973 resultados para Correlation of forces


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The study of the main characteristics of ash layers in Leg 57 cores shows that they are suitable for an analysis of the effect on eruptive activity of their distribution. We found (1) sediment recovery good and ash layers numerous; (2) sedimentary environment generally free from terrigenous clastic material; (3) reworking limited; (4) volcanic glass very acidic, ranging from rhyolitic to rhyodacitic composition; and (5) alteration and diagenesis negligible above the lower Miocene. The curves of explosive volcanic activity in Holes 438, 439, and 440 display two stages of high activity: an early one around 16 m.y. and a late one starting 5 m.y. B.P., both stages being separated by an upper Miocene quiescence. Detail in these results is limited by the chemical composition of the glass and accounts only for trends in explosive acid volcanism. Nevertheless, results are roughly in agreement with other data from the Northwest Pacific, although some discrepancies in the correlation of intensity of the episodes occur. The data from Leg 57 support the hypothesis of synchronous pulses in explosive volcanism.


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The CaCO3-contents and the fractions > 40 µm have been analysed from 5 kastenloten, one piston core and two kastengreifer taken between Senegal and Cape Verde Islands. Numerous benthonic and planktonic organisms and different terrigenous components have been distinguished. The four cores off Senegal reach middle Wuerm sediments; cores GIK12329-6 and TAG72-1 reach the V-zone and core GIK12331-4 the X-zone (Eem); the two kastengreifer contain sediments of Holocene age. Correlation of the cores has been made. Holocene sedimentation rates decrease from the shallow cores (6-11 cm/1000 years) to the deep-sea (1-2 cm/1000 years). The following climatic variations could be deduced from the sediments off the Senegal: during Holocene climate was in general as today, the Senegal river transporting fine grained material to the sea. The upper Wuerm was arid with no river influence but with red dune sand transported to the continental slope. During middle Wuerm the climate was humid again. The deep-sea cores have been influenced by eolian material from arid regions during glacial and interglacial periods, indicated by relatively high "Wuestenquarz-numbers". However, during Wuerm "Wuestenquarz-numbers" are higher than during Holocene and Eem, indicating that more intensely red coloured sediment was exposed to wind activity on the continent during this period. Varying amounts of terrigenous material and CaCO3-contents indicate varying wind strengths (lower in Holocene and Eem than during Wuerm). The boundary between humid and arid Wuerm climate was at approximately 20 °N. Influence of upwelling is difficult to establish in the sediments off Senegal, because river influence, while increasing fertility also dilutes the diatoms which are typical for upwelling. High amounts of organic carbon, low plankton/benthos ratios of foraminifers and low plankton foraminifer/radiolarian ratios in Holocene sections might be interpreted as influenced by upwelling. Turbidites occur in cores 72 and 31 and at the Holocene/Pleistocene boundary of core GIK12329-6. Their composition indicates provenance from the continental shelf of the Cape Verde Islands for core 31 and the continental shelf and slope off Senegal for core TAG72-1. Volcanic material, rare in the normal pelagic sediment of core GIK12331-4 is more frequent in the turbidites.


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The attenuation property of a lateral propagating light (LPL) in sea ice was measured using an artificial lamp in the Canadian Arctic during the 2007/2008 winter. A measurement method is proposed and applied whereby a recording instrument is buried in the sea ice and an artificial lamp is moved across the instrument. The apparent attenuation coefficient µ(lamda) for the lateral propagating light is obtained from the measured logarithmic relative variation rate. With the exception of blue and red lights, the attenuation coefficient changed little with wavelength, but changed considerably with depth. The vertical decrease of the attenuation coefficient was found to be correlated with salinity: the greater the salinity, the greater the attenuation coefficient. A clear linear relation of salinity and the lateral attenuation coefficient with R2 = 0.939 exists to address the close correlation of the attenuation of LPL with the scattering from the brine. The observed attenuation coefficient of LPL is much larger than that of the vertical propagation light, which we speculate to be caused by scattering. Part of this scattered component is transmitted out of the sea ice from the upper and lower surfaces.


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Long chain alkyl diols form a group of lipids occurring widely in marine environments. Recent studies have suggested several palaeoclimatological applications for proxies based on their distributions, but also revealed uncertainties about their applicability. Here we evaluate the use of long chain 1,14-alkyl diol indices for reconstruction of temperature and upwelling conditions by comparing index values, obtained from a comprehensive set of marine surface sediments, with environmental factors like sea surface temperature (SST), salinity and nutrient concentrations. Previous cultivation efforts indicated a strong effect of temperature on the degree of saturation and the chain length distribution of long chain 1,14-alkyl diols in Proboscia spp., quantified in the diol saturation index (DSI) and diol chain length index (DCI), respectively. However, values of these indices in surface sediments show no relationship with annual mean SST of the overlying water. It remains unknown what determines the DSI, although our data suggests that it may be affected by diagenesis, while the relationship between temperature and DCI may be different for different Proboscia species. In addition, contributions of algae other than Proboscia diatoms may affect both indices, although our data provide no direct evidence for additional long chain 1,14-alkyl diol sources. Two other indices using the abundance of 1,14-diols vs. 1,13-diols and C30 1,15-diols have previously been applied as indicators for upwelling intensity at different locations. The geographical distribution of their values supports the use of 1,14 diols vs. 1,13 diols [C28 + C30 1,14-diols]/[(C28 + C30 1,13-diols) + (C28 + C30 1,14-diols)] as a general indicator for high nutrient or upwelling conditions.


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We examined geophysical data from a Multi-Sensor Core Logger (MSCL), a logging device providing continuous measurements of gamma-ray attenuation, p-wave travel time, and magnetic susceptibility on marine sediment cores. In the first part we focused on the gamma-ray system and compared two different calibration methods. From the gamma-ray attenuation, we calculated densities and porosities by incorporating mass weighted attenuation coefficients. The application of an iteration method reduces the error of the density and porosity estimates compared to GRAPE data. In addition, we derived equations to calculate water content and dry bulk density from gamma-ray attenuation measurements. Comparison with physical properties determined on discrete samples revealed a very good correlation of both data sets (r = 0.99). This correlation is valid for sediments from substantially different geological settings (e.g., turbidites, hemipelagic muds, and opal-rich sediments). In the second part we applied our data to marine geological questions. For sediments from the Antarctic Polar Frontal Zone, there is indication that the content of biogenic opal can be assessed using a correlation of density and p-wave velocity. For sediments from the Bengal Fan, the relationship between the MSCL acoustic impedance (the product of density and p-wave velocity) and the grain-size distribution in discrete samples can be used to predict clay and sand/silt ratios for sediment cores from the shelf and upper continental slope.


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We obtained sediment physical properties and geochemical data from 47 piston and gravity cores located in the Bay of Bengal, to study the complex history of the Late Pleistocene run-off from the Ganges and Brahmaputra rivers and its imprint on the Bengal Fan. Grain-size parameters were predicted from core logs of density and velocity to infer sediment transport energy and to distinguish different environments along the 3000-km-long transport path from the delta platform to the lower fan. On the shelf, 27 cores indicate rapidly prograding delta foresets today that contain primarily mud, whereas outer shelf sediment has 25% higher silt contents, indicative of stronger and more stable transport regime, which prevent deposition and expose a Late Pleistocene relic surface. Deposition is currently directed towards the shelf canyon 'Swatch of No Ground', where turbidites are released to the only channel-levee system that is active on the fan during the Holocene. Active growth of the channel-levee system occurred throughout sea-level rise and highstand with a distinct growth phase at the end of the Younger Dryas. Coarse-grained material bypasses the upper fan and upper parts of the middle fan, where particle flow is enhanced as a result of flow-restriction in well-defined channels. Sandier material is deposited mainly as sheet-flow deposits on turbidite-dominated plains at the lower fan. The currently most active part of the fan with 10-40 cm thick turbidites is documented for the central channel including inner levees (e.g., site 40). Site 47 from the lower fan far to the east of the active channel-levee system indicates the end of turbidite sedimentation at 300 ka for that location. That time corresponds to the sea-level lowering during late isotopic stage 9 when sediment supply to the fan increased and led to channel avulsion farther upstream, probably indicating a close relation of climate variability and fan activity. Pelagic deep-sea sites 22 and 28 contain a 630-kyear record of climate response to orbital forcing with dominant 21- and 41-kyear cycles for carbonate and magnetic susceptibility, respectively, pointing to teleconnections of low-latitude monsoonal forcing on the precession band to high-latitude obliquity forcing. Upper slope sites 115, 124, and 126 contain a record of the response to high-frequency climate change in the Dansgaard-Oeschger bands during the last glacial cycle with shared frequencies between 0.75 and 2.5 kyear. Correlation of highs in Bengal Fan physical properties to lows in the d18O record of the GISP2 ice-core suggests that times of greater sediment transport energy in the Bay of Bengal are associated with cooler air temperatures over Greenland. Teleconnections were probably established through moisture and other greenhouse-gas forcing that could have been initiated by instabilities in the methane hydrate reservoir in the oceans.


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Correlation of mineral associations from sediment recovered on the northwestern Australian continental margin document the juvenile-to-mature evolution of a segment of the Indian Ocean. Lower Cretaceous sediments contain sandy-to-silty radiolarian claystone that consists of highly smectitic mixed-layered illite/smectite (I/S) in addition to minor amounts of diagenetic pyrite, barite, and rhodochrosite. These immature, poorly sorted sediments were derived from nearby continental margin sources. Discrete bentonite layers and abundant smectite are the alteration products of volcanic material deposited during early basin formation. Abundant quartz-replaced radiolarian tests suggest high surface-water productivity, and calcareous fossils indicate water depths were above the calcite compensation depth (CCD) in the juvenile Indian Ocean. The increase in pelagic carbonate from the mid- to Late Cretaceous signals the transition to mature, open-ocean conditions. Similar to other slowly deposited contemporaneous deep-sea sediments, mid- to Upper Cretaceous sediments of the northwestern margin of Australia contain palygorskite. This palygorskite is associated with calcareous sediment across the ooze-to-chalk transition, detrital mixed-layered I/S, and zeolite minerals in places. This palygorskite occurs above the transformation from opal-A to opal-CT. The underlying opal-CT sediment contains abundant smectite and zeolite minerals. Calcareous sediment dominates the Cenozoic, except at abyssal sites that were not inundated by calcareous turbidites. Paleocene and Eocene sediments contain abundant smectite and zeolite minerals derived from the alteration of volcanic material. Palygorskite was found to be associated with sepiolite and dolomite in Miocene sediments from Site 765 in the Argo Basin. Pliocene and Quaternary sediments contain detrital kaolinite and mixed-layered I/S, abundant opal-A radiolarian tests, and minor amounts of pyrite


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Continuous coring in Saanich Inlet (Ocean Drilling Program, ODP Leg 169S), British Columbia, Canada, yielded a detailed record of Late Quaternary climate, oceanography, marine productivity, and terrestrial vegetation. Two sites (1033 and 1034) were drilled to maximum depths of 105 and 118 m, recovering sediments ranging in age from 13,300 to less than 300 14C yr. Earliest sediments consist of dense, largely massive, gray glaciomarine muds with dropstones and sand and silt laminae deposited during the waning stages of glaciation. Deposition of organic-rich olive gray sediments began in the fjord about 12,000 14C yr ago, under well-oxygenated conditions as reflected by the presence of bioturbation and a diverse infaunal bivalve community. At about 10,500 14C yr, a massive, gray unit, 40-50 cm thick, was emplaced in a very short span of time. The unit is marked by a sharp lower contact, a gradational upper contact and an abundance of reworked Tertiary microfossils. It has been interpreted as resulting from massive flood events caused by the collapse of glacial dams in the Fraser Valley of mainland British Columbia. Progressively greater anoxia in bottom waters of Saanich Inlet began about 7000 14C yr ago. This is reflected in the preservation of varved sediments consisting of diatomaceous spring-summer laminae and terrigenous winter laminae. Correlation of the sediments was based on: marked lithologic changes, the presence of massive intervals (reflecting localized sediment gravity flow events), the Mazama Ash, occasional thin gray laminae (indicative of abnormal flood events in nearby watersheds), varve counts between marker horizons, and 71 accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) radiocarbon dates.


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An 823 m thick glaciomarine Cenozoic section sitting unconformably on the Lower Devonian Beacon Supergroup was recovered in CRP-3. This paper reviews the chronostratigraphical constraints for the Cenozoic section. Between 3 and 480.27 mbsf 23 unconformity bounded cycles of sediment were recorded. Each unconformity is thought to represent a hiatus of uncertain duration. Four magnetozones have been recognised from the Cenozoic section. The record is complex with several 'tiny wiggles'' recorded throughout. Biostratigraphical or Sr ages, which could be used to link these magnetozones to the magnetic polarity time scale are restricted to the upper 190 m of sediment. Two diatom datums (Cavitatus jouseanus at 48.9 mbsf and Rhizosolenica antarctica at 68.60 mbsf), together with five Sr-isotope dates derived from molluscan fragments taken from between 10.88 and 190.29 mbsf indicate an early Oligocene (c. 31 Ma) age for this interval. The appearance of a new species of the bivalve ?Adamussium at about 325 mbsf, suggests that the Oligocene age can be extended down to this level. This confirms that the dominantly reversed magnetozone (RI), recorded down to about 340 mbsf, is Chron C12r. The ages imply high sedimentation rates and only minimal time gaps at the sequence boundaries. Below 340 mbsf there are no independent datums to guide the correlation of the magnetozones to the magnetic polarity time scale. However, the absence of in situ dinocysts attributable to Transantarctic Flora, if not a result of environmental control, limits the age of the base of the hole to between c. 33.5 and 35 Ma.


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Late Holocene laminated sediments from a core transect centred in the oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) impinging at the continental slope off Pakistan indicate stable oxygen minimum conditions for the past 7000 calendar years. High SW-monsoon-controlled biological productivity and enhanced organic matter preservation during this period is reflected in high contents of total organic carbon (TOC) and redox-sensitive elements (Ni, V), as well as by a low-diversity, high-abundance benthic foraminiferal Buliminacea association and high abundance of the planktonic species Globigerina bulloides indicative of upwelling conditions. Surface-water productivity was strongest during SW monsoon maxima. Stable OMZ conditions (reflected by laminated sediments) were found also during warm interstadial events (Preboreal, Bølling-Allerød, and Dansgaard-Oeschger events), as well as during peak glacial times (17-22.5 ka, all ages in calendar years). Sediment mass accumulation rates were at a maximum during the Preboreal and Younger Dryas periods due to strong riverine input and mobilisation of fine-grained sediment coinciding with rapid deglacial sea-level rise, whereas eolian input generally decreased from glacial to interglacial times. In contrast, the occurrence of bioturbated intervals from 7 to 10.5 ka (early Holocene), in the Younger Dryas (11.7-13 ka), from 15 to 17 ka (Heinrich event 1) and from 22.5 to 25 ka (Heinrich event 2) suggests completely different conditions of oxygen-rich bottom waters, extremely low mass and organic carbon accumulation rates, a high-diversity benthic fauna, all indicating lowered surface-water productivity. During these intervals the OMZ was very poorly developed or absent and a sharp fall of the aragonite compensation depth favoured the preservation of pteropods. The abundance of lithogenic proxies suggests aridity and wind transport by northwesterly or northeasterly winds during these periods coinciding with the North Atlantic Heinrich events and dust peaks in the Tibetan Loess records. The correlation of the monsoon-driven OMZ variability in the Arabian Sea with the rapid climatic fluctuations in the high northern latitudes suggests a close coupling between the climates of the high and low latitudes at a global scale.


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Sediments from five Leg 167 drill sites and three piston cores were analyzed for Corg and CaCO3. Oxygen isotope stratigraphy on benthic foraminifers was used to assign age models to these sedimentary records. We find that the northern and central California margin is characterized by k.y.-scale events that can be found in both the CaCO3 and Corg time series. We show that the CaCO3 events are caused by changes in CaCO3 production by plankton, not by dissolution. We also show that these CaCO3 events occur in marine isotope Stages (MIS) 2, 3, and 4 during Dansgaard/Oeschger interstadials. They occur most strongly, however, on the MIS 5/4 glaciation and MIS 2/1 deglaciation. We believe that the link between the northeastern Pacific Ocean and North Atlantic is primarily transmitted by the atmosphere, not the ocean. Highest CaCO3 production and burial occurs when the surface ocean is somewhat cooler than the modern ocean, and the surface mixed layer is somewhat more stable.