998 resultados para Cartuxano, 1468-1522?


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The Functional Independence Measure (FIM) was selected as an assessment to be conducted annually with adults attending The Spastic Centre of New South Wales (SCNSW), Australia, an organisation specifically for individuals with cerebral palsy. Service-providers were trained in the administration of the FIM and in the use of a customised data base. Initially 173 adults with cerebral palsy were assessed, this number included 135 individuals in supported and open employment. The FIM is currently being used to assess all adults attending the SCNSW as part of an annual review. The data from this ongoing assessment procedure will assist in lobbying government to ensure that individuals have access to the attendant care services that they require to function optimally in the community and will provide a longitudinal data base for study of some of the effects of the ageing process on individuals with cerebral palsy. A case study is presented which illustrates the use of the FIM with a couple who live independently in the community.


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Entrepreneurial ventures are often established, controlled and led through the commitment of individuals. This article problematizes the nature of the form of leadership relevant for the small business as it matures. In this way, it explores the temporal dimension to the appropriateness of distributed leadership in the context of the entrepreneurial business. The authors critique the opportunity that distributed leadership can bring to the maturing business. They illuminate a dilemma for entrepreneurs as to whether they should give up control for a broader distributed process of leading or continue a practice of leading that resonates with their essence of being entrepreneurial - independent, controlling responsive and opportunity driven. This dilemma is addressed by suggesting the contextualization of distributed leadership may offer the maturing business. The article concludes by reviewing development approaches that contextualize intervention and suggests a research agenda to contribute to a greater understanding of how leadership can become distributed in the maturing business. © 2011 The Authors. International Journal of Management Reviews © 2011 British Academy of Management and Blackwell Publishing Ltd.


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Across the developing world education is seen as a means of raising levels of everyday wellbeing and is being linked to improved measures of productivity and economic growth. This paper employs a household production function framework to examine the determinants of school attendance among migrant children using a unique dataset collected in China's Jiangsu province. The study finds that the main predictors of school attendance among migrant children in the sample were household income, mother's education, the length of residence of the child's mother in the city and whether both parents were working in the same city. © 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.


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Acquired immune deficiency appears to be associated with serious non-AIDS (SNA)-defining conditions such as cardiovascular disease, liver and renal insufficiency and non-AIDS-related malignancies. We analysed the incidence of, and factors associated with, several SNA events in the LATINA retrospective cohort.


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The impacts of a point-by-point tariff/tax reform on the environment under the origin-based or destination-based tax principle are examined. The policy reform under the origin-based principle can raise the optimal pollution tax and, hence, improve the environment when the consumption demand and pollution are strongly substitutable, whereas the reform under the destination-based principle lowers the optimal pollution tax and, hence, worsens the environment. Nonetheless, when the consumption demand and pollution exhibit weak substitutes or even complements, the tariff/tax reform results in less environmental deterioration under the destination-based principle.


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In 2003, the Shanghai Bureau of Labour and Social Security launched the zhenbao (town insurance) programme, now widely known as 25 plus X. This scheme is regarded as an important experiment in social security reform and has been lauded for extending social security to areas where previously only segments of the population had mandatory coverage. Using data from 103,000 individuals enrolled in 25 plus X, we examine the extent to which the scheme represents an extension in social security coverage. Our analysis suggests that while it does represent an extension of benefits for some, for many it represents a considerable dilution in benefits. © 2009 The author(s). Journal compilation © 2009 International Social Security Association.


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This article examines why firms in Shanghai comply or over-comply with social insurance obligations in a regulatory environment where the expected punishment for non-compliance is low. Our first finding is that firms found to be in non-compliance in the first audit in 2001 were moved into a separate violation category and the probability of being reaudited in 2002 was significantly higher if the firm was in that category. Our second main result is that, across the board, firms which were reaudited continued to underpay in 2002 but the extent of underpayment was significantly reduced. © 2007 The Authors. Journal compilation © 2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.


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This paper develops a very simple test for the null hypothesis of no cointegration in panel data. The test is general enough to allow for heteroskedastic and serially correlated errors, unit-specific time trends, cross-sectional dependence and unknown structural breaks in both the intercept and slope of the cointegrated regression, which may be located at different dates for different units. The limiting distribution of the test is derived, and is found to be normal and free of nuisance parameters under the null. A small simulation study is also conducted to investigate the small-sample properties of the test. In our empirical application, we provide new evidence concerning the purchasing power parity hypothesis. © Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the Department of Economics, University of Oxford, 2008.


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This paper examines the small-sample performance of several information based criteria that can be employed to facilitate data dependent endogeneity correction in estimation of cointegrated panel regressions. The Monte Carlo evidence suggests that the criteria generally perform well but that there are differences of practical importance. In particular, the evidence suggests that, although the estimators of the cointegration vectors generally perform well, the criterion with best small-sample performance also leads to the best performing estimator. © Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2005.


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This paper proposes new error correction-based cointegration tests for panel data. The limiting distributions of the tests are derived and critical values provided. Our simulation results suggest that the tests have good small-sample properties with small size distortions and high power relative to other popular residual-based panel cointegration tests. In our empirical application, we present evidence suggesting that international healthcare expenditures and GDP are cointegrated once the possibility of an invalid common factor restriction has been accounted for. © 2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.


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This paper proposes a Lagrange multiplier (LM) test for the null hypothesis of cointegration that allows for the possibility of multiple structural breaks in both the level and trend of a cointegrated panel regression. The test is general enough to allow for endogenous regressors, serial correlation and an unknown number of breaks that may be located at different dates for different individuals. We derive the limiting distribution of the test and conduct a small Monte Carlo study to investigate its finite sample properties. In our empirical application to the solvency of the current account, we find evidence of cointegration between saving and investment once a level break is accommodated. © Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2006.


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This paper proposes a simple residual-based panel CUSUM test of the null hypothesis of cointegration. The test has a limiting normal distribution that is free of nuisance parameters, it is robust to heteroskedasticity and it allows for mixtures of cointegrated and spurious alternatives. Our Monte Carlo results suggest that the test has small-size distortions and reasonable power. In our empirical application to international R&D spillovers, we present evidence suggesting that total factor productivity is heterogeneously cointegrated with foreign and domestic R&D capital stocks. © Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2005.


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A Consultoria Interna tem sido a maneira encontrada pelas Organizações para buscar mais agilidade em seus processos a partir da quebra do paradigma clássico da visão fragmentada, típica da Era da Administração Científica. A partir de mudanças nas formas de organização do trabalho, embasadas numa concepção sistêmica, a Consultoria Interna tem assumido papel importante nas áreas meio, como atividade de cunho mais intelectual e de apoio à gestão. Esta análise, refere-se a um Estudo Exploratório sobre a forma com que as empresas gaúchas implantaram o Modelo de Consultoria Interna. O estudo abrangeu empresas do segmento metalúrgico, comunicação, celulose e saúde . Numa primeira etapa foram entrevistados gestores de Recursos Humanos responsáveis pela implantação do Modelo de Consultoria Interna e numa segunda etapa , foram entrevistados grupos de profissionais que atuam como consultores internos. A intenção foi de identificar os objetivos para com a adoção de tal prática, as estratégias de implementação e os resultados obtidos. Para analisar esta experiência, foram considerados os seguintes aspectos: o contexto das empresas, fatores desencadeadores, objetivos com a implantação, características da atividade, papel, envolvimento, competência, desempenho, relacionamento com clientes, estratégias de implementação e resultados obtidos. O estudo mostrou, por um lado, que as estratégias utilizadas pelas empresas não foram suficientes para implantar e desenvolver o Modelo de Consultoria Interna e que o nível de conhecimento sobre o tema ainda é muito superficial. Por outro lado, o Modelo trouxe resultados positivos em Organizações que se preocuparam em planejar estratégia de implantação. Do ponto de vista dos próprios consultores internos o Modelo favoreceu a um crescimento profissional considerável, apesar das dificuldades de ordem subjetivas e emocionais encontradas ao longo do processo e que nem sempre foram suportadas pelas Organizações.


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Durante a realização de projetos de sistemas de refrigeração assistidos por sistemas de armazenagem de energia, na forma latente, é necessário que se saiba de antemão as taxas de transferência de energia dos mesmos. Na literatura soluções para este problema são escassos e não abordam todas as geometrias utilizadas para o armazenamento de energia latente, inexistindo correlaçõesmatemáticas que permitam aos projetistas prever o comportamento da fusão e da solidificação do material de mudança de fase (MMF) e as taxas de transferência de energia térmica. Na solução destes problemas são usualmente adotadas hipóteses simplificativas para amenizar o grau de complexidade da descrição matemática do problema Uma destas hipóteses constitui-se em desconsiderar o processo advectivo na transferência de calor no MMF, em sua fase líquida. Outra hipótese adotada, quando o MMF é a água pura, consiste em utilizar um comportamento linear para a massa específica ou um comportamento médio, consistindo em um afastamento da realidade. Este trabalho descreve esforços no sentido de aproximar estas soluções cada vez mais da realidade fisica do problema. São apresentadas simulações para a mudança de fase da água pura levando em conta a inversão da massa específica, em geometria polar, na forma transiente, utilizando o método de Volumes Finitos para solução das equações governantes. As soluções apresentadas, otimizadas quanto às malhas espacial e temporal, envolvem condições de contorno de primeira e terceira espécies Como resultado das soluções são apresentados o Nusselt local, ao longo da parede do cilindro além do Nusselt médio. Correlações matemáticas para o número de Nusselt médio durante a fusão e para o volume de MMF fundido, são propostos e apresentados. A evolução geométrica da fronteira de mudança de fase também é avaliada para as duas condições de contorno e diversos números de Rayleigh. Comparações entre o volume fundido considerando apenas o processo difusivo e o volume fundido utilizando a convecção são realizadas. Para a verificação da independ~encia de malha aplica-se o índice de convergência de malha (GCI) . Algumas comparações qualitativas com soluções experimentais disponíveis na literatura são apresentadas.