894 resultados para Colon-cancer Cells
4HPR is a synthetic retinoid that has shown chemopreventive and therapeutic efficacy against premalignant and malignant lesions including oral leukoplakia, ovarian and breast cancer, and neuroblastoma. 4HPR induces apoptosis in various cancer cells and production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) has been suggested as a possible cause underlying these effects. However, the mechanisms governing these effects by 4HPR are not fully elucidated. In this study, we explored the mechanisms of 4HPR-induced ROS increase and apoptosis in human cancer cells. ^ First, we identified genes modulated by 4HPR using oligonucleotide gene expression arrays and found that they fall into specific functional canonical pathways and gene networks using Ingenuity Pathways Analysis®. Further analysis has shown that 4HPR induced up-regulation of Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER)-related genes such as Heat shock proteins 70 and 90 and the transcriptional factor, GADD153. These findings were validated using quantitative real-time PCR. ^ Second, we found that 4HPR induced extensive ER stress evidenced by dilation of the ER and endoribonuclease-mediated splicing and activation of the transcriptional factor, XBP-1. In addition, 4HPR induced the up-regulation of various ER stress-related genes and their protein products, as well as cleavage and activation of the ER specific Caspase-4. Concomitantly with XBP-1 splicing, all of these effects were dependent on ROS generation by 4HPR. Furthermore, chemical inhibition and RNA interference studies revealed a novel pro-apoptotic role for HSP70/A1A in 4HPR-mediated apoptosis. ^ Third, we observed rapid activation of the small GTPase Rac by 4HPR which was upstream of ROS generation. Inhibition of Rac activity or silencing of its expression by RNA interference inhibited ROS generation and apoptosis induction by 4HPR. siRNA targeting PAK1 and expression of a dominant negative Rac, decreased 4HPR-mediated ROS generation, while expression of a constitutive active Rac increased basal and 4HPR-induced ROS generation and PARP cleavage. Furthermore, metastatic cancer cells exhibited higher Rac activation, ROS generation, and cell growth inhibition due to 4HPR exposure compared to their primary cancer cell counterparts. ^ These findings provide novel insights into 4HPR-mediated ROS generation and apoptosis induction and support the use of ROS inducing agents such as 4HPR against metastatic cancer cells. ^
This study aimed to develop and validate The Cancer Family Impact Scale (CFIS), an instrument for use in studies investigating relationships among family factors and colorectal cancer (CRC) screening when family history is a risk factor. We used existing data to develop the measure from 1,285 participants (637 families) across the United States who were in the Johns Hopkins Colon Cancer Genetic Testing study. Participants were 94% white with an average age of 50.1 years, and 60% were women. None had a personal CRC history, and eighty percent had 1 FDR with CRC and 20% had more than one FDR with CRC. The study had three aims: (1) to identify the latent factors underlying the CFIS via exploratory factor analysis (EFA); (2) to confirm the findings of the EFA via confirmatory factor analysis (CFA); and (3) to assess the reliability of the scale via Cronbach's alpha. Exploratory analyses were performed on a split half of the sample, and the final model was confirmed on the other half. The EFA suggested the CFIS was an 18-item measure with 5 latent constructs: (1) NEGATIVE: negative effects of cancer on the family; (2) POSITIVE: positive effects of cancer on the family; (3) COMMUNICATE: how families communicate about cancer; (4) FLOW: how information about cancer is conveyed in families; and (5) NORM: how individuals react to family norms about cancer. CFA on the holdout sample showed the CFIS to have a reasonably good fit (Chi-square = 389.977, df = 122, RMSEA= 0.058 (.052-.065), CFI=.902, TLI=.877, GF1=.939). The overall reliability of the scale was α=0.65. The reliability of the subscales was: (1) NEGATIVE α = 0.682; (2) POSITIVE α = 0.686; (3) COMMUNICATE α = 0.723; (4) FLOW α = 0.467; and (5) NORM α = 0.732. ^ We concluded the CFIS to be a good measure with most fit levels over 0.90. The CFIS could be used to compare theoretically driven hypotheses about the pathways through which family factors could influence health behavior among unaffected individuals at risk due to family history, and also aid in the development and evaluation of cancer prevention interventions including a family component. ^
Increasing attention has been given to the connection between metabolism and cancer. Under aerobic conditions, normal cells predominantly use oxidative phosphorylation for ATP generation. In contrast, increase of glycolytic activity has been observed in various tumor cells, which is known as Warburg effect. Cancer cells, compared to normal cells, produce high levels of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) and hence are constantly under oxidative stress. Increase of oxidative stress and glycolytic activity in cancer cells represent major biochemical alterations associated with malignant transformation. Despite prevalent upregulation of ROS production and glycolytic activity observed in various cancer cells, underlying mechanisms still remain to be defined. Oncogenic signals including Ras has been linked to regulation of energy metabolism and ROS production. Current study was initiated to investigate the mechanism by which Ras oncogenic signal regulates cellular metabolism and redox status. A doxycycline inducible gene expression system with oncogenic K-ras transfection was constructed to assess the role played by Ras activation in any given studied parameters. Data obtained here reveals that K-ras activation directly caused mitochondrial dysfunction and ROS generation, which appeared to be mechanistically associated with translocation of K-ras to mitochondria and the opening of the mitochondrial permeability transition pore. K-ras induced mitochondrial dysfunction led to upregulation of glycolysis and constitutive activation of ROS-generating NAD(P)H Oxidase (NOX). Increased oxidative stress, upregulation of glycolytic activity, and constitutive activated NOX were also observed in the pancreatic K-ras transformed cancer cells compared to their normal counterparts. Compared to non-transformed cells, the pancreatic K-ras transformed cancer cells with activated NOX exhibited higher sensitivity to capsaicin, a natural compound that appeared to target NOX and cause preferential accumulation of oxidative stress in K-ras transformed cells. Taken together, these findings shed new light on the role played by Ras in the road to cancer in the context of oxidative stress and metabolic alteration. The mechanistic relationship between K-ras oncogenic signals and metabolic alteration in cancer will help to identify potential molecular targets such as NAD(P)H Oxidase and glycolytic pathway for therapeutic intervention of cancer development. ^
OSW-1 is a natural compound found in the bulbs of Orninithogalum saudersiae, a member of the lily family. This compound exhibits potent antitumor activity in vitro with the IC50 values in the low nanomolar concentration range and demonstrating its ability to kill drug resistant cancer cells. In an effort to discover the unknown mechanism of action of this novel compound as a potential anticancer agent, the main objective of this research project was to test the cytotoxicity of OSW-1 against various cancer lines, and to elucidate the biochemical and molecular mechanism(s) responsible for the anticancer activity of OSW-1. My initial investigation revealed that OSW-1 is effective in killing various cancer cells including pancreatic cancer cells and primary leukemia cells resistant to standard chemotherapeutic agents, and that non-malignant cells were less sensitive to this compound. Further studies revealed that in leukemia cells, OSW-1 causes a significant increase in cytosolic calcium and activates rapid calcium-dependent apoptosis by the intrinsic pathway. Additionally, OSW-1 treatment leads to the degradation of the ER chaperone GRP78/BiP implicated in the survival of cancer cells. Meanwhile, it shows a reduced sensitivity in respiration-deficient sub-clones of leukemia cells which had higher basal levels of Ca2+. Mechanistically, it was further demonstrated that cytosolic Ca2+ elevations were observed together with Na+ decreases in the cytosol, suggesting OSW-1 caused the calcium overload through inhibition of the Na+/Ca 2+exchanger (NCX). Although similar calcium disturbances were observed in pancreatic cancer cells, mechanistic studies revealed that autophagy served as an initial pro-survival mechanism subsequent to OSW-1 treatment but extended autophagy caused inevitable cell death. Furthermore, combination of OSW-1 with autophagy inhibitors significantly enhances the cytotoxicity against pancreatic cancer cells. Taken together, this study revealed the novel mechanism of OSW-1 which is through inhibition of the Na+/Ca2+ exchanger and provides a basis for using this compound in combination with other agents for the treatment of pancreatic cancer which is resistant to available anticancer drugs. ^
The mammalian Forkhead Box (Fox) transcription factor (FoxM1) is implicated in tumorgenesis. However, the role and regulation of FoxM1 in gastric cancer remain unknown.^ I examined FoxM1 expression in 86 cases of primary gastric cancer and 57 normal gastric tissue specimens. I found weak expression of FoxM1 protein in normal gastric mucosa, whereas I observed strong staining for FoxM1 in tumor-cell nuclei in various gastric tumors and lymph node metastases. The aberrant FoxM1 expression is associated with VEGF expression and increased angiogenesis in human gastric cancer. A Cox proportional hazards model revealed that FoxM1 expression was an independent prognostic factor in multivariate analysis. Furthermore, overexpression of FoxM1 by gene transfer significantly promoted the growth and metastasis of gastric cancer cells in orthotopic mouse models, whereas knockdown of FoxM1 expression by small interfering RNA did the opposite. Next, I observed that alteration of tumor growth and metastasis by elevated FoxM1 expression was directly correlated with alteration of VEGF expression and angiogenesis. In addition, promotion of gastric tumorigenesis by FoxM1 directly and significantly correlated with transactivation of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) expression and elevation of angiogenesis. ^ To further investigate the underlying mechanisms that result in FoxM1 overexpression in gastric cancer, I investigated FoxM1 and Krüppel-like factor 4 (KLF4) expressions in primary gastric cancer and normal gastric tissue specimens. Concomitance of increased expression of FoxM1 protein and decreased expression of KLF4 protein was evident in human gastric cancer. Enforced KLF4 expression suppressed FoxM1 protein expression. Moreover, a region within the proximal FoxM1 promoter was identified to have KLF4-binding sites. Finally, I found an increased FoxM1 expression in gastric mucosa of villin-Cre -directed tissue specific Klf4-null mice.^ In summary, I offered both clinical and mechanistic evidence that dysregulated expression of FoxM1 play an important role in gastric cancer development and progression, while KLF4 mediates negative regulation of FoxM1 expression and its loss significantly contributes to FoxM1 dysregulation. ^
Despite of much success of breast cancer treatment, basal-like breast cancer subtype still presented as a clinical challenge to mammary oncologist for its lack of available targeted therapy owing to their negative expression of targeted molecules, such as PgR, ERα and Her2. These molecules are all critical regulators in mammary gland development. EZH2, a histone methyltransferase, by forming Polycomb Repressive Complex 2(PRC2) can directly suppress a large array of developmental regulators. Overexpression of cyclin E has also been correlated with basal-like (triple-negative) breast cancer and poor prognosis. We found an important functional link between these two molecules. Cyclin E/Cdk2 can enhance PRC2 function by phosphorylating a specific residue of EZH2, threonine 416 and increasing EZH2's ability to complex with SUZ12. This regulation would further recruit whole PRC2 complex to core promoter regions of these developmental regulators. The local enrichment of PRC2 complex would then trimethylate H3K27 around the core promoter regions and suppress the expression of targeted genes, which included PgR, ERα, erbB2 and BRCA1. This widespread gene suppressive effect imposed by highly active PRC2 complex would then transform the lumina) type cell to adopt a basal-like phenotype. This finding suggested deregulated Cdk2 activity owing to cyclin E overexpression may contribute to basal phenotype through enhancing epigenetic silencing effects by regulating PRC2 function. Inhibition of Cdk2 activity in basal-like cancer cells may help release the suppression, reexpress the silenced genes and become responsive to existing anti-hormone or anti-Her2 therapy. From this study, the mechanisms described here provided a rationale to target basal-like breast cancer by new combinational therapy of Cdk2 inhibitors together with Lapatinib, or Aromatin. ^
Few studies have explored factors related to participation in cancer chemoprevention trials. The purpose of this dissertation was to conduct investigations in this emerging field by studying aspects of participation at three phases of cancer chemoprevention trials: at enrollment, during a placebo run-in period, and post-trial. In all three studies, subjects had a history of cancer and were at high risk of recurrence or second primary tumors.^ The first study explored correlates of enrollment in a head and neck cancer chemoprevention trial by comparing participants and eligible nonparticipants. Of 148 subjects who met the trial's preliminary eligibility criteria, 40% enrolled. In multivariate analysis, enrollment was positively associated with being male (OR 2.36) and being employed (OR 2.73). The most commonly cited reason for declining participation among nonparticipants was transportation.^ The second study examined outcomes of an eight-week placebo run-in period in a head and neck cancer chemoprevention trial. Of 391 subjects, 91.3% were randomized after the run-in. Adherence to drug capsules ranged from 0% to 120.3% (mean $\pm$ SD, 95.8% $\pm$ 15.1). In multivariate analysis, the main variable predicting run-in outcome was race; white subjects were 3.45 times more likely to be randomized than non-white subjects. Subjects with Karnofsky scores of 100 were 2.13 times more likely to be randomized than were subjects with lower scores.^ The third study used post-trial questionnaires to assess subjects' (n = 64) perceptions of participation in a cancer chemoprevention trial. The most highly rated trial benefit was the perception of potential colon cancer prevention, and the most troublesome barrier was erroneous billing for study visits. Perceived benefits were positively associated with interest in participating in future trials of the same (p = 0.05) and longer (p = 0.02) duration, and difficulty with trial pills and procedures was inversely related to interest in future placebo-controlled trials (p = 0.01).^ These are among the first behavioral studies to be completed in the rapidly growing field of cancer chemoprevention. Much work has yet to be done, however, to advance our understanding of the complex issues relating to chemoprevention trial participation. ^
Metabolic reprogramming has been shown to be a major cancer hallmark providing tumor cells with significant advantages for survival, proliferation, growth, metastasis and resistance against anti-cancer therapies. Glycolysis, glutaminolysis and mitochondrial biogenesis are among the most essential cancer metabolic alterations because these pathways provide cancer cells with not only energy but also crucial metabolites to support large-scale biosynthesis, rapid proliferation and tumorigenesis. In this study, we find that 14-3-3σ suppresses all these three metabolic processes by promoting the degradation of their main driver, c-Myc. In fact, 14-3-3s significantly enhances c-Myc poly-ubiquitination and subsequent degradation, reduces c-Myc transcriptional activity, and down-regulates c-Myc-induced metabolic target genes expression. Therefore, 14-3-3σ remarkably blocks glycolysis, decreases glutaminolysis and diminishes mitochondrial mass of cancer cells both in vitro and in vivo, thereby severely suppressing cancer bioenergetics and metabolism. As a result, a high level of 14-3-3σ in tumors is strongly associated with increased breast cancer patients’ overall and metastasis-free survival as well as better clinical outcomes. Thus, this study reveals a new role for 14-3-3s as a significant regulator of cancer bioenergetics and a promising target for the development of anti-cancer metabolism therapies.
INTERACTION BETWEEN BRK AND HER2 IN BREAST CANCER Midan Ai, Ph.D. Supervisory Professor: Zhen Fan, M.D. Breast tumor kinase (Brk) is a nonreceptor protein-tyrosine kinase that is highly expressed in approximately two thirds of breast cancers but is not detectable or is expressed at very low levels in normal mammary epithelium. Brk plays important roles in promoting proliferation, survival, invasion, and metastasis of breast cancer cells, but the mechanism(s) of which remain largely unknown. Recent studies showed that Brk is frequently co-overexpressed with human epidermal growth factor receptor-2 (HER2) and is physically associated with HER2 in breast cancer. The mechanism needs to be determined. In my studies, I found that high expression of HER2 is correlated with high expression of Brk in breast cancer cell lines. Silencing HER2 expression via RNA interference in HER2 over-expressed breast cancer cells resulted in Brk protein decrease and overexpression of HER2 in HER2 low-expressed breast cancer cells up-regulated Brk expression. The mechanism study indicated that overexpression of HER2 increased Brk protein stability. Brk was degraded through a Ca2+-dependent protease pathway involving calpain and HER2 stimulated Brk expression via inhibiting calpain activity. Calpastatin is a calpain endogenous inhibitor and the calpain-calpastatin system has been implicated in a number of cell physiological functions. HER2 restrained calpain activation via up-regulating calpastatin expression and HER2 downstream signaling, MAPK pathway, was involved in the regulation. Furthermore, silencing of Brk expression by RNA interference in HER2-overexpressing breast cancer cells decreased HER2-mediated cell proliferation, survival, invasion/metastasis potential and increased cell sensitivity to HER2 kinase inhibitor, lapatinib, treatment, indicating that Brk plays important roles in regulating and mediating the oncogenic functions of HER2. The Stat3 pathway played important roles in Brk mediated cell survival and invasion/metastasis in the context of HER2-overexpressing breast cancer cells. However, transgenic mice with inducible expression of constitutively active Brk (CA) in the mammary epithelium failed to develop malignant change in the mammary glands after Brk induction for 15 months which indicated that expression of Brk protein alone was not sufficiently to induce spontaneous breast tumor. Bitransgenic mice with co-expression of HER2/neu and inducible expression of Brk in the mammary epithelium developed multifocal mammary tumors, but there were no significant difference in the tumor occurring time, tumor size, tumor weight and tumor multiplicity between the mouse group with co-expression of Brk and HER2/neu and the mouse group with HER2/neu expression only.
Inflammatory breast cancer (IBC) is the most insidious form of locally advanced disease. Although rare and less than 2% of all breast cancer, IBC is responsible for up to 10% of all breast cancer deaths. Despite the name, very little is known about the role of inflammation or immune mediators in IBC. Therefore, we analyzed blood samples from IBC patients and non-IBC patients, as well as healthy donor controls to establish an IBC-specific profile of peripheral blood leukocyte phenotype and function of T cells and dendritic cells and serum inflammatory cytokines. Emerging evidence suggests that host factors in the microenviromement may interact with underlying IBC genetics to promote the aggressive nature of the tumor. An integral part of the metastatic process involves epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT) where primary breast cancer cells gain motility and stem cell-like features that allow distant seeding. Interestingly, the IBC consortium microarray data found no clear evidence for EMT in IBC tumor tissues. It is becoming increasingly evident that inflammatory factors can induce EMT. However, it is unknown if EMT-inducing soluble factors secreted by activated immune cells in the IBC microenvironment canπ account for the absence of EMT in studies of the tumor cells themselves. We hypothesized that soluble factors from immune cells are capable of inducing EMT in IBC. We tested the ability of immune conditioned media to induce EMT in IBC cells. We found that soluble factors from activated immune cells are able to induce the expression of EMT-related factors in IBC cells along with increased migration and invasion. Specifically, the pro-inflammatory cytokines TNF-α, IL-6 and TGF-β were able to induce EMT and blocking these factors in conditioned media abated the induction of EMT. Surprisingly, unique to IBC cells, this process was related to increased levels of E-cadherin expression and adhesion, reminiscent of the characteristic tightly packed tumor emboli seen in IBC samples. This data offers insight into the unique pathology of IBC by suggesting that tumor immune interactions in the tumor microenvironment contribute to the aggressive nature of IBC implying that immune induced inflammation can be a novel therapeutic target. Specifically, we showed that soluble factors secreted by activated immune cells are capable of inducing EMT in IBC cells and may mediate the persistent E-cadherin expression observed in IBC. This data suggests that immune mediated inflammation may contribute to the highly aggressive nature of IBC and represents a potential therapeutic target that warrants further investigation.
Brain metastasis is a common cause of mortality in cancer patients. Approximately 20-30% of breast cancer patients acquire brain metastasis, yet potential therapeutic targets remain largely unknown. The type I insulin-like growth factor receptor (IGF- IR) is known to play a role in the progression of breast cancer and is currently being investigated in the clinical setting for various types of cancer. The present study demonstrates that the IGF-IR signaling axis is constitutively active in brain-seeking sublines of breast cancer cells, driving an increase in in vitro metastatic properties. We demonstrate that IGF-IR signaling is activated in an autocrine manner as a result of IGFBP3 overexpression in brain-seeking cells. Transient and stable knockdown of IGF-IR results in a downregulation of IGF-IR downstream signaling through phospho-AKT, as well as decreased in vitro migration and invasion of MDA- MB-231Br brain-seeking cells. Using an in vivo experimental brain metastasis model, we show that IGF-IR ablation attenuates the establishment of brain metastases and prolongs survival. Finally, we demonstrate that the malignancy of brain-seeking cells is attenuated by pharmacological inhibition with picropodophyllin, an IGF-IR-specific tyrosine kinase inhibitor. Together, our data suggest that the IGF-IR is an important mediator of brain metastasis and its ablation delays the onset of brain metastases in our model system.
Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in both men and women in the United States and worldwide. Despite improvement in treatment strategies, the 5-year survival rate of lung cancer patients remains low. Thus, effective chemoprevention and treatment approaches are sorely needed. Mutations and activation of KRAS occur frequently in tobacco users and the early stage of development of non-small cell lung cancers (NSCLC). So they are thought to be the primary driver for lung carcinogenesis. My work showed that KRAS mutations and activations modulated the expression of TNF-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) receptors by up-regulating death receptors and down-regulating decoy receptors. In addition, we showed that KRAS suppresses cellular FADD-like IL-1β-converting enzyme (FLICE)-like inhibitory protein (c-FLIP) expression through activation of ERK/MAPK-mediated activation of c-MYC which means the mutant KRAS cells could be specifically targeted via TRAIL induced apoptosis. The expression level of Inhibitors of Apoptosis Proteins (IAPs) in mutant KRAS cells is usually high which could be overcome by the second mitochondria-derived activator of caspases (Smac) mimetic. So the combination of TRAIL and Smac mimetic induced the synthetic lethal reaction specifically in the mutant-KRAS cells but not in normal lung cells and wild-type KRAS lung cancer cells. Therefore, a synthetic lethal interaction among TRAIL, Smac mimetic and KRAS mutations could be used as an approach for chemoprevention and treatment of NSCLC with KRAS mutations. Further data in animal experiments showed that short-term, intermittent treatment with TRAIL and Smac mimetic induced apoptosis in mutant KRAS cells and reduced tumor burden in a KRAS-induced pre-malignancy model and mutant KRAS NSCLC xenograft models. These results show the great potential benefit of a selective therapeutic approach for the chemoprevention and treatment of NSCLC with KRAS mutations.
Autophagy is an evolutionarily conserved process that functions to maintain homeostasis and provides energy during nutrient deprivation and environmental stresses for the survival of cells by delivering cytoplasmic contents to the lysosomes for recycling and energy generation. Dysregulation of this process has been linked to human diseases including immune disorders, neurodegenerative muscular diseases and cancer. Autophagy is a double edged sword in that it has both pro-survival and pro-death roles in cancer cells. Its cancer suppressive roles include the clearance of damaged organelles, which could otherwise lead to inflammation and therefore promote tumorigenesis. In its pro-survival role, autophagy allows cancer cells to overcome cytotoxic stresses generated the cancer environment or cancer treatments such as chemotherapy and evade cell death. A better understanding of how drugs that perturb autophagy affect cancer cell signaling is of critical importance toimprove the cancer treatment arsenal. In order to gain insights in the relationship between autophagy and drug treatments, we conducted a high-throughput drug screen to identify autophagy modulators. Our high-throughput screen utilized image based fluorescent microscopy for single cell analysis to identify chemical perturbants of the autophagic process. Phenothiazines emerged as the largest family of drugs that alter the autophagic process by increasing LC3-II punctae levels in different cancer cell lines. In addition, we observed multiple biological effects in cancer cells treated with phenothiazines. Those antitumorigenic effects include decreased cell migration, cell viability, and ATP production along with abortive autophagy. Our studies highlight the potential role of phenothiazines as agents for combinational therapy with other chemotherapeutic agents in the treatment of different cancers.
Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the third leading cancer in both incidence and mortality in Texas. This study investigated the adherence of CRC treatment to standard treatment guidelines and the association between standard treatment and CRC survival in Texas. The author used Texas Cancer Registry (TCR) and Medicare linked data to study the CRC treatment patterns and factors associated with standard treatment in patients who were more than 65 years old and were diagnosed in 2001 through 2007. We also determined whether adherence to standard treatment affect patients' survival. Multiple logistic regression and Cox regression analysis were used to analyze our data. Both regression models are adjusted for demographic characteristics and tumor characteristics. We found that for the 3977 regional colon cancer patients 80 years old or younger, 60.2% of them received chemotherapy, in adherence to the recommended treatment guidelines. People with younger age, female gender, higher education and lower comorbidity score are more likely adherent to this surgery guideline. Patients' adherence to chemotherapy in this cohort have better survival compared to those who are not (HR: 0.76, 95% CI: 0.68-0.84). For the 12709 colon cancer patients treated with surgery, 49.3% have more than 12 lymph nodes removed, in adherence to the treatment guidelines. People with younger age, female gender, higher education, regional stage, lager tumor size and lower comorbidity score are more likely to adherent to this surgery guideline. Patients with more than 12 lymph nodes removed in this cohort have better survival (HR: 0.86, 95% CI: 0.82-0.91). For the 1211 regional rectal cancer patients 80 years old or younger, 63.2% of them were adherent to radiation treatment. People with smaller tumor size and lower comorbidity score are more likely to adherent to this radiation guideline. There is no significant survival difference between radiation adherent patients and non-adherent patients (HR: 1.03, 95% CI: 0.82-1.29). For the 1122 regional rectal cancer patients 80 years old or younger who were treated with surgery, 76.0% of them received postoperative chemotherapy, in adherence to the treatment guidelines. People with younger age and smaller comorbidity score are related with higher adherence rate. Patients adherent with adjuvant chemotherapy in this cohort have better survival than those were not adherent (HR: 0.60, 95% CI: 0.45-0.79).^
c-Src, a protein tyrosine kinase (PTK) the specific activity of which is increased $>$20-fold in $\sim$80% of colon tumors and colon tumor cell lines, plays a role in both growth regulation and tumorigenicity of colon tumor cells. To examine the effect of increased c-Src specific activity on colon tumor cells, coumarin-derived tyrosine analog PTK inhibitors were assessed in a standard colon tumor cell line, HT-29. Of the nine compounds tested for inhibiting c-Src activity in a standard immune complex kinase assay from c-Src precipitated from HT-29 cells, the 7,8-dihydroxy-containing compounds daphnetin and fraxetin were most effective, with IC$\sb{50}$s of 0.6 $\pm$ 0.2 mM and 0.6 $\pm$ 0.3 mM, respectively. Treatment of HT-29 cells with daphnetin resulted in inhibition of cell growth in a dose-dependent manner. In contrast, scopoletin, a relatively poor Src inhibitor in vitro, did not inhibit HT-29 cell growth in the concentration range tested. In daphnetin treated cells, a dose-dependent decrease of c-Src activity paralleling cell growth inhibition was also observed; the IC$\sb{50}$ was 0.3 $\pm$ 0.1 mM for c-Src autophosphorylation. In contrast, the IC$\sb{50}$ for c-Src protein level was $>$ 0.6 mM, indicating that the effects of daphnetin were primarily an enzymatic activity of c-Src, rather than protein level in HT-29 cells. These results are the first to demonstrate that c-Src specific activity regulates colon tumor cell growth.^ To elucidate the signaling pathways activated by c-Src in colon tumor cells, the Src family substrate FAK, which has been shown to play a role in both extracellular matrix-dependent cell growth and survival, was examined. Coprecipitation assays showed Src-FAK association in detergent insoluble fractions of both attached and detached HT-29 cells, indicating that Src-FAK association in HT-29 cells is stable and, unlike untransformed cells, not dependent on cell-substratum contact. FAK also coprecipitated with Grb2, an adaptor protein also playing a role in cell proliferation and survival, in both attached and detached HT-29 cells, suggesting that a Src-FAK-Grb2-mediated signaling pathway(s) in HT-29 cells is/are constitutively activated.^ FAK was also analyzed in c-src antisense HT-29 clones AS15 and AS33 in which c-Src is specifically reduced by transfection of an antisense expression vector. FAK protein level is unexpectedly decreased in both AS15 and AS33 cells by 5-fold and 1.5-fold compared to HT-29, respectively, corresponding with the decreased expression of c-Src observed in these cells. FAK protein level was not decreased compared to parental in the c-src "sense" clone S8. Northern blot analyses showed decreased FAK mRNA levels compared to parental in AS15 and AS33, correlating with decreased FAK protein level, indicating that FAK activity in the antisense cells is regulated, at least in part, by altering FAK expression, and that this regulation is Src dependent. Because FAK has been implicated in anoikis, the ability of c-src antisense cells to survive in the absence of cell-substratum contact was examined. Decreased cell survival is seen in both AS15 and AS33, correlating with the decreases in c-Src and FAK levels and tumorigenicity in these cells. These results suggest that at least one mechanism by which activation of c-Src contributes to tumorigenic phenotype of colon tumor cells is by aberrantly promoting a survival signal through unregulated Src-FAK-Grb2 complexes. (Abstract shortened by UMI.) ^