985 resultados para Clostridium perfringens type D. ELISA


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Introducció Aquest treball, aborda l'atenció domiciliaria a les persones amb depen¨ncia des de la perspectiva de la teràpia ocupacional a la comarca €™Osona. Conèixer aquesta tipologia de persones i la seva problemàtica, ha de servir per adaptar les infraestructures €™aquests serveis a fi de donar millor resposta a les seves necessitats. Objectiu Descriure la tipologia d'usuaris que es deriven al servei de Teràpia Ocupacional Domiciliària a la comarca d'Osona Metodologia S'ha realitzat un estudi descriptiu preliminar d'una mostra (n=65) de usuaris de la base de dades del Banc D'ajudes Tècniques (BAT Osona) del Consell Comarcal d'Osona. En aquest estudi s'han analitzat les variables de sexe, edat, nivell funcional, diagnòstic, situació familiar, agents derivadors, motius de derivació i problemàtica principal detectada. Resultats S'indica un perfil femení de la mostra (72,09%), amb una mitjana d'edat de 74,41 anys. A nivell funcional, la mitjana de puntuació ha estat de 65 punts en l'ÃŒndex de Barthel, en persones amb patologia osteoarticular en el 18,60% dels casos. La situació familiar situa un perfil compartit de persones que viuen en família (41,86%) o soles (39,53%). En les derivacions al servei, el 58,13% dels casos es fa des dels Ajuntaments i per dificultats en el quarto de bany (46,51%). La problemàtica més detectada en aquests domicilis és la dificultat per l'accés a la banyera (67,40%). Conclusió Aquests resultats ens indiquen una clara tipologia de persones que s’han €™atendre i unes problemàtiques en la seva vivenda que provoquen serioses dificultats de desenvolupament funciona. Es precís, en futures investigacions acotar encara més aquets perfils i problemàtiques a fi de precisar les estratègies €™intervenció i optimitzar millor aquest tipus de recursos.


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OBJECTIU: determinar la qualitat de vida de les persones amb demència ateses en una unitat avaluadora de deteriorament cognitiu. MÈTODE: estudi descriptiu transversal amb una mostra consecutiva no probabilística, formada per 42 persones amb demència tipus Alzheimer lleu o moderada i els seus cuidadors. La Qualitat de Vida (QV) es va avaluar amb el qüestionari QoL-AD (Quality of Life Alzheimer’s Disease) en les versions per al pacient (QoL-ADp) i per al cuidador (QoL-ADc). RESULTATS: la mitjana de puntuació del QoL-ADp va ser de 35,38 punts (DE = 5,24) i del QoL-Adc, de 30,60 (DE 5,33). La diferència entre aquests resultats és significativa (p&0,001). Els pacients amb simptomatologia depressiva i els seus cuidadors van puntuar significativament més baix el QoL-AD (p&0,001). En les freqüències per ítems del QoL-ADp s’observa que: més del 75% van valorar com a bona/excel·lent les condicions de vida, família, matrimoni/relació estreta, vida social, situació financera i vida en general; el 61% valoraren bona/excel·lent la capacitat per realitzar tasques a casa; prop del 50% pensava que l’estat €™Ã nim, l’energia, la salut física, la capacitat per fer coses per diversió i la visió de si mateixos era dolenta/regular, i el 85,7% opinava que la seva memòria era dolenta/regular. CONCLUSIONS: els resultats obtinguts en el QoL-AD no difereixen dels obtinguts en altres investigacions. Suggereixen que les intervencions que genera l’avaluació de la QV en la pràctica clínica inclouen aspectes centrats pròpiament en la malaltia i aspectes vinculats amb les relacions socials.


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Direct type I interferon (IFN) signaling on T cells is necessary for the proper expansion, differentiation, and survival of responding T cells following infection with viruses prominently inducing type I IFN. The reasons for the abortive response of T cells lacking the type I IFN receptor (Ifnar1(-/-)) remain unclear. We report here that Ifnar1(-/-) T cells were highly susceptible to natural killer (NK) cell-mediated killing in a perforin-dependent manner. Depletion of NK cells prior to lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) infection completely restored the early expansion of Ifnar1(-/-) T cells. Ifnar1(-/-) T cells had elevated expression of natural cytotoxicity triggering receptor 1 (NCR1) ligands upon infection, rendering them targets for NCR1 mediated NK cell attack. Thus, direct sensing of type I IFNs by T cells protects them from NK cell killing by regulating the expression of NCR1 ligands, thereby revealing a mechanism by which T cells can evade the potent cytotoxic activity of NK cells.


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Liver kidney microsomal type 1 (LKM-1) antibodies have been shown to decrease the CYP2D6 activity in vitro and are present in a minority of patients with chronic hepatitis C infection. We investigated whether LKM-1 antibodies might reduce the CYP2D6 activity in vivo. All patients enrolled in the Swiss Hepatitis C Cohort Study and tested for LKM-1 antibodies were assessed (n = 1723): 10 eligible patients were matched with patients without LKM-1 antibodies. Patients were genotyped for CYP2D6 variants to exclude individuals with a poor metabolizer genotype. CYP2D6 activity was measured by a specific substrate using the dextromethorphan/dextrorphan metabolic ratio to classify patients into four activity phenotypes. All patients had a CYP2D6 extensive metabolizer genotype. The observed phenotype was concordant with the CYP2D6 genotype in most LKM-negative patients, whereas only three LKM-1 positive patients had a concordant phenotype (six presented an intermediate and one a poor metabolizer phenotype). The median DEM/DOR ratio was sixfold higher in LKM-1 positive than in LKM-1 negative patients (0.096 vs. 0.016, P = 0.004), indicating that CYP2D6 metabolic function was significantly reduced in the presence of LKM-1 antibodies. In chronic hepatitis C patients with LKM-1 antibodies, the CYP2D6 metabolic activity was on average reduced by 80%. The impact of LKM-1 antibodies on CYP2D6-mediated drug metabolism pathways warrants further translational studies.


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Rapport de synthèse : Introduction : plusieurs études observationnelles suggèrent qu'il existe une association entre le tabagisme actif et l'incidence du diabète de type 2. Toutefois de telles études n'ont jamais été synthétisées de façon systématique. Objectif : conduire une revue systématique avec meta-analyse des études évaluant l'association entre le tabagisme actif et l'incidence du diabète de type 2. Méthode : nous avons effectué une recherche dans les bases de donnée électroniques MEDLINE et EMBASE de 1966 à mai 2007, et l'avons complétée par une recherche manuelle des bibliographies des articles clés retenus ainsi que par la recherche d'abstracts de congrès scientifiques et le contact d'experts. Pour être inclues dans notre revue, les études devaient avoir un design de type cohorte, reporter un risque de glycémies jeun élevée, d'intolérance au glucose ou de diabète de type 2 en relation avec le statut tabagique des participants lors du recrutement et devaient exclure les sujets avec un diabète au ©but de l'étude. Deux auteurs ont sélectionné de façon in©pendante les études et ont extrait les données. Les risques relatifs de diabète étaient ensuite compilés, utilisant un mo¨le de type « random effect ». Résultats : la recherche a aboutit à 25 études de cohorte prospectives (N=1'165'374 participants) et a reporté en tout 45'844 cas de diabète de type 2 pendant une durée de suivi s'étendant sur 5 à 30 années. Sur les 25 études, 24 reportaient un risque augmenté de diabète chez les fumeurs par comparaison aux non fumeurs. Le risque relatif (RR) commun de toutes les études était de 1.44 (intervalle de confiance (IC) à 95% : 1.31-1.58). Le risque de diabète était plus élevé chez les fumeurs de plus de 20 cigarettes par jour (RR : 1.61, IC 95% : 1.43-1.80) en comparaison aux fumeurs ayant une consommation inférieure (RR : 1.29, IC 95% : 1.13-1.48) et le risque était moindre pour les anciens fumeurs (RR :1.23; IC 95% : 1.14-1.33) comparé aux fumeurs actifs. Ces éléments parlent en faveur d'un effet dose-réponse et donc d'une relation de causalité, sans pour autant la prouver. Conclusion : notre étude révèle que le tabagisme actif est associé avec un risque augmenté de 44% de diabète de type 2. Des recherches futures sont nécessaires pour évaluer si cette association est causale et pour clarifier les mécanismes d'action. Dans l'intervalle, les professionnels de santé devraient mentionner l'éviction du diabète comme une raison supplémentaire d'arrêter de fumer ou de ne pas commencer à fumer.


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[eng] The article describes the experience of organising the archive of the monastery of Saint Benedict of Montserrat, an institution that currently holds one of the most important collections of Catalan monastic history: that of the first Clarisses in Barcelona. The author comments about the major phases of the project and then reflects on the context for studying and managing an archive of this type.


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[eng] Objective: To analyse the scientific papers studying citations in the areas of humanities during the period 1959-2008 and to determine the aspects evaluated. The main bibliometric aspects measured were type of study, obsolescence, dispersion, language, theme, author impact and self-citations.Methodology: Broad revision of the international literature in the area of library and information science in the period studied, and detailed analysis of 119 bibliometric studies.Results: Most of the few studies of this area are based on ad-hoc citation compilations. There is a certain predominance of philology. Library quarterly is the journal that has published most papers of this kind. The conclusions of these studies can be as useful as those in the experimental sciences; it would be useful to increase their number.


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Acte €™accusation du prince Pentaour, qu'une épouse secondaire de Ramsès III, sa mère, avait essayé de faire monter sur le trône à place de l'héritier légitime. Cet épiside de l'histoire égyptienne est connu comme la "conspiration du Harem". Ici il est question de l'endormissement des portiers du harem, probablement à l'aide de narcotiques, pour pouvoir recevoir des messages.


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La Suisse présente des taux d'incidence de mélanomes cutanés parmi les plus élevés d'Europe. Elle a été un des premiers pays européens à avoir mis sur pied des campagnes nationales de prévention des cancers cutanés, les premières actions remontant au milieu des années 80. Les campagnes "Solmobile" ont été conduites entre 2001 et 2005 par la Ligue suisse contre le cancer, avec le soutien de la Société suisse de dermatologie et de vénéréologie et de l'Office fé©ral de la santé publique. Ces campagnes visaient à (1) informer les gens sur leur type de peau et les risques liés à une (sur-)exposition solaire, (2) évaluer son risque de cancer cutané, et (3) offrir un premier examen clinique gratuit, par un dermatologue, en cas de lésion suspecte. [...] Ce cahier examine le profil socio©mographique et épi©miologique des participants aux campagnes "Solmobile" et explore leurs motivations et pratiques en matière de ©pistage cutané. Les résultats des examens cliniques effectués par les dermatologues et la sélection des visiteurs pour ces examens y sont analysés.


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Introduction: Infection with Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) and a lack invitamin D are emerging as the twomost significant environmental triggersof multiple sclerosis (MS). Sincewe and others have shown that CD8+T cells are important immune mediatorsof the inflammatory response inMS, we examined whether vitamin Ddirectly affects the CD8+ T cell response.We also explored if vitaminDmodulates the EBV-specific CD8+ Tcell response. Methods: PBMC of 10patients with early MS and 10 healthycontrols (HC) were stimulated eitherwith a pool of EBVimmunodominantpeptides or anti-CD3/anti-CD28 beads.Cytokine secretion was assessed witha Cytometric Beads Array (CBA),ELISA and intracellular cytokinestaining. To examine whether vitaminD could directly modulate CD8+ Tcell immune responses, we depletedCD4+ T cells using a negative selection.Results: We found that vitaminD-treated PBMC stimulated eitherwith the EBV peptide pool or anti-CD3/anti-CD28 beads adopted ananti-inflammatory profile: significantdecrease in IFN-and TNF secretion,contrasting with a significant increasein IL-5 and TGF-secretion. At baseline,but also after vitamin D stimulation,IL-5 was significantly less producedby stimulated CD8+ T cells ofearly MS than HC. Finally, using depletionof CD4+ T cells, we couldshow that vitaminDcan directlymodulateCD8+ T cells. Discussion: Ourdata suggest that vitaminDconfers ananti-inflammatory profile to CD8+ Tcells, without the help of CD4+ Tcells. Even if vitamin D has a significanteffect on CD8+ T cells of earlyMS patients, this "rescuing" effect isof smaller magnitude than in HC subjects.Finally, vitamin D does influencethe CD8+ T cell response toEBV in early MS patients, suggestingthat there is an interplay betweenthese two major environmental factorsof MS.


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PURPOSE: Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) with inv(3)(q21q26.2)/t(3;3)(q21;q26.2) [inv(3)/t(3;3)] is recognized as a distinctive entity in the WHO classification. Risk assignment and clinical and genetic characterization of AML with chromosome 3q abnormalities other than inv(3)/t(3;3) remain largely unresolved. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Cytogenetics, molecular genetics, therapy response, and outcome analysis were performed in 6,515 newly diagnosed adult AML patients. Patients were treated on Dutch-Belgian Hemato-Oncology Cooperative Group/Swiss Group for Clinical Cancer Research (HOVON/SAKK; n = 3,501) and German-Austrian Acute Myeloid Leukemia Study Group (AMLSG; n = 3,014) protocols. EVI1 and MDS1/EVI1 expression was determined by real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction. RESULTS: 3q abnormalities were detected in 4.4% of AML patients (288 of 6,515). Four distinct groups were defined: A: inv(3)/t(3;3), 32%; B: balanced t(3q26), 18%; C: balanced t(3q21), 7%; and D: other 3q abnormalities, 43%. Monosomy 7 was the most common additional aberration in groups (A), 66%; (B), 31%; and (D), 37%. N-RAS mutations and dissociate EVI1 versus MDS1/EVI1 overexpression were associated with inv(3)/t(3;3). Patients with inv(3)/t(3;3) and balanced t(3q21) at diagnosis presented with higher WBC and platelet counts. In multivariable analysis, only inv(3)/t(3;3), but not t(3q26) and t(3q21), predicted reduced relapse-free survival (hazard ratio [HR], 1.99; P < .001) and overall survival (HR, 1.4; P = .006). This adverse prognostic impact of inv(3)/t(3;3) was enhanced by additional monosomy 7. Group D 3q aberrant AML also had a poor outcome related to the coexistence of complex and/or monosomal karyotypes and cryptic inv(3)/t(3;3). CONCLUSION: Various categories of 3q abnormalities in AML can be distinguished according to their clinical, hematologic, and genetic features. AML with inv(3)/t(3;3) represents a distinctive subgroup with unfavorable prognosis.


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Clinical and virologic manifestations of genital herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2) infection vary widely. We examined frequencies of single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in Toll-like receptors (TLRs) 2, 3, 4, and 9 in a prospective cohort of 128 HSV-2-infected persons whose viral shedding and lesion frequency was measured by daily sampling from genital secretions. Two TLR2 haplotypes (2 and 4) were associated with increased lesional (P=.008 and P=.03) and shedding (P=.02 and P=.001) rates. An SNP in haplotype 2 (-15607A/G) was also associated with shedding (P=.01) and lesional (P=.008) rates. Polymorphisms in TLR2 may be in part responsible for differences in the severity of HSV-2 infection.


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We have recently shown that nasal immunization of anesthetized mice with human papillomavirus type 16 (HPV16) virus-like particles (VLPs) is highly effective at inducing both neutralizing immunoglobulin A (IgA) and IgG in genital secretions, while parenteral immunization induced only neutralizing IgG. Our data also demonstrated that both isotypes are similarly neutralizing according to an in vitro pseudotyped neutralization assay. However, it is known that various amounts of IgA and IgG are produced in genital secretions along the estrous cycle. Therefore, we have investigated how this variation influences the amount of HPV16 neutralizing antibodies induced after immunization with VLPs. We have compared parenteral and nasal protocols of vaccination with daily samplings of genital secretions of mice. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay analysis showed that total IgA and IgG inversely varied along the estrous cycle, with the largest amounts of IgA in proestrus-estrus and the largest amount of IgG in diestrus. This resulted in HPV16 neutralizing titers of IgG only being achieved during diestrus upon parenteral immunization. In contrast, nasal vaccination induced neutralizing titers of IgA plus IgG throughout the estrous cycle, as confirmed by in vitro pseudotyped neutralization assays. Our data suggest that mucosal immunization might be more efficient than parenteral immunization at inducing continuous protection of the female genital tract.