999 resultados para Création (Arts)
This qualitative investigation examined the nature of 7 highly artistic visual arts students at 2 secondary schools in southcentral Ontario. Through interviews, questionnaires, observations, and artwork documents, this study attempted to understand these highly artistic students in terms of creativity, motivation, social and emotional perspectives, and cognitive processes. Data collection occuned over a 3-monlh period. and the data analysis program NVivo 7 was used for coding to develop themes and categories for organizing data. The findings of this study illustrate the significant place that \ isual arts can lake in the growth and development for the youth of today. Participants idcniificd dcxclopnig critical thinking and problem-solving skills, taking risks, and meeting challenges ilirouuh their engagement in the creative process. The transferability of these skills \\ as referenced to numerous aspects of their lives. By enhancing individual perspectives through the study of visual arts, their local and world connections were extended, and environmental and societal concerns evolved. In addition, the communicative opportunities that visual arts provided for these students in terms of personal expression provided emotional health and paths of personal discovery. Through the participants' production of artwork with the many stages this involves, combined with insight into their needs, the participants relayed miportant suggestions for programming enhancements and educational settmgs lor \ isiial arts classrooms. These suggestions are meaningful for educators and curriculum developers of the future.
Ontario Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology (CAATs) are currently in the process of restructuring to ensure quality, accountability, and accessibility of college education. References to learner involvement and self-directed learning are prevalent. "Alternative delivery" and "paradigm shift" are current buzzwords within the Ontario CAAT system as an environment is created supportive of change. Instability of funding has also dictated a need for change. Therefore, a focus has become quality of learning with less demand on public resources. This qualitative case study was conducted at an Ontario CAAT to gather descriptive, perceptual data from post-secondary community college educators who were identified as supportive of self-directed learning and from post-secondary, traditional-aged college students who were perceived by their educators to be selfdirected learners. This college was selected because of initiatives to modify its academic paradigm to encourage what was reputed in the Ontario CAAT system to be self-directed learning. The purpose of this study was to investigate how postsecondary, traditional-aged college students and their educators perceive self-directed learning as part of the teaching-learning experience within a community college setting. Educator participants of the study were selected based on the results of a teaching and learning survey intended to identify educators supportive of self-directed learning. A total of 317 surveys were distributed to every full-time educator at the sample college; 192 completed surveys were returned for a return rate of 61 %. Of these, 8% indicated instructional beliefs and values supportive of self-directed learning. A purposive sample of six educators was selected using a maximulp variation sampling strategy. A network selection sampling strategy was used to select a purposive sample of seven post-secondary students who were identified by the sample educators as selfdirected learners. The results of the study show that students and educators have similar perspectives and operating definitions of self-directed learning and all participants believe they either practice or facilitate self-directed learning. However, their perspectives and practices are not consistent with the literature which emphasizes learner autonomy or control in course structure and content. A central characteristic of the participants represented in this study is the service-oriented professions with which each is associated. Experientiallearning opportunities were highly valued for the options provided in increasing learner independence and competencies in reflective practice. Although there were discrepancies between espoused theory and theory in practice in terms of course structure, the process of self-directed learning was being practiced and supported outside the classroom structure in clinical settings, labs and related experiences.
This study probed for an answer to the question, "How do you identify as early as possible those students who are at risk of failing or dropping out of college so that intervention can take place?" by field testing two diagnostic instruments with a group of first semester Seneca College Computer Studies students. In some respects, the research approach was such as might be taken in a pilot study. Because of the complexity of the issue, this study did not attempt to go beyond discovery, understanding and description. Although some inferences may be drawn from the results of the study, no attempt was made to establish any causal relationship between or among the factors or variables represented here. Both quantitative and qualitative data were gathered during. four resea~ch phases: background, early identification, intervention, and evaluation. To gain a better understanding of the problem of student attrition within the School of Computer Studies at Seneca College, several methods were used, including retrospective analysis of enrollment statistics, faculty and student interviews and questionnaires, and tracking of the sample population. The significance of the problem was confirmed by the results of this study. The findings further confirmed the importance of the role of faculty in student retention and support the need to improve the quality of teacher/student interaction. As well, the need __f or ~~ills as~e:ss_~ent foll,,-~ed }JY supportiv e_c_ounsell~_I'l9_ ~~d_ __ placement was supported by the findings from this study. strategies for reducing student attrition were identified by faculty and students. As part of this study, a project referred to as "A Student Alert project" (ASAP) was undertaken at the School of Computer Studies at Seneca College. Two commercial diagnostic instruments, the Noel/Levitz College Student Inventory (CSI) and the Learning and Study Strategies Inventory (LASSI), provided quantitative data which were subsequently analyzed in Phase 4 in order to assess their usefulness as early identification tools. The findings show some support for using these instruments in a two-stage approach to early identification and intervention: the CSI as an early identification instrument and the LASSI as a counselling tool for those students who have been identified as being at risk. The findings from the preliminary attempts at intervention confirmed the need for a structured student advisement program where faculty are selected, trained, and recognized for their advisor role. Based on the finding that very few students acted on the diagnostic results and recommendations, the need for institutional intervention by way of intrusive measures was confirmed.
This-~-case study used ethnographic-methodo-logy. --The research project was an introductory study of one adult's present and past experiences with the visual arts, exploring, in particular, the causes and processes that were related to the individual's changes of mind in order to develop an understanding of why that individual had changed her mind about what was significant in the visual arts. The individual who provided the data was a solid supporter of art galleries: female, middle-aged, graduate of university and college, married with two children, and living in an urban community. The data were collected from two informal conversational interviews and from a written description of one change experience selected by the participant. The individual had positive experiences with art during early childhood, in elementary and secondary school, during university, in avocational drawing and painting studio courses, and in aesthetic experiences. All of these experiences have had individual effects and, together, they have had a cumulative effect on the development of the participant's opinions and ideas about the visual arts. The experiences which had the most effect on the development of the individual's perspectives on the visual arts were handson studio, educational, and aesthetic experiences. Further research is suggested to investigate why some adults change their minds about the visual arts.
This study probed for an answer to the question, "How do you identify as early as possible those students who are at risk of failing or dropping out of college so that intervention can take place?" by field testing two diagnostic instruments with a group of first semester Seneca College Computer ,Studies students. In some respects, the research approach was such as might be taken in a pilot study_ Because of the complexity of the issue, this study did not attempt to go beyond discovery, understanding and description. Although some inferences may be drawn from the results of the study, no attempt was made to establish any causal relationship between or among the factors or variables represented here. Both quantitative and qualitative data were gathered during four resea~ch phases: background, early identification, intervention, and evaluation. To gain a better understanding of the problem of student attrition within the School of Computer Studies at Seneca College, several methods were used, including retrospective analysis of enrollment statistics, faculty and student interviews and questionnaires, and tracking of the sample population. The significance of the problem was confirmed by the results of this study. The findings further confirmed the importance of the role of faculty in student retention and support the need to improve the quality of teacher/student interaction. As well, the need for skills assessmen~-followed by supportive counselling, and placement was supported by the findings from this study. strategies for reducing student attrition were identified by faculty and students. As part of this study, a project referred to as "A Student Alert Project" (ASAP) was undertaken at the School of Computer Studies at Seneca college. Two commercial diagnostic instruments, the Noel/Levitz College Student Inventory (CSI) and the Learning and Study Strategies Inventory (LASSI), provided quantitative data which were subsequently analyzed in Phase 4 in order to assess their usefulness as early identification tools. The findings show some support for using these instruments in a two-stage approach to early identification and intervention: the CSI as an early identification instrument and the LASSI as a counselling tool for those students who have been identified as being at risk. The findings from the preliminary attempts at intervention confirmed the need for a structured student advisement program where faculty are selected, trained, and recognized for their advisor role. Based on the finding that very few students acted on the diagnostic results and recommendations, the need for institutional intervention by way of intrusive measures was confirmed.
Research Report Written for the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation.
Architectural rendering for Moulton Hall, Chapman College, Orange, California. Completed in 1975 (2 floors, 44,592 sq.ft.), this building is named in memory of an artist and patroness of the arts, Nellie Gail Moulton. Within this structure are the departments of Art, Communications, and Theatre/Dance as well as the Guggenheim Gallery and Waltmar Theatre.
Architectural model of Moulton Hall Fine Arts Complex, Chapman College, Orange, California. Completed in 1975 (2 floors, 44,592 sq.ft.), this building is named in memory of an artist and patroness of the arts, Nellie Gail Moulton. Within this structure are the departments of Art, Communications, and Theatre/Dance as well as the Guggenheim Gallery and Waltmar Theatre. Model photographed by Rene Laursen, Santa Ana, California.
Architectural drawing of Moulton Hall, showing Waltmar Theatre, Orange, California. Completed in 1975 (2 floors, 44,592 sq.ft.), this building is named in memory of an artist and patroness of the arts, Nellie Gail Moulton. Within this structure are the departments of Art, Communications, and Theatre/Dance as well as the Guggenheim Gallery and Waltmar Theatre. Waltmar Theatre was a gift from the late Walter and Margaret Schmid.
Abstract Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) and the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) founded in 1993 have been under scrutiny for the past two decades. Unlike boxing, the ethical status of MMA and whether it is morally defensible have rarely been analyzed in the academic literature. I argue that MMA requires such an analysis because it is inherently violent. The purpose of this study was to examine elite-level MMA by referring to the ethical concepts of autonomy, paternalism and the Harm Principle. Findings from interviews with MMA athletes as well as my personal experience of MMA were presented to establish a deeper understanding of the sport and what it means to train and compete in a sport defined as violent. The conceptual analysis and findings of MMA athletes' experiences in this investigation resulted in the conclusion that MMA is ethically defensible. Additional findings, implications and recommendations for further research were also discussed.
Rapport de recherche
Considérant que le Canada aura perdu presque un million de travailleurs qualifiés en 2020 et qu’en 2005, déjà 40 à 60% des travailleurs de la génération des baby-boomers ont pris leur retraite, on peut anticiper que les capacités d’innovation des entreprises sont en train de devenir un enjeu de société. De plus, depuis quelques années déjà, on remarque que la valeur des connaissances et de la créativité au sein des économies capitalistes a augmenté, plaçant les industries créatives au premier plan. En fait, les activités de création artistique incarneraient l’expression la plus avancée des modes de production et des relations au sein du monde du travail engendrées par les mutations récentes du capitalisme. Apprendre à innover devient dès lors une priorité et, comme les pratiques exemplaires émergent généralement chez les leaders d’une industrie, le cirque le plus applaudi à travers le monde, le Cirque du Soleil, représente un terrain idéal de renouvellement des pratiques d’innovation. Centrée spécifiquement sur le cas de l’innovation artistique, cette recherche explore les interactions entre les artistes et les managers pendant les premières phases d’un projet d’architecture menant à la construction d’un centre d’art et de divertissement, un des secteurs d’affaires de l’entreprise. Cette thèse présente les résultats d’une étude de cas effectuée dans un champ de recherche en émergence au sein des recherches en management : le croisement entre l’art et le management. À partir d’une perspective interdisciplinaire incluant une méthodologie ethnographique et une approche esthétique des organisations, l’étude met l’accent sur la co-création de connaissances parmi les artistes et les managers participant à un projet de grande envergure. La problématique de l’innovation est étudiée par le biais des pratiques managériales et artistiques, à partir de l’étude des organisations, de l’anthropologie et de la sociologie. L’étude vise à comprendre comment ces deux groupes culturels distincts travaillent et apprennent dans l’action et comment leurs pratiques collectives sont créées, partagées et mises en œuvre. À partir du quotidien de 26 artistes et managers suivi sur une période de 9 mois, complété par l’analyse de plus de 5500 pages de documents et de 20 heures de vidéo, une ethnographie de type récit de fiction donne accès à la culture de ces maîtres bâtisseurs, à leur imaginaire, à leur mode de vie et à leurs pratiques. La cognition partagée entre ces acteurs de l’industrie créative des arts du cirque donne lieu à sept pratiques (tribu, dialogue, récits, innovation, action, rapports et mémoire) qui sont décrites selon une double perspective, le management et les sciencs humaines. Outre une méthodologie qui intègre l’approche esthétique des organisations, une nouvelle définition de la face cachée de l’innovation est proposée, ainsi qu’un modèle conceptuel dynamique développé à partir des pratiques novatrices du Cirque du Soleil. Créatives, celles-ci constituent une source d’inspiration pour le domaine du management. En ce sens, cette recherche contribue à l’étude des organisations et au développement de pratiques créatives de management.