997 resultados para Café sombreado
A population-based telephone survey conducted in 2002 estimated that there were 3.2 million episodes of acute gastroenteritis on the island of Ireland each year (Scallon et al., 2004). It is often very dif ficult to definitively identify the source of illness. However, of the respondents in that study suspecting food as the reason for their illness, 74% blamed food consumed from commercial premises such as restaurants, cafés, takeaways, canteens and pubs. Within the food services industry, statistics show a significant level of prosecutions, prohibition and closure orders of restaurants for food hygiene offences. The Food Safety Authority of Ireland has identified the main contributory factors to foodborne infections to be: cross-contamination, inadequate cooking, inadequate storage, inadequate reheating, delayed serving and infected food handlers (FSAI, 2000). Development of appropriate training and education campaigns to target problem areas requires initial understanding of the current level of food safety knowledge and practices in the food services industry.
he Food Focus Community Food Initiative promotes healthy eating through a variety of co-ordinated, strategic activities that offer people a way to engage in a positive approach to food. It is creating one community, one message about healthy eating and ensure the ability to achieve a healthy diet through building a variety of sustainable, engaging food activities. Food Focus is a set of community based structures dedicated to addressing the risk and instances of food poverty in the Knocknaheeny area and intends to act as a model for similar work across other RAPID/Health Area Zone areas on the North side of Cork. It offers participants the chance to grow their own food, sign up to the food charter, learn about budgeting and planning or volunteer. The Community Food Charter was developed by local people and other stakeholders supported by the Community Dietician and will reflect the kind of food experiences they want for themselves, their families, within projects and public outlets. They are currently developing a large community garden in Knocknaheeny. Contact Person Katherine Harford Phone +353 (0)21 4300135 Address HSE BuildingHarbourview RoadKnocknaheenyCork Email Katherine@nicheonline.ie Website http://www.nicheonline.ie/index.php?pageID=152
The Attic Youth Cafe was established as a social inclusion initiative and response to the issues of early school leaving, lack of informal educational opportunities, early sexual activity, early use of alcohol and the lack of a recreational space for young people to access information and socialise in. The service operates on a `drop-in` basis and is open to all young people aged between 14-18 years old. The Attic Youth Cafe offers services to the broad youth population and to marginalised and vulnerable young people. Local Community Development Programme Initiative Type Community Cafés Location Cork Target Groups Children (13-18 years) Funding Local Community Development Programme
We provide and sell freshly prepared main meals with high quality nutritional value to young people in the area. Adults can also avail of the cafe and their purchases effectively subsidise the project. The Young Peoples Facilities and Services Fund and The City of Dublin Youth Service Board and traded Initiative Type Community Cafés Location Dublin 11 Target Groups Children (13-18 years) Funding The Young Peoples Facilities and Services Fund and The City of Dublin Youth Service Board and traded Partner Agencies City of Dublin Youth Service Board
The aim of the project is to address an identified need in the community, promoting healthy eating and organic home-gardening practices. Building on the success of a pilot intergenerational project entitled "Through the Years", it became apparent that gardening related activities could be implemented and promoted on a larger scale, reaching the wider community, groups and classes. The project serves as a setting for community education and will be inclusive in helping reduce isolation by providing meeting places for all members of their local communities. Key people being targeted are older people, local families and residents, Limerick Youth Service, After School Clubs, the Garda Youth Diversion Project and the Family Resource Centre. The Limerick Seed to Plate works with gardeners whose primary focus is to develop the gardening projects further. There is a strong educational emphasis to the project and the learning is transferred to participants own homes and lifestyles. Southill has a community café and, where possible, food grown in their garden is showcased and cooked in the centre and café. The Community Food Initiative strengthens the existing healthy eating habits in the community and aims to result in increased long-term health benefits arising from a healthier lifestyle. Communities will benefit from the project which will create employment, build bridges between communities, promote social inclusion and provide a focus for the local areas. Part of theDemonstration Programme 2010-2012 Location Limerick Target Groups At risk youth Children ( 4-12 years) Children (0-4 years) Children (13-18 years) Families Lone parents Low income families Men Migrant, minority ethnic groups Older people Travellers Unemployed Women
The Cup and Spoon Cafe at Ballyfermot Family Resource Centre offers all aspects of outside catering including; If you have a special occasion coming up and would like to have it catered for in your locality, then the Cup and Spoon is the perfect choice for home cooked, freshly prepared food. Our Cafe is open 8am to 2pm Monday to Friday. Catering services can be offered outside these hours. Initiative Type Community Cafés Location Dublin 10
The role of intracellular free polyamine (putrescine and spermidine) pools in multiple resistance to aminoglycoside antibiotics was investigated among in vitro selected kanamycin-resistant Escherichia coli J53 mutants expressing diminished oligopeptide-binding protein (OppA) levels and/or defective ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) activity. The results suggest that diminished OppA content, but not defective ODC activity expression, increased the relative concentration of free spermidine as compared to the wild type strain. Moreover, by adding exogenous polyamines or polyamine synthesis inhibitors to cultures with different mutant strains, a direct relationship between the intracellular OppA levels and resistance to kanamycin was revealed. Collectively these results further suggest a complex relation among OppA expression, aminoglycoside resistance and polyamine metabolism.
Phenotypic characterization of three clinical isolates of Burkholderia pseudomallei in Ceará, Brazil
Burkholderia pseudomallei, the causative agent of melioidosis was found in a small cluster of cases in Tejuçuoca, Ceará, Brazil. Tests were carried out to determine its phenotypic characteristics: colony morphology on Ashdown agar and MacConkey agar, biochemical profile in conventional biochemical tests and API 20NE, arabinose assimilation and susceptibility testing by disk diffusion, comparing with data in the literature. This study confirms the presence of B. pseudomallei in Brazil and describes its characteristics.
Comparison of the use of indirect immunofluorescence assay (IFA), immunochromatography assay (ICA-BD) and reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) for detecting human respiratory syncytial virus (HRSV) in 306 nasopharyngeal aspirates samples (NPA) was performed in order to assess their analytical performance. By comparing the results obtained using ICA-BD with those using IFA, we found relative indices of 85.0% for sensitivity and 91.2% for specificity, and the positive (PPV) and negative (NPV) predictive values were 85.0% and 91.2%, respectively. The relative indices for sensitivity and specificity as well as the PPV and NPV for RT-PCR were 98.0%, 89.0%, 84.0% and 99.0%, respectively, when compared to the results of IFA. In addition, comparison of the results of ICA-BD and those of RT-PCR yielded relative indices of 79.5% for sensitivity and 95.4% for specificity, as well as PPV and NPV of 92.9% and 86.0%, respectively. Although RT-PCR has shown the best performance, the substantial agreement between the ICA-BD and IFA results suggests that ICA-BD, also in addition to being a rapid and facile assay, could be suitable as an alternative diagnostic screening for HRSV infection in children.
Congenital naevi of the melanocytic system include numerous types, which differ in their clinical appearance, pattern of distribution, and histopathological features (1). Examples are large congenital melanocytic naevus, macular naevus spilus, papular naevus spilus, café-au-lait macules of neurofibromatosis 1, café-au-lait macules arranged in broad bands as noted in McCune-Albright syndrome, partial unilateral lentiginosis, naevus achromicus (naevus depigmentosus), phylloid hypermelanosis, and phylloid hypomelanosis (1–3). We describe here two patients with a systematized pigmentary naevus that differed from all naevi reported so far.
El objetivo de esta investigación es evaluar las creencias de los estudiantes universitarios respecto a la dureza de diez drogas: anfetaminas, café, heroína, barbitúricos, marihuana, ansiolíticos, tabaco, alcohol, cocaína y té. Ciento cincuenta y cinco estudiantes de Psicología debían indicar si creían que estas sustancias eran o no drogas duras. Los resultados indican que aunque existe consenso a la hora de clasificar como drogas duras a la heroína y la cocaína y como drogas blandas al tabaco, el café y el té, no existe acuerdo respecto a la clasificación de las otras sustancias. Asimismo se observa que aunque la OMS clasifica el alcohol como una droga altamente peligrosa, menos de la mitad de sujetos lo consideran una droga dura. En general los sujetos tienden a considerar las drogas legales como menos duras independientemente de si los efectos nocivos para la salud. Estos resultados adquieren relevancia cuando lo que se pone en juego es la fiabilidad y validez de los datos obtenidos en diferentes investigaciones que utilizan habitualmente esos conceptos
The numerical keratinocyte to melanocyte relation was studied in café au lait spots and adjacent normally pigmented skin of 9 patients with classical neurofibromatosis. Compared to normal skin of healthy individuals, the keratinocyte:melanocyte ratio distributions obtained in neurofibromatosis indicated a shift to lower values in the biopsies of café au lait spots and normally pigmented skin. These results are evidence in favor of an impaired tissue organization of the epidermis in neurofibromatosis with regard to the keratinocyte-melanocyte interrelation.
OBJECTIVE Serum levels of soluble TNF-like weak inducer of apoptosis (sTWEAK) and its scavenger receptor CD163 (sCD163) have been linked to insulin resistance. We analysed the usefulness of these cytokines as biomarkers of type 2 diabetes in a Spanish cohort, together with their relationship to food consumption in the setting of the Di@bet.es study. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS This is a cross-sectional, matched case-control study of 514 type 2 diabetes subjects and 517 controls with a Normal Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (NOGTT), using data from the Di@bet.es study. Study variables included clinical and demographic structured survey, food frequency questionnaire and physical examination. Serum concentrations of sTWEAK and sCD163 were measured by ELISA. Linear regression analysis determined which variables were related to sTWEAK and sCD163 levels. Logistic regression analysis was used to estimate odd ratios of presenting type 2 diabetes. RESULTS sCD163 concentrations and sCD163/sTWEAK ratio were 11.0% and 15.0% higher, respectively, (P<0.001) in type 2 diabetes than in controls. Following adjustment for various confounders, the OR for presenting type 2 diabetes in subjects in the highest vs the lowest tertile of sCD163 was [(OR), 2,01 (95%CI, 1,46-2,97); P for trend <0.001]. Coffee and red wine consumption was negatively associated with serum levels of sCD163 (P = 0.0001 and; P = 0.002 for coffee and red wine intake, respectively). CONCLUSIONS High circulating levels of sCD163 are associated with type 2 diabetes in the Spanish population. The association between coffee and red wine intake and these biomarkers deserves further study to confirm its potential role in type 2 diabetes.
Os produtores rurais, de forma geral, administram suas propriedades contando com a própria experiência. As causas desse quadro abrangem aspectos relativos a características do produtor, preferências em relação aos diferentes instrumentos de gestão disponíveis, além de questões comportamentais. Na pesquisa aqui relatada teve-se o objetivo de verificar a existência de excesso de confiança em um grupo de cafeicultores com relação aos preços de venda e, além disso, caracterizar o grupo com tal atributo. A partir de entrevistas com 244 cafeicultores, os resultados apontaram para a existência de um grupo de 95 produtores (38,9% da amostra) com excesso de confiança quando computada a variância histórica a partir dos preços de safra e entressafra. Quando utilizados apenas os meses de safra, o excesso de confiança foi encontrado para um grupo de 116 cafeicultores (47,5% da amostra). Utilizando análise fatorial e método de cluster, observou-se que agentes que avaliam o mercado de café como não arriscado, que possuem alta propensão ao risco e baixo nível de conhecimento de derivativos tendem a ter excesso de confiança em preços.
Introduction: Non-ossifying fibromas are common benign bone tumors of children and young adults. They are usually single, asymptomatic and regress spontaneously in adulthood. Some rare cases of pathologic fractures have been described. Jaffé-Campanacci syndrome is the association of multiple non-ossifying fibromas, "café-au-lait" spots and some degree of type 1 neurofibromatosis. While the relationship between the two entities remains unclear, there seems to be some genetic similarities (partial or complete deletion of the gene NF1). Case Report: A 17 yo female patient with a neurofibromatosis type 1 was referred to our tertiary centre with a pathologic fracture of the distal femur through a non-ossifying fibroma. She had a slight mental retardation and "café-au-lait" spots. Imaging revealed multiple typical non-ossifying fibromas of both distal femurs and proximal tibias. There was no impending fracture of the controlateral side, and no other findings on thoraco-abdominal CT scanner. The fracture was treated by minimal invasive plate osteosynthesis. Histological analysis of tissue samples taken during the intervention confirmed the histologic diagnosis of non-ossifying fibroma. The fracture healed eventless and the patient returned to work after 3 months. At 12 months follow-up, the patient remained pain-free. Imaging revealed remodelling of the lesions. Conclusion: Jaffé-Campanacci syndrome is an extremely rare cause of pathologic femur fracture. These fractures can be treated like any other, and good outcome is expected. There is still no consensus in regards to definition of the disease and its relationship with type 1 neurofibromatosis.