997 resultados para Catechetical sermons.
Comprend : Notice sur un feuillet de papyrus récemment découvert à la Bibliothèque impériale de Paris, et relatif à la basilique que Maxime, évêque de Genève, substitua vers l'année 516 à un temple payen ; Restitution d'un manuscrit du VIe siècle, mi-parti entre Paris et Genève, et contenant des lettres et des sermons de saint Augustin ; [Lettres et sermons inédits] ; Homélies de saint Avit
Collection : French books before 1601 ; 224.3
Aquest document conté el text REL1, un "sermó dominical" que forma part del Corpus Oral de Registres (COR). El COR és un component del Corpus de Català Contemporani de la Universitat de Barcelona (CCCUB), un arxiu de corpus de llengua catalana oral contemporània que ha estat confegit pel grup de recerca Grup d'Estudi de la Variació (GEV) amb la finalitat de contribuir a l'estudi de la variació dialectal, social i funcional en la llengua catalana. Aquest i altres materials del CCCUB són accessibles directament al Dipòsit Digital de la UB (http://diposit.ub.edu) o a través del web del CCCUB (http://www.ub.edu/cccub).
Aquest document conté el text REL1, un "sermó dominical" que forma part del Corpus Oral de Registres (COR). El COR és un component del Corpus de Català Contemporani de la Universitat de Barcelona (CCCUB), un arxiu de corpus de llengua catalana oral contemporània que ha estat confegit pel grup de recerca Grup d'Estudi de la Variació (GEV) amb la finalitat de contribuir a l'estudi de la variació dialectal, social i funcional en la llengua catalana. Aquest i altres materials del CCCUB són accessibles directament al Dipòsit Digital de la UB (http://diposit.ub.edu) o a través del web del CCCUB (http://www.ub.edu/cccub).
Claudio Page tuvo un taller de imprenta en plena Guerra de Sucesión. Tras llegar a Xàtiva en 1702 e imprimir un impreso en 1702 y cinco en 1704, desapareció. El siguiente rastro con que contamos es su llegada a Alacant donde imprimió en 1713 y 1714 un total de cinco impresos. La actividad de este impresor local reflejó los intereses de los cabildos, eclesiástico y civil, que lograron la instalación de una imprenta (y también librería) que podía abastecer los amplios territorios controlados por el municipio. Era un impresor sobre el que apenas se conocían datos, y del que no se sabía cuál había sido su producción. En este trabajo se reconstruye su trayectoria y se analizan los impresos, lo que nos ha permitido detectar la continuidad del material tipográfico utilizado en Xàtiva y Alacant. Los impresos indican unos usos ligados a los intereses más directos de las comunidades locales: por una parte la comunicación de las actividades de la Corona, la gestión administrativa de los cabildos, tanto civil como eclesiástico, pero además contribuyó a promover las actividades de las órdenes y los particulares que contaron con un medio muy útil para promocionar sus causas judiciales.
The aim of this thesis is to examine the preaching of Nils Bolander during the years 1940–1950. Nils Bolander (1902–1959) was a Swedish minister, later bishop, in the Church of Sweden. Bolander experienced his breakthrough as a preacher and a poet during the years 1940–1950, when he was a pastor of the Engelbrekt congregation in Stockholm. One characteristic of Bolander’s poetry as well as of his sermons is a rich and poetical language. At the same time he also had a clear agenda with his sermons with regard to their contents. The primary research question of this thesis is: What was Bolander’s purpose with his sermons? In this context, two secondary research questions were asked: 1) In what way does the poetical language support and assist the purpose of the sermons? 2) How is Bolander, as an individual and a preacher, engaged in the language and the contents of the sermons? The research material of this study consists of 152 hand-written sermon manuscripts from church services held by Nils Bolander in Stockholm during the period in question. The method of the study is qualitative research with an abductive approach. Content analysis has formed the primary tool. With regard to the main research question, the purpose of Bolander’s sermons, my study indicated that the purpose was to rouse the listeners from their routine-like faith and push them towards commitment and active service for God. In Bolander’s theology I found strong influences from Pietism but also some traits usually associated with the theological profile of the Oxford Group. Despite these influences, Nils Bolander’s theology is mainly founded on the Lutheran interpretation of faith. With regard to the secondary research questions concerning the poetical language as well as the role of the preacher my study concludes that the language, the individual and the contents were all connected in Bolander’s preaching and formed a whole that spoke to the audience in various ways.
Quire structure: 9xIV⁷² + (IV–1)⁷⁹. Text in one column, on (mostly) 26–33 lines, not ruled. Catchwords frequently used at the foot of each page to indicate the next word when a sentence continues on the next page. Not foliated. Gothic Cursive in one saec. XVI² hand. The first initial of the book has been touched with what looks like red pencil. This may be a later addition, as also the green tint to the outer edges of the block. Titles and rubrics distinguished, if at all, through layout only. A note fol. [47]v (see also the main text on fol. [31]v) indicates that the text was copied in 1580. The Anti-Papist poem mentions the Jesuit Antonio Possevino, active in Sweden in 1577–1580 (Kiiskinen ed. 2010, 25, 27). The texts appear to be copies of printed works, with the possible exception of the Anti-Papist poem. The publication of Eric Falck’s Een Tröstbook is known, but apparently no printed copies survive; Laurentius Olai Gestricius’ catechism is otherwise unknown. He was a teacher in Gävle from 1557 or 1558, then curate of Västerås from 1561 and of Stockholm in 1562, where he died in 1565 (Kiiskinen ed. 2010, 15, 349; Collijn ed. 1927–1938, vol. 2, 324).
Much of the manuscript is taken up by a collection Sunday sermons and by a selection from Legenda Aurea. The manuscript features several scribes and may be a result of compiling text from different sources.
Complete critical and codicological description of the book and its contents available in the Codices Fennici -database.
F. I. Fragments d'un temporal d'hiver. Extraits d'Isaïe, LV, LVI, LX-LXII : « Omnes sitientes... », « Surge illuminare... », « Gaudens gaudebo... » F. 1-7. Le premier cahier contenant des homélies liées à la fête de l'Ascension, provient certainement d'un homéliaire d'été : sermons sur Matth., XIX, 21 et VIII, 5 (f. 1-2) ; sermons de s. Augustin et de s. Léon sur l'Ascension (f. 3-7). F. 8-224. Partie primitive du manuscrit : temporal d'hiver suivi de la fête de s. André. — Vers sibyllins (Carmen de die Judicii) (40) ; — Oratio Jeremiae (214v)F. 218v, début du sanctoral (9 leçons).
Contient : I Richardi de Bury Philobiblon ; II Méditations de s. Bernard (47) ; Institution des novices par Hugues de Saint-Victor (61) ; Sermons, etc. (78) ; Summa de officiis ecclesiasticis secundum magistrum Willelmum Altissiodorensem (83) ; Bartholomei Brixiensis questiones (135)
"Ex bibliotheca billiana" (1)