939 resultados para Correction de textures


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This research improved the measurement of public transport accessibility by capturing; travellers' behaviour; diversity of public transport mode; and the subjectivity of travellers' decision in the complex transport networks. The results of this research not only highlighted the importance of considering public transport network characteristics but also, revealed the impact of public transport diversity in the modelling of public transport accessibility. The research developed a hybrid discrete choice model with a nested logit structure to treat the correlation among the public transport mode choices and, a logit correction factor to rectify the correlation among the stop choices.


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Surface texture plays an important role in the frictional behavior and transfer layer formation of contacting surfaces. In the present investigation, basic experiments were conducted using an inclined pin-on-plate sliding apparatus to better understand the role of surface texture on the coefficient of friction and the formation of a transfer layer. In the experiments, soft HCP materials such as pure Mg and pure Zn were used for the pins and a hardened 080 M40 steel was used for the plate. Two surface parameters of the steel plates—roughness and texture—were varied in tests that were conducted at a sliding speed of 2 mm/s in ambient conditions under both dry and lubricated conditions. The morphologies of the worn surfaces of the pins and the formation of the transfer layer on the counter surfaces were observed using a scanning electron microscope. In the experiments, the occurrence of stick-slip motion, the formation of a transfer layer, and the value of friction were recorded. With respect to the friction, both adhesion and plowing components were analyzed. Based on the experimental results, the effect of surface texture on the friction was attributed to differences in the amount of plowing. Both the plowing component of friction and the amplitude of stick-slip motion were determined to increase surface textures that promote plane strain conditions and decrease the textures that favor plane stress conditions.


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The grain size dependence of the yield stress in hot rolled 99.87 pct magnesium sheets and rods was measured in the temperature range 77 K to 420 K. Hot rolling produced strong basal textures and, for a given grain size, the hot rolled material has a higher strength than extruded material. The yield strength-grain size relation in the above temperature range follows the Hall-Petch equation, and the temperature dependencies of the Hall-Petch constants σ0 and k are in support of the theory of Armstrong for hcp metals that the intercept σ0 is related to the critical resolved shear stress (CRSS) for basal slip (easy slip) and the slope k is related to the CRSS for prismatic slip (difficult slip) occurring near the grain boundaries. In the hot rolled magnesium, σ0 is larger and k is smaller than in extruded material, observations which are shown to result from strong unfavorable basal and favorable 1010 textures, respectively. Texture affects the Hall-Petch constants through its effect on the orientation factors relating them to the CRSS for the individual slip systems controlling them.


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BACKGROUND: Dystrobrevin binding protein 1 (DTNBP1) is a schizophrenia susceptibility gene involved with neurotransmission regulation (especially dopamine and glutamate) and neurodevelopment. The gene is known to be associated with cognitive deficit phenotypes within schizophrenia. In our previous studies, DTNBP1 was found associated not only with schizophrenia but with other psychiatric disorders including psychotic depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, nicotine dependence and opiate dependence. These findings suggest that DNTBP1 may be involved in pathways that lead to multiple psychiatric phenotypes. In this study, we explored the association between DTNBP1 SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphisms) and multiple psychiatric phenotypes included in the Diagnostic Interview of Psychosis (DIP). METHODS: Five DTNBP1 SNPs, rs17470454, rs1997679, rs4236167, rs9370822 and rs9370823, were genotyped in 235 schizophrenia subjects screened for various phenotypes in the domains of depression, mania, hallucinations, delusions, subjective thought disorder, behaviour and affect, and speech disorder. SNP-phenotype association was determined with ANOVA under general, dominant/recessive and over-dominance models. RESULTS: Post hoc tests determined that SNP rs1997679 was associated with visual hallucination; SNP rs4236167 was associated with general auditory hallucination as well as specific features including non-verbal, abusive and third-person form auditory hallucinations; and SNP rs9370822 was associated with visual and olfactory hallucinations. SNPs that survived correction for multiple testing were rs4236167 for third-person and abusive form auditory hallucinations; and rs9370822 for olfactory hallucinations. CONCLUSION: These data suggest that DTNBP1 is likely to play a role in development of auditory related, visual and olfactory hallucinations which is consistent with evidence of DTNBP1 activity in the auditory processing regions, in visual processing and in the regulation of glutamate and dopamine activity


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A reanalysis of the correction to the Boltzmann conductivity due to maximally crossed graphs for degenerate bands explains why the conductivity scale in many-valley semiconductors is an order of magnitude higher than Mott's "minimum metallic conductivity." With the use of a reasonable assumption for the Boltzmann mean free path, the lowest-order perturbation theory is seen to give a remarkably good, semiquantitative, description of the conductivity variation in both uncompensated doped semiconductors and amorphous alloys.


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The utility of near infrared spectroscopy as a non-invasive technique for the assessment of internal eating quality parameters of mandarin fruit (Citrus reticulata cv. Imperial) was assessed. The calibration procedure for the attributes of TSS (total soluble solids) and DM (dry matter) was optimised with respect to a reference sampling technique, scan averaging, spectral window, data pre-treatment (in terms of derivative treatment and scatter correction routine) and regression procedure. The recommended procedure involved sampling of an equatorial position on the fruit with 1 scan per spectrum, and modified partial least squares model development on a 720–950-nm window, pre-treated as first derivative absorbance data (gap size of 4 data points) with standard normal variance and detrend scatter correction. Calibration model performance for the attributes of TSS and DM content was encouraging (typical Rc2 of >0.75 and 0.90, respectively; typical root mean squared standard error of calibration of <0.4 and 0.6%, respectively), whereas that for juiciness and total acidity was unacceptable. The robustness of the TSS and DM calibrations across new populations of fruit is documented in a companion study.


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Constructive (intuitionist, anti-realist) semantics has thus far been lacking an adequate concept of truth in infinity concerning factual (i.e., empirical, non-mathematical) sentences. One consequence of this problem is the difficulty of incorporating inductive reasoning in constructive semantics. It is not possible to formulate a notion for probable truth in infinity if there is no adequate notion of what truth in infinity is. One needs a notion of a constructive possible world based on sensory experience. Moreover, a constructive probability measure must be defined over these constructively possible empirical worlds. This study defines a particular kind of approach to the concept of truth in infinity for Rudolf Carnap's inductive logic. The new approach is based on truth in the consecutive finite domains of individuals. This concept will be given a constructive interpretation. What can be verifiably said about an empirical statement with respect to this concept of truth, will be explained, for which purpose a constructive notion of epistemic probability will be introduced. The aim of this study is also to improve Carnap's inductive logic. The study addresses the problem of justifying the use of an "inductivist" method in Carnap's lambda-continuum. A correction rule for adjusting the inductive method itself in the course of obtaining evidence will be introduced. Together with the constructive interpretation of probability, the correction rule yields positive prior probabilities for universal generalizations in infinite domains.


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Chlorine NQR in 2,6-dichloropyridine has been investigated in the temperature range 77 K to room temperature and a single resonance line has been observed throughout. Using this data, torsional frequencies of the molecule have been evaluated on the basis of both the Bayer theory and the modified Bayer theory incorporating Tatsuzaki correction.


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Color displays used in image processing systems consist of a refresh memory buffer storing digital image data which are converted into analog signals to display an image by driving the primary color channels (red, green, and blue) of a color television monitor. The color cathode ray tube (CRT) of the monitor is unable to reproduce colors exactly due to phosphor limitations, exponential luminance response of the tube to the applied signal, and limitations imposed by the digital-to-analog conversion. In this paper we describe some computer simulation studies (using the U*V*W* color space) carried out to measure these reproduction errors. Further, a procedure to correct for color reproduction error due to the exponential luminance response (gamma) of the picture tube is proposed, using a video-lookup-table and a higher resolution digital-to-analog converter. It is found, on the basis of computer simulation studies, that the proposed gamma correction scheme is effective and robust with respect to variations in the assumed value of the gamma.


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It is now well known that in extreme quantum limit, dominated by the elastic impurity scattering and the concomitant quantum interference, the zero-temperature d.c. resistance of a strictly one-dimensional disordered system is non-additive and non-self-averaging. While these statistical fluctuations may persist in the case of a physically thin wire, they are implicitly and questionably ignored in higher dimensions. In this work, we have re-examined this question. Following an invariant imbedding formulation, we first derive a stochastic differential equation for the complex amplitude reflection coefficient and hence obtain a Fokker-Planck equation for the full probability distribution of resistance for a one-dimensional continuum with a Gaussian white-noise random potential. We then employ the Migdal-Kadanoff type bond moving procedure and derive the d-dimensional generalization of the above probability distribution, or rather the associated cumulant function –‘the free energy’. For d=3, our analysis shows that the dispersion dominates the mobilitly edge phenomena in that (i) a one-parameter B-function depending on the mean conductance only does not exist, (ii) an approximate treatment gives a diffusion-correction involving the second cumulant. It is, however, not clear whether the fluctuations can render the transition at the mobility edge ‘first-order’. We also report some analytical results for the case of the one dimensional system in the presence of a finite electric fiekl. We find a cross-over from the exponential to the power-low length dependence of resistance as the field increases from zero. Also, the distribution of resistance saturates asymptotically to a poissonian form. Most of our analytical results are supported by the recent numerical simulation work reported by some authors.


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Two pot experiments were conducted in two different seasons at the University of Agricultural Science, Bangalore, India, to study (a) the relationship between chlorophyll concentration (by measuring the leaf light-transmittance characteristics using a SPAD metre) and transpiration efficiency (TE) and (b) the effect of leaf N on chlorophyll and TE relationship in peanut. In Experiment (Expt) I, six peanut genotypes with wide genetic variation for the specific leaf area (SLA) were used. In Expt II, three non-nodulating isogenic lines were used to study the effect of N levels on leaf chlorophyll concentration–TE relationship without potential confounding effects in biological nitrogen fixation. Leaf N was manipulated by applying N fertiliser in Expt II. Chlorophyll concentration, TE (g dry matter kg−1 of H2O transpired, measured using gravimetric method), specific leaf nitrogen (g N m−2, SLN), SLA (cm2 g−1), carbon isotope composition (Δ13C) were determined in the leaves sampled during the treatment period (35–55 days after sowing) in the two experiments. Results showed that the leaf chlorophyll concentration expressed as soil plant analytical development (SPAD) chlorophyll metre reading (SCMR) varied significantly among genotypes in Expt I and as a result of N application in Expt II. Changes in leaf N levels were strongly associated with changes in SCMR, TE and Δ13C. In both the experiments, a significant positive relationship between SCMR and TE with similar slopes but differing intercepts was noticed. However, correction of TE for seasonal differences in vapour pressure deficit (VPD) between the two experiments resulted in a single and stronger relationship between SCMR and TE. There was a significant inverse relationship between SCMR and Δ13C, suggesting a close linkage between chlorophyll concentration and Δ13C in peanut. This study provides the first evidence for a significant positive relationship between TE and leaf chlorophyll concentration in peanut. The study also describes the effect of growing environment on the relationships among SLA, SLN and SCMR.


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Near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) combined with multivariate analysis techniques was applied to assess phenol content of European oak. NIRS data were firstly collected directly from solid heartwood surfaces: in doing so, the spectra were recorded separately from the longitudinal radial and the transverse section surfaces by diffuse reflectance. The spectral data were then pretreated by several pre-processing procedures, such as multiplicative scatter correction, first derivative, second derivative and standard normal variate. The tannin contents of sawmill collected from the longitudinal radial and transverse section surfaces were determined by quantitative extraction with water/methanol (1:4, by vol). Then, total phenol contents in tannin extracts were measured by the Folin-Ciocalteu method. The NIR data were correlated against the Folin-Ciocalteu results. Calibration models built with partial least squares regression displayed strong correlation - as expressed by high determination correlation coefficient (r2) and high ratio of performance to deviation (RPD) - between measured and predicted total phenols content, and weak calibration and prediction errors (RMSEC, RMSEP). The best calibration was provided with second derivative spectra (r2 value of 0.93 for the longitudinal radial plane and of 0.91 for the transverse section plane). This study illustrates that the NIRS technique when used in conjunction with multivariate analysis could provide reliable, quick and non-destructive assessment of European oak heartwood extractives.


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This study investigated questions related to half-occlusion processing in human stereoscopic vision: (1) How does the depth location of a half-occluding figure affect the depth localization of adjacent monocular objects? (2) Is three-dimensional slant around vertical axis (geometric effect) affected by half-occlusion constraints? and (3) How the half-occlusion constraints and surface formation processes are manifested in stereoscopic capture? Our results showed that the depth localization of binocular objects affects the depth localization of discrete monocular objects. We also showed that the visual system has a preference for a frontoparallel surface interpretation if the half-occlusion configuration allows multiple interpretation alternatives. When the surface formation was constrained by textures, our results showed that a process of rematching spreading determines the resulting perception and that the spreading can be limited by illusory contours that support the presence of binocularly unmatched figures. The unmatched figures could be present, if the inducing figures producing the illusory surface contained binocular image differences that provided cues for quantitative da Vinci stereopsis. These findings provide evidence of the significant role of half-occlusions in stereoscopic processing.


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This conversation analytical study analyses the interactional practices adopted by speech therapists and their clients during their training in voice therapy. This study also describes how learning takes place during the therapy process. In contrast to traditional voice therapy studies, change is examined here by using qualitative research methodology, namely conversation analysis. This study describes the structures of interaction in voice therapy, shows how the shortcomings in the client s performance are evaluated and corrected and finally, how the voice training sequence and the participation changes during therapy. The database consists of 51 videotaped voice therapy sessions from six clients with voice disorders. The analytic focus is on the practices in one voice training exercise of the trilled /r/. All the sequences of this exercise (in total 36) and all adjacency pairs within (N = 627) were transcribed and analysed in detail. This study shows that voice training consists of successive model imitation adjacency pairs. This adjacency pair works as a resource in voice training. Furthermore, the use of this particular adjacency pair is an institutional practice in all therapies in this study. The structure of interaction in voice training sequences resembles the practices found in aphasia therapy and in speech therapy of children, as well as the practices of educational and counselling interaction and physiotherapy. More than half of the adjacency pairs were expanded to three (or more) part structures as client s responses were typically followed by therapist s feedback. With their feedback turns, therapists: 1) maintain training practice, 2) evaluate the problem of client s performance, 3) deliver information, 4) activate the client to observe the performance and 5) assist her in correcting the performance. This study describes the four different ways that therapists help their clients to improve the performance after encountering a problem. The longitudinal data shows that learning in therapy is manifested in the changing participation. As clients learn to identify their voice features, they can participate in evaluating or correcting their performances by themselves. This study describes the recurrent professional practices of voice therapists and shows how the institutional commitments of voice therapy are managed in and through talk and interaction. The study also provides detailed description of the management of help in voice training. By describing the interaction in training sequences, this study expands the conception of voice rehabilitation and how it can be researched. The results demonstrate that the learning process and therapy outcomes can be assessed by analysing interaction in therapy. Moreover, this analysis lays the foundation for a novel understanding of the practices in speech therapy and for the development of speech therapy theory. By revealing the activities of interaction, it also makes it possible to discuss them explicitly with speech therapy students. Key words: voice therapy, conversation analysis, institutional interaction, learning, change in participation, feedback, evaluation, error correction, self-repair


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Near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) can be used for the on-line, non-invasive assessment of fruit for eating quality attributes such as total soluble solids (TSS). The robustness of multivariate calibration models, based on NIRS in a partial transmittance optical geometry, for the assessment of TSS of intact rockmelons (Cucumis melo) was assessed. The mesocarp TSS was highest around the fruit equator and increased towards the seed cavity. Inner mesocarp TSS levels decreased towards both the proximal and distal ends of the fruit, but more so towards the proximal end. The equatorial region of the fruit was chosen as representative of the fruit for near infrared assessment of TSS. The spectral window for model development was optimised at 695-1045 nm, and the data pre-treatment procedure was optimised to second-derivative absorbance without scatter correction. The 'global' modified partial least squares (MPLS) regression modelling procedure of WINISI (ver. 1.04) was found to be superior with respect to root mean squared error of prediction (RMSEP) and bias for model predictions of TSS across seasons, compared with the 'local' MPLS regression procedure. Updating of the model with samples selected randomly from the independent validation population demonstrated improvement in both RMSEP and bias with addition of approximately 15 samples.