935 resultados para Client certificate
Aquest treball fi de carrera és un estudi-prototip d'un model de privacitat per a xarxes socials on els missatges són visibles només per a qui comparteix un cert nombre d'amics en comú, fent servir els algorismes RSA i la compartició de secrets de Shamir. Per realitzar el prototip s'ha creat un plugin de Google Chrome per a la part de client i per a la part de servidor un servei en NodeJS i l'emmagatzematge en una base de dades NoSQL mongoDB, que són tecnologies emergents dins del desenvolupament web; per tant, tot el codi ha estat escrit en JavaScript.
The Gap Tuition program was established to provide funding to community colleges for need-based tuition assistance to applicants for completion of continuing education certificate training programs for in-demand occupations.
This preliminary study aims to analyze the therapeutic alliance in a crosscultural triadic setting, where there is a therapist and a client who speak a different language but are able to interact thanks to an interpreter/cultural mediator. The participants' (therapists, clients, interpreters) representations associated with the notion of therapeutic alliance, and the level of alliance between each group was obtained and compared. Clients (N = 9) were all from Albanese origin. The results show that the three groups of participants give particular meanings to the alliance and tend to evaluate their alliance level differently. The interpreter's mediating role in the construction of the therapeutic alliance is discussed.
Remote control systems are a very useful element to control and monitor devices quickly and easily. This paper proposes a new architecture for remote control of Android mobile devices, analyzing the different alternatives and seeking the optimal solution in each case. Although the area of remote control, in case of mobile devices, has been little explored, it may provide important advantages for testing software and hardware developments in several real devices. It can also allow an efficient management of various devices of different types, perform forensic security tasks, etc ... The main idea behind the proposed architecture was the design of a system to be used as a platform which provides the services needed to perform remote control of mobile devices. As a result of this research, a proof of concept was implemented. An Android application running a group of server programs on the device, connected to the network or USB interface, depending on availability. This servers can be controlled through a small client written in Java and runnable both on desktop and web systems.
Aquest projecte es va realitzar per a un client que disposa d’un conjunt d’uns 100 ordinadors per a accés a internet amb accés temporitzat per monedes, ubicats en diferents locals, I havia observat una creixent demanda del servei d’impressió, entre d'altres per a fer el checkin per a ryanair.L'objecte d'aquest projecte és crear un sistema que permeti realitzar el cobrament de les impressions de forma prèvia i automàtica, alhora que clara per al client final. Aquest sistema ha de funcionar de forma autònoma, alliberant així al personal del local de les tasques de gestió de la impressora.Cal tenir en compte que aquest sistema ha de funcionar tant per a Linux com per a Windows XP o superior.Es dissenyarà l’electrònica i el software corresponent al servidor d’ impressió,així com les comunicacions entre el servidor d’impressió i els ordinadors per monedes. Quant als ordinadors controlats per monedes, s'implantarà la comunicació amb el moneder, per tal de controlar el crèdit disponible i descomptar el temps corresponent a les impressions. Per altre banda, es realitzarà una interfície d'usuari on es comunicarà a l’usuari el preu de les impressions, el temps que se li restarà, el que té disponible i el que li restaràdesprés de realitzar la impressió. En aquesta mateixa pantalla se li donarà la opció d'acceptar o rebutjar la impressió abans que li sigui descomptada del temps disponible
The educational programme reported was an experiment in the vocational training scheme of the department of General Practice, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, Holland, and is now part of the course. The programme focused on the training in team function (co-operation) given to trainee GPs and social workers. It became clear that both groups during their professional training develop markedly different attitudes and views about patient (client) care. These differences form a fundamental handicap in any discussion about teamwork. During the programme the students were made aware of this divergence of viewpoint and were taught how to handle these resulting handicaps and, if possible, to eliminate them.
The findings in this summary are based on the Iowa Barriers to Prenatal Care project. Ongoing since 1991, the purpose of this project is to obtain brief, accurate information about women delivering babies in Iowa hospitals. Specifically, the project seeks to learn about women’s experiences getting prenatal or delivery care during their current pregnancy. Other information is included which may be pertinent to health planners or those concerned with the systematic development of health care services. This project is a cooperative venture of all of Iowa’s maternity hospitals, the University of Northern Iowa Center for Social and Behavioral Research, and the Iowa Department of Public Health. The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation funded the first three years of this project. The current funding is provided by the Iowa Department of Public Health. The Director is Dr. Mary Losch, University of Northern Iowa Center for Social and Behavioral Research. The Coordinator for the project is Rodney Muilenburg. The questionnaire is distributed to nearly ninety maternity hospitals across the state of Iowa. Nursing staff or those responsible for obtaining birth certificate information in the obstetrics unit are responsible for approaching all birth mothers prior to dismissal to request their participation in the study. The questionnaire takes approximately ten minutes to complete. Completed questionnaires are returned to the University of Northern Iowa Center for Social and Behavioral Research for data entry and analysis. Returns are made monthly, weekly, or biweekly depending on the number of births per week in a given hospital. Except in the case of a mother who is too ill to complete the questionnaire, all mothers are eligible to be recruited for participation. The present yearly report includes an analysis of large Iowa cities, frequencies by income, and a trend analysis of the last ten years. Also presented in this report is a frequency analysis of all variables included in the 2014 questionnaire. Unless otherwise noted, all entries reflect percentages. Please note that, because percentages were rounded, total values may not equal 100%. Data presented are based upon 2014 questionnaires received to date (n = 24,696). All analyses reflect unweighted percentages of those responding.
Access to Recovery - Iowa (ATR) is a three year grant awarded to the Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH) by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (SAMHSA) in October 2014. ATR provides funding to individuals to purchase services and supports linked to their recovery from substance abuse. ATR emphasizes client choice and increases the array of available community-based services, supports, and providers.
El caso práctico de este trabajo consiste, en esencia, en la creación de un almacén de datos para nuestro cliente ficticio ¿FECRES¿, así como la realización de varios informes. Algunos de estos informes serán estáticos y otros dinámicos (cubos OLAP).
El proyecto consiste en la creación de un portal web para la venta de gallina de raza autóctona asturiana, pita pinta. El cliente, criador de esta raza, encarga esta web para dar a conocer su gallinero y ofrecer material relacionado con la cría y productos de alimentación, todo ello para su encargo y compra por internet.
The penetration of PKI technology in the market is moving slowly due to interoperability concerns. Main causes are not technical but political and social since there is no trust development model that appropriately deals with multidomain PKIs. We propose a new architecture that on one hand considers that trust is not an homogeneous property but tied to a particular relation, and on the other hand, trust management must be performed through specialized entities that can evaluate its risks and threads. The model is based on trust certificate lists that allows users to hold a personalized trust view without having to get involved in technical details. The model dynamically adapts tothe context changes thanks to a new certificate extension, we have called TrustProviderLink (TPL).
Tietoverkkojen käyttö lisääntyy maailmalla nopeaa vauhtia. Monet verkon käyttäjät tarvitsevat käyttöönsä myös yrityksen yksityisiä tietoja missä tahansa liikkuvatkin. Samalla on oltava mahdollista yhdistää yrityksen eri toimipisteitä samaan verkkoon. Virtuaaliset yksityisverkot eli VPN:t ovat nopea ja turvallinen vaihtoehto näihin tarpeisiin. VPN saattaa tuottaa yritykselle suuria liiketoiminnalisia hyötyjä. VPN-ammattilaisten suunnittelema VPN:ää voidaan pitää myös turvallisena ratkaisuna yritykselle. Varsinkin IPSecin (Internet Protocol Security) kehittyminen luotetuksi standardoiduksi protokollaperheeksi on lujittanut uskoa VPN:iin. Tässä insinöörityössä vertaillaan kahden suositun VPN-laitevalmistajan laitteistoa teknisten ominaisuuksien, hallittavuuden ja client-ratkaisujen pohjalta. Työn teoriaosuudessa keskitytään VPN:ien rakenteeseen ja VPN-laitteistojen käyttämiin tekniikoihin. Insinöörityön pohjalta on mahdollista saada kokonaiskuva VPN-tekniikasta ja tutustua VPN-reitittimien konfigurointiin.
This study investigates, designs, and implements an inexpensive application that allows local and remote monitoring of a home. The application consists of an array of sensors for monitoring different conditions in a home environment and also for accessing the devices that might be connected to the system. Only a few sensors are initially involved in this study and information about the temperature level, forced entry detection, smoke and water leakage detection can be obtained at any time from any location with an Internet connection. The application software (coded in C language) runs on an embedded system which is basically a wireless Linksys router running on a GNU/Linux based firmware for embedded systems. Interaction between the sensors and the application software is achieved through an implemented sensor interfacing circuit. The communication with the sensor interfacing unit is done through the serial port, and accessibility of the connected sensors is achieved through a telnet client. The sensors can be accessed from local and remote locations with the sensors giving reliable information. The resulting application shows that it is possible to use the router for other applications other than what it is intended for.
Nomadic workers travel often between different work sites and work mainly outside their regular work place, but often require access to information stored electronically in corporate information systems. While working in field conditions, communication with an information system can be achieved by using mobile technology, i.e. mobile devices and wireless communication. This master’s thesis researches the use of mobile technology to assist nomadic field workers in their tasks. First different mobile technologies are compared and constraints that characterize mobile computing are explained. In the practical part of the thesis client software is developed for a mobile device. The software allows a nomadic construction worker to identify concrete elements and to acquire and update information concerning them. The characteristics of mobile computing and their effect on usability are taken into account when implementing the client software and the software is designed to be as easy to use as possible.
Diplomityö muodostuu kahdesta kokonaisuudesta. Työn teoriaosa kertoo mitä ympäristöjohtaminen on, millaisia ovat multi-site -organisaatio ja multi-site -johtamisjärjestelmä sekä mitä vaatimuksia nämä asettavat yritykselle. Työssä esitetään malli, jota käyttämällä kansainvälisten johtamisjärjestelmästandardien mukaan rakennetut laatu-, ympäristö-, terveys- ja turvallisuusjärjestelmät voidaan yhdistää yhdeksi kokonaisuudeksi, multi-site - johtamisjärjestelmäksi. Malli rakentuu kolmesta tasosta, joita ovat paikallinen, maakohtainen ja konsernitaso. Esimerkkien avulla kerrotaan miteneri lähtökohdista voidaan näiden tasojen kautta edetä kohti yhtä johtamiskokonaisuutta. Esille tuodaan myös multi-site -johtamisjärjestelmän käyttöönottoa puoltavat ja vastustavat näkökohdat. Työn konkreettinen osa on johtamisjärjestelmämallin paikallisen tason toteuttaminen. Ympäristöjohtamisjärjestelmän rakentaminen standardin EN ISO 14001:2004 vaatimusten mukaiseksi Kvaerner Power Oy:n Suomen toimipaikoille sekä tämän järjestelmän yhdistäminen sertifioituun EN ISO 9001 -standardin mukaiseen laatujärjestelmään. Työssä kerrotaan miten ympäristöjohtamisjärjestelmä on rakennettu ja miten laatu- ja ympäristöjärjestelmät on liitetty yhdeksi kokonaisuudeksi. Työn tuloksena syntyi malli johtamisjärjestelmien yhdistämisestä sekä sertifioitu ympäristöjohtamisjärjestelmä, jonka yhdistäminen laatujärjestelmään toteutettiin tavoitteiden mukaisesti.