905 resultados para Cortactin actin assembly


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At least 11 complementation groups (CGs) have been identified for the peroxisome biogenesis disorders (PBDs) such as Zellweger syndrome, for which seven pathogenic genes have been elucidated. We have isolated a human PEX19 cDNA (HsPEX19) by functional complementation of peroxisome deficiency of a mutant Chinese hamster ovary cell line, ZP119, defective in import of both matrix and membrane proteins. This cDNA encodes a hydrophilic protein (Pex19p) comprising 299 amino acids, with a prenylation motif, CAAX box, at the C terminus. Farnesylated Pex19p is partly, if not all, anchored in the peroxisomal membrane, exposing its N-terminal part to the cytosol. A stable transformant of ZP119 with HsPEX19 was morphologically and biochemically restored for peroxisome biogenesis. HsPEX19 expression also restored peroxisomal protein import in fibroblasts from a patient (PBDJ-01) with Zellweger syndrome of CG-J. This patient (PBDJ-01) possessed a homozygous, inactivating mutation: a 1-base insertion, A764, in a codon for Met255, resulted in a frameshift, inducing a 24-aa sequence entirely distinct from normal Pex19p. These results demonstrate that PEX19 is the causative gene for CG-J PBD and suggest that the C-terminal part, including the CAAX homology box, is required for the biological function of Pex19p. Moreover, Pex19p is apparently involved at the initial stage in peroxisome membrane assembly, before the import of matrix protein.


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Freeze-fracture electron microscopy was used to study the structure of a human neuronal glutamate transporter (EAAT3). EAAT3 was expressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes, and its function was correlated with the total number of transporters in the plasma membrane of the same cells. Function was assayed as the maximum charge moved in response to a series of transmembrane voltage pulses. The number of transporters in the plasma membrane was determined from the density of a distinct 10-nm freeze-fracture particle, which appeared in the protoplasmic face only after EAAT3 expression. The linear correlation between EAAT3 maximum carrier-mediated charge and the total number of the 10-nm particles suggested that this particle represented functional EAAT3 in the plasma membrane. The cross-sectional area of EAAT3 in the plasma membrane (48 ± 5 nm2) predicted 35 ± 3 transmembrane α-helices in the transporter complex. This information along with secondary structure models (6–10 transmembrane α-helices) suggested an oligomeric state for EAAT3. EAAT3 particles were pentagonal in shape in which five domains could be identified. They exhibited fivefold symmetry because they appeared as equilateral pentagons and the angle at the vertices was 110°. Each domain appeared to contribute to an extracellular mass that projects ≈3 nm into the extracellular space. Projections from all five domains taper toward an axis passing through the center of the pentagon, giving the transporter complex the appearance of a penton-based pyramid. The pentameric structure of EAAT3 offers new insights into its function as both a glutamate transporter and a glutamate-gated chloride channel.


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The E-26 transforming specific (ETS)-related gene, TEL, also known as ETV6, encodes a strong transcription repressor that is rearranged in several recurring chromosomal rearrangements associated with leukemia and congenital fibrosarcoma. TEL is a nuclear phosphoprotein that is widely expressed in all normal tissues. TEL contains a DNA-binding domain at the C terminus and a helix–loop–helix domain (also called a pointed domain) at the N terminus. The pointed domain is necessary for homotypic dimerization and for interaction with the ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme UBC9. Here we show that the interaction with UBC9 leads to modification of TEL by conjugating it to SUMO-1. The SUMO-1-modified TEL localizes to cell-cycle-specific nuclear speckles that we named TEL bodies. We also show that the leukemia-associated fusion protein TEL/AML1 is modified by SUMO-1 and found in the TEL bodies, in a pattern quite different from what we observe and report for AML1. Therefore, SUMO-1 modification of TEL could be a critical signal necessary for normal functioning of the protein. In addition, the modification by SUMO-1 of TEL/AML1 could lead to abnormal localization of the fusion protein, which could have consequences that include contribution to neoplastic transformation.


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The structure of the tetrameric K+ channel from Streptomyces lividans in a lipid bilayer environment was studied by polarized attenuated total reflection Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. The channel displays approximately 43% α-helical and 25% β-sheet content. In addition, H/D exchange experiments show that only 43% of the backbone amide protons are exchangeable with solvent. On average, the α-helices are tilted 33° normal to the membrane surface. The results are discussed in relationship to the lactose permease of Escherichia coli, a membrane transport protein.


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Limited solubility and precipitation of amyloidogenic sequences such as the Alzheimer peptide (β-AP) are major obstacles to a molecular understanding of protein fibrillation and deposition processes. Here we have circumvented the solubility problem by stepwise engineering a β-AP homology into a soluble scaffold, the monomeric protein S6. The S6 construct with the highest β-AP homology crystallizes as a tetramer that is linked by the β-AP residues forming intermolecular antiparallel β-sheets. This construct also shows increased coil aggregation during refolding, and a 14-mer peptide encompassing the engineered sequence forms fibrils. Mutational analysis shows that intermolecular association is linked to the overall hydrophobicity of the sticky sequence and implies the existence of “structural gatekeepers” in the wild-type protein, that is, charged side chains that prevent aggregation by interrupting contiguous stretches of hydrophobic residues in the primary sequence.


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During the interaction of a T cell with an antigen-presenting cell (APC), several receptor ligand pairs, including the T cell receptor (TCR)/major histocompatibility complex (MHC), accumulate at the T cell/APC interface in defined geometrical patterns. This accumulation depends on a movement of the T cell cortical actin cytoskeleton toward the interface. Here we study the involvement of the guanine nucleotide exchange factor vav in this process. We crossed 129 vav−/− mice with B10/BR 5C.C7 TCR transgenic mice and used peptide-loaded APCs to stimulate T cells from the offspring. We found that the accumulation of TCR/MHC at the T cell/APC interface and the T cell actin cytoskeleton rearrangement were clearly defective in these vav+/− mice. A comparable defect in superantigen-mediated T cell activation of T cells from non-TCR transgenic 129 mice was also observed, although in this case it was more apparent in vav−/− mice. These data indicate that vav is an essential regulator of cytoskeletal rearrangements during T cell activation.


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Many bacterial pathogens of plants and animals have evolved a specialized protein-secretion system termed type III to deliver bacterial proteins into host cells. These proteins stimulate or interfere with host cellular functions for the pathogen's benefit. The Salmonella typhimurium pathogenicity island 1 encodes one of these systems that mediates this bacterium's ability to enter nonphagocytic cells. Several components of this type III secretion system are organized in a supramolecular structure termed the needle complex. This structure is made of discrete substructures including a base that spans both membranes and a needle-like projection that extends outward from the bacterial surface. We demonstrate here that the type III secretion export apparatus is required for the assembly of the needle substructure but is dispensable for the assembly of the base. We show that the length of the needle segment is determined by the type III secretion associated protein InvJ. We report that InvG, PrgH, and PrgK constitute the base and that PrgI is the main component of the needle of the type III secretion complex. PrgI homologs are present in type III secretion systems from bacteria pathogenic for animals but are absent from bacteria pathogenic for plants. We hypothesize that the needle component may establish the specificity of type III secretion systems in delivering proteins into either plant or animal cells.


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The three single-headed monomeric myosin I isozymes of Acanthamoeba castellanii (AMIs)—AMIA, AMIB, and AMIC—are among the best-studied of all myosins. We have used AMIC to study structural correlates of myosin’s actin-activated ATPase. This activity is normally controlled by phosphorylation of Ser-329, but AMIC may be switched into constitutively active or inactive states by substituting this residue with Glu or Ala, respectively. To determine whether activation status is reflected in structural differences in the mode of attachment of myosin to actin, these mutant myosins were bound to actin filaments in the absence of nucleotide (rigor state) and visualized at 24-Å resolution by using cryoelectron microscopy and image reconstruction. No such difference was observed. Consequently, we suggest that regulation may be affected not by altering the static (time-averaged) structure of AMIC but by modulating its dynamic properties, i.e., molecular breathing. The tail domain of vertebrate intestinal brush-border myosin I has been observed to swing through 31° on binding of ADP. However, it was predicted on grounds of differing kinetics that any such effects with AMIC should be small [Jontes, J. D., Ostap, E. M., Pollard, T. D. & Milligan, R. A. (1998) J. Cell Biol. 141, 155–162]. We have confirmed this hypothesis by observing actin-associated AMIC in its ADP-bound state. Finally, we compared AMIC to brush-border myosin I and AMIB, which were previously studied under similar conditions. In each case, the shape and angle of attachment to F-actin of the catalytic domain is largely conserved, but the domain structure and disposition of the tail is distinctively different for each myosin.


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Myosin is thought to generate movement of actin filaments via a conformational change between its light-chain domain and its catalytic domain that is driven by the binding of nucleotides and actin. To monitor this change, we have measured distances between a gizzard regulatory light chain (Cys 108) and the active site (near or at Trp 130) of skeletal myosin subfragment 1 (S1) by using luminescence resonance energy transfer and a photoaffinity ATP-lanthanide analog. The technique allows relatively long distances to be measured, and the label enables site-specific attachment at the active-site with only modest affect on myosin’s enzymology. The distance between these sites is 66.8 ± 2.3 Å when the nucleotide is ADP and is unchanged on binding to actin. The distance decreases slightly with ADP-BeF3, (−1.6 ± 0.3 Å) and more significantly with ADP-AlF4 (−4.6 ± 0.2 Å). During steady-state hydrolysis of ATP, the distance is temperature-dependent, becoming shorter as temperature increases and the complex with ADP⋅Pi is favored over that with ATP. We conclude that the distance between the active site and the light chain varies as Acto-S1-ADP ≈ S1-ADP > S1-ADP-BeF3 > S1-ADP-AlF4 ≈ S1-ADP-Pi and that S1-ATP > S1-ADP-Pi. The changes in distance are consistent with a substantial rotation of the light-chain binding domain of skeletal S1 between the prepowerstroke state, simulated by S1-ADP-AlF4, and the post-powerstroke state, simulated by acto-S1-ADP.


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The small GTP-binding protein Cdc42 is thought to induce filopodium formation by regulating actin polymerization at the cell cortex. Although several Cdc42-binding proteins have been identified and some of them have been implicated in filopodium formation, the precise role of Cdc42 in modulating actin polymerization has not been defined. To understand the biochemical pathways that link Cdc42 to the actin cytoskeleton, we have reconstituted Cdc42-induced actin polymerization in Xenopus egg extracts. Using this cell-free system, we have developed a rapid and specific assay that has allowed us to fractionate the extract and isolate factors involved in this activity. We report here that at least two biochemically distinct components are required, based on their chromatographic behavior and affinity for Cdc42. One component is purified to homogeneity and is identified as the Arp2/3 complex, a protein complex that has been shown to nucleate actin polymerization. However, the purified complex alone is not sufficient to mediate the activity; a second component that binds Cdc42 directly and mediates the interaction between Cdc42 and the complex also is required. These results establish an important link between a signaling molecule, Cdc42, and a complex that can directly modulate actin networks in vitro. We propose that activation of the Arp2/3 complex by Cdc42 and other signaling molecules plays a central role in stimulating actin polymerization at the cell surface.


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Alzheimer’s disease is characterized by two types of fibrous aggregates in the affected brains, the amyloid fibers (consisting of the Aβ-peptide, generating the amyloid plaques), and paired helical filaments (PHFs; made up of tau protein, forming the neurofibrillary tangles). Hence, tau protein, a highly soluble protein that normally stabilizes microtubules, becomes aggregated into insoluble fibers that obstruct the cytoplasm of neurons and cause a loss of microtubule stability. We have developed recently a rapid assay for monitoring PHF assembly and show here that PHFs arise from a nucleated assembly mechanism. The PHF nucleus comprises about 8–14 tau monomers. A prerequisite for nucleation is the dimerization of tau because tau dimers act as effective building blocks. PHF assembly can be seeded by preformed filaments (made either in vitro or isolated from Alzheimer brain tissue). These results suggest that dimerization and nucleation are the rate-limiting steps for PHF formation in vivo.


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Structural information on complex biological RNA molecules can be exploited to design tectoRNAs or artificial modular RNA units that can self-assemble through tertiary interactions thereby forming nanoscale RNA objects. The selective interactions of hairpin tetraloops with their receptors can be used to mediate tectoRNA assembly. Here we report on the modulation of the specificity and the strength of tectoRNA assembly (in the nanomolar to micromolar range) by variation of the length of the RNA subunits, the nature of their interacting motifs and the degree of flexibility of linker regions incorporated into the molecules. The association is also dependent on the concentration of magnesium. Monitoring of tectoRNA assembly by lead(II) cleavage protection indicates that some degree of structural flexibility is required for optimal binding. With tectoRNAs one can compare the binding affinities of different tertiary motifs and quantify the strength of individual interactions. Furthermore, in analogy to the synthons used in organic chemistry to synthesize more complex organic compounds, tectoRNAs form the basic assembly units for constructing complex RNA structures on the nanometer scale. Thus, tectoRNA provides a means for constructing molecular scaffoldings that organize functional modules in three-dimensional space for a wide range of applications.