964 resultados para C3 and C4 plants


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This research first evaluated levels and type of herbivory experienced by Centrosema virginianum plants in their native habitat and how florivory affected the pollinator activity. I found that populations of C. virginianum in two pine rockland habitat fragments experienced higher herbivory levels (15% and 22%) compared with plants in the protected study site (8.6%). I found that bees (Hymenoptera) pollinated butterfly pea. Furthermore, I found that florivores had a negative effect in the pollinators visitation rates and therefore in the seed set of the population. ^ I then conducted a study using a greenhouse population of C. virginianum. I applied artificial herbivory treatments: control, mild herbivory and severe herbivory. Flower size, pollen produced, ovules produced and seeds produced were negatively affected by herbivory. I did not find difference in nectar volume and quality by flowers among treatments. Surprisingly, severely damaged plants produced flowers with larger pollen than those from mildly damaged and undamaged plants. Results showed that plants tolerated mild and severe herbivory with 6% and 17% reduction of total fitness components, respectively. However, the investment of resources was not equisexual. ^ A comparison in the ability of siring seeds between large and small pollen was necessary to establish the biological consequence of size in pollen performance. I found that fruits produced an average of 18.7 ± 1.52 and 17.7 ± 1.50 from large and small pollen fertilization respectively. These findings supported a pollen number-size trade-off in plants under severe herbivory treatments. As far as I know, this result has not previously been reported. ^ Lastly, I tested how herbivory influenced seed abortion patterns in plants, examining how resources are allocated on different regions within fruits under artificial herbivory treatments. I found that self-fertilized fruits had greater seed abortion rates than cross-fertilized fruits. The proportion of seeds aborted was lower in the middle regions of the fruits in cross-fertilized fruits, producing more vigorous progeny. Self-fertilized fruits did not show patterns of seedling vigor. I also found that early abortion was higher closer to the peduncular end of the fruits. Position of seeds within fruits could be important in the seed dispersion mechanism characteristic of this species. ^


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The Maya of the Yucatan region have a long history of keeping the native stingless bees (subfamily Meliponinae). However, market forces in the last few decades have driven the Maya to favor the use of invasive Africanized honey bees (Apis mellifera scutellata) for producing large quantities of high quality honey that has an international market. Furthermore, the native bees traditionally used by the Maya are now disappearing, along with the practice of keeping them. ^ An interdisciplinary approach was taken in order to determine the social factors behind the decrease in stingless beekeeping and the ecological driving forces behind their disappearance from the wild. Social research methods included participant observation with stingless beekeepers, Apis beekeepers, and marketing intermediaries. Ecological research methods included point observations of commonly known melliferous and polliniferous plants along transects in three communities with different degrees of human induced ecosystem disturbance. ^ The stingless bee species most important to the Maya, Melipona beecheii, has become extremely rare, and this has caused a breakdown of stingless beekeeping tradition, compounded with the pressure of the market economy, which fuels Apis beekeeping and has lessened the influence of traditional practices. The community with the heaviest amount of human induced ecosystem disturbance also had the highest degree of dominance of Apis mellifera, while the area with the most intact ecosystem had the highest diversity of stingless bees, though Apis mellifera was still the dominant species. Aggressive competitive behavior involving physical attacks by Apis mellifera against stingless bees was observed on several occasions, and this is a new observation previously unreported by science. ^


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Twelve submarine mud volcanoes (MV) in the Kumano forearc basin within the Nankai Trough subduction zone were investigated for hydrocarbon origins and fluid dynamics. Gas hydrates diagnostic for methane concentrations exceeding solubilities were recovered from MVs 2, 4, 5, and 10. Molecular ratios (C1/C2<250) and stable carbon isotopic compositions (d13C-CH4 >-40 per mil V-PDB) indicate that hydrate-bound hydrocarbons (HCs) at MVs 2, 4, and 10 are derived from thermal cracking of organic matter. Considering thermal gradients at the nearby IODP Sites C0009 and C0002, the likely formation depth of such HCs ranges between 2300 and 4300 m below seafloor (mbsf). With respect to basin sediment thickness and the minimum distance to the top of the plate boundary thrust we propose that the majority of HCs fueling the MVs is derived from sediments of the Cretaceous to Tertiary Shimanto belt below Pliocene/Pleistocene to recent basin sediments. Considering their sizes and appearances hydrates are suggested to be relicts of higher MV activity in the past, although the sporadic presence of vesicomyid clams at MV 2 showed that fluid migration is sufficient to nourish chemosynthesis-based organisms in places. Distributions of dissolved methane at MVs 3, 4, 5, and 8 pointed at fluid supply through one or few MV conduits and effective methane oxidation in the immediate subsurface. The aged nature of the hydrates suggests that the major portion of methane immediately below the top of the methane-containing sediment interval is fueled by current hydrate dissolution rather than active migration from greater depth.


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Light hydrocarbon (C1-C8) profiles are compared for three wells of varying maturities: two immature DSDP wells (Site 397 near the Canary Islands and Site 530A near the Walvis Ridge in the south-east Atlantic) and a mature well, the East Cameron well in the Texas Gulf Coast. Primary migration of C1 and C2 appears to be occurring in all of the sedimentary rocks examined. Primary migration of C3+ components becomes important only as fine-grained sedimentary rocks enter the catagenetic hydrocarbon generation zone or over short distances in more permeable sections. Lateral migration along bedding planes was more important than vertical migration in sedimentary rocks of all maturities. The lightest (methane, ethane and propane gases) hydrocarbon show greater fractionation than do the C4-C8 alkanes which generally show minimal fractionation during the migrational process. Subsurface diffusion coefficients for these p.p.b. quantities of C2-C5 alkanes from immature sediments from DSDP Site 530 are estimated to be several orders of magnitude less than values reported in the literature for diffusion of much larger amounts of these compounds from mature water wet sediments into air or sandstones. Since our calculations suggest light hydrocarbons are present in amounts less than their reported solubilities in pure water at 25°C, we postulate that the sediment organic matter has a substantial effect on retarding the movement of these light hydrocarbons.


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The seasonal vertical distribution of mesozooplankton was investigated in the Bornholm Basin in October 1988, July 1991 and April 1992 by means of horizontal tows using a small net with a mesh size of 47 micrometers. This study shows that the vertical distribution of multivoltine copepods is linked with ontogeny and may also change seasonally, even in shallow areas such as the Baltic. Trends between copepod species, stages and seasons were discovered. Secondly, the correlation was investigated between the vertical mesozooplankton distribution on the one hand and chlorophyll a concentration and the density of medusae and fish larvae on the other hand. In several cases the comparison of the shape of the profiles led to greater differentiation than the coefficient of correlation. The abundances found allowed only scant statements about non-copepod taxa.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08


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Photosynthesis is crucial for life but is a slow process because the CO2 concentration near the principal carbon-assimilation enzyme RuBisCO is extremely low. Very few plants and algae perform a carbon-concentrating mechanism (CCM) to overcome the insufficiency, which are classified into biophysical and biochemical (C4) mechanism. The enzyme CA catalyzes the reversible dehydration of HCO3- to CO2 in biophysical CCMs and its active site contains a Zn2+. In this study, we hypothesized that Zn2+ availability can impact CCMs and therefore investigated the effect of Zn2+ availability on photosynthetic metabolism in a unicellular marine diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum. P. tricornutum has a sequenced genome and can conduct both biophysical and C4 CCMs. We observed that Zn2+ has a significant effect on cell growth rate but no significant interference on intracellular metabolism, suggesting no essential compensation of C4 CCMs for biophysical CCMs even at low CA activity anticipated at low Zn2+ concentration.


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Awnless barnyard grass, feathertop Rhodes grass, and windmill grass are important weeds in Australian cotton systems. In October 2014, an experiment was established to investigate the phenological plasticity of these species. Seed of these species were planted in a glasshouse every four weeks and each cohort grown for 6 months. A developmental response to day length was observed in barnyard grass but not in the other species. Days to maturity increased with each planting for feathertop Rhodes and windmill grass for the first six cohorts. Barnyard grass showed a similar pattern in growth for seeds planted from October to December with an increase in the onset of maturity from 51 to 58 days. However, the onset of maturity for cohorts planted between January and March decreased to between 50 and 52 days. All species had a decrease in the total number of panicles produced from the first four plantings. Feathertop Rhodes grass planted in October produced 41 panicles compared to those planted at the end of December producing 30 panicles, barnyard grass had a decrease from 99 to 47 panicles and windmill grass 37 to 15 panicles on average. By comparing the development of these key weed species over 12 months, detailed information on the phenological plasticity of these species will be obtained. This information will contribute to more informed management decisions by improving our understanding of appropriate weed control timings or herbicide rates depending on weed emergence and development.


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Efficient crop monitoring and pest damage assessments are key to protecting the Australian agricultural industry and ensuring its leading position internationally. An important element in pest detection is gathering reliable crop data frequently and integrating analysis tools for decision making. Unmanned aerial systems are emerging as a cost-effective solution to a number of precision agriculture challenges. An important advantage of this technology is it provides a non-invasive aerial sensor platform to accurately monitor broad acre crops. In this presentation, we will give an overview on how unmanned aerial systems and machine learning can be combined to address crop protection challenges. A recent 2015 study on insect damage in sorghum will illustrate the effectiveness of this methodology. A UAV platform equipped with a high-resolution camera was deployed to autonomously perform a flight pattern over the target area. We describe the image processing pipeline implemented to create a georeferenced orthoimage and visualize the spatial distribution of the damage. An image analysis tool has been developed to minimize human input requirements. The computer program is based on a machine learning algorithm that automatically creates a meaningful partition of the image into clusters. Results show the algorithm delivers decision boundaries that accurately classify the field into crop health levels. The methodology presented in this paper represents a venue for further research towards automated crop protection assessments in the cotton industry, with applications in detecting, quantifying and monitoring the presence of mealybugs, mites and aphid pests.


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The cotton industry in Australia funds biannual disease surveys conducted by plant pathologists. The objective of these surveys is to monitor the distribution and importance of key endemic pests and record the presence or absence of new or exotic diseases. Surveys have been conducted in Queensland since 2002/03, with surveillance undertaken by experienced plant pathologists. Monitoring of endemic diseases indicates the impact of farming practices on disease incidence and severity. The information collected gives direction to cotton disease research. Routine diagnostics has provided early detection of new disease problems which include 1) the identification of Nematospora coryli, a pathogenic yeast associated with seed and internal boll rot; and 2) Rotylenchulus reniformis, a plant-parasitic nematode. This finding established the need for an intensive survey of the Theodore district revealing that reniform was prevalent across the district at populations causing up to 30% yield loss. Surveys have identified an exotic defoliating strain (VCG 1A) and non-defoliating strains of Verticillium dahliae, which cause Verticillium wilt. An intensive study of the diversity of V. dahliae and the impact these strains have on cotton are underway. Results demonstrate the necessity of general multi-pest surveillance systems in broad acre agriculture in providing (1) an ongoing evaluation of current integrated disease management practices and (2) early detection for a suite of exotic pests and previously unknown pests.


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Living organisms are open dissipative thermodynamic systems that rely on mechanothermo-electrochemical interactions to survive. Plant physiological processes allow plants to survive by converting solar radiation into chemical energy, and store that energy in form that can be used. Mammals catabolize food to obtain energy that is used to fuel, build and repair the cellular components. The exergy balance is a combined statement of the first and second laws of thermodynamics. It provides insight into the performance of systems. In this paper, exergy balance equations for both mammal’s and green plants are presented and analyzed.


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For fifty years (1949–99) the now-abandoned Giant Mine in Yellowknife emitted arsenic air and water pollution into the surrounding environment. Arsenic pollution from Giant Mine had particularly acute health impacts on the nearby Yellowknives Dene First Nation (YKDFN), who were reliant on local lakes, rivers, and streams for their drinking water, in addition to frequent use of local berries, garden produce, and medicine plants. Currently, the Canadian government is undertaking a remediation project at Giant Mine to clean up contaminated soils and tailings on the surface and contain 237,000 tonnes of arsenic dust that are stored underground at the Giant Mine. Using documentary sources and statements of Yellowknives Dene members before various public hearings on the arsenic issue, this paper examines the history of arsenic pollution at Giant Mine as a form of “slow violence,” a concept that reconfigures the arsenic issue not simply as a technical problem, but as a historical agent of colonial dispossession that alienated an Indigenous group from their traditional territory. The long-term storage of arsenic at the former mine site means the effects of this slow violence are not merely historical, but extend to the potentially far distant future.


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BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Silicon has been shown to enhance the resistance of plants to fungal and bacterial pathogens. Here, the effect of potassium silicate was assessed on two cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) cultivars subsequently inoculated with Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. vasinfectum (Fov). Sicot 189 is moderately resistant whilst Sicot F-1 is the second most resistant commercial cultivar presently available in Australia. METHODS: Transmission and light microscopy were used to compare cellular modifications in root cells after these different treatments. The accumulation of phenolic compounds and lignin was measured. KEY RESULTS: Cellular alterations including the deposition of electron-dense material, degradation of fungal hyphae and occlusion of endodermal cells were more rapidly induced and more intense in endodermal and vascular regions of Sicot F-1 plants supplied with potassium silicate followed by inoculation with Fov than in similarly treated Sicot 189 plants or in silicate-treated plants of either cultivar not inoculated with Fov. Significantly more phenolic compounds were present at 7 d post-infection (dpi) in root extracts of Sicot F-1 plants treated with potassium silicate followed by inoculation with Fov compared with plants from all other treatments. The lignin concentration at 3 dpi in root material from Sicot F-1 treated with potassium silicate and inoculated with Fov was significantly higher than that from water-treated and inoculated plants. CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrates that silicon treatment can affect cellular defence responses in cotton roots subsequently inoculated with Fov, particularly in Sicot F-1, a cultivar with greater inherent resistance to this pathogen. This suggests that silicon may interact with or initiate defence pathways faster in this cultivar than in the less resistant cultivar.


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An inherently short vase life is a problematic characteristic of cut flowers and foliage for otherwise attractive native Australian Acacia spp. Reasons underlying the poor postharvest water uptake of cut acacia stems have been elusive. A. holosericea was used to investigate possible bacteria-induced and wound-induced xylem occlusion. The effects of bacterial-and wound-induced xylem blockage on water uptake were investigated by light and scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Observations were made on cut stems that stood into either deionised water (DIW; control) or 0.5 mM Cu2+ solution and on stems pulsed with 2.2 mM Cu2+ solution and then stood into DIW. The stem-end region of cut A. holosericea that stood into DIW or Cu2+ solution became covered with bacterial growth after 3 days. Regardless of the bacterial biofilm, the Cu2+ treated stems had improved water relations and vase life. Therefore, the biofilm had little or no effect on cut A. holosericea longevity. Further observations revealed presence of a vessel-occluding substance (gel) originating from axial parenchyma cells in direct physical contact with xylem vessels. The gel exuded into vessel lumens through pit membranes, evidently as a wound-response. Xylem occlusion by gels in A. holosericea may be especially problematic due to an abundance of secretory contact cells relative to xylem elements. Nonetheless, active wound response processes may be the key determinant of short postharvest longevity for this and possibly other cut Acacia spp. Cu2+ treatments, however, disrupted the secretory function of axial parenchyma cells thereby preventing vessel occlusion by the gels.