966 resultados para Colony forming units
A long-standing challenge in transition metal catalysis is selective C–C bond coupling of simple feedstocks, such as carbon monoxide, ethylene or propylene, to yield value-added products. This work describes efforts toward selective C–C bond formation using early- and late-transition metals, which may have important implications for the production of fuels and plastics, as well as many other commodity chemicals.
The industrial Fischer-Tropsch (F-T) process converts synthesis gas (syngas, a mixture of CO + H2) into a complex mixture of hydrocarbons and oxygenates. Well-defined homogeneous catalysts for F-T may provide greater product selectivity for fuel-range liquid hydrocarbons compared to traditional heterogeneous catalysts. The first part of this work involved the preparation of late-transition metal complexes for use in syngas conversion. We investigated C–C bond forming reactions via carbene coupling using bis(carbene)platinum(II) compounds, which are models for putative metal–carbene intermediates in F-T chemistry. It was found that C–C bond formation could be induced by either (1) chemical reduction of or (2) exogenous phosphine coordination to the platinum(II) starting complexes. These two mild methods afforded different products, constitutional isomers, suggesting that at least two different mechanisms are possible for C–C bond formation from carbene intermediates. These results are encouraging for the development of a multicomponent homogeneous catalysis system for the generation of higher hydrocarbons.
A second avenue of research focused on the design and synthesis of post-metallocene catalysts for olefin polymerization. The polymerization chemistry of a new class of group 4 complexes supported by asymmetric anilide(pyridine)phenolate (NNO) pincer ligands was explored. Unlike typical early transition metal polymerization catalysts, NNO-ligated catalysts produce nearly regiorandom polypropylene, with as many as 30-40 mol % of insertions being 2,1-inserted (versus 1,2-inserted), compared to <1 mol % in most metallocene systems. A survey of model Ti polymerization catalysts suggests that catalyst modification pathways that could affect regioselectivity, such as C–H activation of the anilide ring, cleavage of the amine R-group, or monomer insertion into metal–ligand bonds are unlikely. A parallel investigation of a Ti–amido(pyridine)phenolate polymerization catalyst, which features a five- rather than a six-membered Ti–N chelate ring, but maintained a dianionic NNO motif, revealed that simply maintaining this motif was not enough to produce regioirregular polypropylene; in fact, these experiments seem to indicate that only an intact anilide(pyridine)phenolate ligated-complex will lead to regioirregular polypropylene. As yet, the underlying causes for the unique regioselectivity of anilide(pyridine)phenolate polymerization catalysts remains unknown. Further exploration of NNO-ligated polymerization catalysts could lead to the controlled synthesis of new types of polymer architectures.
Finally, we investigated the reactivity of a known Ti–phenoxy(imine) (Ti-FI) catalyst that has been shown to be very active for ethylene homotrimerization in an effort to upgrade simple feedstocks to liquid hydrocarbon fuels through co-oligomerization of heavy and light olefins. We demonstrated that the Ti-FI catalyst can homo-oligomerize 1-hexene to C12 and C18 alkenes through olefin dimerization and trimerization, respectively. Future work will include kinetic studies to determine monomer selectivity by investigating the relative rates of insertion of light olefins (e.g., ethylene) vs. higher α-olefins, as well as a more detailed mechanistic study of olefin trimerization. Our ultimate goal is to exploit this catalyst in a multi-catalyst system for conversion of simple alkenes into hydrocarbon fuels.
Zintl phases, a subset of intermetallic compounds characterized by covalently-bonded "sub-structures," surrounded by highly electropositive cations, exhibit precisely the characteristics desired for thermoelectric applications. The requirement that Zintl compounds satisfy the valence of anions through the formation of covalent substructures leads to many unique, complex crystal structures. Such complexity often leads to exceptionally low lattice thermal conductivity due to the containment of heat in low velocity optical modes in the phonon dispersion. To date, excellent thermoelectric properties have been demonstrated in several Zintl compounds. However, compared with the large number of known Zintl phases, very few have been investigated as thermoelectric materials.
From this pool of uninvestigated compounds, we selected a class of Zintl antimonides that share a common structural motif: anionic moieties resembling infinite chains of linked MSb4 tetrahedra, where $M$ is a triel element. The compounds discussed in this thesis (
Zirconocene aldehyde and ketone complexes were synthesized in high yield by treatment of zirconocene acyl complexes with trimethylaluminum or diisobutylaluminum hydride. These complexes, which are activated by dialkylaluminum chloride ligands, inserted unsaturated substrates such as alkynes, allenes, ethylene, nitriles, ketenes, aldehydes, ketones, lactones, and acid chlorides with moderate to high conversion. Insertion of aldehyde substrates yielded zirconocene diolate complexes with up to 20:1 (anti:syn) diastereoselectivity. The zirconocene diolates were hydrolyzed to afford unsymmetrical 1,2-diols in 40-80% isolated yield. Unsymmetrical ketones gave similar insertion yields with little or no diastereoselectivity. A high yielding one-pot method was developed that coupled carbonyl substrates with zirconocene aldehyde complexes that were derived from olefins by hydrozirconation and carbonylation. The zirconocene aldehyde complexes also inserted carbon monoxide and gave acyloins in 50% yield after hydrolysis.
The insertion reaction of aryl epoxides with the trimethylphoshine adduct of titanocene methylidene was examined. The resulting oxytitanacyclopentanes were carbonylated and oxidatively cleaved with dioxygen to afford y-lactones in moderate yields. Due to the instability and difficult isolation of titanocene methylidene trimethylphoshine adducts, a one-pot method involving the addition of catalytic amounts of trimethylphosphine to β,β-dimethyltitanacyclobutane was developed. A series of disubstituted aryl epoxides were examined which gave mixtures of diastereomeric insertion products. Based on these results, as well as earlier Hammett studies and labeling experiments, a biradical transition state intermediate is proposed. The method is limited to aryl substituted epoxide substrates with aliphatic examples showing no insertion reactivity.
The third study involved the use of magnesium chloride supported titanium catalysts for the Lewis acid catalyzed silyl group transfer condensation of enol silanes with aldehydes. The reaction resulted in silylated aldol products with as many as 140 catalytic turnovers before catalyst inactivation. Low diastereoselectivities favoring the anti-isomer were consistent with an open transition state involving a titanium atom bound to the catalyst surface. The catalysts were also used for the aldol group transfer polymerization of t-butyldimethylsilyloxy-1-ethene resulting in polymers with molecular weights of 5000-31,000 and molar mass dispersities of 1.5-2.8. Attempts to polymerize methylmethacrylate using GTP proved unsuccessful with these catalysts.
This work deals with two related areas: processing of visual information in the central nervous system, and the application of computer systems to research in neurophysiology.
Certain classes of interneurons in the brain and optic lobes of the blowfly Calliphora phaenicia were previously shown to be sensitive to the direction of motion of visual stimuli. These units were identified by visual field, preferred direction of motion, and anatomical location from which recorded. The present work is addressed to the questions: (1) is there interaction between pairs of these units, and (2) if such relationships can be found, what is their nature. To answer these questions, it is essential to record from two or more units simultaneously, and to use more than a single recording electrode if recording points are to be chosen independently. Accordingly, such techniques were developed and are described.
One must also have practical, convenient means for analyzing the large volumes of data so obtained. It is shown that use of an appropriately designed computer system is a profitable approach to this problem. Both hardware and software requirements for a suitable system are discussed and an approach to computer-aided data analysis developed. A description is given of members of a collection of application programs developed for analysis of neuro-physiological data and operated in the environment of and with support from an appropriate computer system. In particular, techniques developed for classification of multiple units recorded on the same electrode are illustrated as are methods for convenient graphical manipulation of data via a computer-driven display.
By means of multiple electrode techniques and the computer-aided data acquisition and analysis system, the path followed by one of the motion detection units was traced from open optic lobe through the brain and into the opposite lobe. It is further shown that this unit and its mirror image in the opposite lobe have a mutually inhibitory relationship. This relationship is investigated. The existence of interaction between other pairs of units is also shown. For pairs of units responding to motion in the same direction, the relationship is of an excitatory nature; for those responding to motion in opposed directions, it is inhibitory.
Experience gained from use of the computer system is discussed and a critical review of the current system is given. The most useful features of the system were found to be the fast response, the ability to go from one analysis technique to another rapidly and conveniently, and the interactive nature of the display system. The shortcomings of the system were problems in real-time use and the programming barrier—the fact that building new analysis techniques requires a high degree of programming knowledge and skill. It is concluded that computer system of the kind discussed will play an increasingly important role in studies of the central nervous system.
Let F = Ǫ(ζ + ζ –1) be the maximal real subfield of the cyclotomic field Ǫ(ζ) where ζ is a primitive qth root of unity and q is an odd rational prime. The numbers u1=-1, uk=(ζk-ζ-k)/(ζ-ζ-1), k=2,…,p, p=(q-1)/2, are units in F and are called the cyclotomic units. In this thesis the sign distribution of the conjugates in F of the cyclotomic units is studied.
Let G(F/Ǫ) denote the Galoi's group of F over Ǫ, and let V denote the units in F. For each σϵ G(F/Ǫ) and μϵV define a mapping sgnσ: V→GF(2) by sgnσ(μ) = 1 iff σ(μ) ˂ 0 and sgnσ(μ) = 0 iff σ(μ) ˃ 0. Let {σ1, ... , σp} be a fixed ordering of G(F/Ǫ). The matrix Mq=(sgnσj(vi) ) , i, j = 1, ... , p is called the matrix of cyclotomic signatures. The rank of this matrix determines the sign distribution of the conjugates of the cyclotomic units. The matrix of cyclotomic signatures is associated with an ideal in the ring GF(2) [x] / (xp+ 1) in such a way that the rank of the matrix equals the GF(2)-dimension of the ideal. It is shown that if p = (q-1)/ 2 is a prime and if 2 is a primitive root mod p, then Mq is non-singular. Also let p be arbitrary, let ℓ be a primitive root mod q and let L = {i | 0 ≤ i ≤ p-1, the least positive residue of defined by ℓi mod q is greater than p}. Let Hq(x) ϵ GF(2)[x] be defined by Hq(x) = g. c. d. ((Σ xi/I ϵ L) (x+1) + 1, xp + 1). It is shown that the rank of Mq equals the difference p - degree Hq(x).
Further results are obtained by using the reciprocity theorem of class field theory. The reciprocity maps for a certain abelian extension of F and for the infinite primes in F are associated with the signs of conjugates. The product formula for the reciprocity maps is used to associate the signs of conjugates with the reciprocity maps at the primes which lie above (2). The case when (2) is a prime in F is studied in detail. Let T denote the group of totally positive units in F. Let U be the group generated by the cyclotomic units. Assume that (2) is a prime in F and that p is odd. Let F(2) denote the completion of F at (2) and let V(2) denote the units in F(2). The following statements are shown to be equivalent. 1) The matrix of cyclotomic signatures is non-singular. 2) U∩T = U2. 3) U∩F2(2) = U2. 4) V(2)/ V(2)2 = ˂v1 V(2)2˃ ʘ…ʘ˂vp V(2)2˃ ʘ ˂3V(2)2˃.
The rank of Mq was computed for 5≤q≤929 and the results appear in tables. On the basis of these results and additional calculations the following conjecture is made: If q and p = (q -1)/ 2 are both primes, then Mq is non-singular.
Glasses with compositions 50Bi
Espécies do gênero Acinetobacter são patógenos oportunistas que têm sido associados a várias infecções relacionadas à assistência em saúde acometendo principalmente, pacientes hospitalizados em centros de tratamento intensivo. A. baumannii , Acinetobacter genoespécie 3 e Acinetobacter genoespécie 13TU constituem o complexo A. baumannii e são consideradas as espécies de maior importância clínica. O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar em nível de espécie, avaliar o perfil de resistência e analisar a diversidade genética de 102 amostras de Acinetobacter spp. isoladas de hemoculturas de pacientes internados em quatro hospitais do estado do Rio de Janeiro. Após a utilização de duas técnicas moleculares, 87 (85,3%) amostras foram identificadas como A. baumannii, sete (6,9%) como A. genoespécie 3, duas (1,9%) A. genoespécie 13TU e seis (5,9%) não foram identificadas em nível de espécie. A maioria das amostras de A. baumannii apresentou caráter multirresistente mostrando percentuais de resistência acima de 70% para ceftazidima, cefotaxima e ciprofloxacina. A resistência aos carbapenêmicos variou de 59% a 91%. Foi encontrada uma grande variedade de antibiotipos entre as amostras de A. baumannii, sendo prevalente dois multirresistentes. Um deles, caracterizado pela sensibilidade apenas aos aminoglicosídeos, ocorreu em 20,7% das amostras e o outro observado em 14,9% das amostras , foi caracterizado pela resistência a todos os antimicrobianos testados. Através da PCR, foi observado que 77% das amostras de A. baumannii apresentaram produto de amplificação compatível com gene blaOXA-23-like e destas, 64 mostraram-se resistentes tanto a imipenem quanto a meropenem. Em contrapartida, todas as amostras de A. baumannii OXA-23 negativas mostraram-se sensíveis aos carbapenens. Em relação às amostras de A. genoespécie 3 e 13TU, foram observados baixos percentuais de resistência frente aos antimicrobianos testados e apenas uma amostra de Acinetobacter genoespécie 3 apresentou produto de amplificação compatível com gene blaOXA-23-like, sendo esta sensível aos carbapenens. Não foram detectados os genes blaOXA-40-like e blaOXA-58-like nas 102 amostras de Acinetobacter spp.. A análise do polimorfismo genético das amostras de A. baumannii por PFGE mostrou a presença de 35 clones distribuídos entre os hospitais. Um clone (designado A), presente em 32 amostras (36,9%), foi encontrado nos quatro hospitais, sendo prevalente em três. Em 93,8% das amostras do clone A foi detectado o gene blaOXA-23-like. A disseminação de um clone de A. baumannii multirresistente produtor de OXA-23 entre os hospitais estudados evidencia a importância de medidas de controle de infecções mais eficazes, visando minimizar a morbidade e a mortalidade causadas por este importante patógeno. Além disso, como outras espécies também podem estar associadas a infecções, destacamos a importância da identificação correta das amostras em nível de espécie, visando o conhecimento da patogenicidade, do perfil de resistência e dados epidemiológicos des outras espécies, principalmente as pertencentes ao complexo A. baumannii
Glass systems of composition xBiCl(3)-(1-x)TeO2 (x=0.2, 0.4, 0.5 and 0.6, respectively) have been investigated by means of DSC, infrared absorption spectroscopy and Raman spectroscopy in order to obtain information about the transformation of structure, thermal and optical properties in the formation of the glass network. The results confirm that the addition of BiCl3 network former increases the glass forming ability and the optical transmission range. And also from Raman results a structural evolution was observed where the number of structural units described as [TeO3] trigonal pyramids, [TeO3+1] polyhedra and ionic behavior bonds (NBO) increases at the expense of the [TeO4] trigonal bipyramids. Bi3+ ions exist in network structure as [BiO6] or [BiCl6] octahedral coordination. As upconversion luminescence glass host, this glassy system is desired for optical properties but the thermal stability will still be improved. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Compositional influences on the spectroscopic properties of Yb3+ and the structural variations with the introduction of YbF3 were studied in fluorophosphate glasses. Emission cross-section (sigma(emi)) and gain coefficient (sigma(emi) x tau(f)) were calculated which exhibit maximum at RF2 = 33 mol%. YbF3 has an important effect on the glass forming ability of fluorophosphate glasses when RF2 is over 36 mol%. The study of Raman spectra showed big differences on the glass structure between non-Yb3+ and Yb3+ -doped glasses. The main building units in Yb3+-doped samples are metaphosphate groups, pyrophosphate groups (P-2(O,F)(7), PO3F), Al[F-6] +Al[O,F](6) and F3Al-O-AlF3 while those of the non-Yb3+-doped glasses are monophosphate group P(O,F)(4), little pyrophosphate group, Al[F-4] + Al[F-6] + Al[O,F](4) + Al[O,F](6) and F3Al-O-AlF3, which means Yb3+ ions contribute to a better glass polymerization and network uniformity. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Artículo CrystEngComm 2013
Qens/wins 2014 - 11th International Conference on Quasielastic Neutron Scattering and 6th International Workshop on Inelastic Neutron Spectrometers / editado por:Frick, B; Koza, MM; Boehm, M; Mutka, H