dirio de Campo e entrevista individual semi-estruturada. Na anlise dos dados, tem-se que a maioria dos sujeitos participantes da pesquisa afirmou que foram atendidas muitas de suas expectativas, que tiveram bom aproveitamento do curso, e que o mesmo trouxe grandes contribuies para seus processos de formao acadmica, pessoal e profissional. Os resultados desse trabalho tambm indicaram a necessidade de que os contedos referentes ao ECA e a poltica de atendimento a criana e ao adolescente sejam incorporados aos cursos de formao bsica profissional