898 resultados para Child Victims Of War
Malaria is the most important parasitic disease worldwide, responsible for an estimated 225 million clinical cases each year. It mainly affects children, pregnant women and non-immune adults who frequently die victims of cerebral manifestations and anaemia. Although the contribution of the American continent to the global malaria burden is only around 1.2 million clinical cases annually, there are 170 million inhabitants living at risk of malaria transmission in this region. On the African continent, where Plasmodium falciparum is the most prevalent human malaria parasite, anaemia is responsible for about half of the malaria-related deaths. Conversely, in Latin America (LA), malaria-related anaemia appears to be uncommon, though there is a limited knowledge about its real prevalence. This may be partially explained by several factors, including that the overall malaria burden in LA is significantly lower than that of Africa, that Plasmodium vivax, the predominant Plasmodium species in the region, appears to display a different clinical spectrus and most likely because better health services in LA prevent the development of severe malaria cases. With the aim of contributing to the understanding of the real importance of malaria-related anaemia in LA, we discuss here a revision of the available literature on the subject and the usefulness of experimental animal models, including New World monkeys, particularly for the study of the mechanisms involved in the pathogenesis of malaria.
Aquest projecte de recerca té com a objecte l'anàlisi de les línies bàsiques de la Llei orgànica 1/2004, de 28 de desembre, de mesures de protecció integral contra la violència de gènere i, més concretament, de la regulació de la tutela cautelar de les víctimes d'aquest tipus de violència. Quant a la regulació de les mesures de protecció que podrà adoptar el Jutge de violència de gènere, s'ha optat per la seva inclusió expressa, ja que no es troben recollides com a mesures cautelars a la Llei d'enjudiciament criminal, que només regula la prohibició de residència i la de poder anar a un determinat lloc pels delictes recollits a l'art. 57 del Codi penal (article 544 bis LECrim, introduït per la Llei orgànica 14/1999). Malgrat els dubtes envers la naturalesa jurídica d'aquestes mesures, és clar que també persegueixen el fi típic de les mesures cautelars clàssiques, encara que de forma tangencial: assegurar el desenvolupament amb èxit del judici oral, mantenint allunyada a la víctima tan de nous actes violents com d'amenaces dirigides a assolir una retractació del seu inicial testimoni. Es tracta, doncs, de "mesures cautelars" (personals) que incideixen sobre la llibertat de l'imputat (restringint la seva llibertat de circulació i de residència), que tenen com a pressupostos tant el fumus boni iuris (judici de probabilitat del jutge), com el periculum in mora (entès més aviat com a periculum libertatis o periculum in damno), i que responen a les característiques d'instrumentalitat, provisionalitat, jurisdiccionalitat, oficialitat, revocabilitat i homogeneïtat (però no identitat) amb les mesures executives. D'altra banda, també s'afegeix la possibilitat que qualsevol d'aquestes mesures de protecció pugui ser utilitzada com a mesura de seguretat, des del principi o al llarg de l'execució de la sentència, incrementant-se així la llista de l'art. 105 del Codi penal, i possibilitant al jutge la garantia de protecció de les víctimes més enllà de la finalització del procés.
Mothers' general anxiety, anxiety about the well-being of the child and psychological stress before prenatal testing was studied by comparing women who conceived through in vitro fertilization (IVF) or intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) with women who conceived naturally. Before the first trimester screening test for Down's syndrome, a group of 51 women who conceived through IVF/ICSI and a group of 54 women who conceived spontaneously completed the State Scale of the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (S-Anxiety; Spielberger, 1983), the Fear of Bearing a Physically or Mentally Handicapped Child Subscale of the Pregnancy-related Anxiety Questionnaire (PRAQ-R; Huizink et al., 2004), the Psychological Stress Measure (PSM; Lemyre & Tessier, 1988), and the Prenatal Psychosocial Profile (PPP; Curry, Campbell, & Christian, 1994). Women who conceived through IVF/ICSI had more elevated levels of general anxiety and psychological stress than the women who conceived naturally; however, no difference was observed between the two groups for anxiety specifically related to the health of the child. These results underline the need to monitor women's emotional state after conception via IVF/ICSI-when counseling usually ends-and around the time of the first trimester screening. Counseling might thus be extended.
INTRODUCTION: Most national guidelines for the prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV in Europe updated between 2001 and 2010 recommend vaginal deliveries for women with undetectable or very low viral load (VL). Our aim was to explore the impact of these new guidelines on the rates of vaginal deliveries among HIV-positive women in Europe. METHODS: In a pooled analysis of data on HIV-positive pregnant women enrolled in the Swiss Mother & Child HIV Cohort Study and the European Collaborative Study 2000 to 2010, deliveries were classified as occurring pre- or postpublication of national guidelines recommending vaginal delivery. RESULTS: Overall, 2663 women with 3013 deliveries were included from 10 countries; 28% women were diagnosed with HIV during pregnancy. Combination antiretroviral therapy was used in most pregnancies (2020, 73%), starting during the first or second trimester in 78% and during the third trimester in 22%; in 25% pregnancies, the woman conceived on combination antiretroviral therapy. Overall, in 86% pregnancies, a VL < 400 copies per milliliter was achieved before delivery. The proportion of vaginal deliveries increased from 17% (414/2377) before the change in guidelines to 52% (313/600) after; elective Caesarean section rates decreased from 65% to 27%. The proportion of women with undetectable VL having a Caesarean section was 55% after implementation of new guidelines. We observed a decrease of late preterm deliveries from 16% (377/2354) before to 7% (42/599) after the change in guidelines (P < 0.001). CONCLUSION: There are still missed opportunities for women with HIV to fully suppress their VL and to deliver vaginally in Europe.
OBJECTIVES: Street-based sex workers (SSWs) in Lausanne, Switzerland, are poorly characterised. We set out to quantify potential vulnerability factors in this population and to examine SSW healthcare use and unmet healthcare requirements. METHODS: We conducted a cross-sectional questionnaire-based survey among SSWs working in Lausanne's red light district between 1 February and 31 July 2010, examining SSW socio-demographic characteristics and factors related to their healthcare. RESULTS: We interviewed 50 SSWs (76% of those approached). A fifth conducted their interviews in French, the official language in Lausanne. 48 participants (96%) were migrants, of whom 33/48 (69%) held no residence permit. 22/50 (44%) had been educated beyond obligatory schooling. 28/50 (56%) had no health insurance. 18/50 (36%) had been victims of physical violence. While 36/50 (72%) had seen a doctor during the preceding 12 months, only 15/50 (30%) were aware of a free clinic for individuals without health insurance. Those unaware of free services consulted emergency departments or doctors outside Switzerland. Gynaecology, primary healthcare and dental services were most often listed as needed. Two individuals (of 50, 4%) disclosed positive HIV status; of the others, 24/48 (50%) had never had an HIV test. CONCLUSIONS: This vulnerable population comprises SSWs who, whether through mobility, insufficient education or language barriers, are unaware of services they are entitled to. With half the participants reporting no HIV testing, there is a need to enhance awareness of available facilities as well as to increase provision and uptake of HIV testing.
Exploratory and descriptive study based on quantitative and qualitative methods that analyze the phenomenon of violence against adolescents based on gender and generational categories. The data source was reports of violence from the Curitiba Protection Network from 2010 to 2012 and semi-structured interviews with 16 sheltered adolescents. Quantitative data were analyzed using SPSS software version 20.0 and the qualitative data were subjected to content analysis. The adolescents were victims of violence in the household and outside of the family environment, as victims or viewers of violence. The violence was experienced at home, mostly toward girls, with marked overtones of gender violence. More than indicating the magnitude of the issue, this study can give information to help qualify the assistance given to victimized people and address how to face this issue.
In 1500, Europe was composed of hundreds of statelets and principalities, with weak central authority,no monopoly over the legitimate use of violence, and overlapping jurisdictions. By 1800, only ahandful of powerful, centralized nation states remained. We build a model that explains both the emergenceof capable states and growing divergence between European powers. We argue that the impactof war was crucial for state building, and depended on: i) the financial cost of war, and ii) a country sinitial level of domestic political fragmentation. We emphasize the role of the "Military Revolution",which raised the cost of war. Initially, this caused more cohesive states to invest in state capacity, whilemore divided states rationally dropped out of the competition, causing divergence between Europeanstates. As the cost of war escalated further, all states engaged in a "race to the top" towards greater statebuilding.
Iowa law requires each assessor in the state to value tax exempt property within his or her jurisdiction, and report such values to the Director of Revenue each year. The following report lists the 2009 actual valuations of tax exempt property for the following types of property: religious institutions, literary societies and educational institutions, low rent housing, associations of war veterans, charitable and benevolent societies, libraries and art galleries, dwelling unit property, homes for soldiers, and racetracks. Also presented in this report are comparative 2008 exempt property values.
Iowa law requires each assessor in the state to value tax exempt property within his or her jurisdiction, and report such values to the Director of Revenue each year. The following report lists the 2009 actual valuations of tax exempt property for the following types of property: religious institutions, literary societies and educational institutions, low rent housing, associations of war veterans, charitable and benevolent societies, libraries and art galleries, dwelling unit property, homes for soldiers, and racetracks. Also presented in this report are comparative 2008 exempt property values.
Iowa law requires each assessor in the state to value tax exempt property within his or her jurisdiction, and report such values to the Director of Revenue each year. The following report lists the 2009 actual valuations of tax exempt property for the following types of property: religious institutions, literary societies and educational institutions, low rent housing, associations of war veterans, charitable and benevolent societies, libraries and art galleries, dwelling unit property, homes for soldiers, and racetracks. Also presented in this report are comparative 2008 exempt property values.
Summary : International comparisons in the area of victimization, particularly in the field of violence against women, are fraught with methodological problems that previous research has not systematically addressed, and whose answer does not seem to be agreed up~n. For obvious logistic and financial reasons, international studies on violence against women (i.e. studies that administer the same instrument in different countries). are seldom; therefore, researchers are bound to resort to secondary comparisons. Many studies simply juxtapose their results to the ones of previous wòrk or to findings obtained in different contexts, in order to offer an allegedly comparative perspective to their conclusions. If, most of the time, researchers indicate the methodological limitations of a direct comparison, it is not rare that these do not result in concrete methodological controls. Yet, many studies have shown the influence of surveys methodological parameters on findings, listing recommendations fora «best practice» of research. Although, over the past decades, violence against women surveys have become more and more similar -tending towards a sort of uniformization that could be interpreted as a passive consensus -these instruments retain more or less subtle differences that are still susceptible to influence the validity of a comparison. Yet, only a small number of studies have directly worked on the comparability of violence against women data, striving to control the methodological parameters of the surveys in order to guarantee the validity of their comparisons. The goal of this work is to compare data from two national surveys on violence against women: the Swiss component of the International Violence Against Women Survey [CH-IVAWS] and the National Violence Against Women Survey [NVAWS] administered in the United States. The choice of these studies certainly ensues from the author's affiliations; however, it is far from being trivial. Indeed, the criminological field currently endows American and Anglo-Saxon literature with a predominant space, compelling researchers from other countries to almost do the splits to interpret their results in the light of previous work or to develop effective interventions in their own context. Turning to hypotheses or concepts developed in a specific framework inevitably raises the issue of their applicability to another context, i.e. the Swiss context, if not at least European. This problematic then takes on an interest that goes beyond the particular topic of violence against women, adding to its relevance. This work articulates around three axes. First, it shows the way survey characteristics influence estimates. The comparability of the nature of the CH-IVAWS and NVAWS, their sampling design and the characteristics of their administration are discussed. The definitions used, the operationalization of variables based on comparable items, the control of reference periods, as well as the nature of the victim-offender relationship are included among controlled factors. This study establishes content validity within and across studies, presenting a systematic process destined to maximize the comparability of secondary data. Implications of the process are illustrated with the successive presentation of comparable and non-comparable operationalizations of computed variables. Measuring violence against. women in Switzerland and the United-States, this work compares the prevalence of different forms (threats, physical violence and sexual violence) and types of violence (partner and nonpartner violence). Second, it endeavors to analyze concepts of multivictimization (i.e. experiencing different forms of victimization), repeat victimization (i.e. experiencing the same form of violence more than once), and revictimization (i.e. the link between childhood and adulthood victimization) in a comparative -and comparable -approach. Third, aiming at understanding why partner violence appears higher in the United States, while victims of nonpartners are more frequent in Switzerland, as well as in other European countries, different victimization correlates are examined. This research contributes to a better understanding of the relevance of controlling methodological parameters in comparisons across studies, as it illustrates, systematically, the imposed controls and their implications on quantitative data. Moreover, it details how ignoring these parameters might lead to erroneous conclusions, statistically as well as theoretically. The conclusion of the study puts into a wider perspective the discussion of differences and similarities of violence against women in Switzerland and the United States, and integrates recommendations as to the relevance and validity of international comparisons, whatever the'field they are conducted in. Résumé: Les comparaisons internationales dans le domaine de la victimisation, et plus particulièrement en ce qui concerne les violences envers les femmes, se caractérisent par des problèmes méthodologiques que les recherches antérieures n'ont pas systématiquement adressés, et dont la réponse ne semble pas connaître de consensus. Pour des raisons logistiques et financières évidentes, les études internationales sur les violences envers les femmes (c.-à-d. les études utilisant un même instrument dans différents pays) sont rares, aussi les chercheurs sont-ils contraints de se tourner vers des comparaisons secondaires. Beaucoup de recherches juxtaposent alors simplement leurs résultats à ceux de travaux antérieurs ou à des résultats obtenus dans d'autres contextes, afin d'offrir à leurs conclusions une perspective prétendument comparative. Si, le plus souvent, les auteurs indiquent les limites méthodologiques d'une comparaison directe, il est fréquent que ces dernières ne se traduisent pas par des contrôles méthodologiques concrets. Et pourtant, quantité de travaux ont mis en évidence l'influence des paramètres méthodologiques des enquêtes sur les résultats obtenus, érigeant des listes de recommandations pour une «meilleure pratique» de la recherche. Bien que, ces dernières décennies, les sondages sur les violences envers les femmes soient devenus de plus en plus similaires -tendant, vers une certaine uniformisation que l'on peut interpréter comme un consensus passif-, il n'en demeure pas moins que ces instruments possèdent des différences plus ou moins subtiles, mais toujours susceptibles d'influencer la validité d'une comparaison. Pourtant, seules quelques recherches ont directement travaillé sur la comparabilité des données sur les violences envers les femmes, ayant à coeur de contrôler les paramètres méthodologiques des études utilisées afin de garantir la validité de leurs comparaisons. L'objectif de ce travail est la comparaison des données de deux sondages nationaux sur les violences envers les femmes: le composant suisse de l'International Violence Against Women Survey [CHIVAWSj et le National Violence Against Women Survey [NVAWS) administré aux États-Unis. Le choix de ces deux études découle certes des affiliations de l'auteure, cependant il est loin d'être anodin. Le champ criminologique actuel confère, en effet, une place prépondérante à la littérature américaine et anglo-saxonne, contraignant ainsi les chercheurs d'autres pays à un exercice proche du grand écart pour interpréter leurs résultats à la lumière des travaux antérieurs ou développer des interventions efficaces dans leur propre contexte. Le fait de recourir à des hypothèses et des concepts développés dans un cadre spécifique pose inévitablement la question de leur applicabilité à un autre contexte, soit ici le contexte suisse, sinon du moins européen. Cette problématique revêt alors un intérêt qui dépasse la thématique spécifique des violences envers les femmes, ce qui ajoute à sa pertinence. Ce travail s'articule autour de trois axes. Premièrement, il met en évidence la manière dont les caractéristiques d'un sondage influencent les estimations qui en découlent. La comparabilité de la nature du CH-IVAWS et du NVAWS, de leur processus d'échantillonnage et des caractéristiques de leur administration est discutée. Les définitions utilisées, l'opérationnalisation des variables sur la base d'items comparables, le contrôle des périodes de référence, ainsi que la nature de la relation victime-auteur figurent également parmi les facteurs contrôlés. Ce travail établit ainsi la validité de contenu intra- et inter-études, offrant un processus systématique destiné à maximiser la comparabilité des données secondaires. Les implications de cette démarche sont illustrées avec la présentation successive d'opérationnalisations comparables et non-comparables des variables construites. Mesurant les violences envers les femmes en Suisse et aux États-Unis, ce travail compare la prévalence de plusieurs formes (menaces, violences physiques et violences sexuelles) et types de violence (violences partenaires et non-partenaires). 11 s'attache également à analyser les concepts de multivictimisation (c.-à-d. le fait de subir plusieurs formes de victimisation), victimisation répétée (c.-à.-d. le fait de subir plusieurs incidents de même forme) et revictimisation (c.-à-d. le lien entre la victimisation dans l'enfance et à l'âge adulte) dans une approche comparative - et comparable. Dans un troisième temps, cherchant à comprendre pourquoi la violence des partenaires apparaît plus fréquente aux États-Unis, tandis que les victimes de non-partenaires sont plus nombreuses en Suisse, et dans d'autres pays européens, différents facteurs associés à la victimisation sont évalués. Cette recherche participe d'une meilleure compréhension de la pertinence du contrôle des paramètres méthodologiques dans les comparaisons entre études puisqu'elle illustre, pas à pas, les contrôles imposés et leurs effets sur les données quantitatives, et surtout comment l'ignorance de ces paramètres peut conduire à des conclusions erronées, tant statistiquement que théoriquement. La conclusion replace, dans un contexte plus large, la discussion des différences et des similitudes observées quant à la prévalence des violences envers les femmes en Suisse et aux États-Unis, et intègre des recommandations quant à la pertinence et à la validité des comparaisons internationales, cela quel que soit le domaine considéré.
English abstract: The geography of war
L'épreuve « factuelle » et physique de la brûlure grave des grands brûlés de la face fait l'objet d'une analyse sociologique systématique : alors qu'un accident peut, en quelques secondes, provoquer une véritable rupture biographique, l'acceptation du nouveau statut et la « reconstruction » d'un rapport à soi et aux autres prend beaucoup de temps. Les modalités de cette reconstruction et les tentatives pour retrouver une impossible « apparence normale » dans la vie publique sont ici analysées. Tout en étant attentive aux modalités de l'interaction, la présente étude relève d'une démarche sociologique compréhensive menée à partir d'observations et d'entretiens conduits avec ces personnes, amenant dans le giron de la sociologie une expérience éprouvanteencore peu connue, celle des grands brûlés de la face. Le registre discursif adossé à cette dernière vient compléter certaines représentations véhiculées par les médias, les fictions et qui influent sur la perception et la visibilité de ceux-ci. A l'aune du concept d'épreuve issu de la « sociologie pragmatique », le parcours du grand brûlé peut être examiné en prêtant une attention particulière au moment initial du parcours post¬brûlure : l'accident. La mise en récit de cette première épreuve est révélatrice des tentatives pour le grand brûlé de maintenir un lien entre un avant et un après l'accident. S'ensuit un continuum d'épreuves intervenant dès le moment où les grands brûlés se présentent physiquement face à autrui dans l'espace public suscitant des réactions de gêne et de malaise. Dans le prolongement des travaux d'Erving Goffman, on peut les concevoir comme des motifs d'« inconfort interactionnel ». Cette mise en évidence de l'inconfort interactionnel montre la nécessité de ne pas se limiter à une sociologie de la brûlure grave qui s'attarderait seulement sur les ajustements des interactions. A partir des travaux d'Axel Honneth sur la reconnaissance, il est possible de lire cette gestion des situations d'interaction dans une autre optique, celle qui, pour le grand brûlé, consiste à se préserver du mépris. Ce travail met l'accent sur des habiletés interactionnelles, des compétences qui fonctionnent comme des ressorts et permettent au grand brûlé de gérer des situations susceptibles de conduire au mépris. En s'appuyant sur des situations d'interaction racontées, deux formes de lutte individuelle, de quête de reconnaissance, peuvent être dégagées : d'une part, la « lutte contre » la trop grande visibilité et contre la prégnance de certains préjugés et, d'autre part, la « lutte pour » faire connaître des aspects invisibles ou moins visibles de la brûlure grave. - This thesis analyzes the "factual" and physical ordeal of a severe burn as experienced by victims of severe facial burns. In a few seconds, an accident provokes a biographical rupture and persons involved need time to integrate their new status. This thesis concentrates on the "reconstruction" modes of the relationship with oneself and with others, and on attempts to find an impossible "normal appearance" in public life. While being attentive to the modalities of interaction, the study uses comprehensive sociology based on observations and interviews. This thesis brings into sociology litde known views of those suffering severe facial burns. These views supplement certain media representations that influence perceptions and visibility of the people involved. Applying the concept of test, a key concept of pragmatic sociology, the progression of a severely burned person can be described by focusing on the initial moment: the accident. The recounting of this first challenge reveals the severely burned person's efforts to link the "before" and "after" the accident. A continuum of challenges follows. These tests occur when the severely burned person physically faces others in a public space and when visible discomfort and embarrassment show, reactions which we consider, following Erving Goffman's works, as situations of "interactional discomfort." Emphasis on interactional discomfort shows the necessity of expanding the sociology of severe burns to more than just adjustments to interactions. Based on Axel Honneth's works, we can read the management of interactions from another point of view, in which the severely burned person tries to avoid contempt. This work emphasizes interactional aptitudes, skills that act like rebounding springs, and allow the severely burned person to manage situations that might lead to contempt. Starting with descriptions of interactions, we have determined two forms of individual struggle that appear to be a search for recognition: on one hand, the "struggle against" too much visibility and against the strength of certain prejudices, and, on the other hand, a "struggle for" making known rtain invisible or less visible aspects of a severe burn.
En este informe de legislación, el autor da razón del contenido básico de la Ley 32/1999, de 8 de octubre, de solidaridad con las víctimas del terrorismo, así como de los reglamentos que la desarrollan, aprobados por los Reales Decretos 1.912/1999 y 1.974/1999, de 17 y 23 de diciembre.
En aquest informe de legislació, l'autor exposa el contingut bàsic de la Llei 32/1999, de 8 d¿octubre, de solidaritat amb les víctimes del terrorisme, així com els reglaments que la desenvolupen, aprovats pels Reials Decrets 1.912/1999 i 1.974/1999, de 17 i 23 de desembre.