996 resultados para Caste militaire


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This study reviews published data on the behavior and natural history of Chartergellus and presents the first observations on social interactions in this genus of tropical swarm-founding wasps. Observations of Chartergellus golfitensis in Costa Rica and C. punctatior in Colombia showed that queens perform a post-oviposition egg-guarding vigil, and a bending display like that characteristic of epiponine social wasps that lack consistent morphological differences between workers and queens and have caste determination in the adult stage. Young, old, and queen (egg-laying) females of C. golfitensis showed small differences that indicate color changes with age, and structural differences that could be due to seasonal or colony-cycle changes in developmental conditions, but do not rule out the possibility of pre-adult caste determination, a phenomenon that needs to be carefully distinguished from pre-adult caste bias. Sexual dimorphism and the behavior of males at the nest in C. golfitensis is described, as well as the aggressive and avoidance behavior of females toward males. Nest structure in both species is as described previously for Chartergellus species, but some anomalies and their possible evolutionary significance are discussed. Cell initiation by an egg-laying queen, a behavior never seen by workers, and by a young female with slightly developed ovaries, may be vestiges of ancestral solitary reproductive traits where developed ovaries are associated with cell construction. © 2010 Dipartimento di Biologia Evoluzionistica dell'Università, Firenze, Italia.


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The fat body (FB) consists of two types of cells: throphocytes and oenocytes. Throphocytes are related to intermediary metabolism storing lipids, carbohydrates, and proteins while oenocytes play role in the lipids and lipoproteins production. The vitellogenin is the precursor of egg yolk (vitelline) and is synthesized on FB. The aim of this work was to analyze the effects of hormones acting in bee reproduction, as juvenile hormone (JH) and ecdisteroids (20 HE) on FB cells, where vitellogenin is synthesized. For the study were chose nurse workers that in Melipona quadrifasciata anthidioides present activated ovaries and produce eggs, and virgin queens whose ovaries are not yet activated, presenting only previtellogenic follicles. FB trophocytes from these classes of bees were cultivated in media containing different amounts of JH and 20-HE. The effects on trophocytes cytoplasm reserves of lipids, proteins, and activity of acid phosphatase were compared by observing preparations from cultured FB, treated and control, by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The results showed that the hormones effects are related to the bee's caste and functional ovary stage. The role of acid phosphatase on mobilization of the trophocyte reserves was also determined. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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The relationship between the queens' lipid content and nest growth (population size, biomass and nest architecture) was studied from founding up to 1 year. Nests aged 3, 4, 5, 6, 9 and 12 months were dug in the field, and their dimensions were measured. The ant nest population and fungus garden was also collected. The sample was taken to the laboratory where we counted the worker population and weighed the biomass (fungus plus offspring) and queens. Queens were separated for the determination of lipids. The lipid content in the bodies of queens decreased in the first months, then stabilized (at 4-6 months) before increasing in months 9 and 12. Nest biomass (symbiotic fungus and offspring) and worker population increased over time. The structural growth of the nests was observed by excavating around them. Initially nests (3 months old) had one chamber at an average depth of 15 cm. By 1 year, the nests had three or four deep chambers, and were about 3-4 m deep. Our study contributes to knowledge of the dynamics of the energy-reserve expenditure by queens during colony founding and colony development for up to 1 year. © 2013 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.


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The mandibles of bees contain two types of tegumental glands whose function is not clear, despite the hypotheses put forward by several researchers. Although these glands have been found in all the bee species studied so far, observations have been confined mostly to workers of eusocial species in the forager phase. The work reported here involved a study of the morphology of the glands of newly emerged, nurse and forager workers, virgin and fecundated queens, and newly emerged and sexually mature males of Scaptotrigona postica, seeking to identify changes that may be linked to the bees life phase. Our findings indicate that the two types of glands are present in the species but not in all life phases or individual classes. The glands consisting of class I cells, the epithelial glands are present only in forager workers and fecundated queens. Glands of type III cells were studied in detail, and gland size was estimated from histological sections. The degree of development of the glands varies according to individual classes and life phases, suggesting different functions during the individuals life and from one individual to another. © Koninklijke Brill NV, Leiden, 2012.


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The yolk protein precursor, vitellogenin (Vg), in bees is synthesized in the fat body trophocytes, delivered to the hemolymph and ultimately absorbed from there during the vitellogenic phase of oocytes in the active ovary. The routes tracing the material exchange that occurs between the trophocytes and the hemolymph, in addition to the transportation from the hemolymph to the ovarian follicles, were marked by alkaline phosphatase and lanthanum nitrate (LN). Active ovaries from nurse workers and physogastric queens, as well as inactive ovaries of virgin queens, were examined by transmission electron microscopy. The LN permitted better visualization of the routes of exchanges between the organs and the hemolymph. Both methods demonstrate the apparent differences between the phases of the ovary and the bee caste. In inactive ovaries of the virgin queens, the routes from the follicular epithelium to the oocyte remain closed; conversely, they are open in active ovaries of the nurse workers and physogastric queens. The differences between the methods and classes of bees are discussed. © The Author 2013. Published by Oxford University Press [on behalf of The Japanese Society of Microscopy]. All rights reserved.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Biologia Celular e Molecular) - IBRC


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Aborda a Guerrilha do Araguaia, com ênfase, primeiro, no exame projeto político - estratégico dos guerreiros e segundo, da compreensão do significado da visão que militares, guerrilheiros e Igreja Católica tinham de Amazônia. Esta visão era expressa, de um lado, no projeto político - estratégico da esquerda militar representada pelo Partido Comunista do Brasi l(PC do B) que agiu num espaço circunscrito ao sul do Pará, de outro lado, no projeto político do Estado Autoritário denominado de "Brasil Grande Potência", cincretizado através do Plano de Integração Nacional em um contexto institucional específico, o do Estado Autoritário (1964 - 1985) e ainda, de outro lado nas intenções de afirmação local de uma Teologia da Libertação. Parte de uma pesquisa qualitativa com entrevistas feitas com quem participou diretamente do processo de organização do movimento, bem como quem de alguma forma se envolveu, antes ou depois do encerramento do conflito, e sobretudo de uma pesquisa bibliográfica.


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O objetivo a ser alcançado na dissertação Faces do Trágico na Personagem Miguel dos Santos Prazeres da Tetralogia Monteiriana é apontar, mediante estudo de três das quatro obras que compõem a tetralogia, as características que fazem da personagem Miguel um herói trágico. Para tal escopo, será feita uma análise bibliográfica em que se congregam várias áreas do saber. A filosofia, assim como a história, embasa o trabalho servindo de sustentáculo a análise realizada. A sociologia também auxilia essa pesquisa na medida em que a investigação se estende a uma personagem localizada no tempo e em um espaço social.Quanto à literatura e crítica literária são referências necessárias por se tratar de um trabalho estético. Dentre os teóricos que foram utilizados, estão Aristóteles, Immanuel Kant, Walter Benjamin, Herbert Marcuse, Friedrich Schiller e Friedrich Nietzsche, Antonio Candido, Georg Hegel, Luiz Costa Lima, Georg Lukács, Roberto Machado, Michel Maffesoli, Octávio Ianni, Benedito Nunes, Anthony Giddens, etc. Pretende-se ainda que essa exposição seja veiculada a partir da inserção das obras dentro do contexto histórico e político da Ditadura Militar ocorrida no Brasil entre os anos de 1964 e 1985. Destaque-se que, a condição do estado de exceção, vivenciada pelo país, não representa apenas uma questão metodológica, mas concorre decisivamente para a consequente tragicidade de Miguel dos Santos Prazeres.