943 resultados para Coral reefs and islands.


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[EN] Petrography and sedimentology of aeolian sands: a tool for diagnose the sedimentary deficit in La Graciosa island (Natural Park of Archipielago Chinijo, Canary Islands, Spain).


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[EN] This crab was captured in the whole range of depths sampled, although its highest abundance was found between 600 and 800 m, on muddy-rocky bottoms. Moreover, significant differences were observed in the average weight and length, according to depth of capture, island of origin, and date of survey. In general, the b parameter of length-weight relationship indicates a negative allometric growth pattern, although in some cases it was not statistically different from isometry, particularly in males. Males were heavier, larger, and more abundant in catches than females.


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[EN] Background: Culicoides (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) biting midges are vectors for a diversity of pathogens including bluetongue virus (BTV) that generate important economic losses. BTV has expanded its range in recent decades, probably due to the expansion of its main vector and the presence of other autochthonous competent vectors. Although the Canary Islands are still free of bluetongue disease (BTD), Spain and Europe have had to face up to a spread of bluetongue with disastrous consequences. Therefore, it is essential to identify the distribution of biting midges and understand their feeding patterns in areas susceptible to BTD. To that end, we captured biting midges on two farms in the Canary Islands (i) to identify the midge species in question and characterize their COI barcoding region and (ii) to ascertain the source of their bloodmeals using molecular tools.Methods: Biting midges were captured using CDC traps baited with a 4-W blacklight (UV) bulb on Gran Canaria and on Tenerife. Biting midges were quantified and identified according to their wing patterns. A 688 bp segment of the mitochondrial COI gene of 20 biting midges (11 from Gran Canaria and 9 from Tenerife) were PCR amplified using the primers LCO1490 and HCO2198. Moreover, after selected all available females showing any rest of blood in their abdomen, a nested-PCR approach was used to amplify a fragment of the COI gene from vertebrate DNA contained in bloodmeals. The origin of bloodmeals was identified by comparison with the nucleotide-nucleotide basic alignment search tool (BLAST). Results: The morphological identification of 491 female biting midges revealed the presence of a single morphospecies belonging to the Obsoletus group. When sequencing the barcoding region of the 20 females used to check genetic variability, we identified two haplotypes differing in a single base. Comparison analysis using the nucleotide-nucleotide basic alignment search tool (BLAST) showed that both haplotypes belong to Culicoides obsoletus, a potential BTV vector. As well, using molecular tools we identified the feeding sources of 136 biting midges and were able to confirm that C. obsoletus females feed on goats and sheep on both islands.Conclusions: These results confirm that the feeding pattern of C. obsoletus is a potentially important factor in BTV transmission to susceptible hosts in case of introduction into the archipelago. Consequently, in the Canary Islands it is essential to maintain vigilance of Culicoides-transmitted viruses such as BTV and the novel Schmallenberg virus.


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Máster en Gestión Sostenible de Recursos Pesqueros


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[EN] We apply an inverse model to a hydrographic cruise that completely closes the Canary Islands to investigate their effect on the water masses transports. Most central waters are transported south between the eastern islands and the African coast, with 2.5 Sv out of a total of 3.5 Sv. Intermediate waters are effectively blocked by the islands passages, with Mediterranean/Antarctic waters predominantly found north/south of the islands, and most deep waters loop around the archipelago plateau. A process model upholds the existence of intense two-way exchange between central and intermediate waters along the eastern passage, with vertical velocities of order 10 m s.


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[EN]The methanol extracts of leaf skins and flowers of Aloe vera from the Canary Islands were analyzed for their phenolic profiles and screened for their antioxidant and antimycoplasmic activities. The use of reversed phase high performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) allowed the identification of 18 phenolic constituents. Leaf skin extracts were characterized by the abundance of catechin, sinapic acid and quercitrin. Gentisic acid, epicatechin and quercitrin were the most prominent phenolic compounds of the flowers. The in vitro antioxidant activities determined by using the 1,1-diphenyl-2- picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) and ferric antioxidant reducing power (FRAP) assays revealed that both extracts exhibited antioxidant activity, being the leaf skin extract the most active fraction. The leaf skin extract was also found to be active against the microbial strains tested. Therefore, A. vera extracts from leaf skin and flowers can be considered as good natural antioxidant sources.


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[EN]A range of factors may affect the composition and abundance of macroalgae on subtidal rocky reefs. We experimentally determined the interactive effect of the occurrence of the long-spine sea urchin, Diadema antillarum, depth and sedimentation levels on macroalgal assemblage structure on eastern Atlantic rocky reefs. Specifically, we manipulated sea urchin densities (removal of all individuals vs. untouched controls at natural densities) on rocky reefs devoid of erect vegetation, and predicted (1) that removal of sea urchins would differently affect macroalgal assemblage structure between deep (16-18 m) and shallow (8-9 m) reef strata, and that (2) the effect of sea urchin removal on macroalgae would be altered under different scenarios of sedimentation (ambient vs. enhanced). Experimental circular plots (2 m in diameter) were set up at 3 locations at Gran Canaria (Canarian Archipelago), and were maintained and monitored every 4 wk for 1 y. At the end of the experimental period, the structure of the algal assemblages differed between urchin treatments and depth strata, with a larger cover of turf and bushlike algae where urchins were removed and at the shallow reef stratum. More important, differences in algal assemblage structure between urchin treatments were irrespective of sedimentation levels, but shifted from the shallow to the deep stratum. This interactive effect was, in turn, observed for bushlike algae, as a result of a larger magnitude of response (i.e., larger cover) in the shallow stratum relative to the deep stratum, but was not detected for either turf or crustose coralline algae. These results highlight the importance of sorne physical conditions (here, differences in depth) to interact with biotic processes (here, urchin abundance) to create patterns in the organization of subtidal and benthic assemblages


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[EN] Precipitation and desert dust event occurrence time series measured in the Canary Islands region are examined with the primary intention of exploring their scaling characteristics as well as their spatial variability in terms of the islands topography and geographical orientation. In particular, the desert dust intrusion regime in the islands is studied in terms of its relationship with visibility. Analysis of dust and rainfall events over the archipelago exhibits distributions in time that obey power laws. Results show that the rain process presents a high clustering and irregular pattern on short timescales and a more scattered structure for long ones. In contrast, dustiness presents a more uniform and dense structure and, consequently, a more persistent behaviour on short timescales. It was observed that the fractal dimension of rainfall events shows an important spatial variability, which increases with altitude, as well as towards northern latitudes and western longitudes.


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[EN] Numerous specimens of fossil brachiopods have been found in the different fossiliferous outcrops of the Canary Islands. These fossils have been found in the deposits of Mio-Pliocene age of the eastern Canary Islands, described and illustrated in the work of Meco et ali. 2005 and in the outcrops interpreted as a tsunami deposits  in Piedra Alta, Lanzarote, belonging to the Marine Isotope Stage 11 dated to circa 330 ka. 4 species of fossil brachiopods have been identificated: Terebratula sinuous Brocchi 1814, Lacazella mediterranea Risso 1826 Terebratulina caputserpentis (Zbyszewski, 1957) and Thecidium cf . digitatum (Sowerby 1823). These fossils provides stratigraphic and paleoclimatic taxonomic information. Furthermore, in order to compare the fossil brachiopods with present in the Canary Island, a reference collection is defined with specimens obtained from marine sediment surveys at Gran Canaria, La Palma and El Hierro, identifying 3 species: Argyrotheca barrettiatia (Davidson, 1866), Megerlia truncata (Linaeus 1767 ) and Pajaudina atlantica (Logan 1988).


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[EN] The last 5 Myr  are characterized by cliamatic variations globally and are reflected in ancient fossiliferous marine deposits visible in the Canary Islands. The fossils contained are identificated as paleoecological and paleoclimatic indicators. The Mio-Pliocene Transit is represented by the coral Siderastrea micoenica Osasco, 1897; the gastropods Rothpletzia rudista Simonelli, 1890; Ancilla glandiformis (Lamarck, 1822); Strombus coronatus Defrance, 1827 and Nerita emiliana Mayer, 1872 and the bivalve Gryphaea virleti Deshayes, 1832 as most characteristic fossils  and typical of a very warm climate and littoral zone. Associated  lava flows  have been dated radiometrically  and provides a range between  8.9 and about 4.2 Kyr. In the mid-Pleistocene, about 400,000 years ago, the called Marine Isotope Stage 11, a strong global warming that caused a sea level rise happens. Remains of the MIS 11  are preserved on the coast of Arucas (Gran Canaria), and associated with a tsunami in Piedra Alta (Lanzarote). These fossilifeorus  deposits contains the bivalve Saccostrea cucullata (Born, 1780), the gastropod Purpurellus gambiensis (Reeve, 1845) and the corals Madracis pharensis (Heller, 1868) and Dendrophyllia cornigera (Lamarck, 1816). Both sites have been dated by K-Ar on pillow lavas (approximately 420,000 years) and by Uranium Series on corals (about 481,000 years) respectively. The upper Pleistocene starts with another strong global warming known as the last interglacial or marine isotope  stage (MIS) 5.5, about 125,000 years ago, which also left marine  fossil deposits exposed in parallel to current in Igueste of San Andrés (Tenerife),  El Altillo, the  city of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria  and Maspalomas (Gran Canaria),  Matas Blancas, the Playitas and Morrojable (Fuerteventura ) and in Playa Blanca and Punta Penedo (Lanzarote ). The fossil coral Siderastrea radians (Pallas , 1766 ) currently living in the Cape Verde Islands , the Gulf of Guinea and the Caribbean has allowed Uranium series dating. The gastropods Strombus bubonius Lamarck, 1822 and Harpa doris (Röding , 1798 ) currently living in the Gulf of Guinea. Current biogeography using synoptic data obtained through satellites provided by the ISS Canary Seas provides data of Ocean Surface Temperature (SST) and Chlorophyll a (Chlor a) . This has allowed the estimation of these sea conditions during interglacials compared to today .


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Trabajo realizado por: Reyes, C., Schiavi, A., Aguilar del Soto,