944 resultados para Contrastive linguistics


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A máquina-ferramenta representa uma fase da gramatização, o alfabeto, a imprensa, o cinema e hoje a Internet, representam outras tantas fases da gramatização. A missão é um objecto mediológico. A catequese, a evangelização são igualmente máquinas de gramatização. Analisa-se aqui esse processo através da análise de um documento inédito e de várias outras referências à missão enquanto mecanismo de conversão e empresa de salvação.


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O projeto que se apresenta tem por finalidade investigar processos de aperfeiçoamento da competência de escrita do texto argumentativo de alunos do Ensino Secundário. Considerou-se as contribuições convergentes das teorias e técnicas da psicologia cognitiva e de perspetivas sociais da linguagem. Em consequência, associou-se o modelo de revisão de Hayes e Flower (1983; 1980), e de Hayes, Flower, Schriver, Stratman e Carey (1987), ao modelo de análise do discurso de Bronckart (2004; 1996) e à proposta linguística de Adam (2006; 1992). A hipótese que sustenta a investigação é que a consciência (meta)linguística pode facilitar a revisão textual e o aperfeiçoamento da competência de escrita de textos argumentativos, em contexto de Oficina de Escrita. A investigação conjugou duas fases. Na fase intensiva do estudo de caso, os alunos do 11.º ano de Português de uma Escola do Porto progrediram, através de trabalho continuado em Oficina de Escrita. Após a experiência, mesmo alunos com dificuldades revelaram domínio de metalinguagem, mais consciência (meta)linguística na revisão e autorregulação da sua aprendizagem. Na fase extensiva, foi aplicado um inquérito por questionário a uma amostra probabilística de professores do Secundário, igualmente do Porto. Os docentes valorizaram os aspetos supracitados, bem como a leitura de textos argumentativos e o treino do conhecimento explícito da língua. Contudo, em triangulação, as respostas indiciam um ensino centrado no professor, pouco aberto a projetos de escrita, a novas tecnologias e à divulgação de textos à Escola e ao meio. Os resultados indicam que a competência de escrita de textos argumentativos é passível de aperfeiçoamento em Oficina de Escrita, através de interiorização do género textual e aprofundamento da competência (meta)linguística. No contexto do estudo, comprova-se a influência de um treino de escrita inserido em Projetos de Escola, tendo o aluno como sujeito da sua própria aprendizagem, em interação com o meio.


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Linguistic study of the placement of 'esse' and the unstressed personal pronoun in the Roman Republican inscriptions.


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It has been suggested that higher in-group identifiers primed with an out-group stereotype show contrastive behavioral responses because they activate the in-group, social-self. However, priming the personal-self can lead to contrastive judgments. We investigated whether personal self-activation was also evident for higher identifiers primed with an out-group. An experiment demonstrated that higher identifiers primed with an out-group showed faster responses to self-words than higher identifiers primed with the in-group. This findings suggest that the personal-self is also activated for higher identifiers primed with an out-group, and this self-activation may underlie their contrastive responding.


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It is well known that conversationalists often imitate their own body language as a sign of closeness and empathy. This study shows that in spontaneous, unplanned conversation, speakers go as far as emulating each other's grammar. The use of a family of focusing constructions (namely, the cleft), such as it was my mother who rang the other day, or what I meant to say was that he should go Thursday, was investigated in a corpus of conversation excerpts in New Zealand English. Findings show that clefting is contagious. In other words, if one speaker uses a cleft, others will be likely to do so too.


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This article discusses issues in measuring lexical diversity, before outlining an approach based on mathematical modelling that produces a measure, D, designed to address these problems. The procedure for obtaining values for D directly from transcripts using software (vocd) is introduced, and then applied to thirty-two children from the Bristol Study of Language Development (Wells 1985) at ten different ages. A significant developmental trend is shown for D and an indication is given of the average scores and ranges to be expected between the ages of 18 and 42 months and at 5 years for these L1 English speakers. The meaning attributable to further ranges of values for D is illustrated by analysing the lexical diversity of academic writing, and its wider application is demonstrated with examples from specific language impairment, morphological development, and foreign/second language learning.


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Williams syndrome (WS) is characterized by apparent relative strengths in language, facial processing and social cognition but by profound impairment in spatial cognition, planning and problem solving. Following recent research which suggests that individuals with WS may be less linguistically able than was once thought, in this paper we begin to investigate why and how they may give the impression of linguistic proficiency despite poor standardized test results. This case study of Brendan, a 12-year-old boy with WS, who presents with a considerable lack of linguistic ability, suggests that impressions of linguistic competence may to some extent be the result of conversational strategies which enable him to compensate for various cognitive and linguistic deficits with a considerable degree of success. These conversational strengths are not predicted by his standardized language test results, and provide compelling support for the use of approaches such as Conversation Analysis in the assessment of individuals with communication impairments.


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Despite ample research into the language skills of children with specific reading disorder no studies so far have investigated whether there may be a difference between expressive and receptive language skills in this population. Yet, neuro-anatomical models would predict that children who have specific reading disorder which is not associated with movement or attention difficulties, would have lower receptive language skills than expressive. This study investigates the difference between expressive and receptive language skills in a sample of 17 children with specific reading difficulty aged between 7 and 12 years. They were administered a battery of two receptive and two expressive language measures. The results showed that as the neuro-anatomical model would predict, the children scored significantly lower on tests of receptive than on tests of expressive language skills.


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Williams syndrome (WS) is a rare genetic disorder resulting from a deletion on chromosome 7. A number of studies have shown that individuals with WS have a superior linguistic profile compared to their non-verbal abilities, however the evidence has been inconclusive, as many studies have disputed such a profile. The vast majority of studies on WS have assumed a single, homogeneous WS linguistic profile in order to support various theoretical viewpoints. The present study investigated the linguistic profiles of 5 individuals with WS on a number of standardized verbal measures and in conversational settings. The results indicated substantially variable performance in all aspects of the verbal domain, which supports the view that WS, linguistically, is a rather heterogeneous condition and this should be taken into consideration when referring to it in theoretical accounts of language acquisition and debates on modularity.


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The aim of the current study was to investigate expressive affect in children with Williams syndrome ( WS) in comparison to typically developing children in an experimental task and in spontaneous speech. Fourteen children with WS, 14 typically developing children matched to the WS group for receptive language ( LA) and 15 typically developing children matched to the WS groups for chronological age ( CA) were recruited. Affect was investigated using an experimental Output Affect task from the Profiling Elements of Prosodic Systems-Child version ( PEPS-C) battery, and by measuring pitch range and vowel durations from a spontaneous speech task. The children were also rated for level of emotional involvement by phonetically naive listeners. The WS group performed similarly to the LA and CA groups on the Output Affect task. With regard to vowel durations, the WS group was no different from the LA group; however both the WS and the LA groups were found to use significantly longer vowels than the CA group. The WS group differed significantly from both control groups on their range of pitch range and was perceived as being significantly more emotionally involved than the two control groups.


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The comparison of cognitive and linguistic skills in individuals with developmental disorders is fraught with methodological and psychometric difficulties. In this paper, we illustrate some of these issues by comparing the receptive vocabulary knowledge and non-verbal reasoning abilities of 41 children with Williams syndrome, a genetic disorder in which language abilities are often claimed to be relatively strong. Data from this group were compared with data from typically developing children, children with Down syndrome, and children with non-specific learning difficulties using a number of approaches including comparison of age-equivalent scores, matching, analysis of covariance, and regression-based standardization. Across these analyses children with Williams syndrome consistently demonstrated relatively good receptive vocabulary knowledge, although this effect appeared strongest in the oldest children.