996 resultados para Casares, Tomás
This study evaluated the performance of the Tuberculin Skin Test (TST) and Quantiferon-TB Gold in-Tube (QFT) and the possible association of factors which may modify their results in young children (0-6 years) with recent contact with an index tuberculosis case. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study including 135 children was conducted in Manaus, Amazonas-Brazil. The TST and QFT were performed and the tests results were analyzed in relation to the personal characteristics of the children studied and their relationship with the index case. Results: The rates of positivity were 34.8% (TST) and 26.7% (QFT), with 14.1% of indeterminations by the QFT. Concordance between tests was fair (Kappa = 0.35 P<0.001). Both the TST and QFT were associated with the intensity of exposure (Linear OR = 1.286, P = 0.005; Linear OR = 1.161, P = 0.035 respectively) with only the TST being associated with the time of exposure (Linear OR = 1.149, P = 0.009). The presence of intestinal helminths in the TST+ group was associated with negative QFT results (OR = 0.064, P = 0.049). In the TST- group lower levels of ferritin were associated with QFT+ results (Linear OR = 0.956, P = 0.036). Conclusions: Concordance between the TST and QFT was lower than expected. The factors associated with the discordant results were intestinal helminths, ferritin levels and exposure time to the index tuberculosis case. In TST+ group, helminths were associated with negative QFT results suggesting impaired cell-mediated immunity. The TST-&QFT+ group had a shorter exposure time and lower ferritin levels, suggesting that QFT is faster and ferritin may be a potential biomarker of early stages of tuberculosis infection.
We experimentally identified the activities of six predicted heptosyltransferases in Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae genome serotype 5b strain L20 and serotype 3 strain JL03. The initial identification was based on a bioinformatic analysis of the amino acid similarity between these putative heptosyltrasferases with others of known function from enteric bacteria and Aeromonas. The putative functions of all the Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae heptosyltrasferases were determined by using surrogate LPS acceptor molecules from well-defined A. hydrophyla AH-3 and A. salmonicida A450 mutants. Our results show that heptosyltransferases APL_0981 and APJL_1001 are responsible for the transfer of the terminal outer core D-glycero-D-manno-heptose (D,D-Hep) residue although they are not currently included in the CAZY glycosyltransferase 9 family. The WahF heptosyltransferase group signature sequence [S(T/S)(GA)XXH] differs from the heptosyltransferases consensus signature sequence [D(TS)(GA)XXH], because of the substitution of D(261) for S(261), being unique.
Fame and truth in Spanish XVth century epic. !e political vergilianism and the castilian tradition of the XVth century. The starting premise of this essay is that the Spanish Golden Age epic must be read from a historical perspective that takes into account the Hispanic literary tradition ofthe XVth century. In particular, it argues that epic should be approached from a theoretical perspective that explores its relationship with history in order to illuminate the diferences between Italian and Spanish epic theory and practice in the XVth century. The relationship between the discourses of epic and history can be explained through the imitation of the Vergilian model, specifically the Aeneid´s ideological representation of empire. However, it is also necessary to consider theoretical aspects in the light of the diferent uses of classical literature by Italian humanists and Castilian writers of the XV th century. Thus, its primary thesis is that although XVI th century Spanish epic shares the general principles of the Western Epic tradition, it should be approached from a specifically perspective Hispanic, in the light of the «political vergilianism» already enshrined in authors like Enrique de Villena and Juan de Mena, which is essential to appreciate how epic genre serves as memory for the present
Nota sobre el capítulo del escrutinio y la censura de la biblioteca de don Quijote. Se propone cómo su división en dos tipos de libros plantea una dicotomía sobre dos formas opuestas de narrar hechos de guerra
An analytical approximation, depending on five parameters, for the atomic screening function is proposed. The corresponding electrostatic potential takes a simple analytical form (superposition of three Yukawa potentials) well suited to most practical applications. Parameters in the screening function, determined by an analytical fitting procedure to Dirac-Hartree-Fock-Slater (DHFS) self-consistent data, are given for Z=1¿92. The reliability of this analytical approach is demonstrated by showing that (a) Born cross sections for elastic scattering of fast charged particles by the present analytical field and by the DHFS field practically coincide and (b) one-electron binding energies computed from the independent-particle model with our analytical field (corrected for exchange and electrostatic self-interaction) agree closely with the DHFS energy eigenvalues.
Aquest treball és una recerca en la qual s’ha pretès concretar quins aspectes són necessaris treballar en una intervenció pels nois i noies de tercer d’ESO de l’Institut de La Roca del Vallès. Per això, primer s’ha analitzat la bibliografia especialitzada amb la intenció de conèixer quins són els principals factors que influeixen perquè en una parella d’adolescents apareguin situacions de violència de gènere, i quines són les millors estratègies per preveure-la. Per fer una intervenció que respongui a les característiques concretes de l’alumnat que assisteix diàriament a les classes en aquest centre educatiu, s’ha realitzat un procés mitjançant un qüestionari i grups de discussió per tal de conèixer quines eren aquestes característiques concretes. Finalment s’ha dissenyat una proposta d’intervenció respectant els horaris del centre i les seves programacions.
Des de la comunitat científica s’ha posat de manifest la necessitat d’avaluar els programes d’intervenció per a la millora de la parentalitat, especialment en el context de la infància i adolescència en risc. En aquesta recerca es presenten els resultats de l’avaluació del programa Límits aportant evidències d’eficàcia i efectivitat, que permeten identificar i descriure les seves fortaleses, així com també aquells elements que poden ser objecte de millora. El programa Límits és una proposta estructurada d’intervenció preventiva de caire selectiu amb grups de famílies de joves d’entre 14 i 18 anys que passen pel circuit de la justícia juvenil. El programa ha estat funcionant des del 2007, en diverses edicions, a tot el territori català aplegant una experiència i trajectòria remarcable que ha incidit en 351 persones i 245 famílies. El programa consta de vuit sessions en grup d’entre dotze i quinze participants, dinamitzat per dos monitors, en les que es treballen diferents estratègies a partir de l’abordatge de continguts relacionats amb les relacions i els lligams, la comunicació, els conflictes, l’establiment de normes i la disciplina. Per dur a terme l’avaluació del programa Límits s’ha partit d’un disseny quasi-experimental, pretest–postest aplicat a un grup programa (GP) i a grup col·laborador (GC) i de manera diferida (dos mesos després de la seva finalització) només al GP per constatar si s’han assolit els resultats previstos. Quan s’analitza l’evolució del GP s’observen millores en les habilitats d’autocontrol de les emocions, el reforç positiu i les relacions familiars. Tanmateix, des del punt de vista de les famílies no s’han observat canvis significatius en la millora de la percepció d’auto eficàcia del rol parental respecte el GC abans i després del programa. La percepció majoritària és que els objectius que planteja el programa són excessivament ambiciosos i en conseqüència, difícilment assolibles. Els responsables consideren que, en alguns casos, el perfil de famílies derivades al programa no és el més adequat perquè presenten problemàtiques molt més agudes a les desitjables per aquest tipus d’intervenció. Com a punts forts, es destaca que el programa és útil als ulls dels responsables i tècnics perquè genera una presa de consciència del problema i de la necessitat de canvi per part de les famílies. Els participants diuen transferir a la vida real algunes habilitats apreses especialment la comunicació i millora de les relacions familiars. Els tècnics aplicadors coincideixen amb la percepció de les famílies tot i declarar percentatges lleugerament inferiors. També és vist com un complement professional a la seva tasca que ajuda a fer un millor seguiment dels casos, i permet seguir treballant amb posterioritat amb les famílies.
Desde la comunidad científica se ha puesto de manifiesto la necesidad de evaluar los programas de intervención para la mejora de la parentalidad, especialmente en el contexto de la infancia y la adolescencia en riesgo. En esta investigación se presentan los resultados de la evaluación del programa Límites aportando evidencias de eficacia y efectividad, que permiten identificar y describir sus fortalezas, así como también aquellos elementos que pueden ser objeto de mejora. El programa Límites es una propuesta estructurada de intervención preventiva de carácter selectivo, con grupos de familias de jóvenes de entre 14 y 18 años que pasan por el circuito de la justicia juvenil. El programa ha estado funcionando desde 2007 en todo el territorio catalán, y ha incidido en un total de 351 personas y 245 familias. El programa consta de ocho sesiones en grupo en las que se trabajan contenidos relacionados con las relaciones y los vínculos, la comunicación, los conflictos, el establecimiento de normas y la disciplina. Para llevar a cabo la evaluación del programa Límites se ha partido de un diseño cuasi-experimental, pretest-postest aplicado a un grupo programa (GP) y grupo colaborador (GC) y de manera diferida (dos meses después de su finalización) sólo en el GP, para constatar si se han alcanzado los resultados previstos. Cuando se analiza la evolución del GP se observan mejoras en las habilidades de autocontrol de las emociones, el refuerzo positivo y las relaciones familiares. Sin embargo, desde el punto de vista de las familias no se han observado cambios significativos en la mejora de la percepción de auto eficacia del rol parental respecto al GC antes y después del programa. La percepción mayoritaria es que los objetivos que plantea el programa son excesivamente ambiciosos y en consecuencia, difícilmente alcanzables. Los responsables consideran que, en algunos casos, el perfil de familias derivadas al programa no es el más adecuado puesto que presenten problemáticas mucho más agudas a las deseables para este tipo de intervención. Como puntos fuertes, se destaca que el programa es útil a los ojos de los responsables y técnicos porque genera una toma de conciencia del problema y de la necesidad de cambio por parte de las familias. Los participantes dicen transferir a la vida real algunas habilidades aprendidas, especialmente la comunicación y mejora de las relaciones familiares. Los técnicos aplicadores coinciden con la percepción de las familias, a pesar de declarar porcentajes ligeramente inferiores. También es visto como un complemento profesional a su tarea que ayuda a hacer un mejor seguimiento de los casos, y permite seguir trabajando con posterioridad con las familias.
The senescence-accelerated SAMP8 mouse model displays features of cognitive decline and Alzheimer's disease. With the purpose of identifying potential epigenetic markers involved in aging and neurodegeneration, here we analyzed the expression of 84 mature miRNAs, the expression of histone-acetylation regulatory genes and the global histone acetylation in the hippocampus of 8-month-old SAMP8 mice, using SAMR1 mice as control. We also examined the modulation of these parameters by 8 weeks of voluntary exercise. Twenty-one miRNAs were differentially expressed between sedentary SAMP8 and SAMR1 mice and seven miRNAs were responsive to exercise in both strains. SAMP8 mice showed alterations in genes involved in protein acetylation homeostasis such as Sirt1 and Hdac6 and modulation of Hdac3 and Hdac5 gene expression by exercise. Global histone H3 acetylation levels were reduced in SAMP8 compared with SAMR1 mice and reached control levels in response to exercise. In sum, data presented here provide new candidate epigenetic markers for aging and neurodegeneration and suggest that exercise training may prevent or delay some epigenetic alterations associated with accelerated aging.
The senescence-accelerated SAMP8 mouse model displays features of cognitive decline and Alzheimer's disease. With the purpose of identifying potential epigenetic markers involved in aging and neurodegeneration, here we analyzed the expression of 84 mature miRNAs, the expression of histone-acetylation regulatory genes and the global histone acetylation in the hippocampus of 8-month-old SAMP8 mice, using SAMR1 mice as control. We also examined the modulation of these parameters by 8 weeks of voluntary exercise. Twenty-one miRNAs were differentially expressed between sedentary SAMP8 and SAMR1 mice and seven miRNAs were responsive to exercise in both strains. SAMP8 mice showed alterations in genes involved in protein acetylation homeostasis such as Sirt1 and Hdac6 and modulation of Hdac3 and Hdac5 gene expression by exercise. Global histone H3 acetylation levels were reduced in SAMP8 compared with SAMR1 mice and reached control levels in response to exercise. In sum, data presented here provide new candidate epigenetic markers for aging and neurodegeneration and suggest that exercise training may prevent or delay some epigenetic alterations associated with accelerated aging.
El portal web FastJob tiene como objetivo principal la gestión de ofertas de trabajo tanto a nivel de empresa como de la persona que busca un nuevo empleo. Este proyecto también recogerá la funcionalidad necesaria para el mantenimiento de los usuarios y las ofertas de trabajo, facilitando así el cumplimiento del objetivo principal.
S'ha realitzat una aproximació, de caràcter massiva i qualitativa, a la fitoquímica de 6 plantes medicinals, 5 d'elles de mitja i alta muntanya dins la família Crassulaceae (gèneres Sempervivum, Sedum i Umbilicus), recol•lectades als Pirineus, i una dins el gènere Aloe, que ha permès fer una relació entre les seves aplicacions tradicionals i la seva possible composició fitoquímica aproximada, mitjançant l'ús de tècniques analítiques basades en 1H RMN.
Background: One of the problems in prostate cancer (CaP) treatment is the appearance of the multidrug resistance phenotype, in which ATP-binding cassette transporters such as multidrug resistance protein 1 (MRP1) play a role. Different localizations of the transporter have been reported, some of them related to the chemoresistant phenotype. Aim: This study aimed to compare the localization of MRP1 in three prostate cell lines (normal, androgen-sensitive, and androgen-independent) in order to understand its possible role in CaP chemoresistance. Methods: MRP1 and caveolae protein markers were detected using confocal microscopy, performing colocalization techniques. Lipid raft isolation made it possible to detect these proteins by Western blot analysis. Caveolae and prostasomes were identified by electron microscopy. Results: We show that MRP1 is found in lipid raft fractions of tumor cells and that the number of caveolae increases with malignancy acquisition. MRP1 is found not only in the plasma membrane associated with lipid rafts but also in cytoplasmic accumulations colocalizing with the prostasome markers Caveolin-1 and CD59, suggesting that in CaP cells, MRP1 is localized in prostasomes. Conclusion: We hypothesize that the presence of MRP1 in prostasomes could serve as a reservoir of MRP1; thus, taking advantage of the release of their content, MRP1 could be translocated to the plasma membrane contributing to the chemoresistant phenotype. The presence of MRP1 in prostasomes could serve as a predictor of malignancy in CaP
Marine microorganisms, including Aeromonas, are a source of compds. for drug development that have generated great expectations in the last decades. Aeromonas infections produce septicemia, and ulcerative and haemorrhagic diseases in fish. Among the pathogenic factors assocd. with Aeromonas, the lipopolysaccharides (LPS), a surface glyconconjugate unique to Gram-neg. bacteria consisting of lipid A (lipid anchor of the mol.), core oligosaccharide and O-specific polysaccharide (O antigen), are key elicitors of innate immune responses. The chem. structure of these three parts has been characterized in Aeromonas. Based on the high variability of repeated units of O-polysaccharides, a total of 97 O-serogroups have been described in Aeromonas species, of which four of them (O:11; O:16; O:18 and O:34) account for more than 60% of the septicemia cases. The core of LPS is subdivided into two regions, the inner (highly conserved) and the outer core. The inner core of Aeromonas LPS is characterized by the presence of 3-deoxy-d-manno-oct-2-ulosonic (ketodeoxyoctonic) acid (Kdo) and l-glycero-d-manno-Heptoses (l,d-Hep), which are linked to the outer core, characterized by the presence of Glc, GlcN, Gal, and GalNAc (in Aeromonas salmonicida), d,d-Hep (in Aeromonas salmonicida), and l,d-Hep (in Aeromonas hydrophila). The biol. relevance of these differences in the distal part of the outer core among these species has not been fully assessed to date. The inner core is attached to the lipid A, a highly conserved structure that confers endotoxic properties to the LPS when the mol. is released in blood from lysed bacteria, thus inducing a major systemic inflammatory response known as septic or endotoxic shock. In Aeromonas salmonicida subsp. salmonicida the Lipid A components contain three major lipid A mols., differing in acylation patterns corresponding to tetra-, penta- and hexa-acylated lipid A species and comprising of 4'-monophosphorylated β-2-amino-2-deoxy-d-glucopyranose-(1→6)-2-amino-2-deoxy-d-glucopyranose disaccharide. In the present review, we discuss the structure-activity relationships of Aeromonas LPS, focusing on its role in bacterial pathogenesis and its possible applications.