979 resultados para Chrysophyceae cysts


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Actualmente, la reducción de materias activas (UE) y la implantación de la nueva Directiva comunitaria 2009/128/ que establece el marco de actuación para conseguir un uso sostenible de los plaguicidas químicos y la preferencia de uso de métodos biológicos, físicos y otros no químicos, obliga a buscar métodos de control menos perjudiciales para el medio ambiente. El control biológico (CB) de enfermedades vegetales empleando agentes de control biológico (ACB) se percibe como una alternativa más segura y con menor impacto ambiental, bien solos o bien como parte de una estrategia de control integrado. El aislado 212 de Penicillium oxalicum (PO212) (ATCC 201888) fue aislado originalmente de la micoflora del suelo en España y ha demostrado ser un eficaz ACB frente a la marchitez vascular del tomate. Una vez identificado y caracterizado el ACB se inició el periodo de desarrollo del mismo poniendo a punto un método de producción en masa de sus conidias. Tras lo cual se inició el proceso de formulación del ACB deshidratando las conidias para su preservación durante un período de tiempo mayor mediante lecho fluido. Finalmente, se han desarrollado algunos formulados que contienen de forma individual diferentes aditivos que han alargado su viabilidad, estabilidad y facilitado su manejo y aplicación. Sin embargo, es necesario seguir trabajando en la mejora de su eficacia de biocontrol. El primer objetivo de esta Tesis se ha centrado en el estudio de la interacción ACB-patógeno-huésped que permita la actuación de P.oxalicum en diferentes patosistemas. Uno de los primeros puntos que se abordan dentro de este objetivo es el desarrollo de nuevas FORMULACIONES del ACB que incrementen su eficacia frente a la marchitez vascular del tomate. Las conidias formuladas de PO212 se obtuvieron por la adición conjunta de distintos aditivos (mojantes, adherentes o estabilizantes) en dos momentos diferentes del proceso de producción/secado: i) antes del proceso de producción (en la bolsa de fermentación) en el momento de la inoculación de las bolsas de fermentación con conidias de PO212 o ii) antes del secado en el momento de la resuspensión de las conidias tras su centrifugación. De las 22 nuevas formulaciones desarrolladas y evaluadas en plantas de tomate en ensayos en invernadero, seis de ellas (FOR22, FOR25, FOR32, FOR35, FOR36 y FOR37) mejoran significativamente (P=0,05) el control de la marchitez vascular del tomate con respecto al obtenido con las conidias secas de P.oxalicum sin aditivos (CSPO) o con el fungicida Bavistin. Los formulados que mejoran la eficacia de las conidias secas sin aditivos son aquellos que contienen como humectantes alginato sódico en fermentación, seguido de aquellos que contienen glicerol como estabilizante en fermentación, y metil celulosa y leche desnatada como adherentes antes del secado. Además, el control de la marchitez vascular del tomate por parte de los formulados de P. oxalicum está relacionado con la fecha de inicio de la enfermedad. Otra forma de continuar mejorando la eficacia de biocontrol es mejorar la materia activa mediante la SELECCIÓN DE NUEVAS CEPAS de P. oxalicum, las cuales podrían tener diferentes niveles de eficacia. De entre las 28 nuevas cepas de P. oxalicum ensayadas en cámara de cultivo, sólo el aislado PO15 muestra el mismo nivel de eficacia que PO212 (62-67% de control) frente a la marchitez vascular del tomate en casos de alta presión de enfermedad. Mientras que, en casos de baja presión de enfermedad todas las cepas de P. oxalicum y sus mezclas demuestran ser eficaces. Finalmente, se estudia ampliar el rango de actuación de este ACB a OTROS HUÉSPEDES Y OTROS PATÓGENOS Y DIFERENTES GRADOS DE VIRULENCIA. En ensayos de eficacia de P. oxalicum frente a aislados de diferente agresividad de Verticillium spp. y Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici en plantas de tomate en cámaras de cultivo, se demuestra que la eficacia de PO212 está negativamente correlacionada con el nivel de enfermedad causada por F. oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici pero que no hay ningún efecto diferencial en la reducción de la incidencia ni de la gravedad según la virulencia de los aislados. Sin embargo, en los ensayos realizados con V. dahliae, PO212 causa una mayor reducción de la enfermedad en las plantas inoculadas con aislados de virulencia media. La eficacia de PO212 también era mayor frente a aislados de virulencia media alta de F. oxysporum f. sp. melonis y F. oxysporum f. sp. niveum, en plantas de melón y sandía, respectivamente. En ambos huéspedes se demuestra que la dosis óptima de aplicación del ACB es de 107 conidias de PO212 g-1 de suelo de semillero, aplicada 7 días antes del trasplante. Además, entre 2 y 4 nuevas aplicaciones de PO212 a la raíces de las plantas mediante un riego al terreno de asiento mejoran la eficacia de biocontrol. La eficacia de PO212 no se limita a hongos patógenos vasculares como los citados anteriormente, sino también a otros patógenos como: Phytophthora cactorum, Globodera pallida y G. rostochiensis. PO212 reduce significativamente los síntomas (50%) causados por P. cactorum en plantas de vivero de fresa, tras la aplicación del ACB por inmersión de las raíces antes de su trasplante al suelo de viveros comerciales. Por otra parte, la exposición de los quistes de Globodera pallida y G. rostochiensis (nematodos del quiste de la patata) a las conidias de P. oxalicum, en ensayos in vitro o en microcosmos de suelo, reduce significativamente la capacidad de eclosión de los huevos. Para G. pallida esta reducción es mayor cuando se emplean exudados de raíz de patata del cv. 'Monalisa', que exudados de raíz del cv. 'Desirée'. No hay una reducción significativa en la tasa de eclosión con exudados de raíz de tomate del cv. 'San Pedro'. Para G. rostochiensis la reducción en la tasa de eclosión de los huevos se obtiene con exudados de la raíz de patata del cv. 'Desirée'. El tratamiento con P. oxalicum reduce también significativamente el número de quistes de G. pallida en macetas. Con el fin de optimizar la aplicación práctica de P. oxalicum cepa 212 como tratamiento biológico del suelo, es esencial entender cómo el entorno físico influye en la capacidad de colonización, crecimiento y supervivencia del mismo, así como el posible riesgo que puede suponer su aplicación sobre el resto de los microorganismos del ecosistema. Por ello en este segundo objetivo de esta tesis se estudia la interacción del ACB con el medio ambiente en el cual se aplica. Dentro de este objetivo se evalúa la INFLUENCIA DE LA TEMPERATURA, DISPONIBILIDAD DE AGUA Y PROPIEDADES FÍSICO-QUÍMICAS DE LOS SUELOS (POROSIDAD, TEXTURA, DENSIDAD...) SOBRE LA SUPERVIVENCIA Y EL CRECIMIENTO DE PO212 en condiciones controladas elaborando modelos que permitan predecir el impacto de cada factor ambiental en la supervivencia y crecimiento de P. oxalicum y conocer su capacidad para crecer y sobrevivir en diferentes ambientes. En las muestras de suelo se cuantifica: i) la supervivencia de Penicillium spp. usando el recuento del número de unidades formadoras de colonias en un medio de cultivo semi-selectivo y ii) el crecimiento (biomasa) de PO212 mediante PCR en tiempo real. En los resultados obtenidos se demuestra que P. oxalicum crece y sobrevive mejor en condiciones de sequía independientemente de la temperatura y del tipo de suelo. Si comparamos tipos de suelo P. oxalicum crece y sobrevive en mayor medida en suelos areno-arcillosos con un bajo contenido en materia orgánica, un mayor pH y una menor disponibilidad de fósforo y nitrógeno. La supervivencia y el crecimiento de P. oxalicum se correlaciona de forma negativa con la disponibilidad de agua y de forma positiva con el contenido de materia orgánica. Sólo la supervivencia se correlaciona también positivamente con el pH. Por otro lado se realizan ensayos en suelos de huertos comerciales con diferentes propiedades físico-químicas y diferentes condiciones ambientales para ESTUDIAR EL ESTABLECIMIENTO, SUPERVIVENCIA Y DISPERSIÓN VERTICAL Y MOVILIDAD HORIZONTAL DE PO212. P. oxalicum 212 puede persistir y sobrevivir en esos suelos al menos un año después de su liberación pero a niveles similares a los de otras especies de Penicillium indígenas presentes en los mismos suelos naturales. Además, P. oxalicum 212 muestra una dispersión vertical y movilidad horizontal muy limitada en los diferentes tipos de suelo evaluados. La introducción de P. oxalicum en un ambiente natural no sólo implica su actuación sobre el microorganismo diana, el patógeno, si no también sobre otros microorganismos indígenas. Para EVALUAR EL EFECTO DE LA APLICACIÓN DE P. oxalicum SOBRE LAS POBLACIONES FÚNGICAS INDIGENAS PRESENTES EN EL SUELO de dos huertos comerciales, se analizan mediante electroforesis en gradiente desnaturalizante de poliacrilamida (DGGE) muestras de dichos suelos a dos profundidades (5 y 10 cm) y a cuatro fechas desde la aplicación de P. oxalicum 212 (0, 75, 180 y 365 días). El análisis de la DGGE muestra que las diferencias entre las poblaciones fúngicas se deben significativamente a la fecha de muestreo y son independientes del tratamiento aplicado y de la profundidad a la que se tomen las muestras. Luego, la aplicación del ACB no afecta a la población fúngica de los dos suelos analizados. El análisis de las secuencias de la DGGE confirma los resultados anteriores y permiten identificar la presencia del ACB en los suelos. La presencia de P. oxalicum en el suelo se encuentra especialmente relacionada con factores ambientales como la humedad. Por tanto, podemos concluir que Penicillium oxalicum cepa 212 puede considerarse un óptimo Agente de Control Biológico (ACB), puesto que es ecológicamente competitivo, eficaz para combatir un amplio espectro de enfermedades y no supone un riesgo para el resto de microorganismos fúngicos no diana presentes en el lugar de aplicación. ABSTRACT Currently, reduction of active (EU) and the implementation of the new EU Directive 2009/128 which establishing the framework for action to achieve the sustainable use of chemical pesticides and preference of use of biological, physical and other non-chemical methods, forces to look for control methods less harmful to the environment. Biological control (CB) of plant diseases using biological control agents (BCA) is perceived as a safer alternative and with less environmental impact, either alone or as part of an integrated control strategy. The isolate 212 of Penicillium oxalicum (PO212) (ATCC 201888) was originally isolated from the soil mycoflora in Spain. P. oxalicum is a promising biological control agent for Fusarium wilt and other tomato diseases. Once identified and characterized the BCA, was developed a mass production method of conidia by solid-state fermentation. After determined the process of obtaining a formulated product of the BCA by drying of product by fluid-bed drying, it enables the preservation of the inoculum over a long period of time. Finally, some formulations of dried P. oxalicum conidia have been developed which contain one different additive that have improved their viability, stability and facilitated its handling and application. However, further work is needed to improve biocontrol efficacy. The first objective of this thesis has focused on the study of the interaction BCA- pathogen-host, to allow P.oxalicum to work in different pathosystems. The first point to be addressed in this objective is the development of new FORMULATIONS of BCA which increase their effectiveness against vascular wilt of tomato. PO212 conidial formulations were obtained by the joint addition of various additives (wetting agents, adhesives or stabilizers) at two different points of the production-drying process: i) to substrate in the fermentation bags before the production process, and (ii) to conidial paste obtained after production but before drying. Of the 22 new formulations developed and evaluated in tomato plants in greenhouse tests, six of them (FOR22 , FOR25 , FOR32 , FOR35 , FOR36 and FOR3) improved significantly (P = 0.05) the biocontrol efficacy against tomato wilt with respect to that obtained with dried P.oxalicum conidia without additives (CSPO) or the fungicide Bavistin. The formulations that improve the efficiency of dried conidia without additives are those containing as humectants sodium alginate in the fermentation bags, followed by those containing glycerol as a stabilizer in the fermentation bags, and methylcellulose and skimmed milk as adherents before drying. Moreover, control of vascular wilt of tomatoes by PO212 conidial formulations is related to the date of disease onset. Another way to further improve the effectiveness of biocontrol is to improve the active substance by SELECTION OF NEW STRAINS of P. oxalicum, which may have different levels of effectiveness. Of the 28 new strains of P. oxalicum tested in a culture chamber, only PO15 isolate shows the same effectiveness that PO212 (62-67 % of control) against tomato vascular wilt in cases of high disease pressure. Whereas in cases of low disease pressure all strains of P. oxalicum and its mixtures effective. Finally, we study extend the range of action of this BCA TO OTHER GUESTS AND OTHER PATHOGENS AND DIFFERENT DEGREES OF VIRULENCE. In efficacy trials of P. oxalicum against isolates of different aggressiveness of Verticillium spp. and Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici in tomato plants in growth chambers, shows that the efficiency of PO212 is negatively correlated with the level of disease caused by F. oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici. There is not differential effect in reducing the incidence or severity depending on the virulence of isolates. However, PO212 cause a greater reduction of disease in plants inoculated with virulent isolates media of V. dahlia. PO212 efficacy was also higher against isolates of high and average virulence of F. oxysporum f. sp. melonis and F. oxysporum f. sp. niveum in melon and watermelon plants, respectively. In both hosts the optimum dose of the BCA application is 107 conidia PO212 g-1 soil, applied on seedlings 7 days before transplantation into the field. Moreover, the reapplication of PO212 (2-4 times) to the roots by irrigation into the field improve efficiency of biocontrol. The efficacy of PO212 is not limited to vascular pathogens as those mentioned above, but also other pathogens such as Oomycetes (Phytophthora cactorum) and nematodes (Globodera pallida and G. rostochiensis). PO212 significantly reduces symptoms (50 %) caused by P. cactorum in strawberry nursery plants after application of BCA by dipping the roots before transplanting to soil in commercial nurseries. Moreover, the exposure of G. pallida and G. rostochiensis cysts to the conidia of P. oxalicum, in in vitro assays or in soil microcosms significantly reduces hatchability of eggs. The reduction in the rate of G. pallida juveniles hatching was greatest when root diffusates from the `Monalisa´ potato cultivar were used, followed by root diffusates from the `Désirée´ potato cultivar. However, no significant reduction in the rate of G. pallida juveniles hatching was found when root diffusates from the ‘San Pedro” tomato cultivar were used. For G. rostochiensis reduction in the juveniles hatching is obtained from the root diffusates 'Desirée' potato cultivar. Treatment with P. oxalicum also significantly reduces the number of cysts of G. pallida in pots. In order to optimize the practical application of P. oxalicum strain 212 as a biological soil treatment, it is essential to understand how the physical environment influences the BCA colonization, survival and growth, and the possible risk that can cause its application on other microorganisms in the ecosystem of performance. Therefore, the second objective of this thesis is the interaction of the BCA with the environment in which it is applied. Within this objective is evaluated the INFLUENCE OF TEMPERATURE, WATER AVAILABILITY AND PHYSICAL-CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF SOILS (POROSITY, TEXTURE, DENSITY...) ON SURVIVAL AND GROWTH OF PO212 under controlled conditions to develop models for predicting the environmental impact of each factor on survival and growth of P. oxalicum and to know their ability to grow and survive in different environments. Two parameters are evaluated in the soil samples: i) the survival of Penicillium spp. by counting the number of colony forming units in semi-selective medium and ii) growth (biomass) of PO212 by real-time PCR. P. oxalicum grows and survives better in drought conditions regardless of temperature and soil type. P. oxalicum grows and survives more in sandy loam soils with low organic matter content, higher pH and lower availability of phosphorus and nitrogen. Survival and growth of P. oxalicum negatively correlates with the availability of water and positively with the organic content. Only survival also correlated positively with pH. Moreover, trials are carried out into commercial orchards soils with different physic-chemical properties and different environmental conditions TO STUDY THE ESTABLISHMENT, SURVIVAL, VERTICAL DISPERSION AND HORIZONTAL SPREAD OF PO212. P. oxalicum 212 can persist and survive at very low levels in soil one year after its release. The size of the PO212 population after its release into the tested natural soils is similar to that of indigenous Penicillium spp. Furthermore, the vertical dispersion and horizontal spread of PO212 is limited in different soil types. The introduction of P. oxalicum in a natural environment not only involves their action on the target organism, the pathogen, but also on other indigenous microorganisms. TO ASSESS THE EFFECT OF P. oxalicum APPLICATION ON SOIL INDIGENOUS FUNGAL COMMUNITIES in two commercial orchards, soil samples are analyzed by Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis polyacrylamide (DGGE). Samples are taken from soil at two depths (5 and 10 cm) and four dates from the application of P. oxalicum 212 (0, 75, 180 and 365 days). DGGE analysis shows that differences are observed between sampling dates and are independent of the treatment of P. oxalicum applied and the depth. BCA application does not affect the fungal population of the two soil analyzed. Sequence analysis of the DGGE bands confirms previous findings and to identify the presence of BCA on soils. The presence of P. oxalicum in soil is especially related to environmental factors such as humidity. Therefore, we conclude that the 212 of strain Penicillium oxalicum can be considered an optimum BCA, since it is environmentally competitive and effective against a broad spectrum of diseases and does not have any negative effect on soil non-target fungi communities.


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Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD), often caused by mutations in the PKD1 gene, is associated with life-threatening vascular abnormalities that are commonly attributed to the frequent occurrence of hypertension. A previously reported targeted mutation of the mouse homologue of PKD1 was not associated with vascular fragility, leading to the suggestion that the vascular lesion may be of a secondary nature. Here we demonstrate a primary role of PKD1 mutations in vascular fragility. Mouse embryos homozygous for the mutant allele (Pkd1L) exhibit s.c. edema, vascular leaks, and rupture of blood vessels, culminating in embryonic lethality at embryonic day 15.5. Kidney and pancreatic ductal cysts are present. The Pkd1-encoded protein, mouse polycystin 1, was detected in normal endothelium and the surrounding vascular smooth muscle cells. These data reveal a requisite role for polycystin 1 in maintaining the structural integrity of the vasculature as well as epithelium and suggest that the nature of the PKD1 mutation contributes to the phenotypic variance in ADPKD.


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The development of skin carcinomas presently is believed to be correlated with mutations in the p53 tumor suppressor and ras gene as well as with the loss of chromosome 9. We now demonstrate that, in addition, loss of chromosome 15 may be a relevant genetic defect. Reintroduction of an extra copy of chromosome 15, but not chromosome 4, into the human skin carcinoma SCL-I cells, lacking one copy of each chromosome, resulted in tumor suppression after s.c. injection in mice. Transfection with thrombospondin-1 (TSP-1), mapped to 15q15, induced the same tumor suppression without affecting cell proliferation in vitro or in vivo. Halted tumors remained as small cysts encapsulated by surrounding stroma and blood vessels. These cysts were characterized by increased TSP-1 matrix deposition at the tumor/stroma border and a complete lack of tumor vascularization. Coinjection of TSP-1 antisense oligonucleotides drastically reduced TSP-1 expression and almost completely abolished matrix deposition at the tumor/stroma border. As a consequence, the tumor phenotype reverted to a well vascularized, progressively expanding, solid carcinoma indistinguishable from that induced by the untransfected SCL-I cells. Thus, these data strongly suggest TSP-1 as a potential tumor suppressor on chromosome 15. The data further propose an unexpected mechanism of TSP-1-mediated tumor suppression. Instead of interfering with angiogenesis in general, in this system TSP-1 acts as a matrix barrier at the tumor/stroma border, which, by halting tumor vascularization, prevents tumor cell invasion and, thus, tumor expansion.


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Production of nitric oxide by macrophages is believed to be an important microbicidal mechanism for a variety of intracellular pathogens, including Toxoplasma gondii. Mice with a targeted disruption of the inducible nitric oxide synthase gene (iNOS) were infected orally with T. gondii tissue cysts. Time to death was prolonged compared with parental controls. Histologic analysis of tissue from infected mice showed scattered small foci of inflammation with parasites in various tissues of iNOS−/− mice, whereas tissue from the parental C57BL/6 mice had more extensive tissue inflammation with few visible parasites. In particular, extensive ulceration and necrosis of distal small intestine and fatty degeneration of the liver was seen in the parental mice at day 7 postinfection, as compared with the iNOS−/− mice where these tissues appeared normal. Serum interferon γ and tumor necrosis factor α levels postinfection were equally elevated in both mouse strains. Treatment of the parental mice with a NO synthase inhibitor, aminoguanidine, prevented early death in these mice as well as the hepatic degeneration and small bowel necrosis seen in acutely infected control parentals. These findings indicate that NO production during acute infection with T. gondii can kill intracellular parasites but can be detrimental, even lethal, to the host.


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We have investigated the role of the isoflavones daidzein and genistein on the chemotropic behavior of germinating cysts of Phytophthora sojae. Hyphal germlings were shown to respond chemotropically to daidzein and genistein, suggesting that hyphal tips from zoospores that have encysted adjacent to the root may use specific host isoflavones to locate their host. Observations of the contact response of hyphal germlings were made on several different substrates in the presence and absence of isoflavones. Hyphal tips of germlings detected and penetrated pores in membranes and produced multiple appressoria on smooth, impenetrable surfaces. Hyphae that successfully penetrated the synthetic membrane were observed to grow away from the membrane surface. The presence of isoflavones in the medium surrounding the hyphal germlings did not appear to alter any of those habits. Daidzein and genistein did not inhibit germination or initial hyphal growth at concentrations up to 20 μm.


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The kidneys of patients with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease become massively enlarged due to the progressive expansion of myriad fluid-filled cysts. The epithelial cells that line the cyst walls are responsible for secreting the cyst fluid, but the mechanism through which this secretion occurs is not well established. Recent studies suggest that renal cyst epithelial cells actively secrete Cl across their apical membranes, which in turn drives the transepithelial movement of Na and water. The characteristics of this secretory flux suggest that it is dependent upon the participation of an apical cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR)-like Cl channel and basolateral Na,K-ATPase. To test this hypothesis, we have immunolocalized the CFTR and Na,K-ATPase proteins in intact cysts and in cyst epithelial cells cultured in vitro on permeable filter supports. In both settings, cyst epithelial cells were found to possess Na,K-ATPase exclusively at their basolateral surfaces; apical labeling was not detected. The CFTR protein was present at the apical surfaces of cyst epithelial cells that had been stimulated to secrete through incubation in forskolin. CFTR was detected in intracellular structures in cultured cyst epithelial cells that had not received the forskolin treatment. These results demonstrate that the renal epithelial cells that line cysts in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease express transport systems with the appropriate polarity to mediate active Cl and fluid secretion.


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Giardia lamblia, like most human intestinal parasitic protozoa, sustains fundamental morphological and biochemical changes to survive outside the small intestine of its mammalian host by differentiating into an infective cyst. However, the stimulus that triggers this differentiation remains totally undefined. In this work, we demonstrate the induction of cyst formation in vitro when trophozoites are starved for cholesterol. Expression of cyst wall proteins was detected within encystation-specific secretory vesicles 90 min after the cells were placed in lipoprotein-deficient TYI-S-33 medium. Four cloned lines derived from two independent Giardia isolates were tested, and all formed cysts similarly. Addition of cholesterol, low density or very low density lipoproteins to the lipoprotein-deficient culture medium, inhibited the expression of cyst wall proteins, the generation of encystation-specific vesicles, and cyst wall biogenesis. In contrast, high density lipoproteins, phospholipids, bile salts, or fatty acids had little or no effect. These results indicate that cholesterol starvation is necessary and sufficient for the stimulation of Giardia encystation in vitro and, likely, in the intestine of mammalian hosts.


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Ovarian cancers have a high ability to invade the peritoneal cavity and some are stimulated by estrogens. In an attempt to understand the mode of action of estrogens on these cancer cells and to develop new markers, we have characterized estrogen-regulated proteins. This study was aimed at identifying a protein secreted by ovarian cancer cells whose level was increased by estradiol [Galtier-Dereure, F., Capony, F., Maudelonde, T. & Rochefort, H. (1992) J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. 75, 1497-1502]. By using microprotein sequencing, the 110-kDa protein was identified as fibulin-1, a protein of the extracellular matrix that binds to fibronectin, laminin, and nidogen. The amount of immunoprecipitated fibulin-1 secreted into the medium and present in the cell extract was increased up to 10-fold by estradiol in three estrogen-responsive ovarian cancer cell lines. By immunohistochemistry fibulin-1 was located in the stroma of several ovarian cancers and cysts. The findings highlight a potential role for fibulin-1 in the spread of ovarian cancer in the peritoneal cavity and/or in distal metastases.


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Murine endothelial cells are readily transformed in a single step by the polyomavirus oncogene encoding middle-sized tumor antigen. These cells (bEND.3) form tumors (hemangiomas) in mice which are lethal in newborn animals. The bEND.3 cells rapidly proliferate in culture and express little or no thrombospondin 1 (TS1). To determine the role of TS1 in regulation of endothelial cell phenotype, we stably transfected bEND.3 cells with a human TS1 expression vector. The cells expressing human TS1 were readily identified by their altered morphology and exhibited a slower growth rate and lower saturation density than the parental bEND.3 cells. The TS1-expressing cells also formed aligned cords of cells instead of clumps or cysts in Matrigel. Moreover, while the bEND.3 cells formed large tumors in nude mice within 48 hr, the TS1-expressing cells failed to form tumors even after 1 month. The TS1-transfected cells expressed transforming growth factor beta mRNA and bioactivity at levels similar to those of the parental or vector-transfected bEND.3 cells, indicating that the effects of TS1 expression are not due to the activation of transforming growth factor beta by TS1. TS1 expression resulted in a > 100-fold decrease in net fibrinolytic (urokinase-type plasminogen activator, uPA) activity due to more plasminogen-activator inhibitor 1 and less uPA secretion. TS1 thus appears to be an important regulator of endothelial cell phenotype required for maintaining the quiescent, differentiated state.


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Toxoplasma gondii is a coccidian parasite with a global distribution. The definitive host is the cat (and other felids). All warm-blooded animals can act as intermediate hosts, including humans. Sexual reproduction (gametogony) takes place in the final host and oocysts are released in the environment, where they then sporulate to become infective. In intermediate hosts the cycle is extra-intestinal and results in the formation of tachyzoites and bradyzoites. Tachyzoites represent the invasive and proliferative stage and on entering a cell it multiplies asexually by endodyogeny. Bradyzoites within tissue cysts are the latent form. T. gondii is a food-borne parasite causing toxoplasmosis, which can occur in both animals and humans. Infection in humans is asymptomatic in more than 80% of cases in Europe and North-America. In the remaining cases patients present fever, cervical lymphadenopathy and other non-specific clinical signs. Nevertheless, toxoplasmosis is life threatening if it occurs in immunocompromised subjects. The main organs involved are brain (toxoplasmic encephalitis), heart (myocarditis), lungs (pulmonary toxoplasmosis), eyes, pancreas and parasite can be isolated from these tissues. Another aspect is congenital toxoplasmosis that may occur in pregnant women and the severity of the consequences depends on the stage of pregnancy when maternal infection occurs. Acute toxoplasmosis in developing foetuses may result in blindness, deformation, mental retardation or even death. The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), in recent reports on zoonoses, highlighted that an increasing numbers of animals resulted infected with T. gondii in EU (reported by the European Member States for pigs, sheep, goats, hunted wild boar and hunted deer, in 2011 and 2012). In addition, high prevalence values have been detected in cats, cattle and dogs, as well as several other animal species, indicating the wide distribution of the parasite among different animal and wildlife species. The main route of transmission is consumption of food and water contaminated with sporulated oocysts. However, infection through the ingestion of meat contaminated with tissue cysts is frequent. Finally, although less frequent, other food products contaminated with tachyzoites such as milk, may also pose a risk. The importance of this parasite as a risk for human health was recently highlighted by EFSA’s opinion on modernization of meat inspection, where Toxoplasma gondii was identified as a relevant hazard to be addressed in revised meat inspection systems for pigs, sheep, goats, farmed wild boar and farmed deer (Call for proposals -GP/EFSA/BIOHAZ/2013/01). The risk of infection is more highly associated to animals reared outside, also in free-range or organic farms, where biohazard measure are less strict than in large scale, industrial farms. Here, animals are kept under strict biosecurity measures, including barriers, which inhibit access by cats, thus making soil contamination by oocysts nearly impossible. A growing demand by the consumer for organic products, coming from free-range livestock, in respect of animal-welfare, and the desire for the best quality of derived products, have all led to an increase in the farming of free-range animals. The risk of Toxoplasma gondii infection increases when animals have access to environment and the absence of data in Italy, together with need for in depth study of both the prevalence and genotypes of Toxoplasma gondii present in our country were the main reasons for the development of this thesis project. A total of 152 animals have been analyzed, including 21 free-range pigs (Suino Nero race), 24 transhumant Cornigliese sheep, 77 free-range chickens and 21 wild animals. Serology (on meat juice) and identification of T. gondii DNA through PCR was performed on all samples, except for wild animals (no serology). An in-vitro test was also applied with the aim to find an alternative and valid method to bioassay, actually the gold standard. Meat samples were digested and seeded onto Vero cells, checked every day and a RT-PCR protocol was used to determine an eventual increase in the amount of DNA, demonstrating the viability of the parasite. Several samples were alos genetically characterized using a PCR-RFLP protocol to define the major genotypes diffused in the geographical area studied. Within the context of a project promoted by Istituto Zooprofilattico of Pavia and Brescia (Italy), experimentally infected pigs were also analyzed. One of the aims was to verify if the production process of cured “Prosciutto di Parma” is able to kill the parasite. Our contribution included the digestion and seeding of homogenates on Vero cells and applying the Elisa test on meat juice. This thesis project has highlighted widespread diffusion of T. gondii in the geographical area taken into account. Pigs, sheep, chickens and wild animals showed high prevalence of infection. The data obtained with serology were 95.2%, 70.8%, 36.4%, respectively, indicating the spread of the parasite among numerous animal species. For wild animals, the average value of parasite infection determined through PCR was 44.8%. Meat juice serology appears to be a very useful, rapid and sensitive method for screening carcasses at slaughterhouse and for marketing “Toxo-free” meat. The results obtained on fresh pork meat (derived from experimentally infected pigs) before (on serum) and after (on meat juice) slaughter showed a good concordance. The free-range farming put in evidence a marked risk for meat-producing animals and as a consequence also for the consumer. Genotyping revealed the diffusion of Type-II and in a lower percentage of Type-III. In pigs is predominant the Type-II profile, while in wildlife is more diffused a Type-III and mixed profiles (mainly Type-II/III). The mixed genotypes (Type-II/III) could be explained by the presence of mixed infections. Free-range farming and the contact with wildlife could facilitate the spread of the parasite and the generation of new and atypical strains, with unknown consequences on human health. The curing process employed in this study appears to produce hams that do not pose a serious concern to human health and therefore could be marketed and consumed without significant health risk. Little is known about the diffusion and genotypes of T. gondii in wild animals; further studies on the way in which new and mixed genotypes may be introduced into the domestic cycle should be very interesting, also with the use of NGS techniques, more rapid and sensitive than PCR-RFLP. Furthermore wildlife can become a valuable indicator of environmental contamination with T. gondii oocysts. Other future perspectives regarding pigs include the expansion of the number of free-range animals and farms and for Cornigliese sheep the evaluation of other food products as raw milk and cheeses. It should be interesting to proceed with the validation of an ELISA test for infection in chickens, using both serum and meat juice on a larger number of animals and the same should be done also for wildlife (at the moment no ELISA tests are available and MAT is the reference method for them). Results related to Parma ham do not suggest a concerning risk for consumers. However, further studies are needed to complete the risk assessment and the analysis of other products cured using technological processes other than those investigated in the present study. For example, it could be interesting to analyze products such as salami, produced with pig meat all over the Italian country, with very different recipes, also in domestic and rural contexts, characterized by a very short period of curing (1 to 6 months). Toxoplasma gondii is one of the most diffuse food-borne parasites globally. Public health safety, improved animal production and protection of endangered livestock species are all important goals of research into reliable diagnostic tools for this infection. Future studies into the epidemiology, parasite survival and genotypes of T. gondii in meat producing animals should continue to be a research priority.