947 resultados para Continued humor


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Estrogen (E) induction of riboflavin carrier protein (RCP) in the chicken oviduct and liver was investigated to compare and contrast the kinetics, hormonal specificity and modulation of its elaboration in the 2 steroid-responsive tissues. During primary stimulation, continued daily E administration to immature female chicks elicited, after an initial lag, rapid growth and RCP content of the oviduct; neither progesterone (P) nor testosterone (T) could substitute for E in this respect. Furthermore, P given along with E curtailed tissue growth and its RCP content, whereas E + T had a synergistic effect on tissue growth only. During secondary stimulation, E administration steeply enhanced both tissue weight and RCP content without any lag. Interestingly, P (but not T) could substitute for E in augmenting magnum RCP concentration to a comparable extent while a concomitant effect on tissue growth was less marked. In contrast, hepatic induction of RCP was absolutely E-specific during both primary and secondary stimulations. Secondary stimulation with either E or P of E-primed birds enhanced the rates of RCP synthesis in the oviduct relative to that of total protein, whereas in the liver only E was effective in this regard. The absolute rate of E-induced RCP synthesis in both the steroid-stimulated tissues was significantly higher than that of general protein elaboration.


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Effective and targeted conservation action requires detailed information about species, their distribution, systematics and ecology as well as the distribution of threat processes which affect them. Knowledge of reptilian diversity remains surprisingly disparate, and innovative means of gaining rapid insight into the status of reptiles are needed in order to highlight urgent conservation cases and inform environmental policy with appropriate biodiversity information in a timely manner. We present the first ever global analysis of extinction risk in reptiles, based on a random representative sample of 1500 species (16% of all currently known species). To our knowledge, our results provide the first analysis of the global conservation status and distribution patterns of reptiles and the threats affecting them, highlighting conservation priorities and knowledge gaps which need to be addressed urgently to ensure the continued survival of the world’s reptiles. Nearly one in five reptilian species are threatened with extinction, with another one in five species classed as Data Deficient. The proportion of threatened reptile species is highest in freshwater environments, tropical regions and on oceanic islands, while data deficiency was highest in tropical areas, such as Central Africa and Southeast Asia, and among fossorial reptiles. Our results emphasise the need for research attention to be focussed on tropical areas which are experiencing the most dramatic rates of habitat loss, on fossorial reptiles for which there is a chronic lack of data, and on certain taxa such as snakes for which extinction risk may currently be underestimated due to lack of population information. Conservation actions specifically need to mitigate the effects of human-induced habitat loss and harvesting, which are the predominant threats to reptiles.


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Viruksien käyttö tuotekehityksen ja tutkimuksen vaatimien proteiinien tuottamiseen, syötävien rokotteiden kehittämiseen ja geeniterapiaan edustavat kasvavia biotekniikan sovellusalueita. Perunan A-virus (PVA) kuuluu potyviruksiin, joiden proteiinit tuotetaan aluksi yhtenä suurena molekyylinä, joka pilkotaan yksittäisiksi proteiineiksi viruksen itsensä tuottamilla entsyymeillä. Siten virusgenomiin lisätty vieras geeni käännetään proteiiniksi virusproteiinien mukana. Lopputuloksena kaikkia proteiineja tuotetaan kasvisoluissa samansuuruinen määrä. Lisäksi, viruksen proteiinikuoren koontimekanismi sallii perintöaineksen merkittävän lisäyksen ilman että viruksen tartutuskyky merkittävästi heikkenee. Koska virus monistuu ja leviää koko kasviin, jo melko pieni määrä kasveja riittää huomattavan proteiinimäärän tuottamiseen esimerkiksi säännösten mukaisessa kasvihuoneessa. Tämän työn tarkoituksena oli muuntaa PVA:n genomia siten, että virus soveltuisi yhden vieraan proteiinin tai useiden erilaisten proteiinien samanaikaiseen tuottamiseen kasveissa. Aluksi kokeiltiin viruksen replikaasia ja kuoriproteiinia koodaavien genomialueiden välistä kohtaa ja ihmisestä peräisi olevaa geeniä, joka tuotti S-COMT-entsyymiä (katekoli-O-metyylitransferaasi). Sen aktiivisuuden rajoittaminen auttaa Parkinsonintaudin hoidossa. Kasvissa tuotettua S-COMT:ia voitaisiin käyttää lääkekehityksessä estolääkkeiden testaukseen. Kahden viikon kuluttua tartutuksesta tupakan lehdissä oli entsymaattisesti aktiivista S-COMT:ia n. 1 % lehden liukoisista proteiineista. PVA:n P1-proteiinia koodaavalta alueelta oli paikannettu kohta, johon ehkä voitaisiin siirtää vieras geeni. Asia varmistettiin siirtämällä tähän kohtaan meduusan geeni, joka tuottaa UV-valossa vihreänä fluoresoivaa proteiinia (GFP). GFP-geeniä kantava PVA levisi kasvissa ja lisääntyi n. 30-50 %:iin viruksen normaalista pitoisuudesta. Koko kasvi fluoresoi vihreänä UV-valossa. Vieras geeni voidaan sijoittaa myös potyviruksen P1- ja HCpro-proteiineja koodaavien alueiden väliin. Samaan PVA-genomiin siirrettiin kolme geeniä, yksi kuhunkin kolmesta kloonauskohdasta: GFP-geeni P1:n sisälle, merivuokon lusiferaasigeeni P1/HCpro-kohtaan ja bakteerin beta-glukuronidaasigeeni (GUS) replikaasi/kuoriproteiini-kohtaan. Virusgenomin ja itse viruksen pituudet kasvoivat 38 %, mutta virus säilytti tartutuskykynsä. Se levisi kasveissa saavuttaen n. 15 % viruksen normaalista pitoisuudesta. Kaikki kolme vierasta proteiinia esiintyivät lehdissä aktiivisina.


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Since the late 1990s, the International Contact Lens Prescribing Survey Consortium has prospectively gathered information about 285,000 contact lens fits from more than 50 countries. This article presents our 14th annual summary of current trends published in Contact Lens Spectrum. With only minor differences in the distribution of our surveys among markets, we have continued to adopt the same approach throughout the past 18 years. Through national coordinators, we approach contact lens prescribers in each country and ask them to record information about the first 10 patients whom they fit with contact lenses after receipt of our survey form. The information collected is generic, and respondents are weighted to reflect the volume of contact lens fits undertaken by each. For this 2014 report, we present information about 25,179 contact lens fits from 32 countries...


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Purpose The aim of this study was to determine alterations to the corneal subbasal nerve plexus (SNP) over four years using in vivo corneal confocal microscopy (IVCM) in participants with type 1 diabetes and to identify significant risk factors associated with these alterations. Methods A cohort of 108 individuals with type 1 diabetes and no evidence of peripheral neuropathy at enrollment underwent laser-scanning IVCM, ocular screening, and health and metabolic assessment at baseline and the examinations continued for four subsequent annual visits. At each annual visit, eight central corneal images of the SNP were selected and analyzed to quantify corneal nerve fiber density (CNFD), branch density (CNBD) and fiber length (CNFL). Linear mixed model approaches were fitted to examine the relationship between risk factors and corneal nerve parameters. Results A total of 96 participants completed the final visit and 91 participants completed all visits. No significant relationships were found between corneal nerve parameters and time, sex, duration of diabetes, smoking, alcohol consumption, blood pressure or BMI. However, CNFD was negatively associated with HbA1c (β=-0.76, P<0.01) and age (β=-0.13, P<0.01) and positively related to high density lipids (HDL) (β=2.01, P=0.03). Higher HbA1c (β=-1.58, P=0.04) and age (β=-0.23, P<0.01) also negatively impacted CNBD. CNFL was only affected by higher age (β=-0.06, P<0.01). Conclusions Glycemic control, HDL and age have significant effects on SNP structure. These findings highlight the importance of diabetic management to prevent corneal nerve damage as well as the capability of IVCM for monitoring subclinical alterations in the corneal SNP in diabetes.


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In the northern grain and cotton region of Australia, poor crop growth after long periods of fallow, called 'long-fallow' disorder, is caused by a decline of natural arbuscular-mycorrhizal fungi (AMF). When cotton was grown in large pots containing 22 kg of Vertisol from a field recently harvested from cotton in Central Queensland, plants in pasteurised soil were extremely stunted compared with plants in unpasteurised soil. We tested the hypothesis that this extreme stunting was caused by the absence of AMF and examined whether such stunted plants could recover from subsequent treatment with AMF spores and/or P fertiliser. At 42 days after sowing, the healthy cotton growing in unpasteurised soil had 48% of its root-length colonised with AMF, whereas the stunted cotton had none. After inoculation with AMF spores (6 spores/g soil of Glomus mosseae) and/or application of P fertiliser (50 mg P/kg soil) at 45 days after sowing, the stunted plants commenced to improve about 25 days after treatment, and continued until their total dry matter and seed cotton production equalled that of plants growing in unpasteurised soil with natural AMF. In contrast, non-mycorrhizal cotton grown without P fertiliser remained stunted throughout and produced no bolls and only 1% of the biomass of mycorrhizal cotton. Even with the addition of P fertiliser, non-mycorrhizal cotton produced only 64% of the biomass and 58% of the seed cotton (lint + seed) of mycorrhizal cotton plants. These results show that cotton is highly dependent on AMF for P nutrition and growth in Vertisol (even with high rates of P fertiliser), but can recover from complete lack of AMF and consequent stunting during at least the first 45 days of growth when treated with AMF spores and/or P fertiliser. This corroborates field observations in the northern region that cotton may recover from long-fallow disorder caused by low initial levels of AMF propagules in the soil as the AMF colonisation of its roots increases during the growing season.


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Phosphine is the only economically viable fumigant for routine control of insect pests of stored food products, but its continued use is now threatened by the world-wide emergence of high-level resistance in key pest species. Phosphine has a unique mode of action relative to well-characterised contact pesticides. Similarly, the selective pressures that lead to resistance against field sprays differ dramatically from those encountered during fumigation. The consequences of these differences have not been investigated adequately. We determine the genetic basis of phosphine resistance in Rhyzopertha dominica strains collected from New South Wales and South Australia and compare this with resistance in a previously characterised strain from Queensland. The resistance levels range from 225 and 100 times the baseline response of a sensitive reference strain. Moreover, molecular and phenotypic data indicate that high-level resistance was derived independently in each of the three widely separated geographical regions. Despite the independent origins, resistance was due to two interacting genes in each instance. Furthermore, complementation analysis reveals that all three strains contain an incompletely recessive resistance allele of the autosomal rph1 resistance gene. This is particularly noteworthy as a resistance allele at rph1 was previously proposed to be a necessary first step in the evolution of high-level resistance. Despite the capacity of phosphine to disrupt a wide range of enzymes and biological processes, it is remarkable that the initial step in the selection of resistance is so similar in isolated outbreaks.


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An understanding of processes regulating wheat floret and grain number at higher temperatures is required to better exploit genetic variation. In this study we tested the hypothesis that at higher temperatures, a reduction in floret fertility is associated with a decrease in soluble sugars and this response is exacerbated in genotypes low in water soluble carbohydrates (WSC). Four recombinant inbred lines contrasting for stem WSC were grown at 20/10 degrees C and 11 h photoperiod until terminal spikelet, and then continued in a factorial combination of 20/10 degrees C or 28/14 degrees C with 11 h or 16 h photoperiod until anthesis. Across environments, High WSC lines had more grains per spike associated with more florets per spike. The number of fertile florets was associated with spike biomass at booting and, by extension, with glucose amount, both higher in High WSC lines. At booting, High WSC lines had higher fixed C-13 and higher levels of expression of genes involved in photosynthesis and sucrose transport and lower in sucrose degradation compared with Low WSC lines. At higher temperature, the intrinsic rate of floret development rate before booting was slower in High WSC lines. Grain set declined with the intrinsic rate of floret development before booting, with an advantage for High WSC lines at 28/14 degrees C and 16 h. Genotypic and environmental action on floret fertility and grain set was summarised in a model.


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Measures of transit accessibility are important in evaluating transit services, planning for future services and investment on land use development. Existing tools measure transit accessibility using averaged walking distance or walking time to public transit. Although the mode captivity may have significant implications on one’s willingness to walk to use public transit, this has not been addressed in the literature to date. Failed to distinguish transit captive users may lead to overestimated ridership and spatial coverage of transit services. The aim of this research is to integrate the concept of transit captivity into the analysis of walking access to public transit. The conventional way of defining “captive” and “choice” transit users showed no significant difference in their walking times according to a preliminary analysis. A cluster analysis technique is used to further divide “choice” users by three main factors, namely age group, labour force status and personal income. After eliminating “true captive” users, defined as those without driver’s licence or without a car in respective household, “non-true captive” users were classified into a total of eight groups having similar socio-economic characteristics. The analysis revealed significant differences in the walking times and patterns by their level of captivity to public transit. This paper challenges the rule-of-thumb of 400m walking distance to bus stops. In average, people’s willingness to walk dropped drastically at 268m and continued to drop constantly until it reached the mark of 670m, where there was another drastic drop of 17%, which left with only 10% of the total bus riders willing to walk 670m or more. This research found that mothers working part time were the ones with lowest transit captivity and thus most sensitive to the walking time, followed by high-income earners and the elderly. The level of captivity increases when public transit users earned lesser income, such as students and students working part time.


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The adequacy and efficiency of existing legal and regulatory frameworks dealing with corporate phoenix activity have been repeatedly called into question over the past two decades through various reviews, inquiries, targeted regulatory operations and the implementation of piecemeal legislative reform. Despite these efforts, phoenix activity does not appear to have abated. While there is no law in Australia that declares ‘phoenix activity’ to be illegal, the behaviour that tends to manifest in phoenix activity can be capable of transgressing a vast array of law, including for example, corporate law, tax law, and employment law. This paper explores the notion that the persistence of phoenix activity despite the sheer extent of this law suggests that the law is not acting as powerfully as it might as a deterrent. Economic theories of entrepreneurship and innovation can to some extent explain why this is the case and also offer a sound basis for the evaluation and reconsideration of the existing law. The challenges facing key regulators are significant. Phoenix activity is not limited to particular corporate demographic: it occurs in SMEs, large companies and in corporate groups. The range of behaviour that can amount to phoenix activity is so broad, that not all phoenix activity is illegal. This paper will consider regulatory approaches to these challenges via analysis of approaches to detection and enforcement of the underlying law capturing illegal phoenix activity. Remedying the mischief of phoenix activity is of practical importance. The benefits include continued confidence in our economy, law that inspires best practice among directors, and law that is articulated in a manner such that penalties act as a sufficient deterrent and the regulatory system is able to detect offenders and bring them to account. Any further reforms must accommodate and tolerate legal phoenix activity, at least to some extent. Even then, phoenix activity pushes tolerance of repeated entrepreneurial failure to its absolute limit. The more limited liability is misused and abused, the stronger the argument to place some restrictions on access to limited liability. This paper proposes that such an approach is a legitimate next step for a robust and mature capitalist economy.


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Dietary nitrate (NO3−) supplementation with beetroot juice (BR) over 4–6 days has been shown to reduce the O2 cost of submaximal exercise and to improve exercise tolerance. However, it is not known whether shorter (or longer) periods of supplementation have similar (or greater) effects. We therefore investigated the effects of acute and chronic NO3− supplementation on resting blood pressure (BP) and the physiological responses to moderate-intensity exercise and ramp incremental cycle exercise in eight healthy subjects. Following baseline tests, the subjects were assigned in a balanced crossover design to receive BR (0.5 l/day; 5.2 mmol of NO3−/day) and placebo (PL; 0.5 l/day low-calorie juice cordial) treatments. The exercise protocol (two moderate-intensity step tests followed by a ramp test) was repeated 2.5 h following first ingestion (0.5 liter) and after 5 and 15 days of BR and PL. Plasma nitrite concentration (baseline: 454 ± 81 nM) was significantly elevated (+39% at 2.5 h postingestion; +25% at 5 days; +46% at 15 days; P < 0.05) and systolic and diastolic BP (baseline: 127 ± 6 and 72 ± 5 mmHg, respectively) were reduced by ∼4% throughout the BR supplementation period (P < 0.05). Compared with PL, the steady-state V̇o2 during moderate exercise was reduced by ∼4% after 2.5 h and remained similarly reduced after 5 and 15 days of BR (P < 0.05). The ramp test peak power and the work rate at the gas exchange threshold (baseline: 322 ± 67 W and 89 ± 15 W, respectively) were elevated after 15 days of BR (331 ± 68 W and 105 ± 28 W; P < 0.05) but not PL (323 ± 68 W and 84 ± 18 W). These results indicate that dietary NO3− supplementation acutely reduces BP and the O2 cost of submaximal exercise and that these effects are maintained for at least 15 days if supplementation is continued.


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Glyphosate resistance is a rapidly developing threat to profitability in Australian cotton farming. Resistance causes an immediate reduction in the effectiveness of in-crop weed control in glyphosate-resistant transgenic cotton and summer fallows. Although strategies for delaying glyphosate resistance and those for managing resistant populations are qualitatively similar, the longer resistance can be delayed, the longer cotton growers will have choice over which tactics to apply and when to apply them. Effective strategies to avoid, delay, and manage resistance are thus of substantial value. We used a model of glyphosate resistance dynamics to perform simulations of resistance evolution in Sonchus oleraceus (common sowthistle) and Echinochloa colona (awnless barnyard grass) under a range of resistance prevention, delaying, and management strategies. From these simulations, we identified several elements that could contribute to effective glyphosate resistance prevention and management strategies. (i) Controlling glyphosate survivors is the most robust approach to delaying or preventing resistance. High-efficacy, high-frequency survivor control almost doubled the useful lifespan of glyphosate from 13 to 25 years even with glyphosate alone used in summer fallows. (ii) Two non-glyphosate tactics in-crop plus two in-summer fallows is the minimum intervention required for long-term delays in resistance evolution. (iii) Pre-emergence herbicides are important, but should be backed up with non-glyphosate knockdowns and strategic tillage; replacing a late-season, pre-emergence herbicide with inter-row tillage was predicted to delay glyphosate resistance by 4 years in awnless barnyard grass. (iv) Weed species' ecological characteristics, particularly seed bank dynamics, have an impact on the effectiveness of resistance strategies; S. oleraceus, because of its propensity to emerge year-round, was less exposed to selection with glyphosate than E. colona, resulting in an extra 5 years of glyphosate usefulness (18 v. 13 years) even in the most rapid cases of resistance evolution. Delaying tactics are thus available that can provide some or many years of continued glyphosate efficacy. If glyphosate-resistant cotton cropping is to remain profitable in Australian farming systems in the long-term, however, growers must adapt to the probability that they will have to deal with summer weeds that are no longer susceptible to glyphosate. Robust resistance management systems will need to include a diversity of weed control options, used appropriately.


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The material forms only one part of Marianne Lieberman's memoirs. It covers her time in Vienna and Maribor, Slovenia, between the years of 1939 and 1942, with individual chapter headings. Marianne Lieberman remembers her rigid father who would not see her creative talent. She describes early recollections from school, right after the Anschluss in 1938. Her father, being Jewish, had to flee Austria immediately, Marianne Lieberman and her mother went to Slovenia where they stayed with an aunt in 1939. She describes her problems of being baptized. She believed her mother went back to Vienna in 1941, that is why she headed in the same direction. Her first stop was in Graz at a relative's house. Back in Vienna, she was considered a "Mischling" and therefore in danger.


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Irene Runge wrote 14 books so far. This one was written for the occasion of her 63rd birthday - instead of a speech, it was printed and delivered to 63 of her friends. The book is a memoir, and jumps back and forth in time. It consists mostly of personal memories and anecdotes, but there is also an essay-style to it, with very reflective passages and analyses. It is divided into many chapters, which also resemble diary entries. Irene Runge is a member of the "second generation". She was born in the New York exile, but her parents moved back to Germany after the war, during a climate in the USA, which made it very difficult for sympathisers with the communist party. Her memories give rich insight into the life as an emigrant in New York, but also as re-emigrant in Germany. She writes about the their disappointments with the evolving German Democratic Republic (GDR), Eastern Germany, experiences, which repeated again in 1989/1990, when the reunification with West Germany took place. The year 1989 had practical consequences for her private life--she lost her job at the university, because her past seemed not compatible. She discusses the PDS, the party which evolved from the communist party of Eastern Germany, Berlin after the "Wende" (reunification), and life in Berlin after the reunification. At one point she asks whether the current Turkish-Muslim community in Berlin could be comparable to the living conditions of the Jewish community in the 1930. This is a rare memoir documenting many recent aspects of German-speaking Jewry.


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In Australia, plantation forests have increased in area by around 50% in the last 10 years. While this expansion has seen a modest 8% increase for softwoods, hardwood plantations have dramatically increased by over 150%. Hardwood plantations grown for high quality sawn timber are slow to mature, with a crop rotation time potentially reaching 35 years. With this long lead-time, each year the risk from fire, pests and adverse weather events dramatically increases, while not translating into substantially higher financial returns to the grower. To justify continued expansion of Australia's current hardwood plantation estate, it is becoming necessary to develop higher value end-uses for both pulpwood and smaller 'sawlog' resources. The use of the low commercial value stems currently culled during thinning appears to be a necessary option to improve the industry profitability and win new markets. This paper provides background information on Australian forests and plantations and gives an overview of potential uses of Australian hardwood plantation thinning logs, as their mechanical properties. More specifically, this paper reports on the development of structural Veneer Based Composite (VBC) products from hardwood plantation thinning logs, taking advantage of a recent technology developed to optimise the processing of this resource. The process used to manufacture a range of hollow-form veneer laminated structural products is presented and the mechanical characteristics of these products are investigated in the companion paper. The market applications and future opportunities for the proposed products are also discussed, as potential benefits to the timber industry. © RILEM 2014.