960 resultados para Cervical carcinoma Human Papillomavirus Cancer
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
INTRODUÇÃO: A infecção pelo Papiloma Vírus Humano (HPV) é uma das ISTs mais comuns no mundo e possui alto potencial carcinogênico para a cérvice uterina. OBJETIVOS: Identificar possíveis défices de competência para o autocuidado relativo ao comportamento de saúde sexual de mulheres atendidas nas Unidades Saúde da Família Paraíso do Murinin com resultados alterados para HPV e desenvolver estratégias de educação para a saúde que contribuam para comportamentos sexuais saudáveis na prevenção e controle do HPV e suas consequências. METODOLOGIA: Pesquisa desenvolvida no município de Benevides, Estado do Pará. Estudo configurado como pesquisa convergente-assistencial (PCA), que teve como referencial teórico o Autocuidado de Orem. A estratégia educacional foi aplicada em 11 mulheres na faixa etária entre 25 e 64 anos, que realizaram o exame de PCCU entre os anos 2011 e 2012 e que tiveram resultado com alterações relacionadas à contaminação pelo HPV. No desenvolvimento da estratégia educacional foi utilizada a técnica do grupo focal, o qual perdurou por dois meses (19/03/13-14/05/2013), com sete encontros grupais. A análise das informações colhidas durante as atividades grupais foi baseada na PCA e no referencial de autocuidado de Orem, com foco nos objetivos definidos, buscando avaliar como a mudança na percepção dos comportamentos de saúde na prevenção e controle do HPV se processava ante a estratégia educacional desenvolvida, norteada pelos preceitos do sistema de enfermagem de apoio-educação de OREM. RESULTADOS: Durante a pesquisa foi identificado défice de competência para o autocuidado na prevenção, tratamento/controle do HPV e nos cuidados apropriados; défice de conhecimentos acerca do HPV, suas consequências e seu enfrentamento; défice de competência para o autocuidado em práticas de vida sexual satisfatoriamente partilhadas; défice de competência quanto ao cuidado relacionado à redução de riscos socioeconômicos; défice de autocuidado em desvio de saúde relacionado ao tratamento e controle do HPV. Posteriormente foram desenvolvidas ações educativas contribuintes para comportamentos sexuais seguros em face do HPV e a outras ISTs. Ao longo do processo educativo as mulheres passaram a demonstrar competência cognitiva quanto à infecção por HPV e competência para o autocuidado em práticas de vida sexual satisfatoriamente partilhadas. CONCLUSÃO E IMPLICAÇÕES: concluímos que as estratégias educacionais utilizadas contribuem na aprendizagem das mulheres infectadas pelo HPV, na medida em que demonstraram sinais deaquisição de competências e habilidades para autocuidado e higiene com vista a práticas sexuais mais saudáveis, de modo compartilhado com seus parceiros. As implicações para a prática assistencial estão relacionadas à necessidade da enfermagem no desenvolvimento de mecanismos para melhor acolher o par sexual como usuários, de acordo com a política de prevenção de ISTs e de promoção de saúde da mulher. Para o ensino, salienta-se a importância de capacitação em serviço para atender a unidade mulher/homem como par conjugal/sexual, como também na formação de profissionais com uma visão abrangente de unidade implicada: o casal, a família. Para a pesquisa, é imprescindível a investigação de comportamentos humanos que mantêm elevada a incidência de papilomavirus humano, no intuito de encontrar estratégias que debelem a incidência e intensifique o controle, o tratamento e a prevenção de agravos pelo HPV.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Background: COX-2 is one of the most important prostaglandin involved in urologic cancer and seems to be associated with tumor progression, invasion, and metastasis. In addition, several effects have been reported for VEGF, including inducing angiogenesis, promoting cell migration, and inhibiting apoptosis. COX2 and VEGF up-regulation have been reported in human prostate cancer. Due to the importance of canine natural model for prostate cancer, the aim of this study was to evaluate COX-2 and VEGF protein expression in canine carcinogenic process. Material and Methods: Seventy-four prostatic tissues from dogs were selected to be evaluated for protein expression by immunohistochemistry (IHC), including: 10 normal prostatic tissues, 20 benign prostatic hyperplasias (BPH), 25 proliferative inflammatory atrophies (PIA) and 20 prostatic carcinomas (PCa). COX-2 and VEGF were detected using the monoclonal antibody CX-294 (1:50 dilution, Dako Cytomation and sc-53463 (1:100 dilution, Santa Cruz), respectively. The immunolabelling was performed by a polymer method (Histofine, Nichirei Biosciences). All reaction included negative controls by omitting the primary antibody. The percentage of C-MYC, E-cadherin, and p63- positive cells per lesion was evaluated according to Prowatke et al. (2007). The samples were scored separately according to staining intensity and graded semi-quantitatively as negative, weakly positive (1), moderately positive, and strongly positive. The score was done in one 400 magnification field, considering only the lesion, since this was done in a TMA core of 1 mm. For statistical analyses, the immunostaining classifications were reduced to two categories: negative and positive. The negative category included negative and weakly positive staining. Chi-square or Fisher exact test was used to determine the association between the categorical variables. Results: The COX-2 protein expression was elevated in the cytoplasm of the canine PCa and PIA compared to normal prostate (p=0.002). VEGF protein expression was increased in 94.75% of the PCa and 100% of the PIA compared with to normal prostate (p = 0.001). No difference was found when compared normal prostate with BPH. Conclusions: This study has demonstrated that the carcinogenesis of canine prostatic tissue may be related to gain of COX-2 and VEGF protein expression.
Focal epithelial hyperplasia is a rare, contagious disease associated with infection of the oral mucosa by human papillomavirus types 13 or 32, characterized by multiple soft papules of the same color as the adjacent normal mucosa. It mainly affects the lower lip, buccal mucosa, and tongue. The purpose of this case report was to describe a rare verrucal lesion located in the upper gingiva that was clinically and histologically consistent with focal epithelial hyperplasia.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Cediranib is a potent inhibitor of the VEGF family receptor tyrosine kinases, and a new agent in cancer treatment. The drug has shown promising activity in a variety of solid malignancies, in preclinical models and in clinical trials. Its pharmacokinetics allow for a convenient once-daily administration, with a toxicity profile that is very similar to other VEGF inhibitors. Its main side effects include hypertension, nausea, dysphonia, fatigue and diarrhea. Adverse events seem to be manageable, especially when used in doses lower than 45 mg/day. Studies have shown some activity as a single agent or in combination in advanced tumors, but not enough to secure its approval for routine use up to now. Clinical trials are still evaluating the role of cediranib in combination chemotherapy with cytotoxic agents.
Recently, a nongenomic cytotoxic component of the chemotherapeutic agent tamoxifen (TAM) has been identified that predominantly triggers mitochondrial events. The present study delineates the intracellular fate of TAM and studies its interaction with a spectrum of cell homeostasis modulators primarily relevant to mitochondria. The subcellular localization of TAM was assessed by confocal fluorescence microscopy. The effect of the modulators on TAM cytotoxicity was assessed by standard MTT assays. Our findings show that in estrogen receptor positive MCF7 breast adenocarcinoma cells and DU145 human prostate cancer cells, TAM largely accumulates in the mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum, but not lysosomes. Our results further demonstrate that in MCF7, but not in DU145 cells, mitochondrial electron transport chain complex I and III inhibitors exacerbate TAM toxicity with an order of potency of myxothiazol = stigmatellin > rotenone > antimycin A, suggesting a cell-specific cytotoxic interplay between mitochondrial complex I and III function and TAM action.
The Human Papillomavirus (HPV) belongs to the Papillomaviridae family and has a capsid and a single DNA strand. Its infection occurs mainly through sexual intercourse, having an important tropism for skin and mucosal cells. Aim: To evaluate the HPV presence in normal oral mucosa of asymptomatic subjects and; in parallel, to correlate social behavioral habits with the virus. Materials and Methods: Contemporary cohort cross-sectional study. The HPV was found by PCR, using general primers MY09/11 in 125 oral mucosa samples submitted to DNA extraction and PCR to search for the beta-globin gene in order to assess the quality of the extracted DNA. In parallel, we carried out a study of behavioral issues associated with the patients. Results: All the samples had a positive diagnosis of the beta-hemoglobin gene. HPV was diagnosed in 23.2% of the samples analyzed. Conclusion: The virus was present in 29 of the 125 patients, without them having any clinical-pathological manifestation associated with the HPV. As to the social behavior of the patients, we concluded that oral sex is statistically correlated to the virus, and besides the HPV has been statistically more present in female patients.
Controlled delivery of anticancer drugs through osteotropic nanoparticles (NP) is a novel approach for the adjuvant therapy of osteolytic bone metastases. Doxorubicin (DXR) is widely used in chemotherapy, although its activity is restricted by dose-dependent cardiotoxicity and marrow toxicity. However, its efficacy can be improved when specific targeting at the tumor site is obtained. The aim of this study was to obtain osteotropic biodegradable NP by nanoprecipitation of a copolymer between poly(D,L-lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) and an osteotropic bisphosphonate, sodium alendronate (ALE). NP were subsequently characterised for their chemical-physical properties, biocompatibility, and the ability to inhibit osteoclast-mediated bone resorption, and then loaded with DXR. The effectiveness of NP-loaded DXR was investigated through in vitro and in vivo experiments, and compared to that of free DXR. For the in vitro analysis, six human cell lines were used as a representative panel of bone tumors, including breast and renal adenocarcinoma, osteosarcoma and neuroblastoma. The in vitro uptake and the inhibition of tumor cell proliferation were verified. To analyse the in vivo activity of NP-loaded DXR, osteolytic bone metastases were induced through the intratibial inoculation in BALB/c-nu/nu mice of a human breast cancer cell line, followed by the intraperitoneal administration of the free or NP-loaded DXR. In vitro, aAll of the cell lines were able to uptake both free and NP-loaded drug, and their proliferation was inhibited up to 80% after incubation either with free or NP-loaded DXR. In addition, in vivo experiments showed that NP-loaded DXR were also able to reduce the incidence of bone metastases, not only in comparison with untreated mice, but also with free DXR-treated mice. In conclusion, this research demonstrated an improvement in the therapeutic effect of the antineoplastic drug DXR, when loaded to bone-targeted NP conjugated with ALE. Osteotropic PLGA-ALE NP are suitable to be loaded with DXR and offer as a valuable tool for a tissue specific treatment of skeletal metastases.