909 resultados para Complexity syntactic
Ecosystem engineers that increase habitat complexity are keystone species in marine systems, increasing shelter and niche availability, and therefore biodiversity. For example, kelp holdfasts form intricate structures and host the largest number of organisms in kelp ecosystems. However, methods that quantify 3D habitat complexity have only seldom been used in marine habitats, and never in kelp holdfast communities. This study investigated the role of kelp holdfasts (Laminaria hyperborea) in supporting benthic faunal biodiversity. Computer-aided tomography (CT-) scanning was used to quantify the three-dimensional geometrical complexity of holdfasts, including volume, surface area and surface fractal dimension (FD). Additionally, the number of haptera, number of haptera per unit of volume, and age of kelps were estimated. These measurements were compared to faunal biodiversity and community structure, using partial least-squares regression and multivariate ordination. Holdfast volume explained most of the variance observed in biodiversity indices, however all other complexity measures also strongly contributed to the variance observed. Multivariate ordinations further revealed that surface area and haptera per unit of volume accounted for the patterns observed in faunal community structure. Using 3D image analysis, this study makes a strong contribution to elucidate quantitative mechanisms underlying the observed relationship between biodiversity and habitat complexity. Furthermore, the potential of CT-scanning as an ecological tool is demonstrated, and a methodology for its use in future similar studies is established. Such spatially resolved imager analysis could help identify structurally complex areas as biodiversity hotspots, and may support the prioritization of areas for conservation.
With the development of information technology, the theory and methodology of complex network has been introduced to the language research, which transforms the system of language in a complex networks composed of nodes and edges for the quantitative analysis about the language structure. The development of dependency grammar provides theoretical support for the construction of a treebank corpus, making possible a statistic analysis of complex networks. This paper introduces the theory and methodology of the complex network and builds dependency syntactic networks based on the treebank of speeches from the EEE-4 oral test. According to the analysis of the overall characteristics of the networks, including the number of edges, the number of the nodes, the average degree, the average path length, the network centrality and the degree distribution, it aims to find in the networks potential difference and similarity between various grades of speaking performance. Through clustering analysis, this research intends to prove the network parameters’ discriminating feature and provide potential reference for scoring speaking performance.
Telenovela’s orality: from medium to a linguistic-discursive construction. Studies about telenovelas usually highlight their "orality". However, a literature review, specifically for Latin American telenovelas, shows that the term "orality" has been used with varying senses. In contrast with those devoted to telenovelas, literary studies have addressed the question by conceptualizing it as fictional orality. This paper takes fictional orality as a key concept to explain telenovela’s discursive peculiarities, and on that base, it distinguishes several dimensions of linguistic and discursive variation, in which such orality is being portrayed.
Using online knowledge communities (OKCs) as informal learning environments poses the question how likely these will integrate newcomers as peripheral participants. Previous research has identified surface characteristics of the OKC dialog as integrativity predictors. Yet, little is known about the role of dialogic textual complexity. This contribution proposes a comprehensive approach based on previously validated textual complexity indexes and applies it to predict OKC integrativity. The dialog analysis of N = 14 blogger communities with a total of 1937 participants identified three main components of textual complexity: dialog participation, structure and cohesion. From these, dialog cohesion was higher in integrative OKCs, thus significantly predicting OKC integrativity. This result adds to previous OKC research by uncovering the depth of OKC discourse. For educational practice, the study suggests a way of empowering learners by automatically assessing the integrativity of OKCs in which they may attempt to participate and access community knowledge.
Social media tools are increasingly popular in Computer Supported Collaborative Learning and the analysis of students' contributions on these tools is an emerging research direction. Previous studies have mainly focused on examining quantitative behavior indicators on social media tools. In contrast, the approach proposed in this paper relies on the actual content analysis of each student's contributions in a learning environment. More specifically, in this study, textual complexity analysis is applied to investigate how student's writing style on social media tools can be used to predict their academic performance and their learning style. Multiple textual complexity indices are used for analyzing the blog and microblog posts of 27 students engaged in a project-based learning activity. The preliminary results of this pilot study are encouraging, with several indexes predictive of student grades and/or learning styles.
Several north temperate marine species were recorded on subtidal hard-substratum reef sites selected to produce a gradient of structural complexity. The study employed an established scuba-based census method, the belt transect. The three types of reef examined, with a measured gradient of increasing structural complexity, were natural rocky reef, artificial reef constructed of solid concrete blocks, and artificial reef made of concrete blocks with voids. Surveys were undertaken monthly over a calendar year using randomly placed fixed rope transects. For a number of conspicuous species of fish and invertebrates, significant differences were found between the levels of habitat complexity and abundance. Overall abundance for many of the species examined was 2-3 times higher on the complex artificial habitats than on simple artificial or natural reef habitats. The enhanced habitat availability produced by the increased structural complexity delivered through specifically designed artificial reefs may have the potential to augment faunal abundance while promoting species diversity.
Many have called for medical students to learn how to manage complexity in healthcare. This study examines the nuances of students' challenges in coping with a complex simulation learning activity, using concepts from complexity theory, and suggests strategies to help them better understand and manage complexity.Wearing video glasses, participants took part in a simulation ward-based exercise that incorporated characteristics of complexity. Video footage was used to elicit interviews, which were transcribed. Using complexity theory as a theoretical lens, an iterative approach was taken to identify the challenges that participants faced and possible coping strategies using both interview transcripts and video footage.Students' challenges in coping with clinical complexity included being: a) unprepared for 'diving in', b) caught in an escalating system, c) captured by the patient, and d) unable to assert boundaries of acceptable practice.Many characteristics of complexity can be recreated in a ward-based simulation learning activity, affording learners an embodied and immersive experience of these complexity challenges. Possible strategies for managing complexity themes include: a) taking time to size up the system, b) attuning to what emerges, c) reducing complexity, d) boundary practices, and e) working with uncertainty. This study signals pedagogical opportunities for recognizing and dealing with complexity.
This study examines the business model complexity of Irish credit unions using a latent class approach to measure structural performance over the period 2002 to 2013. The latent class approach allows the endogenous identification of a multi-class framework for business models based on credit union specific characteristics. The analysis finds a three class system to be appropriate with the multi-class model dependent on three financial viability characteristics. This finding is consistent with the deliberations of the Irish Commission on Credit Unions (2012) which identified complexity and diversity in the business models of Irish credit unions and recommended that such complexity and diversity could not be accommodated within a one size fits all regulatory framework. The analysis also highlights that two of the classes are subject to diseconomies of scale. This may suggest credit unions would benefit from a reduction in scale or perhaps that there is an imbalance in the present change process. Finally, relative performance differences are identified for each class in terms of technical efficiency. This suggests that there is an opportunity for credit unions to improve their performance by using within-class best practice or alternatively by switching to another class.
In settings of intergroup conflict, identifying contextually-relevant risk factors for youth development in an important task. In Vukovar, Croatia, a city devastated during the war in former Yugoslavia, ethno-political tensions remain. The current study utilized a mixed method approach to identify two salient community-level risk factors (ethnic tension and general antisocial behavior) and related emotional insecurity responses (ethnic and non-ethnic insecurity) among youth in Vukovar. In Study 1, focus group discussions (N=66) with mother, fathers, and adolescents 11 to 15-years-old were analyzed using the Constant Comparative Method, revealing two types of risk and insecurity responses. In Study 2, youth (N=227, 58% male, M=15.88 SD=1.12 years old) responded to quantitative scales developed from the focus groups; discriminate validity was demonstrated and path analyses established predictive validity between each type of risk and insecurity. First, community ethnic tension (i.e., threats related to war/ethnic identity) significantly predicted ethnic insecurity for all youth (β=.41, p<.001). Second, experience with community antisocial behavior (i.e., general crime found in any context) predicted non-ethnic community insecurity for girls (β=.32, p<.05), but not for boys. These findings are the first to show multiple forms of emotional insecurity at the community level; implications for future research are discussed.
A particular scientific world view has become dominant, influential and successful in modern sciences today. Science and technology have transformed the way we view ourselves, our societies and our place in the cosmos. However, just as science and technology seem to be at the peak of their power, unexpected problems are disrupting the sciences from within. This reflects a deeper and more serious problem regarding scientific inquiry. Science is being held back by old assumptions that have become dogmas, the biggest of which is that science already knows all the answers, and only the details need to be worked out. A transformational paradigm shift is required from a mechanistic world view to an organic world view to better address the challenges of the new millenium.
Die Fähigkeit, geschriebene Texte zu verstehen, d.h. eine kohärente mentale Repräsentation von Textinhalten zu erstellen, ist eine notwendige Voraussetzung für eine erfolgreiche schulische und außerschulische Entwicklung. Es ist daher ein zentrales Anliegen des Bildungssystems Leseschwierigkeiten frühzeitig zu diagnostizieren und mithilfe zielgerichteter Interventionsprogramme zu fördern. Dies erfordert ein umfassendes Wissen über die kognitiven Teilprozesse, die dem Leseverstehen zugrunde liegen, ihre Zusammenhänge und ihre Entwicklung. Die vorliegende Dissertation soll zu einem umfassenden Verständnis über das Leseverstehen beitragen, indem sie eine Auswahl offener Fragestellungen experimentell untersucht. Studie 1 untersucht inwieweit phonologische Rekodier- und orthographische Dekodierfertigkeiten zum Satz- und Textverstehen beitragen und wie sich beide Fertigkeiten bei deutschen Grundschüler(inne)n von der 2. bis zur 4. Klasse entwickeln. Die Ergebnisse legen nahe, dass beide Fertigkeiten signifikante und eigenständige Beiträge zum Leseverstehen leisten und dass sich ihr relativer Beitrag über die Klassenstufen hinweg nicht verändert. Darüber hinaus zeigt sich, dass bereits deutsche Zweitklässler(innen) den Großteil geschriebener Wörter in altersgerechten Texten über orthographische Vergleichsprozesse erkennen. Nichtsdestotrotz nutzen deutsche Grundschulkinder offenbar kontinuierlich phonologische Informationen, um die visuelle Worterkennung zu optimieren. Studie 2 erweitert die bisherige empirische Forschung zu einem der bekanntesten Modelle des Leseverstehens—der Simple View of Reading (SVR, Gough & Tunmer, 1986). Die Studie überprüft die SVR (Reading comprehension = Decoding x Comprehension) mithilfe optimierter und methodisch stringenter Maße der Modellkonstituenten und überprüft ihre Generalisierbarkeit für deutsche Dritt- und Viertklässler(innen). Studie 2 zeigt, dass die SVR einer methodisch stringenten Überprüfung nicht standhält und nicht ohne Weiteres auf deutsche Dritt- und Viertklässler(innen) generalisiert werden kann. Es wurden nur schwache Belege für eine multiplikative Verknüpfung von Dekodier- (D) und Hörverstehensfertigkeiten (C) gefunden. Der Umstand, dass ein beachtlicher Teil der Varianz im Leseverstehen (R) nicht durch D und C aufgeklärt werden konnte, deutet darauf hin, dass das Modell nicht vollständig ist und ggf. durch weitere Komponenten ergänzt werden muss. Studie 3 untersucht die Verarbeitung positiv-kausaler und negativ-kausaler Kohärenzrelationen bei deutschen Erst- bis Viertklässler(inne)n und Erwachsenen im Lese- und Hörverstehen. In Übereinstimmung mit dem Cumulative Cognitive Complexity-Ansatz (Evers-Vermeul & Sanders, 2009; Spooren & Sanders, 2008) zeigt Studie 3, dass die Verarbeitung negativ-kausaler Kohärenzrelationen und Konnektoren kognitiv aufwändiger ist als die Verarbeitung positiv-kausaler Relationen. Darüber hinaus entwickelt sich das Verstehen beider Kohärenzrelationen noch über die Grundschulzeit hinweg und ist für negativ-kausale Relationen am Ende der vierten Klasse noch nicht abgeschlossen. Studie 4 zeigt und diskutiert die Nützlichkeit prozess-orientierter Lesetests wie ProDi- L (Richter et al., in press), die individuelle Unterschiede in den kognitiven Teilfertigkeiten des Leseverstehens selektiv erfassen. Hierzu wird exemplarisch die Konstruktvalidität des ProDi-L-Subtests ‚Syntaktische Integration’ nachgewiesen. Mittels explanatorischer Item- Repsonse-Modelle wird gezeigt, dass der Test Fertigkeiten syntaktischer Integration separat erfasst und Kinder mit defizitären syntaktischen Fertigkeiten identifizieren kann. Die berichteten Befunde tragen zu einem umfassenden Verständnis der kognitiven Teilfertigkeiten des Leseverstehens bei, das für eine optimale Gestaltung des Leseunterrichts, für das Erstellen von Lernmaterialien, Leseinstruktionen und Lehrbüchern unerlässlich ist. Darüber hinaus stellt es die Grundlage für eine sinnvolle Diagnose individueller Leseschwierigkeiten und für die Konzeption adaptiver und zielgerichteter Interventionsprogramme zur Förderung des Leseverstehens bei schwachen Leser(inne)n dar.
Hierarchical structure with nested nonlocal dependencies is a key feature of human language and can be identified theoretically in most pieces of tonal music. However, previous studies have argued against the perception of such structures in music. Here, we show processing of nonlocal dependencies in music. We presented chorales by J. S. Bach and modified versions inwhich the hierarchical structure was rendered irregular whereas the local structure was kept intact. Brain electric responses differed between regular and irregular hierarchical structures, in both musicians and nonmusicians. This finding indicates that, when listening to music, humans apply cognitive processes that are capable of dealing with longdistance dependencies resulting from hierarchically organized syntactic structures. Our results reveal that a brain mechanism fundamental for syntactic processing is engaged during the perception of music, indicating that processing of hierarchical structure with nested nonlocal dependencies is not just a key component of human language, but a multidomain capacity of human cognition.
The present article offers an historical perspective on the 1975, 1995 and 2007 Birmingham Agreed Syllabuses for Religious Education. It draws upon historical evidence uncovered as part of ‘The hidden history of curriculum change in reli- gious education in English schools, 1969–1979’ project, and curriculum history theories, especially David Labaree’s observations about the distance between the ‘rhetorical’ and ‘received’ curricula. We argue that, contrary to the existing his- toriography, curriculum change in religious education (RE) has been evolution- ary not revolutionary. Multiple reasons are posited to explain this, not least among which is the capacity and agency of teachers. Furthermore, we argue that ongoing debates about the nature and purpose of RE, as exemplified in the Birmingham context, reflect the multiple expectations that religious educators and other stakeholders had, and continue to have, of the curriculum subject. These debates contribute to the inertia evident in the implementation of RE cur- riculum reforms. A consciousness of the history of RE enables curriculum con- testations to be contextualised and understood, and, thereby, provides important insights which can be applied to ongoing and future debates and developments.