987 resultados para Coral Plesiastrea-versipora
RESUMO A zonação dos ambientes recifais permite avaliar possíveis impactos antropogênicos e subsidiar futuros planos de manejo. Este estudo teve por objetivo levantar as espécies bentônicas (com ênfase nos cnidários) no topo dos recifes emersos da Área de Proteção Ambiental (APA) Costa dos Corais, bem como calcular e comparar sua porcentagem de cobertura. Foram realizados transectos em linha contínuos, em seis praias da referida APA, em três regiões da plataforma recifal e com quatro réplicas para cada região. Os resultados mostraram maior cobertura de algas em todas as praias, com exceção de Tamandaré/PE. Entre os cnidários os zoantídeos predominaram, mas se registrou, também, a ocorrência dos corais escleractíneos Siderastrea stellata e Favia gravida. Outros organismos encontrados foram os poríferos, o molusco Brachidontes exustus e o equinodermo Echinometra lucunter. Foi observada ocorrência de branqueamento nas duas espécies de coral encontradas (em todas as praias visitadas) e no zoantídeo Palythoa caribaeorum. De forma geral, os organismos registrados se caracterizaram pela resistência às condições instáveis da plataforma recifal. Além disso, as análises de agrupamento mostraram que fatores como o aporte de rios e o impacto antrópico exercem substancial influência na caracterização da cobertura bentônica da plataforma recifal, sobrepondo-se até mesmo à proximidade geográfica de áreas.
The mature ooxysts of six new species of Caryospora are described from the faeces of Brazilian snakes. They are differentiated from other species previously recorded from reptiles, largely on the size and shape of the oocyst and sporocyst, structure of the oocyst wall, and presence or absence of a polar body. C. paraensis n. sp., and C. carajasensis n. sp., are from the "false coral", Oxyrhopus petola digitalis; C. pseustesi n. sp., from the "egg-eater", Pseustes sulphureus sulphureus; C. epicratesi n. sp., from the "red boa", Epicrates cenchria cenchria; and C. micruri n. sp., and C. constancieae n. sp., from the "coral snake", Micrurus spixii spixii. A re-description is given of C. jararacae Carini, 1939, from the "jararaca" Bothrops atrox, embodying some additional morphological features.
En primer lloc els objectius que s’estableixen en aquest estudi són: Valorar la importància de la melodia, dels accents i la musicalitat del text en les cançons traduïdes analitzades. Plantejar la necessitat de la traducció de cançons infantils. Analitzar les traduccions existents de l’anglès al català del repertori de cançons infantils que es canten a les corals infantils. Relacionar poesia infantil i cançó. Visualitzar l’ús de la cançó infantil per a l’ensenyament dels infants, tant pel que fa a la transmissió de valors com per a l’ensenyament de llengües. La metodologia utilitzada fa referència a dos aspectes. El mètode qualitatiu amb la lectura d’articles i la bibliografia seleccionada i el mètode quantitatiu amb l’anàlisi de tres entrevistes i vint-i-una enquestes a responsables de corals infantils. En aquest estudi ofereixo l’estat de la qüestió sobre la traducció de cançons, amb especial atenció a la traducció de cançons per ser cantades. Després s’aborda la traducció de cançons infantils per ser cantades, per acabar especificant el tema d’aquest treball d’investigació en concret: la traducció de cançons infantils per ser cantades, amb l’estudi de traduccions de l’anglès al català de cançons cantades per corals infantils de Catalunya, i se n’ubica el context: el moviment coral infantil a Catalunya. Per a la confecció d’aquest estudi s’ha fet un recull de vint-i-set cançons traduïdes (anglès-català) que canten les corals infantils de Catalunya aplegades en el Secretariat de Corals Infantils de Catalunya (SCIC). Se n’ha seleccionat les cançons traduïdes de l’anglès al català, incloent-hi la partitura, la lletra original i la traducció. Aquest recull permet establir un lligam entre la traducció, la música i la pedagogia musical a Catalunya, els tres eixos principals d’aquest treball. D’aquestes cançons se n’han analitzat tres seguint els criteris establerts per autors com Peter Low, per la seva àmplia experiència en la traducció de música vocal. Els criteris són referents al ritme, rima, cantabilitat, naturalitat i sentit. Per tal de fer aquest estudi es van portar a terme tres entrevistes a traductors de cançons infantils: Enriqueta Anglada, Maria Martorell i Josep Vigo. Per valorar l’ús de cançons traduïdes dins del moviment coral infantil en l’actualitat i de manera més global, el treball inclou una enquesta, adreçada a directors de cors infantils, resposta per 21 cors. Aquestes enquestes palesen els canvis produïts amb el temps respecte a la necessitat de traduir cançons, ja que actualment la traducció no és tant important tot i que es continua valorant la seva importància, sobretot per afavorir la comprensió del que es canta. Però alhora es referma el desig de cantar en l’idioma original (especialment en el cas de l’anglès), quan aquest idioma l’entén qui dirigeix o interpreta la cançó, quan aquest fet es veu com a repte, o quan es prioritza la relació original entre música i text.
BackgroundThe importance of hybridisation during species diversification has long been debated among evolutionary biologists. It is increasingly recognised that hybridisation events occurred during the evolutionary history of numerous species, especially during the early stages of adaptive radiation. We study the effect of hybridisation on diversification in the clownfishes, a clade of coral reef fish that diversified through an adaptive radiation process. While two species of clownfish are likely to have been described from hybrid specimens, the occurrence and effect of hybridisation on the clade diversification is yet unknown.ResultsWe generate sequences of three mitochondrial genes to complete an existing dataset of nuclear sequences and document cytonuclear discordance at a node, which shows a drastic increase of diversification rate. Then, using a tree-based jack-knife method, we identify clownfish species likely stemming from hybridisation events. Finally, we use molecular cloning and identify the putative parental species of four clownfish specimens that display the morphological characteristics of hybrids.ConclusionsOur results show that consistently with the syngameon hypothesis, hybridisation events are linked with a burst of diversification in the clownfishes. Moreover, several recently diverged clownfish lineages likely originated through hybridisation, which indicates that diversification, catalysed by hybridisation events, may still be happening.
Detecting changes between images of the same scene taken at different times is of great interest for monitoring and understanding the environment. It is widely used for on-land application but suffers from different constraints. Unfortunately, Change detection algorithms require highly accurate geometric and photometric registration. This requirement has precluded their use in underwater imagery in the past. In this paper, the change detection techniques available nowadays for on-land application were analyzed and a method to automatically detect the changes in sequences of underwater images is proposed. Target application scenarios are habitat restoration sites, or area monitoring after sudden impacts from hurricanes or ship groundings. The method is based on the creation of a 3D terrain model from one image sequence over an area of interest. This model allows for synthesizing textured views that correspond to the same viewpoints of a second image sequence. The generated views are photometrically matched and corrected against the corresponding frames from the second sequence. Standard change detection techniques are then applied to find areas of difference. Additionally, the paper shows that it is possible to detect false positives, resulting from non-rigid objects, by applying the same change detection method to the first sequence exclusively. The developed method was able to correctly find the changes between two challenging sequences of images from a coral reef taken one year apart and acquired with two different cameras
Publicado en la página web de la Consejería de Igualdad, Salud y Políticas Sociales: www.juntadeandalucia.es/salud (Consejería de Salud / Profesionales / Nuestro Compromiso por la Calidad / Procesos Asistenciales Integrados)
La voluntat d’aquest treball és crear un inventari del patrimoni ferroviari que hi ha al voltant de la Via Verda Sant Feliu de Guíxols – Girona i a continuació, donar-hi un ús pràctic proposant una nova ruta on apareguin els recursos que s’hauran inventariat en un principi
Aquest projecte es basa en la necessitat d’un grup d’entitats culturals de Blanes de tenir un software de gestió integral d’entitats que faciliti el seu funcionament diari. Siguin un esbart, una colla castellera o una coral, generen unes dades molt semblants que permeten dissenyar unes eines genèriques que totes elles poden utilitzar. El software desenvolupat permetrà gestionar les següents dades: socis, actuacions, repertori, participants i galeries d’imatges
AimThe study of adaptive radiations provides an evolutionary perspective on the interactions between organisms and their environment, and is necessary to understand global biodiversity. Adaptive radiations can sometimes be replicated over several disjunct geographical entities, but most examples are found on island or in lakes. Here, we investigated the biogeographical history of the clownfishes, a clade of coral reef fish with ranges that now span most of the Indo-Pacific Ocean, in order to explore the geographical structure of an unusual adaptive radiation. LocationIndian Ocean, Indo-Australian Archipelago (IAA) and Central Pacific Ocean. MethodsWe generated DNA sequence data comprising seven nuclear markers for 27 of the 30 clownfish species. We then inferred a Bayesian phylogeny and reconstructed the biogeographical history of the group using three different methods. Finally, we applied a biogeographical model of diversification to assess whether diversification patterns differ between the Indian and Pacific Oceans. ResultsThe phylogenetic tree is highly supported and allows reconstruction of the biogeographical history of the clade. While most species arose in the IAA, one clade colonized the eastern shores of Africa and diversified there. We found that the diversification rate of clownfishes does not differ between the main radiation and the African clade. Main conclusionsThe clownfishes first appeared and diversified in the IAA. Following a colonization event, a geographically independent radiation occurred in the Indian Ocean off East Africa. This rare example of replicated adaptive radiation in the marine realm provides intriguing possibilities for further research on ecological speciation in the sea.
Estudi de la distribució del pteridòfit invasor Azolla filiculoides al tram mitjà-baix del riu Ter, entre El Pasteral i la seva desembocadura, anàlisi dels factors ambientals que afecten el seu creixement i descripció del cicle biològic. Es proposen diverses pautes per a la seva gestió
BACKGROUND: CODIS-STRs in Native Mexican groups have rarely been analysed for human identification and anthropological purposes. AIM:To analyse the genetic relationships and population structure among three Native Mexican groups from Mesoamerica.SUBJECTS AND METHODS: 531 unrelated Native individuals from Mexico were PCR-typed for 15 and 9 autosomal STRs (Identifiler™ and Profiler™ kits, respectively), including five population samples: Purépechas (Mountain, Valley and Lake), Triquis and Yucatec Mayas. Previously published STR data were included in the analyses. RESULTS:Allele frequencies and statistical parameters of forensic importance were estimated by population. The majority of Native groups were not differentiated pairwise, excepting Triquis and Purépechas, which was attributable to their relative geographic and cultural isolation. Although Mayas, Triquis and Purépechas-Mountain presented the highest number of private alleles, suggesting recurrent gene flow, the elevated differentiation of Triquis indicates a different origin of this gene flow. Interestingly, Huastecos and Mayas were not differentiated, which is in agreement with the archaeological hypothesis that Huastecos represent an ancestral Maya group. Interpopulation variability was greater in Natives than in Mestizos, both significant.CONCLUSION: Although results suggest that European admixture has increased the similarity between Native Mexican groups, the differentiation and inconsistent clustering by language or geography stresses the importance of serial founder effect and/or genetic drift in showing their present genetic relationships.
The rate of environmental niche evolution describes the capability of species to explore the available environmental space and is known to vary among species owing to lineage-specific factors. Trophic specialization is a main force driving species evolution and is responsible for classical examples of adaptive radiations in fishes. We investigate the effect of trophic specialization on the rate of environmental niche evolution in the damselfish, Pomacentridae, which is an important family of tropical reef fishes. First, phylogenetic niche conservatism is not detected in the family using a standard test of phylogenetic signal, and we demonstrate that the environmental niches of damselfishes that differ in trophic specialization are not equivalent while they still overlap at their mean values. Second, we estimate the relative rates of niche evolution on the phylogenetic tree and show the heterogeneity among rates of environmental niche evolution of the three trophic groups. We suggest that behavioural characteristics related to trophic specialization can constrain the evolution of the environmental niche and lead to conserved niches in specialist lineages. Our results show the extent of influence of several traits on the evolution of the environmental niche and shed new light on the evolution of damselfishes, which is a key lineage in current efforts to conserve biodiversity in coral reefs.
Trait decoupling, wherein evolutionary release of constraints permits specialization of formerly integrated structures, represents a major conceptual framework for interpreting patterns of organismal diversity. However, few empirical tests of this hypothesis exist. A central prediction, that the tempo of morphological evolution and ecological diversification should increase following decoupling events, remains inadequately tested. In damselfishes (Pomacentridae), a ceratomandibular ligament links the hyoid bar and lower jaws, coupling two main morphofunctional units directly involved in both feeding and sound production. Here, we test the decoupling hypothesis by examining the evolutionary consequences of the loss of the ceratomandibular ligament in multiple damselfish lineages. As predicted, we find that rates of morphological evolution of trophic structures increased following the loss of the ligament. However, this increase in evolutionary rate is not associated with an increase in trophic breadth, but rather with morphofunctional specialization for the capture of zooplanktonic prey. Lineages lacking the ceratomandibular ligament also shows different acoustic signals (i.e. higher variation of pulse periods) from others, resulting in an increase of the acoustic diversity across the family. Our results support the idea that trait decoupling can increase morphological and behavioural diversity through increased specialization rather than the generation of novel ecotypes.
Tanto el Convenio Europeo relativo a los Derechos Humanos y la Biomedicina, como la Ley 41/2002 del 14 de noviembre, recogenlas ideas centrales de la teoría del consentimiento informado: el consentimiento como reflejo y ejercicio básico de la autonomía del paciente y la información como requisito indispensable para ese ejercicio. Al consentimiento informado en endoscopia se refiere Benigno Acea, cirujano y miembro del Comité de Ética Asistencial del Complejo Hospitalario Universitario de A Coruña envarios artículos. En ellos defiende la tesis de que el endoscopista está ética y legalmente obligado a informar al paciente y a recabar su consentimiento informado por escrito y que, por tanto, es necesario organizar en los centros sanitarios una consulta previa a la realización de la endoscopia similar a la instaurada para la anestesia. Se trata aquí de analizar esta propuesta al hilo de la clara distinción que la Ley 41/2002 establece entre el derecho de información sanitaria, que regula en el capítulo II, y el derecho al consentimientoinformado, que regula en el capítulo IV bajo el epígrafe del respeto a la autonomía delpaciente, similar a la instaurada para la anestesia. Se trata aquí de analizar esta propuesta al hilo de la clara distinción que la Ley 41/2002 establece entre el derecho de información sanitaria, que regula en el capítulo II, y el derecho al consentimientoinformado, que regula en el capítuloIV bajo el epígrafe del respeto a la autonomía del paciente.
Aquest projecte s'emmarca dins l'estudi i aplicació de la creativitat i la cultura mitjançant la difusió musical als àmbits de la divulgació i a l'articulació de programes de concert per part de possibles entitats que poguessin estar interessades en aprofundir i difondre al públic en general, els repertoris, autors i estils de la música coral que han estat a cavall d'ambdós territoris: Catalunya i França, al llarg de la història.