882 resultados para Coulomb Friction
The in-medium influence on π0 photoproduction from spin zero nuclei is carefully studied in the GeV range using a straightforward Monte Carlo analysis. The calculation takes into account the relativistic nuclear recoil for coherent mechanisms (electromagnetic and nuclear amplitudes) plus a time dependent multi-collisional intranuclear cascade approach (MCMC) to describe the transport properties of mesons produced in the surroundings of the nucleon. A detailed analysis of the meson energy spectra for the photoproduction on 12C at 5.5 GeV indicates that both the Coulomb and nuclear coherent events are associated with a small energy transfer to the nucleus (≲ 5 MeV), while the contribution of the nuclear incoherent mechanism is vanishing small within this kinematical range. The angular distributions are dominated by the Primakoff peak at extreme forward angles, with the nuclear incoherent process being the most important contribution above θπ0 ≲ 20. Such consistent Monte Carlo approach provides a suitable method to clean up nuclear backgrounds in some recent high precision experiments, such as the PrimEx experiment at the Jefferson Laboratory Facility.
Metals and alloys containing solute atoms dissolved interstitially often show anelastic behavior due to a process know as stress-induced ordering. The application of mechanical spectroscopy measurements to diffusion studies in body-centered cubic metals has been extensively used in the last decades. However the kind of preferential occupation of interstitial solutes in body-centered cubic metals is still controversial. The anelastic properties of the Nb and Nb-1 wt% Zr polycrystalline alloys were determined by internal friction and oscillation frequency measurements using a torsion pendulum inverted performed between 300K and 650K, operating in a frequency oscillation in the hertz bandwidth. The interstitial diffusion coefficients of oxygen and nitrogen in Nb and Nb-1 wt% Zr samples were determined at two distinct conditions: (a) for low concentration of oxygen and (b) for high concentration of oxygen.
Interstitial solutes in body-centered cubic metals, such as oxygen in tantalum, produce ideally Snoek effects when they are in solutions enough diluted. However, for higher concentration of these solutes, more complex relaxation process can occur, as interaction between interstitial solutes and dislocations. Anelastic relaxation measurements were carried out in polycrystalline tantalum samples, using torsion pendulum inverted, operating between 300 K and 680 K and oscillation frequencies in the hertz bandwidth, for three different experimental sample conditions: as received sample, annealed and annealed followed by a treatment in an oxygen atmosphere. These measurements have revealed the following behavior: the intensity of the internal friction peak associated to matrix-interstitial interaction Ta-O decreased between the first run and the next runs, and this phenomenon did not occur for the others conditions. The variation of relaxation strength of Ta-O peak, with number of runs is due to a decrease of an amount of oxygen in solid solution, which can be associated with the precipitation of new phases in Ta sample and with the trapping of oxygen atoms by dislocations.
The patient's diet has been considered an important etiological factor of dentin hypersensitivity. The frequent ingestion of acidic substances can promote the loss of dental structure or remove the smear layer. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the degree of smear layer removal and dentinal tubules exposure by different natural orange juices. Extracted human teeth were submitted to manual scaling in order to develop the smear layer. Seventy dentin samples were obtained and distributed into the following groups: Control, lime orange, lime, valência orange, navel orange, mandarin, and tangerine. Each group included 2 methods of application: Topical and topical + friction. After preparation for SEM analysis, photomicrographs were assessed by a blind calibrated examiner using an index system. The Kruskal-Wallis test indicated a significant influence of the orange juices on smear layer removal. Significant difference was observed between navel orange, valência orange, mandarin and the control group (p < 0.05). These orange juices resulted in greater removal of the smear layer and greater opening of dentinal tubules. The comparison between the application methods for each group using the Mann-Whitney test showed that friction increased smear layer removal significantly only for lime orange and lime. The data suggest that certain natural orange juices are more effective in terms of smear layer removal and dentinal tubules exposure than others.
The short-distance part of the low energy interaction of D-mesons and nucleons is investigated in the context of a quark model. The quark model is based on Coulomb gauge QCD. The model contains a confining Coulomb potential and a transverse hyperfine interaction consistent with a finite gluon propagator in the infrared. The basic mechanism for the short-distance interaction between the D-mesons and nucleons is quark interchange. Using Resonating GroupMethod techniques an effective potential for the interaction between nucleons and D mesons can be obtained and used in a Lippmann-Schwinger equation to obtain differential cross-sections and phase shifts.
There has been a great interest for improving the machining of cast iron materials in the automotive and other industries. Comparative studies for tool used to machine grey cast iron (CI) and compacted graphite iron (CGI) on dry machining were also performed in order to find out why in this case the tool lifetime is not significantly higher. However the machining these materials while considering turning with the traditional high-speed steel and carbide cutting tools present any disadvantages. One of these disadvantages is that all the traditional machining processes involve the cooling fluid to remove the heat generated on workpiece due to friction during cutting. This paper present a new generation of ceramic cutting tool exhibiting improved properties and important advances in machining CI and CGI. The tool performance was analyzed in function of flank wear, temperature and roughness, while can be observed that main effects were found for tool wear, were abrasion to CI and inter-diffusion of constituting elements between tool and CGI, causing crater. However the difference in tool lifetime can be explained by the formation of a MnS layer on the tool surface in the case of grey CI. This layer is missing in the case of CGI.
Turning of compacted graphite iron using commercial tiN coated Si 3N4 under dry machining conditions
Due to their high hardness and wear resistance Si3N4 based ceramics are one of the most suitable cutting tool materials for machining hardened materials. Therefore, their high degree of brittleness usually leads to inconsistent results and sudden catastrophic failures. Improvement of the functional properties these tools and reduction of the ecological threats may be accomplished by employing the technology of putting down hard coatings on tools in the state-of-the-art PVD processes, mostly by improvement of the tribological contact conditions in the cutting zone and by eliminating the cutting fluids. However in this paper was used a Si3N4 based cutting tool commercial with a layer TiN coating. In this investigation, the performance of TiN coating was assessed on turning used to machine an automotive grade compacted graphite iron. As part of the study were used to characterise the performance of cutting tool, flank wear, temperature and roughness. The results showed that the layer TiN coating failed to dry compacted graphite iron under aggressive machining conditions. However, using the measurement of flank wear technique, the average tool life of was increased by VC=160 m/min.The latter was also observed using a toolmakers microscope and scanning electron microscopy (SEM).
Automotive parts manufacture by machining process using silicon nitride-based ceramic tool development in Brazil already is a reality. Si 3N4-based ceramic cutting tools offer a high productivity due to their excellent hot hardness, which allows high cutting speeds. Under such conditions the cutting tool must be resistant to a combination of mechanical, thermal and chemical attacks. Silicon nitride based ceramic materials constitute a mature technology with a very broad base of current and potential applications. The best opportunities for Si3N 4-based ceramics include ballistic armor, composite automotive brakes, diesel particulate filters, joint replacement products and others. The goal of this work was to show latter advance in silicon nitride manufacture and its recent evolution on machining process of gray cast iron, compacted graphite iron and Ti-6Al-4V. Materials characterization and machining tests were analyzed by X-Ray Diffraction, Scanning Electron Microscopy, Vickers hardness and toughness fracture and technical norm. In recent works the authors has been proved to advance in microstructural, mechanical and physic properties control. These facts prove that silicon nitride-based ceramic has enough resistance to withstand the impacts inherent to the machining of gray cast iron (CI), compacted graphite iron (CGI) and Ti-6Al-4V (6-4). Copyright © 2008 SAE International.
We present results on the the influence of changes in the masses and sizes of D mesons and nucleons on elastic DN scattering cross sections and phase shifts in a hadronic medium composed of confined quarks in nucleons. We evaluate the changes of the hadronic masses due to changes of the light constituent quarks at finite baryon density using a chiral quark model based on Coulomb gauge QCD. The model contains a confining Coulomb potential and a transverse hyperfine interaction consistent with a finite gluon propagator in the infrared. We present results for the total cross section and the s-wave phase shift at low energies for isospin I=1-for I=0 and other partial waves the results are similar.
The short-range diffusion phenomenon (Snoek Effect) was investigated by mechanical spectroscopy measurements between 300 K and 650 K, in a polycrystalline niobium sample, containing oxygen and nitrogen, using a torsion pendulum. Experimental spectra of anelastic relaxation were obtained under three conditions: as-received sample; annealed sample and subsequently annealed in an oxygen atmosphere for three hours at 1170 K in partial pressure of 5°10 -5mbar. The experimental spectra obtained were decomposed in elementary Debye peaks and the anelastic relaxation processes were identified. With anelastic relaxation parameters and the lattice parameters, the interstitial diffusion coefficients of the oxygen and nitrogen in niobium were calculated for each kind of preferential occupation (octahedral and tetrahedral). The results were compared with the literature data, and confirmed that the best adjustment is for the preferential occupation octahedral model for low concentrations of interstitial solutes, but at higher concentration of oxygen were observed deviations of experimental data for the interstitial diffusion coefficients of oxygen in niobium when compared with the literature data, this could be related to the possible occurrence of a double occupation of interstitial sites in the niobium lattice by oxygen interstitials. © (2010) Trans Tech Publications.
Proton radiation therapy is a precise form of radiation therapy, but the avoidance of damage to critical normal tissues and the prevention of geographical tumor misses require accurate knowledge of the dose delivered to the patient and the verification of his position demand a precise imaging technique. In proton therapy facilities, the X-ray Computed Tomography (xCT) is the preferred technique for the planning treatment of patients. This situation has been changing nowadays with the development of proton accelerators for health care and the increase in the number of treated patients. In fact, protons could be more efficient than xCT for this task. One essential difficulty in pCT image reconstruction systems came from the scattering of the protons inside the target due to the numerous small-angle deflections by nuclear Coulomb fields. The purpose of this study is the comparison of an analytical formulation for the determination of beam lateral deflection, based on Molière's theory and Rutherford scattering with Monte Carlo calculations by SRIM 2008 and MCNPX codes. © 2010 American Institute of Physics.
We investigate the scattering of heavy-light K and D mesons by nucleons at low energies. The short-distance part of the interaction is described by quark-gluon interchange and the longdistance part is described by a one-meson-exchange model that includes the contributions of vector (ρ, ω) and scalar (σ) mesons. The microscopic quark model incorporates a confining Coulomb potential extracted from lattice QCD simulations and a transverse hyperfine interaction consistent with a finite gluon propagator in the infrared. The derived effective meson-nucleon potential is used in a Lippmann-Schwinger equation to obtain s-wave phase shifts. Our final aim is to set up a theoretical framework that can be extended to finite temperatures and baryon densities. © 2010 American Institute of Physics.