967 resultados para Carvão ativado granular
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Au cours des dernières décennies, l’intérêt pour la gazéification de biomasses a considérablement augmenté, notamment en raison de la grande efficacité de recouvrement énergétique de ce procédé par rapport aux autres procédés de génération de bioénergies. Les composants majoritaires du gaz de synthèse, le monoxyde de carbone (CO) et l’hydrogène (H2) peuvent entre autres servir de substrats à divers microorganismes qui peuvent produire une variété de molécules chimiques d’intérêts, ou encore produire des biocarburants, particulièrement le méthane. Il est donc important d'étudier les consortiums méthanogènes naturels qui, en syntrophie, serait en mesure de convertir le gaz de synthèse en carburants utiles. Cette étude évalue principalement le potentiel de méthanisation du CO par un consortium microbien issu d’un réacteur de type UASB, ainsi que les voies métaboliques impliquées dans cette conversion en conditions mésophiles. Des tests d’activité ont donc été réalisés avec la boue anaérobie du réacteur sous différentes pressions partielles de CO variant de 0.1 à 1,65 atm (0.09 à 1.31 mmol CO/L), en présence ou absence de certains inhibiteurs métaboliques spécifiques. Dès le départ, la boue non acclimatée au CO présente une activité carboxidotrophique relativement intéressante et permet une croissance sur le CO. Les tests effectués avec de l’acide 2- bromoethanesulfonique (BES) ou avec de la vancomycine démontrent que le CO est majoritairement consommé par les bactéries acétogènes avant d’être converti en méthane par les méthanogènes acétotrophes. De plus, un plus grand potentiel de méthanisation a pu être atteint sous une atmosphère constituée uniquement de CO en acclimatant auparavant la boue. Cette adaptation est caractérisée par un changement dans la population microbienne désormais dominée par les méthanogènes hydrogénotrophes. Ceci suggère un potentiel de production à large échelle de biométhane à partir du gaz de synthèse avec l’aide de biofilms anaérobies.
EphA7 est un membre de la famille des récepteurs à tyrosine kinase, Eph, qui assume plusieurs rôles durant le développement du système nerveux central. Par ailleurs, il continue d’être fortement exprimé dans le cerveau adulte, notamment dans les régions reconnues pour leur grande plasticité synaptique, telles que l’hippocampe et le cervelet. Par hybridation in situ, nous avons cartographié la distribution de l’ARNm d’EphA7 dans le cerveau de rats et souris adultes. Les couches pyramidales du CA1 et CA3 et granulaire du gyrus dentelé de la formation de l’hippocampe ont montré le plus fort marquage. Un niveau d’ARNm d’EphA7 plus modéré a été observé dans l’habenula, le striatum, l’amygdale, le cervelet et le cortex cingulaire, piriforme et entorhinal. Quant à la protéine détectée par immunohistochimie, elle était fortement exprimée dans le neuropile de l’hippocampe et la couche des cellules de Purkinje du cervelet. En microscopie électronique, dans toutes les couches de l’hippocampe et du cervelet examinées, des épines dendritiques, des dendrites, des axones non-myélinisés, des terminaisons axonales et quelquefois des prolongements astrocytaires constituaient les éléments immunopositifs. Comme on pouvait déjà le voir en microscopie photonique, les corps cellulaires des cellules pyramidales et granulaires de l’hippocampe ainsi que des cellules de Purkinje du cervelet montraient aussi du marquage, surtout intracellulaire. L’analyse quantitative a révélé la localisation préférentielle d’EphA7 dans des dendrites et épines dendritiques. La majorité des épines marquées formaient des synapses asymétriques (excitatrices) avec des terminaisons axonales non marquées. La double localisation préférentielle d’EphA7 dans les dendrites ainsi que les densités post-synaptiques des épines dendritiques est compatible avec l’hypothèse d’un rôle d’EphA7 dans le maintien ou la fonction de certaines synapses du SNC adulte.
The current water treatment technology is oriented towards the removal of contaminants, mostly organic compounds, by activated carbon. Activated carbons are classified as Granular Activated Carbons (GAC) and Powdered Activated Carbons (PAC) on the basis of the particle size of the carbon granules. Powdered carbons are generally less expensive than granular carbon, operating costs with powdered carbon could be lower. Though powdered activated carbon has many advantages over granular carbon, its application in large-scale separation process is limited by difficulty in recovery and regeneration. Deposition of magnetic iron oxide on carbon particles provides a convenient way of recovering the spent carbon from process water. The study deals with the preparation and physico-chemical characterization of magnetic iron oxide loaded activated carbons. The evaluation of absorption properties of magnetic iron oxide loaded activated carbon composites. The target molecules studied were phenol, p-nitro phenol and methylene blue. The feasibility of magnetic separation of iron oxide loaded activated carbons were studied and described in this thesis.
p-toluensulfonate doped polypyrrole (PPy), undergoes an electric-field induced reversible transition from an insulating state to a highly conductive one. The spatially average field can be as small as 200 V/cm, when the temperature of the sample is below 20 K. The applied electric field leads to a sharp jump in the value of the current to a value which is nearly five orders of magnitude higher than before. When the applied electric field is reduced to below a critical value, the system switches back to a low conductive state. The effect is reversible, symmetric in voltage, and reproducible for different samples. The switching is, we believe, an electronic glass melting transition and it is due to the disordered, highly charged granular nature of PPy.
In zebrafish, germ cells are responsible for transmitting the genetic information from one generation to the next. During the first cleavages of zebrafish embryonic development, a specialized part of the cytoplasm known as germ plasm, is responsible of committing four blastomeres to become the progenitors of all germ cells in the forming embryo. Much is known about how the germ plasm is spatially distributed in early stages of primordial germ cell development, a process described to be dependant on microtubules and actin. However, little is known about how the material is inherited after it reorganizes into a perinuclear location, or how is the symmetrical distribution regulated in order to ensure proper inheritance of the material by both daughter cells. It is also not clear whether there is a controlled mechanism that regulates the number of granules inherited by the daughter cells, or whether it is a random process. We describe the distribution of germ plasm material from 4hpf to 24hpf in zebrafish primordial germ cells using Vasa protein as marker. Vasa positive material appears to be conglomerate into 3 to 4 big spherical structures at 4hpf. While development progresses, these big structures become smaller perinuclear granules that reach a total number of approximately 30 at 24hpf. We investigated how this transformation occurs and how the minus-end microtubule dependent motor protein Dynein plays a role in this process. Additionally, we describe specific colocalization of microtubules and perinuclear granules during interphase and more interestingly, during all different stages of cell division. We show that distribution of granules follow what seems to be a regulated distribution: during cells division, daughter cells inherit an equal number of granules. We propose that due to the permanent colocalization of microtubular structures with germinal granules during interphase and cell division, a coordinated mechanism between these structures may ensure proper distribution of the material among daughter cells. Furthermore, we show that exposure to the microtubule-depolymerizing drug nocodazole leads to disassembly of the germ cell nuclear lamin matrix, chromatin condensation, and fusion of granules to a big conglomerate, revealing dependence of granular distribution on microtubules and proper nuclear structure.
At the end of the last century, a model to explain clinical observations related to the mandibular growth was developed. According to it, the lateral pterigoid muscle (LPM) was one of the main modulators of the differentiation of mesenquimal cells inside the condyle to condroblasts or osteoblasts, and therefore of the growth of the mandibular condilar cartilage (CCM). The main components of the model were the humoral and the mechanical. Nowadays, the humoral would include growth factors such as IGF-I, FGF-2 and VEGF, which seem to be involved in mandibular growth. Since skeletal muscle can secrete these growth factors, there is a possibility that LPM modulates the growth of CCM by a paracrine or endocrine mechanism. The mechanical component derived from the observations that both the blood flow inside the temporomandibular joint (ATM) and the action of the retrodiscal pad on the growth of the CCM, depend, in part, on the contractile activity of the LPM. Despite the fact that there are some results suggesting hat LPM is activated under conditions of mandibular protrusion, there is no full agreement on whether this can stimulate the growth of CCM. In this review, the contributions and limitations of the works related to mandibular growth are discussed and a model which integrates the available information to explain the role of the LPM in the growth of the CCM is proposed.
El tumor de células granulares (tumor de Abrikossoff) es una neoplasia benigna en un 98% de casos. Su presentación es escasa y la estirpe celular del tumor es controvertida; sin embargo, la detección positiva de proteína S-100 sugiere un origen neural. Se reporta el caso de una paciente de 16 años de edad con diagnóstico histopatológico de tumor de células granulares en el estudio de espécimen de resección quirúrgica de nódulo lingual.
Em vários países do mundo, tem-se assistido nos últimos anos ao desenvolvimento de projectos de valorização do património arqueológico-industrial constituído pelas explorações mineiras abandonadas ou ainda em lavras* . Tal como as minas, também algumas pedreiras têm vindo a ser objecto de atenção dos museólogos, pela riqueza que representam em termos do património científico, histórico, etnográfico e arqueológico industrial. Alguns destes projectos, têm sido levados a cabo como resultado de uma profícua colaboração entre os sectores público e o privado, diversificando deste modo as fontes de financiamento que garantem a prossecussão dos objectivos traçados. No que respeita concretamente a intervenções sobre o património mineiro, embora existam no nosso país algumas áreas sobre as quais se justifica plenamente uma intervenção a curto prazo como por exemplo de Aljustrel e as da Panasqueira, (actualmente quase desactivadas), ou as minas de carvão do Pejão, não foram ainda concretizadas quaisquer acções globais de natureza museológica, quer focalizadas sobre as técnicas e os instrumentos de trabalho próprios desta importante indústria, quer sobre as comunidades que se estabeleceram e viveram em torno da exploração e transformação dos recursos minerais. A proposta que se apresenta, visa precisamente contemplar estes dois aspectos: por um lado entendemos que é necessário documentar a evolução tecnológica da exploração e da lavra das pedras ornamentais nesta região, por outro entendemos que tal estudo só tem significado se, paralelamente, se caracterizarem as profissões e a vida social dos operários desta indústria.
When considering contaminated site ecology and ecological risk assessment a key question is whether organisms that appear unaffected by accumulation of contaminants are tolerant or resistant to those contaminants. A population of Dendrodrilus rubidus Savigny earthworms from the Coniston Copper Mines, an area of former Cu mining, exhibit increased tolerance and accumulation of Cu relative to a nearby non-Cu exposed population. Distribution of total Cu between different body parts (posterior, anterior, body wall) of the two populations was determined after a 14 day exposure to 250 mg Cu kg(-1) in Cu-amended soil. Cu concentrations were greater in Coniston earthworms but relative proportions of Cu in different body parts were the same between populations. Cu speciation was determined using extended X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy (EXAFS). Cu was coordinated to 0 atoms in the exposure soil but to S atoms in the earthworms. There was no difference in this speciation between the different earthworm populations. In another experiment earthworms were exposed to a range of Cu concentrations (200-700 mg Cu kg(-1)). Subcellular partitioning of accumulated Cu was determined. Coniston earthworms accumulated more Cu but relative proportions of Cu in the different fractions (cytosol > granular > tissue fragments, cell membranes, and intact cells) were the same between populations. Results suggest that Coniston D. rubidus are able to survive in the Cu-rich Coniston Copper Mines soil through enlargement of the same Cu storage reservoirs that exist in a nearby non-Cu exposed population.
1. We tested three pesticides used for field manipulations of herbivory for direct phytoactive effects on the germination and growth of 14 herbaceous plant species selected to provide a range of life-history strategies and functional groups. 2. We report three companion experiments: (A) Two insecticides, chlorpyrifos (granular soil insecticide) and dimethoate (foliar spray), were applied in fully-factorial combination to pot-germinated individuals of 12 species. (B) The same fully-factorial design was used to test for direct effects on the germination of four herbaceous legumes. (C) The molluscicide, metaldehyde, was tested for direct effects on the germination and growth of six plant species. 3. The insecticides had few significant effects on growth and germination. Dimethoate acted only on growth stimulating Anisantha sterilis, Sonchus asper and Stellaria graminea. In contrast, chlorpyrifos acted on germination increasing the germination of Trifolium dubium and Trifolium pratense. There was also a significant interactive effect of chlorpyrifos and dimethoate on the germination of T pratense. However, all. effects were relatively small in magnitude and explanatory power. The molluscicide had no significant effect on plant germination or growth. 4. The small number and size of direct effects of the pesticides on plant performance is encouraging for the use of these pesticides in manipulative experiments on herbivory, especially for the molluscicide. However, a smatt number of direct (positive) effects of the insecticides on some plant species need to be taken into account when interpreting field manipulations of herbivory with these compounds, and emphasises the importance of conducting tests for direct phyto-active effects. (C) 2004 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
Field experiments were conducted over 3 years to study the effect of applying triazole and strobilurin fungicides on the bread-making quality of Malacca winter wheat. Averaged over all years the application of a fungicide programme increased yields, particularly when strobilurin fungicides were applied. Reductions in protein concentration, sulphur concentration, Hageberg failing number and loaf volumes also occurred as the amount of fungicide applied increased. However, there were no deleterious effects of fungicide application on sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) sedimentation volumes, N:S ratios or dough theology. Effects of fungicide application on bread-making quality were not product specific. Therefore, it appears that new mechanisms to explain strobilurin effects on bread-making quality do not need to be invoked. Where reductions in protein concentration did occur they could be compensated for by a late-season application of nitrogen either as granular ammonium nitrate at flag leaf emergence or foliar urea at anthesis. These applications, however, sometimes increased the N:S ratio of the extracted flour and failed to improve loaf volume. Multiple regression analysis revealed that main effects of year, flour protein concentration and N:S ratio could explain 93% of the variance in loaf volume caused by season, fungicide and nitrogen treatments. However, an equally good fit was achieved by just including sulphur concentration with year. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The effect of adding strobilurins to a triazole (epoxiconazole) fungicide programme on the quality of a range of wheat cultivars was assessed in field experiments in three successive years. Strobilurin was applied at just flag leaf emergence (azoxystrobin) or at the start of stem extension (azoxystrobin or picoxystrobin) and again at flag leaf emergence or at flag leaf emergence and again at ear emergence (azoxystrobin). All strobilurin treatments reduced disease levels, delayed senescence of the flag leaf and consistently increased yields, thousand grain weight and specific weight. Reductions in Hagberg falling number were observed, even by fungicide applications at the start of stem extension, but effects were small compared to the variation among cultivars. Application of fungicide (triazole or strobilurin) before ear emergence increased the amount of blackpoint, but this was partly countered by applying azoxystrobin at ear emergence. The effect of fungicide on protein concentration differed over seasons and cultivar. Where they occurred. small reductions in protein concentration could be compensated for by extra application of nitrogen as foliar urea at anthesis. Foliar urea (40 kg N ha(-1)) applied at anthesis also improved Hagberg failing number and reduced blackpoint in one of the growing seasons. In one season, the effect of foliar urea at anthesis was compared with applications of granular fertiliser at flag leaf emergence. The granular treatment produced grain with more concentrated protein, while the later, foliar application produced higher specific weights. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
The ultrastructure of a new microsporidian species Microgemmia vivaresi n. sp. causing liver cell xenoma formation in sea scorpions, Taurulus bubalis, is described. Stages of merogony, sporogony, and sporogenesis are mixed in the central cytoplasm of developing xenomas. All stages have unpaired nuclei. Uninucleate and multinucleate meronts lie within vacuoles formed from host endoplasmic reticulum and divide by binary or multiple fission. Sporonts, no longer in vacuoles, deposit plaques of surface coat on the plasma membrane that cause the surface to pucker. Division occurs at the Puckered stage into sporoblast mother cells, on which plaques join up to complete the surface coat. A final binary fission gives rise to sporoblasts. A dense globule, thought to be involved in polar tube synthesis, is gradually dispersed during spore maturation. Spores are broadly ovoid, have a large posterior vacuole, and measure 3.6 mu m x 2.1 pint (fresh). The polar tube has a short wide anterior section that constricts abruptly, then runs posteriad to coil about eight times around the posterior vacuole with granular contents. The polaroplast has up to 40 membranes arranged in pairs mostly attached to the wide region of the polar tube and directed posteriorty around a cytoplasm of a coarsely granular appearance. The species is placed alongside the type species Microgemmia hepaticus Ralphs and Matthews 1986 within the family Tetramicridae, which is transferred from the class Dihaplophasea to the class Haplophasea, as there is no evidence for the occurrence of a diplokaryotic phase.