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In this paper, we propose a self Adaptive Migration Model for Genetic Algorithms, where parameters of population size, the number of points of crossover and mutation rate for each population are fixed adaptively. Further, the migration of individuals between populations is decided dynamically. This paper gives a mathematical schema analysis of the method stating and showing that the algorithm exploits previously discovered knowledge for a more focused and concentrated search of heuristically high yielding regions while simultaneously performing a highly explorative search on the other regions of the search space. The effective performance of the algorithm is then shown using standard testbed functions, when compared with Island model GA(IGA) and Simple GA(SGA).


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The study examines the personnel training and research activities carried out by the Organization and Methods Division of the Ministry of Finance and their becoming a part and parcel of the state administration in 1943-1971. The study is a combination of institutional and ideological historical research in recent history on adult education, using a constructionist approach. Material salient to the study comes from the files of the Organization and Methods Division in the National Archives, parliamentary documents, committee reports, and the magazines. The concentrated training and research activities arranged by the Organization and Methods Division, became a part and parcel of the state administration in the midst of controversial challenges and opportunities. They served to solve social problems which beset the state administration as well as contextual challenges besetting rationalization measures, and organizational challenges. The activities were also affected by a dependence on decision-makers, administrative units, and civil servants organizations, by different views on rationalization and the holistic nature of reforms, as well as by the formal theories that served as resources. It chose long-term projects which extended to the political decision-makers and administrative units turf, and which were intended to reform the structures of the state administration and to rationalize the practices of the administrative units. The crucial questions emerged in opposite pairs (a constitutional state vs. the ideology of an administratively governed state, a system of national boards vs. a system of government through ministries, efficiency of work vs. pleasantness of work, centralized vs. decentralized rationalization activities) which were not solvable problems but impossible questions with no ultimate answers. The aim and intent of the rationalization of the state administration (the reform of the central, provincial, and local governments) was to facilitate integrated management and to render a greater amount of work by approaching management procedures scientifically and by clarifying administrative instances and their respon-sibilities in regards to each other. The means resorted to were organizational studies and committee work. In the rationalization of office work and finance control, the idea was to effect savings in administrative costs and to pare down those costs as well as to rationalize and heighten those functions by developing the institution of work study practitioners in order to coordinate employer and employee relationships and benefits (the training of work study practitioners, work study, and a two-tier work study practitioner organization). A major part of the training meant teaching and implementing leadership skills in practice, which, in turn, meant that the learning environment was the genuine work community and efforts to change it. In office rationalization, the solution to regulate the relations between the employer and the employees was the co-existence of the technical and biological rationalization and the human resource administration and the accounting and planning systems at the turn of the 1960s and 1970s. The former were based on the school of scientific management and human relations, the latter on system thinking, which was a combination of the former two. In the rationalization of the state administration, efforts were made to find solutions to stabilize management ideologies and to arrange the relationships of administrative systems in administrative science - among other things, in the Hoover Committee and the Simon decision making theory, and, in the 1960s, in system thinking. Despite the development-related vocabulary, the practical work was advanced rationalization. It was said that the practical activities of both the state administration and the administrative units depended on professional managers who saw to production results and human relations. The pedagogic experts hired to develop training came up with a training system, based on the training-technological model where the training was made a function of its own. The State Training Center was established and the training office of the Organization and Methods Division became the leader and coordinator of personnel training.


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The enzymic hydrolysis of riboflavin to lumichrome and ribitol by extracts of Crinum longifolium bulbs has been demonstrated. The enzyme was purified 48-fold by ZnSO4 treatment and ethanol fractionation, and concentrated by using Sephadex G-25. After establishing the stoichiometry of the reaction, the general properties of the purified enzyme were studied. The enzyme showed maximal activity at pH 7·5, and it had a requirement for reduced glutathione which could be replaced by cysteine or ascorbic acid. Mg2+ and Li+ activated the enzyme. The reaction was highly specific to riboflavin and was competitively inhibited by riboflavin 5′-phosphate.


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Following growth doping technique highly luminescent (quantum yield >50%) Mn-doped ZnS nanocrystals are synthesized via colloidal synthetictechnique. The dopant emission has been optimized with varying reaction parameters and found the ratio of Zn and S as well as the percentage of introduced dopant in the reaction mixture are key factors for controlling the intensity. The method is simple, hassle free, and can be scalable to gram level without hindering the quality of nanocrystals. These nanocrystals retain their emission during various ligand exchange processes and aqueous dispersion.


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A rapid method is described for the analysis of metal thiourea complexes of Zn, Cd, Hg and Cu by adding excess of chloramine-T and determining the excess iodometrically. Colloidal suspensions of metal sulphides (Cu, Hg, Zn, Cd) have been found to undergo rapid oxidation to sulphate quantitatively in acid medium by chloramine-T.


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Further purification of indoleacetaldoxime (IAOX) hydro-lyase from Gibberella fujikuroi by DEAE-cellulose chromatography is described. The purified enzyme was activated by dehydroascorbic acid (DHA), ascorbic acid (AA), and pyridoxal phosphate (PALP) and was inhibited by thiol compounds and thiol reagents including phenylthiocyanate. Ferrous ions but not ferric ions activated the purified enzyme. The enzyme was activated by dihydrofolic acid but inhibited by tetrahydrofolic acid. Phenylacetaldoxime, a competitive inhibitor, afforded partial protection of the enzyme from the action of N-ethylmaleimide suggesting the involvement of a thiol function at the active site or substrate-binding site. The inhibition of the enzyme by 2,3-dimercaptopropanol was reversed by DHA, PALP, or frozen storage. KCN inhibition of the enzyme was reversed by PALP. NaBH4 reduction of the purified enzyme in the presence of PALP gave an active enzyme which was further activated by PALP or DHA but not by ferrous ions. These results suggested a "structural" role for PALP in the activity of IAOX hydro-lyase. Dilute solutions of the purified enzyme, obtained during DEAE-cellulose chromatography and concentrated using sucrose, showed enhanced activity upon frozen storage and thawing. The increase in activity of the enzyme during certain culture conditions, the activation and inhibition of the enzyme by several unrelated compounds, and the effect of freezing indicate that IAOX hydro-lyase is probably a metabolically regulated enzyme with a structure composed of subunits.


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The role of oxide surface chemical composition and solvent on ion solvation and ion transport of ``soggy sand'' electrolytes are discussed here. A ``soggy sand'' electrolyte system comprising dispersions of hydrophilic/hydrophobic functionalized aerosil silica in lithium perchlorate methoxy polyethylene glycol solution was employed for the study. Static and dynamic rheology measurements show formation of an attractive particle network in the case of the composite with unmodified aerosil silica (i.e., with surface silanol groups) as well as composites with hydrophobic alkane groups. While particle network in the composite with hydrophilic aerosil silica (unmodified) were due to hydrogen bonding, hydrophobic aerosil silica particles were held together via van der Waals forces. The network strength in the latter case (i.e., for hydrophobic composites) were weaker compared with the composite with unmodified aerosil silica. Both unmodified silica as well as hydrophobic silica composites displayed solid-like mechanical strength. No enhancement in ionic conductivity compared to the liquid electrolyte was observed in the case of the unmodified silica. This was attributed to the existence of a very strong particle network, which led to the ``expulsion'' of all conducting entities from the interfacial region between adjacent particles. The ionic conductivity for composites with hydrophobic aerosil particles displayed ionic conductivity dependent on the size of the hydrophobic chemical moiety. No spanning attractive particle network was observed for aerosil particles with surfaces modified with stronger hydrophilic groups (than silanol). The composite resembled a sol, and no percolation in ionic conductivity was observed.


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In this study, we report a novel approach for glucose-triggered anticancer drug delivery from the self-assembly of neutral poly(vinyln alcohol) (PVA) and chitosan. In the present study, we have fabricated multilayer thin film of PVA-borate and chitosan on colloidal particle (MF particle) and monitored the layer-by-layer growth using Zetapotential measurements. Formation of multilayer membrane on MF particle has been further characterized with transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM). Subsequently,disintegration of multilayer thin film and microcapsules was observed in presence of glucose. We investigated the disassembly of PVA-borate and chitosan self-assembly under CLSM and atomic force microscopy. These results suggest that this multilayer thin film is very efficient for encapsulation and release of DOX molecules above certain concentration of glucose (25 mM). This glucose-sensitive self-assembly is relevant for the application of anticancer therapeutic drug delivery.


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COENZYME Q (CoQ), which is widely distributed in animal, plant and microbial sources, has been implicated in electron transport1 and generally assumed to be associated with mitochondria. However, it has also been found in non-mitochondrial fractions of green leaves, although it appears to be concentrated in mitochondria2. A similar distribution has now been demonstrated in rat liver cell fractions.


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Kirjallisuuskatsauksessa käsiteltiin viiliä hapanmaitotuotteena, viilin arviointimenetelmiä sekä viilihapatteissa käytettyjen hapatekantojen vaikutuksia maidossa ja niiden vuorovaikutuksia toisiinsa. Lisäksi pohdittiin viilihapatteiden bakteriofaageja, niiden ehkäisyä sekä solunsisäisiä että -ulkoisia faagiresistenssimekanismeja. Kokeellisessa osassa tutkittiin, onko nykyisten tuotantohapatteiden koostaminen yksittäiskannoista mahdollista, sekä koostettiin uusista Lactococcus lactis ssp. cremoris -kannoista varahapate. Hapatteiden käyttökelpoisuutta tutkittiin rakennemittauksin ja aistinvaraisin menetelmin. Varahapatteen faagikestävyyttä testattiin valmistamalla viiliä ja infektoimalla viilit faaginäytteillä. Hapatekannat viljeltiin fermentorissa, konsentroitiin sentrifugoimalla ja pakastettiin –75 °C:ssa. Hapatteet koostettiin noin 1 päivä ennen viilin valmistusta. Viilit arvioitiin aistinvaraisesti 3–6 hengen ryhmässä ja viileille tehtiin rakennemittaukset (kiinteys, sakeus ja koossapysyvyys) sekä kemialliset analyysit. Aistinvaraisen arvioinnin tulokset käsiteltiin tilastollisesti ja tulosten perusteella tehtiin uudet kantakombinaatiot ja viilit. Tuotantohapatekannoilla valmistetut viilit arvioitiin kolmitestillä (n = 10–11) ja uusilla kannoilla valmistetut viilit arvioitiin profiilitestillä (n = 8). Lisäksi viileille tehtiin rakennemittaukset ja kemialliset analyysit. Varahapatekoosteilla valmistettujen viilien pH laski 4,5:een faagin läsnäollessa 0–10 tunnin viiveellä verrattuna faagivapaisiin viileihin, kun taas tuotantohapatteet eivät hapantuneet faagin läsnäollessa. Aromintuottajat eivät kasvaneet viileissä kunnolla, kun hapate koostettiin yksittäiskannoista. Kolmitestissä ei erotettu nykyisillä tuotantohapatteilla valmistettua viiliä yksittäin koostetusta hapatteesta, eli hapatteita on mahdollista koostaa yksittäiskannoista. Varahapatteilla koostetut viilit poikkesivat profiilitestissä tuotantohapatteella koostetusta viilistä ulkonäkö- ja rakenneominaisuuksiltaan. Makuominaisuuksien suhteen ei viilien välille saatu eroa.


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Among Girls Youth Work, Multiculturalism and Gender Equality Finland s increasingly multicultural society concerns younger generations in a very particular manner. Starting already in pre-school kindergartens, children from different cultural backgrounds share their everyday existence. The focus of this study is Finland s increasingly multicultural society that has challenged youth work professionals in particular and made them rethink questions related to content, basic values and goals of youth work. These reconsiderations include the following essential questions: which of these pedagogic principles are defined as Finnish, and under what kinds of circumstances would the youth workers be ready to negotiate about them. These questions, which are related to multiculturalism, are then linked to the girls position, status and gender equality. The research examines how gender equality is articulated in relation to multiculturalism and vice versa, in what contexts youth work-related questions are negoatiated in, and how these negotiations then relate to gender issues. The present study combines theoretical concepts and debates from both post-colonial and youth research, and has benefited greatly from previous research which has examined the everyday lives of young people with multicultural backgrounds and conceptualised the different meanings of age, ethnicity, culture and gender. Neither multiculturalism nor gender equality is, however, taken as a given concept in this study; rather the research focuses on how youth workers understand and define these concepts and how they are used. The emphasis has been on monitoring the varying consequences of different understandings and definitions in terms of everyday work and practices. The goal of this study has been to find typical ways of conceptualising multiculturalism, gender equality and the role of girls in the context of youth work. The focus of the research is not just the youth workers different views but also the notions of the girls themselves. These are then further analysed by examining the ways the girls negotiate their agency. Examples of how the girls agency is defined and the different forms of agency that are offered to the girls within the context of leisure time activities and youth work have been sought. The kind of agency the girls then assume is also examined. The data in this research is comprised of interviews with young people with multicultural backgrounds (n=39), youth workers (n=42) and of ethnographic fieldwork (2003 2005). The fieldwork concentrated on following different types of youth work activities that were targeted at girls with migrant backgrounds. These were organized both by selected municipalities and NGOs. The research shows that various questions related to multicultural issues have enhanced the visibility of gender equality in the field of youth work. The identification of gender-based inequality is especially closely linked to the position of girls from migrant backgrounds. These girls are a source of particular worry and the aim of the many activity groups for migrant girls is to educate them so that they can become equal Finnish citizens . The youth work itself is seen as gender-neutral and equality based. Equality in this context is defined as a purely quantitative concept, and the solution to any possible inequalities is thus the exact same treatment for everyone . The girls themselves seem mainly confused by the role that is offered to them. They would need a voice and the possibility to have an impact on the planning of youth work activities. They want to have their views heard. The role of the victim assigned to them is very confining and makes it difficult to act. At the same time the research shows how gender-sensitive youth work is seen to mean youth work with girls. Gender-sensitive work with boys is not really done or is done very little, even if many of the interviewees are of the opinion that the true materialization of gender equality would require boys to be taken into account too. The principle of gender equality should be shared by the entire youth work profession. Keywords Youth work, equality, multiculturalism, gender sensitivity, agency, girls, young people, sexuality


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We report here a synthetic route for high-quality Mn-doped ZnSe nanocrystals using selenourea as a selenium source, avoiding the more conventional route-using tributylphosphine (TBP) that restricts the growth of spherical ZnSe nanocrystals below 5 nm in size, besides being highly toxic and pyrophoric. Spherical ZnSe nanocrystals with unprecendented sizes (up to 12 nm) are synthesized, the large size of the host helps to keep dopant ions well inside the nanocrystal leading to intense and stable dopant emission. Mn-doped ZnSe nanocrystals with more than 50% quantum yield (QY) are synthesized in this method and found to be stable both in aqueous and nonaqueous dispersions for months.


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In smaller countries where the key players in construction IT development tend to know each other personally and where public R&D funding is concentrated to a few channels, IT roadmaps and strategies would seem to have a better chance of influencing development than in the bigger industrial countries. In this paper Finland and the RATAS-project is presented as a historical case illustrating such impact. RATAS was initiated as a construction IT roadmap project in 1985, involving many of the key organisations and companies active in construction sector development. Several of the individuals who took an active part in the project have played an important role in later developments both in Finland and on the international scene. The central result of RATAS was the identification of what is nowadays called Building Information Modelling (BIM) technology as the central issue in getting IT into efficient use in the construction sector. BIM, which earlier was referred to as building product modelling, has been a key ingredient in many roadmaps since and the subject of international standardisation efforts such as STEP and IAI/IFCs. The RATAS project can in hindsight be seen as a forerunner with an impact which also transcended national borders.


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The technique of laser resolidification has been used to study the rapid solidification behavior of concentrated Fe-18 at. pct Ge alloy. The microstructural evolution has been studied as a function of scanning rate of laser beam. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) reveals the formation of a two-layer (designated as "A" and "B") microstructure in the remelted pool. The A layer shows a band consisting of a network of interconnected channels and walls, quite similar to cell walls. The B layer shows dendritic growth. Transmission electron microscopic observations reveal the formation of bcc alpha-FeGe in the B layer. Laser melting has been found to play an important role in formation of the A layer. Microstructural evolution in B has been analyzed using the competitive growth criterion, and formation of bcc alpha-FeGe has been rationalized in the remelted layers.


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using two types of organic ligands having similar chemical structure but different physical properties and varying their dynamic population at the surface of zinc blende seed nanocrystals, self-assembled zinc blende semicircular-shaped bent nanowires of CdS are synthesized via a colloidal synthetic approach. It is found that the hydrophobic tail interaction of long-chain ligands puts strain on these thin nanowires (< 2 nm diameter) and bend them to some extent, forming strained nanowires.