966 resultados para Cause of injury


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OBJECTIVE: To study the arrangement of the myocardial fiber bundles at the pulmonary venous left atrial junction in patients with pulmonary hypertension, and to discuss the pathophysiological importance of this element in the etiology of acute pulmonary edema. METHODS: We obtained 12 hearts and their pulmonary vein extremities from postmortem examinations of patients with the anatomicopathological diagnosis of acute pulmonary edema. The specimens, which had no grossly visible morphological cardiac alterations, were fixed in 10% formalin, and the muscular arrangement of the pulmonary venous left atrial junctions was analyzed. This material was then isolated, embedded in paraffin, underwent serial cutting (50 µm of thickness), and was stained with Azam's trichrome. RESULTS: We observed in our specimens that: a) the myocardial fiber bundles that originate in the atrial wall and involve the openings of the pulmonary veins were fewer than those observed in healthy material; b) the myocardial fiber bundles that extend into the pulmonary veins were shorter than those found in material originating from individuals with no pulmonary hypertension. CONCLUSION: Anatomical changes that result in a reduction in the amount of myocardial fiber bundles in the pulmonary venous left atrial junction, isolated or associated with other factors, may be the cause of disorders in pulmonary circulation, leading to an increase in pulmonary venous pressure, and, consequently, to acute pulmonary edema.


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OBJECTIVE: To identify useful clinical characteristics for selecting patients eligible for mapping and ablation of atrial fibrillation. METHODS: We studied 9 patients with atrial fibrillation, without structural heart disease, associated with: 1) antiarrhythmic drugs, 2) symptoms of low cardiac output, and 3) intention to treat. Seven patients had paroxysmal atrial fibrillation and 2 had recurrent atrial fibrillation. RESULTS: In the 6 patients who underwent mapping (all had paroxysmal atrial fibrillation), catheter ablation was successfully carried out in superior pulmonary veins in 5 patients (the first 3 in the left superior pulmonary vein and the last 2 in the right superior pulmonary vein). One patient experienced a recurrence of atrial fibrillation after 10 days. We observed that patients who had short episodes of atrial fibrillation on 24-hour Holter monitoring before the procedure were those in whom mapping the focus of tachycardia was possible. Tachycardia was successfully suppressed in 4 of 6 patients. The cause of failure was due to the impossibility of maintaining sinus rhythm long enough for efficient mapping. CONCLUSION: Patients experiencing short episodes of atrial fibrillation during 24-hour Holter monitoring were the most eligible for mapping and ablation, with a final success rate of 66%, versus the global success rate of 44%. Patients with persistent atrial fibrillation were not good candidates for focal ablation.


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OBJECTIVE: To differentiate the nature of functional cardiorespiratory limitations during exercise in individuals with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or congestive heart failure (CHF) and to determine indicators that may help their classifications. METHODS: The study comprised 40 patients: 23 with COPD and 17 with CHF. All individuals underwent maximal cardiopulmonary exercise testing on a treadmill. RESULTS: The values of peak gas exchange ratio (R peak), peak carbon dioxide production (VCO2 peak), and peak oxygen ventilatory equivalent (V E O2 peak) were higher in the patients with CHF than in those with COPD, and, therefore, those were the variables that characterized the differences between the groups. For group classification, the differentiating functions with the R peak, VCO2 peak (L/min), and V E O2 peak variables were used as follows: group COPD: - 44.886 + 78.832 x R peak + 5.442 x VCO2 peak + 0.336 x V E O2 peak; group CHF: - 69.251 + 89.740 x R peak + 8.461 x VCO2 peak + 0.574 x V E O2 peak. The differentiating function, whose result is greater, correctly classifies the patient's group as 90%. CONCLUSION: The R peak, VCO2 peak, and V E O2 peak values may be used to identify the cause of the functional cardiorespiratory limitations in patients with COPD and CHF.


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OBJECTIVE: To assess the effect of the oscillatory breathing on the variability of RR intervals (VRR) and on prognostic significance after one year follow-up in subjects with left ventricular global systolic dysfunction. METHODS: We studied 76 subjects, whose age ranged from 40 to 80 years, paired for age and gender, divided into two groups: group I - 34 healthy subjects; group II - 42 subjects with left ventricular global systolic dysfunction (ejection fraction < 0.40). The ECG signals were acquired during 600s in supine position, and analyzed the variation of the thoracic amplitude and the VRR. Clinical and V-RR variables were applied into a logistic multivariate model to foretell survival after one year follow-up. RESULTS: Oscillatory breathing was detected in 35.7% of subjects in vigil state of group II, with a concentration of the spectral power in the very low frequency band, and was independent of the presence of diabetes, functional class, ejection fraction, cause of ventricular dysfunction and survival after one year follow-up. In the logistic regression model, ejection fraction was the only independent variable to predict survival. CONCLUSION: 1) Oscillatory breathing pattern is frequent during wakefulness in the left ventricular global systolic dysfunction and concentrates spectral power in the very low band of V-RR; 2) it does not relate to severity and cause of left ventricular dysfunction; 3) ejection fraction is the only independent predictive variable for survival in this group of subjects.


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OBJECTIVE: Early coronary artery disease (CAD) is associated with risk factors (RF). Offspring of parents with a RF have a greater prevalence of them. However, the distribution of RF in parents and siblings of patients with early CAD is unknown. METHODS: The study comprised the parents and siblings of 42 patients with early CAD (< 45 years), 29 males. Their mean age was 39.5±3.7 years. The following major RF were analyzed: smoking (> 5 cigarretes/day), hypercholesterolemia (total cholesterol > 200 mg/dL), hypertension (diastolic blood pressure > 90 mmHg), and diabetes (glycemia > 126 mg/dL). RESULTS: Of a total of 102 RF, 4, 3, 2, and 1 were observed in, respectively, 5, 15, 15, and 7 patients with early CAD, the most prevalent being smoking (86%) and hypercholesterolemia (83%). Diabetes was observed in 15 (36%) and hypertension in 16 (38%) patients. Smoking was more prevalent in the fathers (76%) and hypercholesterolemia in the mothers (30%). In 183 siblings, 131 RF were observed (1 patient with the disease had a mean of 4.7 siblings). The prevalences of smoking, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, and diabetes in the siblings were, respectively, 32%, 18%, 14%, and 9%. The incidence of RF was as follows: 72 (39%) siblings had 1 RF, 25 (14%) siblings had 2 RF, and 3 (2%) siblings had 3 RF. In parents and their offspring, smoking was moderately correlated (r=0.43; P=0.02) with CAD. CONCLUSION: Smoking habit of parents is passed on to offspring, and, in association with hypercholesterolemia, it was the major cause of early CAD in offspring. High prevalence of smoking in offspring shows the potential responsibility of parents in the incidence of the disease in offspring.


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OBJECTIVE: To determine the frequency of encephalic infarction and its contribution to lethality in patients with Chagas' disease and heart failure. METHODS: Medical records and autopsy reports of patients with Chagas' disease complicated by heart failure, who died at the Professor Edgar Santos Hospital of the Federal University of Bahia in the past 45 years were retrospectively analyzed. Data comprised information regarding the clinical history on hospital admission, complementary and anatomicopathological examinations, including the presence of encephalic infarction, the impaired region, and the cause of death. RESULTS: Of the 5,447 autopsies performed, 524 were in patients with heart failure due to Chagas' disease. The mean age was 45.7 years, and 51 (63%) patients were of the male sex. The frequency of encephalic infarction was 17.5%, corresponding to 92 events in 92 individuals, 82 (15.8%) of which involved the brain, 8 (1.5%) involved the cerebellum, and 2 (0.4%) involved the hypophysis. CONCLUSION: Cerebral infarction has been a frequent finding in autopsies of chagasic patients with heart failure, and it has been an important cause of death in our region. The presence of cerebral infarction and its complications have been associated with death in 52% of the cases studied.


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El informe de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (2001), refiere que en un plazo de 20 años los trastornos mentales pasarán a ser la segunda causa dentro de la carga de morbilidad a nivel mundial, y en la actualidad una de cada cuatro personas padece de algún trastorno mental en alguna etapa de su vida. Los estudios realizados en diversos países revelan que una proporción importante de los consultantes de la atención primaria en salud presentan algún tipo de trastornos mentales. Desde esta perspectiva, la atención primaria de la salud ofrece una oportunidad de intervenir en el manejo de los trastornos mentales de forma temprana y eficaz. En Argentina, es limitada la información acerca del registro epidemiológico en salud mental, no contando con estudios abordados desde la Atención Primaria en la provincia de Córdoba. El objetivo general del proyecto es estimar la prevalencia de trastornos mentales entre los consultantes de atención primaria por problemas de salud general. Para ello se propone: Estimar la prevalencia de trastornos mentales en una muestra representativa de consultantes adultos por problemas de salud general, de centros de atención primaria de la ciudad de Córdoba, identificar y describir los tipos de trastornos mentales que presentan estos consultantes adultos de centros de atención primaria y analizar la prevalencia de los trastornos mentales por sexo y edad de la población en estudio. Metodología: el estudio se realizará en consultorios de Atención Primaria de Salud distribuídos en todo el éjido de la ciudad, teniendo en cuenta la representación de las 12 zonas de CPC. La muestra es probabilística, estratificada, polietápica de pacientes que consultan en el primer nivel de atención. Se entrevistarán 1200 pacientes utilizando la versión computorizada del CIDI 3.0, que proporciona diagnóstico de acuerdo a la DSM IV y la CIE-10. La confiabilidad y la validez del instrumento ha sido ampliamente documentada y la traducción de la encuesta al español fue realizada conforme a las recomendaciones de la OMS. El análisis efectuado será de prevalencia de Trastornos Mentales y del Comportamiento (TMC),asociación entre factores sociodemográficos y TCM estimados calculando las razones de disparidad (odds ratio), regresión logística a fin de ajustar los resultados por la posible interacción entre variables, análisis de la asociación de todas las variables con los TMC, análisis univariado de la asociación de cada variable con los TMC, controlando sexo y edad, se construirá un modelo de regresión logística. En todos los casos el nivel de significación será de 0,05. El equipo de trabajo, de cooperación internacional entre profesionales de la UNC y de la Universidad de Chile, y con la participación en colaboración de los profesionales dependientes de la Secretaría de Salud de la municipalidad de Córdoba, representa un avance para trabajar en los centros de salud de esta ciudad, constituyéndose en un avance, cualitativo y cuantitativo de la actividad científica en Atención Primaria en salud mental con abordaje epidemiológico. Se espera contribuir al conocimiento acerca de la prevalencia de los problemas de salud mental de esta población en la ciudad de Córdoba, proporcionando información a los funcionarios y responsables por la gestión de las áreas vinculadas a la salud mental, aportando conocimiento que promueva una temprana identificación de riesgos iniciales en salud mental y conductas de cuidado en la población como potencial de bienestar.Así mismo, se espera sistematizar una experiencia que pueda ser replicada en otros sitios geográficos. Por todo lo anterior, esta propuesta permitirá conocer por primera vez en la ciudad de Córdoba la frecuencia y características de los problemas de salud mental entre consultantes de Atención Primaria, información fundamental para el desarrollo posterior de estrategias que busquen mejorar la detección y el tratamiento de estos problemas. According to the WHO Report (2001), in 20 years, mental health disorders (MHDs) will be the world’s second most frequent cause of morbidity. Primary care offers the opportunity to handle MHDs efficiently at an early stage. In Argentina, the epidemiologic data on mental health (MH) is limited, and there are no records for Córdoba. The aim of this project is to assess the prevalence of MHDs among consultants who resort to primary health centers (PHCCs) in the city of Córdoba for common health problems, by using a representative sample of adult consultants, identifying and describing the types of MHDs evinced, and analysing prevalence by sex and age group under study. Methodology:the study will be carried out in PHCCs located in the municipal area of Córdoba, covering the 12 zones corresponding to the CPCs (municipal branch offices for each zone). A multi-stage stratified random sample of 1200 patients will be interviewed using the program CIDI 3.0 to produce a diagnostic according to DSM IV and CIE-10, a tool with proven reliability and validity.The aspects to be analysed are prevalence of mental and behavior disorders, their association with socio-demographic factors estimated by odds ratios, logistic regression for adjustment of potential interaction among variables, association with all variables, and univariate analysis for association with each variable. Significance level will be 0.05 in all cases. The international teamwork including professionals from the Universities of Córdoba, Chile and the Public Health Department of the Municipality of Córdoba constitutes a qualitative and quantitative step forward in the field of primary health care studies with an epidemiologic approach. This project aims at providing administrators in the MH area with data for the early detection of initial risks in MH and the promotion of prevention habits. This will be the first study conducted in Córdoba, and is aimed at facilitating replication in other geographical areas.


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This thesis investigates the challenges of establishing the electric vehicle (EV) in Ireland and how the Irish government and industry are trying to meet them. It further seeks to provide information on Irish consumers’ attitudes towards the electric vehicle and their willingness to purchase it. The review of the literature showed that the Irish government is investing significant funds in trying to establish the market for the electric vehicle and position itself as a world leader in adopting the electric vehicle. The EV will also have an important role to play in how Ireland meets its targets for CO2 reductions towards 2020. Climate change and use of fossil fuels are driving the need for increased use of renewable energy and increased energy independence while reducing the greenhouse gas emissions that are the leading cause of climate change. The transport sector is almost completely dependent on the use of fossil fuel and resultantly is one of the largest sources of these GHG emissions. These issues are leading to the design and production of more energy efficient and environmentally friendly vehicles. The ultimate goal is to achieve a zero emissions vehicle. The electric vehicle is presently the only vehicle being mass produced that has the potential to be zero emissions. There are however issues that customers may not be willing to overlook such as the lower range of the vehicle and the length of time it takes to recharge. Vehicle cost is also an important issue that customers may not overlook. Knowing what the consumer’s attitudes are towards the EV and their willingness to purchase them is important as these new vehicles begin to appear in the showrooms. The consumers will be vital to how successful this market becomes. Using an online questionnaire methodology, in a sample of 118 consumers, the major conclusion to be drawn from the research is that the vehicle price, the convenience to recharge and vehicle range were the three most essential issues for the consumers if they were purchasing an EV. The success of the electric vehicle market may depend on what measures are taken to overcome them.


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Background:Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are the leading cause of death worldwide. Knowledge about cardiovascular risk factors (CVRFs) in young adults and their modification over time are measures that change the risks and prevent CVDs.Objectives:To determine the presence of CVRFs and their changes in different health care professionals over a period of 20 years.Methods:All students of medicine, nursing, nutrition, odontology, and pharmacy departments of Federal University of Goiás who agreed to participate in this study were evaluated when they started their degree courses and 20 years afterward. Questionnaires on CVRFs [systemic arterial hypertension (SAH), diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia, and family history of early CVD, smoking, alcohol consumption, and sedentarism] were administered. Cholesterol levels, blood sugar levels, blood pressure, weight, height, and body mass index were determined. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was used to evaluate distribution, the chi-square test was used to compare different courses and sexes, and the McNemar test was used for comparing CVRFs. The significance level was set at a p value of < 0.05.Results:The first stage of the study included 281 individuals (91% of all the students), of which 62.9% were women; the mean age was 19.7 years. In the second stage, 215 subjects were reassessed (76% of the initial sample), of which 59.07% were women; the mean age was 39.8 years. The sample mostly consisted of medical students (with a predominance of men), followed by nursing, nutrition, and pharmacy students, with a predominance of women (p < 0.05). Excessive weight gain, SAH, and dyslipidemia were observed among physicians and dentists (p < 0.05). Excessive weight gain and SAH and a reduction in sedentarism (p < 0.05) were observed among pharmacists. Among nurses there was an increase in excessive weight and alcohol consumption (p < 0.05). Finally, nutritionists showed an increase in dyslipidemia (p < 0.05).Conclusion:In general, there was an unfavorable progression of CVRFs in the population under study, despite it having adequate specialized knowledge about these risk factors.


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Background: Cardiovascular Diseases (CVD) are the leading cause of death in Brazil. Objective: To estimate total CVD, cerebrovascular disease (CBVD), and ischemic heart disease (IHD) mortality rates in adults in the counties of the state of Rio de Janeiro (SRJ), from 1979 to 2010. Methods: The counties of the SRJ were analysed according to their denominations stablished by the geopolitical structure of 1950, Each new county that have since been created, splitting from their original county, was grouped according to their former origin. Population Data were obtained from the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), and data on deaths were obtained from DataSus/MS. Mean CVD, CBVD, and IHD mortality rates were estimated, compensated for deaths from ill-defined causes, and adjusted for age and sex using the direct method for three periods: 1979–1989, 1990–1999, and 2000–2010, Such results were spatially represented in maps. Tables were also constructed showing the mortality rates for each disease and year period. Results: There was a significant reduction in mortality rates across the three disease groups over the the three defined periods in all the county clusters analysed, Despite an initial mortality rate variation among the counties, it was observed a homogenization of such rates at the final period (2000–2010). The drop in CBVD mortality was greater than that in IHD mortality. Conclusion: Mortality due to CVD has steadily decreased in the SRJ in the last three decades. This reduction cannot be explained by greater access to high technology procedures or better control of cardiovascular risk factors as these facts have not occurred or happened in low proportion of cases with the exception of smoking which has decreased significantly. Therefore, it is necessary to seek explanations for this decrease, which may be related to improvements in the socioeconomic conditions of the population.


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Background:Acute myocardial infarction is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Furthermore, research has shown that exercise, in addition to reducing cardiovascular risk factors, can also protect the heart against injury due to ischemia and reperfusion through a direct effect on the myocardium. However, the specific mechanism involved in exerciseinduced cardiac preconditioning is still under debate.Objective:To perform a systematic review of the studies that have addressed the mechanisms by which aerobic exercise promotes direct cardioprotection against ischemia and reperfusion injury.Methods:A search was conducted using MEDLINE, Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe de Informação em Ciências da Saúde, and Scientific Electronic Library Online databases. Data were extracted in a standardized manner by two independent researchers, who were responsible for assessing the methodological quality of the studies.Results:The search retrieved 78 studies; after evaluating the abstracts, 30 studies were excluded. The manuscripts of the remaining 48 studies were completely read and, of these, 20 were excluded. Finally, 28 studies were included in this systematic review.Conclusion:On the basis of the selected studies, the following are potentially involved in the cardioprotective response to exercise: increased heat shock protein production, nitric oxide pathway involvement, increased cardiac antioxidant capacity, improvement in ATP-dependent potassium channel function, and opioid system activation. Despite all the previous investigations, further research is still necessary to obtain more consistent conclusions.


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AbstractBackground:Cardiovascular disease is a leading cause of death in the world and in Brazil. Myocardial scintigraphy is an important noninvasive method for detecting ischemia in symptomatic patients, but its use in asymptomatic ones or those with atypical symptoms is yet to be defined.Objective:To verify the presence of major cardiac events in asymptomatic patients or those with atypical symptoms (atypical chest pain or dyspnea) that underwent myocardial scintigraphy (MS), over a period of 8 years. Secondary objectives were to identify cardiac risk factors associated with myocardial scintigraphy abnormalities and possible predictors for major cardiac events in this group.Methods:This was a retrospective, observational study using the medical records of 892 patients that underwent myocardial scintigraphy between 2005 and 2011 and who were followed until 2013 for assessment of major cardiac events and risk factors associated with myocardial scintigraphy abnormalities. Statistical analysis was performed by Fisher’s exact test, logistic regression and Kaplan-Meyer survival curves, with statistical significance being set at p ≤ 0.05.Results:Of the total sample, 52.1% were men, 86.9% were hypertensive, 72.4% had hyperlipidemia, 33.6% were diabetic, and 12.2% were smokers; 44.5% had known coronary artery disease; and 70% had high Framingham score, 21.8% had moderate and 8% had low risk. Of the myocardial scintigraphies, 58.6% were normal, 26.1% suggestive of fibrosis and 15.3% suggestive of ischemia. At evolution, 13 patients (1.5%) had non-fatal myocardial infarction and six individuals (0.7%) died. The group with normal myocardial scintigraphy showed longer period of time free of major cardiac events, non-fatal myocardial infarction (p = 0.036) and death. Fibrosis in the myocardial scintigraphy determined a 2.4-fold increased risk of non-fatal myocardial infarction and five-fold higher risk of death (odds ratio: 2.4 and 5.7, respectively; p = 0.043).Conclusion:The occurrence of major cardiac events in 8 years was small. Patients with fibrosis at MS had more major events, whereas patients with normal MS result had fewer major cardiac events, with higher survival.


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Background:Primary graft dysfunction is the main cause of early mortality after heart transplantation. Mechanical circulatory support has been used to treat this syndrome.Objective:Describe the experience with extracorporeal membrane oxygenation to treat post-transplant primary cardiac graft dysfunction.Methods:Between January 2007 and December 2013, a total of 71 orthotopic heart transplantations were performed in patients with advanced heart failure. Eleven (15.5%) of these patients who presented primary graft dysfunction constituted the population of this study. Primary graft dysfunction manifested in our population as failure to wean from cardiopulmonary bypass in six (54.5%) patients, severe hemodynamic instability in the immediate postoperative period with severe cardiac dysfunction in three (27.3%), and cardiac arrest (18.2%). The average ischemia time was 151 ± 82 minutes. Once the diagnosis of primary graft dysfunction was established, we installed a mechanical circulatory support to stabilize the severe hemodynamic condition of the patients and followed their progression longitudinally.Results:The average duration of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation support was 76 ± 47.4 hours (range 32 to 144 hours). Weaning with cardiac recovery was successful in nine (81.8%) patients. However, two patients who presented cardiac recovery did not survive to hospital discharge.Conclusion:Mechanical circulatory support with central extracorporeal membrane oxygenation promoted cardiac recovery within a few days in most patients.


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Background:High blood pressure is associated with cardiovascular disease, which is the leading cause of mortality in the Brazilian population. Lifestyle changes, including physical activity, are important for lowering blood pressure levels and decreasing the costs associated with outcomes.Objective:Assess the impact of physical activity interventions on blood pressure in Brazilian individuals.Methods:Meta-analysis and systematic review of studies published until May 2014, retrieved from several health sciences databases. Seven studies with 493 participants were included. The analysis included parallel studies of physical activity interventions in adult populations in Brazil with a description of blood pressure (mmHg) before and after the intervention in the control and intervention groups.Results:Of 390 retrieved studies, eight matched the proposed inclusion criteria for the systematic review and seven randomized clinical trials were included in the meta-analysis. Physical activity interventions included aerobic and resistance exercises. There was a reduction of -10.09 (95% CI: -18.76 to -1.43 mmHg) in the systolic and -7.47 (95% CI: -11.30 to -3.63 mmHg) in the diastolic blood pressure.Conclusions:Available evidence on the effects of physical activity on blood pressure in the Brazilian population shows a homogeneous and significant effect at both systolic and diastolic blood pressures. However, the strength of the included studies was low and the methodological quality was also low and/or regular. Larger studies with more rigorous methodology are necessary to build robust evidence.


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AbstractBackground:Acute coronary syndrome (ACS) is defined as a “group of clinical symptoms compatible with acute myocardial ischemia”, representing the leading cause of death worldwide, with a high clinical and financial impact. In this sense, the development of economic studies assessing the costs related to the treatment of ACS should be considered.Objective:To evaluate costs and length of hospital stay between groups of patients treated for ACS undergoing angioplasty with or without stent implantation (stent+ / stent-), coronary artery bypass surgery (CABG) and treated only clinically (Clinical) from the perspective of the Brazilian Supplementary Health System (SHS).Methods:A retrospective analysis of medical claims of beneficiaries of health plans was performed considering hospitalization costs and length of hospital stay for management of patients undergoing different types of treatment for ACS, between Jan/2010 and Jun/2012.Results:The average costs per patient were R$ 18,261.77, R$ 30,611.07, R$ 37,454.94 and R$ 40,883.37 in the following groups: Clinical, stent-, stent+ and CABG, respectively. The average costs per day of hospitalization were R$ 1,987.03, R$ 4,024.72, R$ 6,033.40 and R$ 2,663.82, respectively. The average results for length of stay were 9.19 days, 7.61 days, 6.19 days and 15.20 days in these same groups. The differences were significant between all groups except Clinical and stent- and between stent + and CABG groups for cost analysis.Conclusion:Hospitalization costs of SCA are high in the Brazilian SHS, being significantly higher when interventional procedures are required.