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The synthesis of cytochrome P-450 (phenobarbital inducible) and cytochrome P-448 (3-methylcholanthrene inducible) have been studied in rat liver in vivo and in the wheat germ cell-free system using anti- cytochrome P-450 and anti-cytochrome P-448 antibodies. The major mature forms synthesized in vivo correspond to a molecular weight of 47,000 for cytochrome P-450 and 53,000 for cytochrome P-448. Translation of poly(A)-containing RNA from phenobarbital-treated rats in the wheat germ cell-free system reveals that the cell-free product immunoprecipitated with anti-cytochrome P-450 antibody has a molecular weight close to 47,000. In the case of 3-methylcholanthrene, the cell- free product immunoprecipitated with anti-cytochrome P-448 antibody shows a molecular weight around 59,000. Significant conversion of the 59,000 species to the 53,000 species can be demonstrated when the translation is carried out in the presence of microsomal membranes isolated from rat liver. Phenobarbital and 3-methylcholanthrene enhance the translatable messenger.


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The variable temperature proton and ambient temperature carbon-13 NMR spectra of S-methyl dithiocarbamate esters have been recorded. The results of the theoretical energy calculations (CNDO/2 and EHT types) together with the experimental data have been interpreted in terms of the molecular conformations. The barrier heights for the rotation about the thioamide C—N bond are calculated using the CNDO/2 method and the results are discussed in terms of the computed charge densities and bond orders.


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Genetically controlled asynchrony in anthesis is an effective barrier to gene flow between planted and native forests. We investigated the degree of genetically controlled variation in the timing of key floral developmental stages in a major plantation species in subtropical Australia, Corymbia citriodora subsp. variegata K.D. Hill and L.A.S Johnson, and its relative C. maculata K.D. Hill and L.A.S. Johnson. Flowering observations were made in a common garden planting at Bonalbo in northern New South Wales in spring on 1855 trees from eight regions over three consecutive years, and monthly on a subset of 208 trees for 12 months. Peak anthesis time was stable over years and observations from translocated trees tended to be congruent with the observations in native stands, suggesting strong genetic control of anthesis time. A cluster of early flowering provenances was identified from the north-east of the Great Dividing Range. The recognition of a distinct flowering race from this region accorded well with earlier evidence of adaptive differentiation of populations from this region and geographically-structured genetic groupings in C. citriodora subsp. variegata. The early flowering northern race was more fecund, probably associated with its disease tolerance and greater vigour. Bud abundance fluctuated extensively at the regional level across 3 years suggesting bud abundance was more environmentally labile than timing of anthesis. Overall the level of flowering in the planted stand (age 12 years) was low (8–12% of assessed trees with open flowers), and was far lower than in nearby native stands. Low levels of flowering and asynchrony in peak anthesis between flowering races of C. citriodora subsp. variegata may partially mitigate a high likelihood of gene flow where the northern race is planted in the south of the species range neighbouring native stands


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Lemkin is the individual primarily responsible for adoption of the United Nations Convention for the Prevention and Punishment of Genocide. The collection is arranged according to the following subject areas: personal material, material on the Genocide Convention, material on genocide.


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Primarily correspondence, scrap-books, etc. relating to activities as rabbi in Montgomery, Alabama and Stockton, California. Includes also extensive correspondence from Jewish servicemen in World War I and II, Intercollegiate Menorah Association, Zeta Beta Tau Fraternity and Camp Kawaga and letters from Stephen S. Wise, Mordecai M. Kaplan and Leon J. Obermayer. Contains also collection of picture postal cards and original minute-book of the Central Bureau of the Federation of American Zionists of Greater New York.


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Infectious coryza is an upper respiratory disease of chickens caused by Avibacterium paragallinarum. Outbreaks of infectious coryza caused by Av. paragallinarum serovar C-1 isolates in coryza-vaccinated flocks in Ecuador and Mexico have been reported. In the current study, the protection conferred by four commercially available, trivalent infectious coryza vaccines in chickens challenged with a serovar C-1 isolate from an apparent coryza vaccine failure in a layer flock in Mexico was evaluated. Only one infectious coryza vaccine provided a good protection level (83%) in vaccinated chickens. These results might explain the infectious coryza outbreaks in vaccinated flocks that have been observed in the field.


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Carotenoids prevent different degenerative diseases and improve human health. Microalgae are commercially exploited for carotenoids, including astaxanthin and β-carotene. Two commercially important microalgae, Dunaliella salina and Tetraselmis suecica, were treated with plant hormones salicylic acid (SA) and methyl jasmonate (MJ), or by UV-C radiation (T. suecica only) and a combination thereof. Significant increases in total carotenoids were found for D. salina and T. suecica after treatment with MJ (10 μmol/L) and SA (70–250 μmol/L), respectively. T. suecica also had significant increases in total carotenoids following UV-C radiation compared to control cultures. Among the carotenoids, lutein was the highest induced carotenoid. A combination of these two treatments also showed a significant increase in total carotenoids and lutein for T. suecica, when compared to controls. Plant hormones and UV-C radiation may be useful tools for increasing carotenoid accumulation in green microalgae although the responses are species- and dose-specific and should be trialed in medium to large scale to explore commercial production.


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Increased activation of c-src seen in colorectal cancer is an indicator of a poor clinical prognosis, suggesting that identification of downstream effectors of c-src may lead to new avenues of therapy. Guanylyl cyclase C (GC-C) is a receptor for the gastrointestinal hormones guanylin and uroguanylin and the bacterial heat-stable enterotoxin. Though activation of GC-C by its ligands elevates intracellular cyclic GMP (cGMP) levels and inhibits cell proliferation, its persistent expression in colorectal carcinomas and occult metastases makes it a marker for malignancy. We show here that GC-C is a substrate for inhibitory phosphorylation by c-src, resulting in reduced ligand-mediated cGMP production. Consequently, active c-src in colonic cells can overcome GC-C-mediated control of the cell cycle. Furthermore, docking of the c-src SH2 domain to phosphorylated GC-C results in colocalization and further activation of c-src. We therefore propose a novel feed-forward mechanism of activation of c-src that is induced by cross talk between a receptor GC and a tyrosine kinase. Our findings have important implications in understanding the molecular mechanisms involved in the progression and treatment of colorectal cancer.


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Letter by Simonis from 1873


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The effect of phenobarbital on the rates of the synthesis of the protein and heme moieties of cytochrome P-450 has been studied. For this purpose, cytochrome P-450 has been partially purified as its P-420 derivative and the labeled amino acid incorporation into the protein has been studied after subjecting a partially purified preparation to sodium dodecyl sulfate gel electrophoresis. The incorporation studies into the protein species after sodium dodecyl sulfate gel electrophoresis reveal that the drug primarily accelerates the rate of apoprotein synthesis followed by an increase in the rate of heme synthesis. The messenger for apocytochrome P-450 appears to be fairly stable.