932 resultados para Classical logic
Evolutionary-based algorithms play an important role in finding solutions to many problems that are not solved by classical methods, and particularly so for those cases where solutions lie within extreme non-convex multidimensional spaces. The intrinsic parallel structure of evolutionary algorithms are amenable to the simultaneous testing of multiple solutions; this has proved essential to the circumvention of local optima, and such robustness comes with high computational overhead, though custom digital processor use may reduce this cost. This paper presents a new implementation of an old, and almost forgotten, evolutionary algorithm: the population-based incremental learning method. We show that the structure of this algorithm is well suited to implementation within programmable logic, as compared with contemporary genetic algorithms. Further, the inherent concurrency of our FPGA implementation facilitates the integration and testing of micro-populations.
Population balances of polymer species in terms 'of discrete transforms with respect to counts of groups lead to tractable first order partial differential equations when ali rate constants are independent of chain length and loop formation is negligible [l]. Average molecular weights in the absence ofgelation are long known to be readily found through integration of an initial value problem. The extension to size distribution prediction is also feasible, but its performance is often lower to the one provided by methods based upon real chain length domain [2]. Moreover, the absence ofagood starting procedure and a higher numerical sensitivity hás decisively impaired its application to non-linear reversibly deactivated polymerizations, namely NMRP [3].
Aristotle is reportedly held to have been a Moderate Realist in that he would maintain that a concept derives from an act of grasping a mind-independent universal object that exists somehow inside of the many different things which the concept is predicated of. As far as a universal is independent of mind, it would stand for the proper object of a concept that subsumes a given number of things as its own instantiations. But we claim that Aristotle rejected such a view and instead did perceive and comprehend universality as a feature of thought rather than as a feature of reality in its own right. As showed in the chapters of Topics regarding the so-called logic of comparison (with the support of Albert the Great’s commentary), each predicate can be more or less consistent with the attribute of the subject of which it may be predicated. Both essential and accidental attributes assume a definite degree of being related to the degree of belonging to substance. Unlike particular things, the universality of a concept is to be understood always in comparison with another concept according to a hierarchy of predicates in terms of universality degree arranged by comparative terms such as ‘more’, ‘less’, and ‘likewise’. What is really mind-independent are the truth conditions which make a universal true when exclusively referring to a set of things identically meant by the same predicate whose universality is given by the place occupied in the hierarchy of predicates.
In short, the European Union, as we know it, no longer exists. The very foundations on which it was built are eroding. Shared memories of the Second World War have faded away – half the 15- and 16-year-olds in German high schools do not know that Hitler was a dictator, while a third believe that he protected human rights. The collapse of the Soviet Union has stripped away the geopolitical rationale for European unity. The democratic welfare state that was at the heart of the post-war political consensus is under siege by, among other things, sheer demographics. And the prosperity that bolstered the European project’s political legitimacy is vanishing. More than six out of ten Europeans believe that the lives of today’s children will be more difficult than those of people from their own generation. Against this background, how unthinkable is the EU’s disintegration? Should Europeans make the mistake of taking the Union for granted? Should they assume that the Union would not collapse because it should not collapse? Here, Europe’s capacity to learn from the Soviet precedent could play a crucial part. For the very survival of the EU may depend on its leaders’ ability to manage a similar mix of political, economic and psychological factors that were in play in the process of the Soviet collapse. The game of disintegration is primarily a political one driven much more by the perceptions and misperceptions of the political actors than simply by the constellation of the structural factors – institutional and economic.
Mutual recognition is one of the most appreciated innovations of the EU. The idea is that one can pursue market integration, indeed "deep' market integration, while respecting 'diversity' amongst the participating countries. Put differently, in pursuing 'free movement' for goods, mutual recognition facilitates free movement by disciplining the nature and scope of 'regulatory barriers', whilst allowing some degree of regulatory discretion for EU Member States. This BEER paper attempts to explain the rationale and logic of mutual recognition in the EU internal goods market, its working in actual practice for about three decades now, culminating in a qualitative cost/benefit analysis and its recent improvement in terms of 'governance' in the so-called New Legislative Framework (first denoted as the 2008 Goods package) thereby ameliorating the benefits/costs ratio. For new (in contrast to existing) national regulation, the intrusive EU procedure to impose mutual recognition is presented as well, with basic data so as to show its critical importance to keep the internal goods market free. All this is complemented by a short summary of the scant economic literature on mutual recognition. Subsequently, the analysis is extended to the internal market for services. This is done in two steps, first by reminding the debate on the origin principle (which goes further than mutual recognition EU-style) and how mutual recognition works under the horizontal services directive. This is followed by a short section on how mutual recognition works in vertical (i.e. sectoral) services markets.
This Policy Brief argues that the newly adopted EU temporary relocation (quota) system constitutes a welcome yet timid step forward in addressing a number of central controversies of the current refugee debate in Europe. Two main challenges affect the effective operability of the new EU relocation model. First, EU member states’ asylum systems show profound (on-the-ground) weaknesses in reception conditions and judicial/administrative capacities. These prevent a fair and humane processing of asylum applications. EU states are not implementing the common standards enshrined in the EU reception conditions Directive 2013/33. Second, the new relocation system constitutes a move away from the much-criticised Dublin system, but it is still anchored to its premises. The Dublin system is driven by an unfair and unsustainable rule according to which the first EU state of entry is responsible for assessing asylum applications. It does not properly consider the personal, private and family circumstances or the preferences of asylum-seekers. Policy Recommendations In order to respond to these challenges, the Policy Brief offers the following policy recommendations: The EU should strengthen and better enforce member states’ reception capacities, abolish the current Dublin system rule of allocation of responsibility and expand the new relocation distribution criteria to include in the assessment (as far as possible) asylum-seekers’ preferences and personal/family links to EU member states. EU member countries should give priority to boosting their current and forward-looking administrative and judicial capacities to deal and welcome asylum applications. The EU should establish a permanent common European border and asylum service focused on ensuring the highest standards through stable operational support, institutional solidarity across all EU external borders and the practical implementation of new distribution relocation criteria.
Horizontal coordination, where actors join together to accomplish a common task, has been applauded for its output legitimacy. However, such processes often face challenges due to opposition from local actors who raise concerns about democratic legitimacy and accountability. Moving beyond a logic of effectiveness, we aim to show how and why other forms of legitimacy such as input and throughput dimensions also affect horizontal coordination, in addition to output criteria. Beyond the assumed positive relationship between coordination and effectiveness, we additionally expect horizontal coordination to be (a) impeded by local actors' fear of losing democratic legitimacy; and (b) fostered by accountability in terms of the steering capacity of the state. A comparative case study analysis of water supply structures at the regional level in Switzerland shows, in contrast to our expectation, that effectiveness has mixed impacts on horizontal coordination. Rather than being solely a positive factor for horizontal coordination, certain output criteria such as financial redistribution are found to be a key hindrance. We also find that democratic legitimacy may, indeed, impede horizontal coordination whereas increased accountability positively affects such coordination.
O neoliberalismo, do ponto de vista econômico e social, pode ser entendido como a instauração, na sociedade, de relações estritamente mercantis, fazendo com que a lógica da maximização do ganho e do rendimento seja estendida a todos os campos, promovendo a racionalidade econômica como forma de racionalidade em geral. A forma de governamentalidade neoliberal norte-americana, com sua pretensão de transmutar os indivíduos em sujeitos-microempresas e as relações humanas em relações de tipo concorrencial, faz com que os indivíduos passem a ser vistos como “capital humano”. Originalmente, o termo “capital humano” remete a uma teoria que, desenvolvida sob influência do paradigma econômico neoclássico e liderança de Theodore Schultz, foi responsável por assimilar e transferir princípios econômicos para uma realidade anteriormente isenta de significados dessa natureza, fazendo emergir um discurso que associa o humano ao capital, transportando-o, dessa forma, para uma lógica onde ele deve gerir a si mesmo, tal como uma empresa. A empresa é, assim, promovida a modelo de subjetivação, sendo cada indivíduo um capital a ser gerenciado e valorizado conforme as demandas do mercado. É por isso que o modelo de conduta empreendedora, advindo do discurso do capital humano de inspiração neoliberal e de teorias clássicas propostas por Werner Sombart e Joseph A. Schumpeter, acomete os profissionais das organizações sediadas nos países capitalistas. Esse fato é bastante expressivo entre os jovens que procuram inserir-se no mercado de trabalho, principalmente em posições estratégicas valorizadas dentro das organizações, como as de trainee. No Brasil, os programas de trainee são considerados uma estratégia de busca de atração de jovens com perfil diferenciado, sendo uma resposta encontrada por muitas organizações desde 1970 para ganhar vantagem em um cenário econômico altamente competitivo. Esses profissionais são vistos como os “talentos” da organização, sendo treinados para ocuparem cargos estratégicos em um curto espaço tempo. A fim de esclarecer de que maneira o modelo de conduta empreendedora está presente nos processos seletivos de trainee, foi realizada uma análise dos textos que descrevem as competências exigidas na seleção desses jovens, a partir da Análise Crítica do Discurso (ACD) de Fairclough (2001, 2003), a partir das categorias analíticas “modalidade” e “avaliação”, e reflexões acerca da ideologia neoliberal. Chegou-se à conclusão de que o modelo de conduta empreendedora que está presente nos processos seletivos de trainee é marcada pela expressão de um comportamento apaixonado, que, no campo do management, é entendido a partir do conceito de “paixão empreendedora”. A pesquisa desenvolvida é relevante para o campo da Administração, tanto para o campo acadêmico (uma vez que há poucos estudos que têm como objeto de pesquisa a seleção de trainees e que procuram entendê-lo a partir de um viés crítico utilizando-se da análise do discurso do capital humano), como para quem está inserido nas organizações e convive com as dificuldades e desafios de selecionar jovens para programas de trainees, já que levanta questões importantes sobre os impactos dessas iniciativas tanto para os jovens, como para as organizações que os contratam.