952 resultados para Congresses as Topic
The representation of morphologically complex words in the mental lexicon and their neurocognitive processing has been a vigorously debated topic in psycholinguistics and the cognitive neuroscience of language. This thesis investigates the effect of stimulus modality on morphological processing, the spatiotemporal dynamics of the neural processing of inflected (e.g., work+ed ) and derived (e.g., work+er ) words and their interaction, using the Finnish language. Overall, the results suggest that the constituent morphemes of isolated written and spoken inflected words are accessed separately, whereas spoken derived words activate both their full form and the constituent morphemes. The processing of both spoken and written inflected words elicited larger N400 responses than monomorphemic words (Study I), whereas the responses to spoken derived words did not differ from those to monomorphemic words (Study IV). Spoken inflected words elicited a larger left-lateralized negativity and greater source strengths in the left temporal cortices than derived words (Study IV). Thus, the results suggest different cortical processing for derived and inflected words. Moreover, the neural mechanisms underlying inflection and derivation seem to be not only different, but also independent as indexed by the linear summation of the responses to derived and inflected stimuli in a combined (derivation+inflection) condition (Study III). Furthermore, the processing of meaningless, spoken derived pseudowords was more difficult than for existing derived words, indexed by a larger N400-type effect for the pseudowords. However, no differences were observed between meaningful derived pseudowords and existing derived words (Study II). The results of Study II suggest that semantic compatibility between morphemes seems to have a crucial role in a successful morphological analysis. As a methodological note, time-locking the auditory event-related potentials/fields (ERP/ERF) to the suffix onset revealed the processes related to morphological analysis more precisely (Studies II and IV), which also enables comparison of the neural processes in different modalities (Study I).
Periglacial processes act on cold, non-glacial regions where the landscape deveploment is mainly controlled by frost activity. Circa 25 percent of Earth's surface can be considered as periglacial. Geographical Information System combined with advanced statistical modeling methods, provides an efficient tool and new theoretical perspective for study of cold environments. The aim of this study was to: 1) model and predict the abundance of periglacial phenomena in subarctic environment with statistical modeling, 2) investigate the most import factors affecting the occurence of these phenomena with hierarchical partitioning, 3) compare two widely used statistical modeling methods: Generalized Linear Models and Generalized Additive Models, 4) study modeling resolution's effect on prediction and 5) study how spatially continous prediction can be obtained from point data. The observational data of this study consist of 369 points that were collected during the summers of 2009 and 2010 at the study area in Kilpisjärvi northern Lapland. The periglacial phenomena of interest were cryoturbations, slope processes, weathering, deflation, nivation and fluvial processes. The features were modeled using Generalized Linear Models (GLM) and Generalized Additive Models (GAM) based on Poisson-errors. The abundance of periglacial features were predicted based on these models to a spatial grid with a resolution of one hectare. The most important environmental factors were examined with hierarchical partitioning. The effect of modeling resolution was investigated with in a small independent study area with a spatial resolution of 0,01 hectare. The models explained 45-70 % of the occurence of periglacial phenomena. When spatial variables were added to the models the amount of explained deviance was considerably higher, which signalled a geographical trend structure. The ability of the models to predict periglacial phenomena were assessed with independent evaluation data. Spearman's correlation varied 0,258 - 0,754 between the observed and predicted values. Based on explained deviance, and the results of hierarchical partitioning, the most important environmental variables were mean altitude, vegetation and mean slope angle. The effect of modeling resolution was clear, too coarse resolution caused a loss of information, while finer resolution brought out more localized variation. The models ability to explain and predict periglacial phenomena in the study area were mostly good and moderate respectively. Differences between modeling methods were small, although the explained deviance was higher with GLM-models than GAMs. In turn, GAMs produced more realistic spatial predictions. The single most important environmental variable controlling the occurence of periglacial phenomena was mean altitude, which had strong correlations with many other explanatory variables. The ongoing global warming will have great impact especially in cold environments on high latitudes, and for this reason, an important research topic in the near future will be the response of periglacial environments to a warming climate.
The article reports conversation analysis of a single cognitive psychotherapy session in which an interactional misalignment between the therapist and the patient emerges, culminates, and is mitigated. Through this case study, the interactional practices lead- ing to a rupture in therapeutic alliance and the practices leading to its mending are explored. In the session the therapist pursues investigative orientation in relation to the patient’s experience under discussion, whereas the patient maintains orientation to “troubles-telling.” The diverging projects of the participants amount to overt misalign- ment. Eventually, the therapist brings the relationship of the patient and herself as a topic of conversation in ways which turn the misalignment into a resource of therapeu- tic work. The microanalysis of actual interactional patterns in this single case is linked to discussions of therapeutic alliance in psychotherapeutic literature.
Multistress aging/weathering of outdoor composite polymeric insulators has been a topic of interest for power transmission research community in the last few decades. This paper deals with the long-term accelerated weathering of full-scale distribution class silicone rubber composite insulators. To evaluate the long-term synergistic effect of electric stress, temperature and UV radiation on insulators, they were subjected to accelerated weathering in a specially designed multistress-aging chamber for 30,000 h. All the insulators were subjected to the same level of electrical and thermal stresses but different UV radiation levels. Chemical, physical and electrical changes due to degradation have been assessed using various techniques. It was found that there was a monotonous reduction of the content of low molecular weight (LMW) molecules with the duration of the weathering. Further, due to oxidation and weathering there is an appreciable increase in surface roughness and atomic percentage of oxygen. There is no change in the leakage current of new and aged insulators under both wet and dry conditions at the end of the aging. The results also indicate that there is no influence of UV radiation on the silicone rubber for the durations and conditions under which the studies were made.
The problem of quantification of intelligence of humans, and of intelligent systems, has been a challenging and controversial topic. IQ tests have been traditionally used to quantify human intelligence based on results of test designed by psychologists. It is in general very difficult to quantify intelligence. In this paper the authors consider a simple question-answering (Q-A) system and use this to quantify intelligence. The authors quantify intelligence as a vector with three components. The components consist of a measure of knowledge in asking questions, effectiveness of questions asked, and correctness of deduction. The authors formalize these parameters and have conducted experiments on humans to measure these parameters
Two topical subjects related with the effect of magnetic field on electrical conduction and the metal-insulator transition are discussed. The first topic is an electronic phase transition in graphite, which is interpreted as a manifestation of a nestingtype instability inherent to a one-dimensional narrow Landau sub-band. The second topic is spin-dependent tranport in III-V based diluted magnetic semiconductors; in particular, a large negative magnetoresistance observed in the vicinity of metal-nonmetal transition.
Control surface effectiveness is an important parameter for any aeroplane. For a hypersonic aircraft, though the power required to operate the flaps is determined by low speed flying conditions, it is imperative to know the effect of flaps at hypersonic speeds. Hence, studies have been done on this topic by aerodynamicists for over 40 years. In spite of this, only a limited data is available in the literature on this subject. This paper discusses the experimental study of the effect of sweep on the aerodynamic characteristics of thin slab delta wings with flaps at hypersonic speeds. For the purpose of this investigation, a novel special thin six-component balance, which has a thickness of 4mm and can be housed inside wings with 8mm thickness, has been designed. The wings had a sweep of 76degrees, 70degrees and 65degrees, t/c of 0.053 and flaps with 12% of wing area and 12% of wing chord. Testing were done at Mach 8.2, Re number of 2.13 x 10(6) (based on chord), from alpha = -12degrees to 12degrees and flap angle of 20degrees, 30degrees and 40degrees. Separation lengths, measured from Schlieren pictures, clearly show that there is 'no appreciable' effect of sweep on them. Also, using a simple local flow field calculation, the separation has been identified to be transitional in nature. These features of separation reflect in the force data. Because of the small separation length, the flaps (inspite of their small size) were very effective in generating additional C-N, C-M and C-l, which increased with increase in flap angle. In general, the C-N, C-M and X-CP were unaffected by sweep for symmetric flap deflection at positive incidences and asymmetric flap case, For symmetric flap case at negative incidences, only C-N was not influenced by the sweep but C-M decreased and X-CP moved upstream as the sweep is decreased, The wing with lower sweep produces higher CA and lower (L/D)(max) for both symmetric and asymmetric flaps. The rolling moment and adverse yaw increased with decrease in sweep for asymmetric flap deflection. Newtonian theory is shown to be incapable of predicting the effect of sweep on C-l, C-n and on the incremental values of C-N, C-M and C-A. In conclusion, it can be said that a small flap is generally adequate for hypersonic aeroplanes provided they operate at altitudes where transitional and turbulent separation can be expected to occur. This would make the flaps effective and thus enable ample control authority.
The use of reconstructed ceramic surfaces as templates for nanopatterning has been demonstrated recently. This technique differs from the surface decoration by Au on stepped surfaces of alkali halides which has been a topic of intense research in the past. Some of the intriguing aspects related to the physical origin of the phenomena have been considered here. Based on heterogeneous nucleation of Pt vapor on wedged alumina surfaces, it has been shown that the valley sites are the preferred sites for nucleation. However, the hill sites are decorated by the particles in the present study pointing out to a different physical origin for the formation of the nanoparticles. The role of electrostatic energy reduction on the formation of such nanopatterns is discussed.
Effective feature extraction for robust speech recognition is a widely addressed topic and currently there is much effort to invoke non-stationary signal models instead of quasi-stationary signal models leading to standard features such as LPC or MFCC. Joint amplitude modulation and frequency modulation (AM-FM) is a classical non-parametric approach to non-stationary signal modeling and recently new feature sets for automatic speech recognition (ASR) have been derived based on a multi-band AM-FM representation of the signal. We consider several of these representations and compare their performances for robust speech recognition in noise, using the AURORA-2 database. We show that FEPSTRUM representation proposed is more effective than others. We also propose an improvement to FEPSTRUM based on the Teager energy operator (TEO) and show that it can selectively outperform even FEPSTRUM
In this paper we propose a novel, scalable, clustering based Ordinal Regression formulation, which is an instance of a Second Order Cone Program (SOCP) with one Second Order Cone (SOC) constraint. The main contribution of the paper is a fast algorithm, CB-OR, which solves the proposed formulation more eficiently than general purpose solvers. Another main contribution of the paper is to pose the problem of focused crawling as a large scale Ordinal Regression problem and solve using the proposed CB-OR. Focused crawling is an efficient mechanism for discovering resources of interest on the web. Posing the problem of focused crawling as an Ordinal Regression problem avoids the need for a negative class and topic hierarchy, which are the main drawbacks of the existing focused crawling methods. Experiments on large synthetic and benchmark datasets show the scalability of CB-OR. Experiments also show that the proposed focused crawler outperforms the state-of-the-art.
Introduction: Curcumin has been a front-line topic of mainstream scientific research for a variety of diseases from cancer to Alzheimer's to infectious diseases. Curcumin suppresses the type 1 immune response, which might lead to alleviation of type 1 immune response disorders. However, the inhibition of type 1 immune response might invite infections with opportunistic pathogens. Considering its low bioavailability, several curcumin derivatives have been designed to improve its functionality. Areas covered: This is a consolidated review which aims to compare and contrast diverse aspects of curcumin in variety of diseases. The intricate underlying mechanisms and the functional determinants of curcumin are discussed. Expert opinion: Curcumin being considered as a spicy panacea, is not a remedy for all diseases. However, its ability to act differentially as an antioxidant or pro-oxidant akin to that of a double-edged sword/friend turning foe can be either beneficial or harmful for the host. It exhibits antioxidant properties at concentrations achievable in the body, making the host vulnerable to infections due to the suppression of innate immune responses. With the increase in knowledge of its functional groups, production of analogues of curcumin is underway to enhance its bioavailability and hence its therapeutic potency.
An interesting topic for quite some time is an intermediate phase observed in chalcogenide glasses, which is related to network connectivity and rigidity. This phenomenon is exhibited by Si-Te-In glasses also. It has been addressed here by carrying out detailed thermal investigations by using Alternating Differential Scanning Calorimetry technique. An effort has also been made to determine the stability of these glasses using the data obtained from different thermodynamic quantities and crystallization kinetics of these glasses. Electrical switching behavior by recording I-V characteristics and variation of switching voltages with indium composition have been studied in these glasses for phase change memory applications. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The magnitude and volume of transportation of petroleum products (both crude and finished products) has necessitated constructing dedicated pipelines from the refineries to the various consumer centers. The present status and scenario of pipeline transportation has been briefly described. Published literatures covering geotechnical engineering aspects, especially corrosion studies for pipelines are scanty. Available literature has been summarized. Main topic includes soil resistivity survey, classification based on resistivity and various parameters of chemical analysis. Detailed analysis has been carried out from the data generated through field investigation and laboratory tests on soil samples obtained from different locations along the two selected pipeline route where they are to be constructed. Typical data has been analysed for aggressivity. Summary of aggressivity analysis has been presented for the two field cases and modification has been suggested for existing practice.
Wave propagation in graphene sheet embedded in elastic medium (polymer matrix) has been a topic of great interest in nanomechanics of graphene sheets, where the equivalent continuum models are widely used. In this manuscript, we examined this issue by incorporating the nonlocal theory into the classical plate model. The influence of the nonlocal scale effects has been investigated in detail. The results are qualitatively different from those obtained based on the local/classical plate theory and thus, are important for the development of monolayer graphene-based nanodevices. In the present work, the graphene sheet is modeled as an isotropic plate of one-atom thick. The chemical bonds are assumed to be formed between the graphene sheet and the elastic medium. The polymer matrix is described by a Pasternak foundation model, which accounts for both normal pressure and the transverse shear deformation of the surrounding elastic medium. When the shear effects are neglected, the model reduces to Winkler foundation model. The normal pressure or Winkler elastic foundation parameter is approximated as a series of closely spaced, mutually independent, vertical linear elastic springs where the foundation modulus is assumed equivalent to stiffness of the springs. For this model, the nonlocal governing differential equations of motion are derived from the minimization of the total potential energy of the entire system. An ultrasonic type of flexural wave propagation model is also derived and the results of the wave dispersion analysis are shown for both local and nonlocal elasticity calculations. From this analysis we show that the elastic matrix highly affects the flexural wave mode and it rapidly increases the frequency band gap of flexural mode. The flexural wavenumbers obtained from nonlocal elasticity calculations are higher than the local elasticity calculations. The corresponding wave group speeds are smaller in nonlocal calculation as compared to local elasticity calculation. The effect of y-directional wavenumber (eta(q)) on the spectrum and dispersion relations of the graphene embedded in polymer matrix is also observed. We also show that the cut-off frequencies of flexural wave mode depends not only on the y-direction wavenumber but also on nonlocal scaling parameter (e(0)a). The effect of eta(q) and e(0)a on the cut-off frequency variation is also captured for the cases of with and without elastic matrix effect. For a given nanostructure, nonlocal small scale coefficient can be obtained by matching the results from molecular dynamics (MD) simulations and the nonlocal elasticity calculations. At that value of the nonlocal scale coefficient, the waves will propagate in the nanostructure at that cut-off frequency. In the present paper, different values of e(0)a are used. One can get the exact e(0)a for a given graphene sheet by matching the MD simulation results of graphene with the results presented in this article. (c) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The Shola habitat on the high elevation sky islands of the Western Ghats in southern India is a unique habitat. Although this habitat hosts a disproportionately high level of endemism and is threatened by anthropogenic modifications, it has received little research attention. We compiled publications of research conducted in this habitat from scientific databases and the grey literature to examine trends in publication. For a quantitative summary, all publications were classified according to the taxa of research and the broad topic of research. We identified 279 publications from 1964 and found an almost threefold increase in the number of publications and diversity of research topics studied over the last decade. Studies on flora, birds and mammals have been numerous (62% of the studies examined), but certain taxa like fish (1%) have been ignored. Most studies (65%) are descriptive, focusing on diversity, distribution trends and management suggestions, while surprisingly few have concentrated on climate change, ecological restoration and invasive species, all major threats to this landscape. We have identified some key gaps in research and conservation focus that future studies could address. We also suggest that initiatives like edited volumes and special journal sections, along with the use of creative commons licensed data-sharing portals, can be used to usher unpublished work into the public domain.