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It is a common knowledge that illegal fishing which includes use of wrong gears, explosives, excessive exploitation of choice stocks, enhancement and stocking of water body and pollution has devastating effects on the critical biomass of fish biodiversity and livelihood activities associated with fishing. Efforts worldwide to arrest these menace are significant because it has been found that illegal fishing has made fishing non sustainable, resulted in poor fishermen catches, and exacerbated the use of illegal gears in an effort to a must catch. Conflict between fisher folk and policies has continued to generate different strategies in the control of illegal fishing. Some of these strategies at regional and National levels include creation and implementation of fisheries laws, fishing edicts, code of conduct for responsible fisheries, policing of inland water bodies, capacity building and capability through training of fishermen, creating necessary awareness, arrest and punishment of offenders. There are also other initiative on conservation and management of freshwater ecosystems which have interrelation with illegal fishing. This paper examines efforts in promoting and boosting the fisheries of Lake Kainji, through creating necessary awareness, campaign visits, radio programmes, gear control, reward systems, integration and diversification of livelihood activities, community based management and policing. It further analyses what is working, problems, and prospect of fisheries laws, the need to integrate factors of political policies, other global initiative on water management for people and nature. Recommendations on strategies including protection of fishing grounds, establishment of catch data base, integration of other intervention as alternative source of income to enhance livelihood, reduce fishing pressure, and capacity building of fisher folks, development of rules and regulations that is community based are highlighted.


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Housing stock models can be useful tools in helping to assess the environmental and socio-economic impacts of retrofits to residential buildings; however, existing housing stock models are not able to quantify the uncertainties that arise in the modelling process from various sources, thus limiting the role that they can play in helping decision makers. This paper examines the different sources of uncertainty involved in housing stock models and proposes a framework for handling these uncertainties. This framework involves integrating probabilistic sensitivity analysis with a Bayesian calibration process in order to quantify uncertain parameters more accurately. The proposed framework is tested on a case study building, and suggestions are made on how to expand the framework for retrofit analysis at an urban-scale. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd.


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Thus far most studies of operational energy use of buildings fail to take a longitudinal view, or in other words, do not take into account how operational energy use changes during the lifetime of a building. However, such a view is important when predicting the impact of climate change, or for long term energy accounting purposes. This article presents an approach to deliver a longitudinal prediction of operational energy use. The work is based on the review of deterioration in thermal performance, building maintenance effects, and future climate change. The key issues are to estimate the service life expectancy and thermal performance degradation of building components while building maintenance and changing weather conditions are considered at the same time. Two examples are presented to demonstrate the application of the deterministic and stochastic approaches, respectively. The work concludes that longitudinal prediction of operational energy use is feasible, but the prediction will depend largely on the availability of extensive and reliable monitoring data. This premise is not met in most current buildings. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd.


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Status papers on resources, livelihoods and ecosystem approach to fisheries in the Gulf of Mannar(GoM) were presented.Five priority initiatives were agreed: collaborative effort in conservation and management of charismatic species (e.g. dugong),capacity building and training,education and awareness building, strengthening of data collection and sharing of information.


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This article reports on the use of building performance simulation to quantify the risks that climate change poses to the thermal performance of buildings, and to their critical functions. Through a number of case studies the article demonstrates that any prediction of the probable thermal building performance on the long timeframes inherent in climate change comes with very large uncertainties. The same cases are used to illustrate that assessing the consequences of predicted change is problematic, since the functions that the building provides in themselves often are a moving target. The article concludes that quantification of the risks posed by climate change is possible, but only with many restrictions. Further research that is needed to move to more effective discussion about risk acceptance and risk abatement for specific buildings is identified. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd.


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Decision-making in the façade design process has a significant influence on several aspects of indoor environment, thereby making it a complex and multi-objective optimisation process. There are two principal barriers in the process of indentifying an optimal façade solution. Firstly, most existing indoor environmental evaluation methods do not account for all the indoor environmental quality (IEQ) aspects relevant to façade design. Secondly, the relationship between the physical properties of a particular façade design option and the resulting economic benefits accrued during its service-life is unknown. In this paper, we introduce the bases for establishing relationships between occupant productivity and the combinatorial effects of four key façade-related IEQ aspects, namely, thermal comfort, aural comfort, visual comfort and air quality, on occupant productivity. The proposed framework's potential is tested against seven existing experimental investigations and its applicability is illustrated by a simple façade design example. The proposed approach ultimately aims to provide a quantitative economic measure of alternative façade design options that would be applicable to early design stage. Aspects of the work that require further experimental validation are identified. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd.


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This paper explores the influence of the piled foundation on the building response to excavation-induced deformations. The influence of the type of foundation, the position of positive and negative skin friction zones, and the flexibility of the piles is evaluated with respect to both horizontal and vertical soil deformations. Case histories from the Netherlands are included from Amsterdam (North South Line) and Rotterdam (a building adjacent to the Willemspoortunnel). Most of the buildings are founded on timber piles ranging in length from 12-17 m. Conclusions are drawn about the interaction between the piled building and the soil deformation. © 2012 Taylor & Francis Group.


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We examine the role of heat source geometry in determining rates of airflow and thermal stratification in natural displacement ventilation flows. We modify existing models to account for heat sources of finite (non-zero) area, such as formed by a sun patch warming the floor of a room. Our model allows for predictions of the steady stratification and ventilation flow rates that develop in a room due to a circular heat source at floor level. We compare our theoretical predictions with predictions for the limiting cases of a point source of heat (yielding a stratified interior), and a uniformly heated floor (yielding a mixed interior). Our theory shows a smooth transition between these two limits, which themselves result in extremes of ventilation, as the ratio of the heat source radius to the room height increases. Our model for the transition from displacement to mixing ventilation is compared to previous work and demonstrates that the transition can occur for smaller sources than previously thought, particularly for rooms with large floor area compared to ceiling height. © 2009 Elsevier Ltd.


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The three effectiveness measures based on the ability of a flow to flush buoyancy from a ventilated space proposed by Coffey and Hunt [Ventilation effectiveness measures based on heat removal-part 1. Definitions. Building and Environment, in press, doi:10.1016/j.buildenv.2006.03.016.] are applied to assess and compare two fundamental natural ventilation flows. We focus on the limiting cases of passive displacement and passive mixing ventilation flows during transient conditions. These transient flows occur when, for example, heat is purged from a building at night. Whilst it is widely recognised that mixing flows are less efficient at purging heat than displacement flows, our results indicate that, when a particular zone of a room is considered, displacement ventilation can result in lower effectiveness than mixing ventilation. When a room is considered as a whole, displacement ventilation yields higher effectiveness than mixing ventilation and we quantify these differences in terms of the geometry of the space and opening area. The proposed theoretical predictions are compared with effectiveness deduced from measurements made during laboratory experiments and show good agreement. © 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The effectiveness of ventilation flows is considered from the perspective of buoyancy (or heat) removal from a space. This perspective is distinct from the standard in which the effectiveness is based on the concentrations of a neutrally buoyant contaminant/passive tracer. Three new measures of effectiveness are proposed based on the ability of a flow to flush buoyancy from a ventilated space. These measures provide estimates of instantaneous and time-averaged effectiveness for the entire space, and local effectiveness at any height of interest. From a generalisation of the latter, a vertical profile of effectiveness is defined. These measures enable quantitative comparisons to be made between different flows and they are applicable when there is a difference in density (as is typical due to temperature differences) between the interior environment and the replacement air. Applications, therefore, include natural ventilation, hybrid ventilation and a range of forced ventilation flows. Finally, we demonstrate how the ventilation effectiveness of a room may be assessed from simple traces of temperature versus time. © 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The transient natural ventilation of an enclosure through vents whose areas vary linearly with time is modelled theoretically. Both displacement and mixing flows are examined and analytical solutions developed. Predictions are presented for the ventilation of a typical office building and compared to existing constant vent area model predictions based on openings of the same average area. The predictions suggest that if the average vent areas are equal in the timedependent and constant area models, the overall time required to ventilate the enclosure is not affected. However, the rate at which heat is removed from the enclosure depends on the initial opening areas and the expansion rates/durations.


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We examine the time taken to flush pollutants from a naturally ventilated room. A simple theoretical model is developed to predict the time taken for neutrally-buoyant pollutants to be removed from a room by a flow driven by localised heat inputs; both line and point heat sources are considered. We show that the rate of flushing is a function of the room volume, vent areas ( A) and the distribution, number (n) and strength (B) of the heat sources. We also show that the entire problem can be reduced to a single parameter ( μ) that is a measure of the vent areas, and a dimensionless time ( τ) that is a function of B, V and μ. Small-scale salt-bath experiments were conducted to measure the flushing rates in order to validate our modelling assumptions and predictions. The predicted flushing times show good agreement with the experiments over a wide range of μ. We apply our model to a typical open plan office and lecture theatre and discuss some of the implications of our results. © 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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An atrium is a central feature of many modern naturally ventilated building designs. The atrium fills with warm air from the adjoining storeys: this air may be further warmed by direct solar heating in the atrium, and the deep warm layer enhances the flow. In this paper we focus on the degree of flow enhancement achieved by an atrium which is itself 'ventilated' directly, by a low-level connection to the exterior. A theoretical model is developed to predict the steady stack-driven displacement flow and thermal stratification in the building, due to heat gains in the storey and solar gains in the atrium, and compared with the results of laboratory experiments. Direct ventilation of the atrium is detrimental to the ventilation of the storey and the best design is identified as a compromise that provides adequate ventilation of both spaces. We identify extremes of design for which an atrium provides no significant enhancement of the flow, and show that an atrium only enhances the flow in the storey if its upper opening is of an intermediate size, and its lower opening is sufficiently small. © 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A simple mathematical model of stack ventilation flows in multi-compartment buildings is developed with a view to providing an intuitive understanding of the physical processes governing the movement of air and heat through naturally ventilated buildings. Rules of thumb for preliminary design can be ascertained from a qualitative examination of the governing equations of flow, which elucidate the relationships between 'core' variables - flow rates, air temperatures, heat inputs and building geometry. The model is applied to an example three-storey office building with an inlet plenum and atrium. An examination of the governing equations of flow is used to predict the behaviour of steady flows and to provide a number of preliminary design suggestions. It is shown that control of ventilation flows must be shared between all ventilation openings within the building in order to minimise the disparity in flow rates between storeys, and ensure adequate fresh air supply rates for all occupants. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.


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Using a simplified mathematical model, a preliminary design strategy for steady stack ventilation in multi-storey atrium buildings is developed. By non-dimensionalising the governing equations of flow, two key dimensionless parameters are identified - a ventilation performance indicator, λ, and atrium enhancement parameter, E - which quantify the performance of the ventilation system and the effectiveness of the atrium in assisting flows. Analytical expressions are determined to inform the vent sizes needed to provide the desired balance between indoor air temperature, ventilation flow rate and heat inputs for any distribution of occupants within the building, and also to ensure unidirectional flow. Dimensionless charts for determining the required combination of design variables are presented with a view to informing first-order design guidance for naturally ventilated buildings. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.