931 resultados para Bovino - Raças


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Objetivou-se avaliar, por meio do desempenho animal, silagens de três híbridos de milho (Zea mays, L.): Agroceres AG-5011, Braskalb XL-344 e Cargill C-806. Foram utilizados 27 machos, não-castrados, mestiços Nelore x Charolês, com idade média de 10 meses e peso médio inicial de 252 kg, confinados durante 84 dias, subdivididos em quatro períodos de 21 dias. As silagens dos híbridos testados corresponderam a 70% da matéria seca ofertada. Não houve interação do híbrido de milho testado com o período de avaliação em confinamento, para os parâmetros estudados. A dieta que incluiu a silagem do híbrido AG-5011 resultou em maior consumo voluntário médio diário de matéria seca, expresso por 100 kg de peso vivo e tamanho metabólico, e maior consumo médio diário de fibra em detergente ácido, expresso nas diferentes formas, em relação aos híbridos XL-344 e C-806, que, por sua vez, foram semelhantes entre si. As dietas que incluíram silagens dos híbridos AG-5011, XL-344 e C-806 apresentaram semelhanças quanto ao consumo voluntário de matéria seca, expresso em kg/animal/dia (6,73; 6,05; e 6,19), consumo médio diário de FDN, em kg/dia (3,054; 2,837; e 2,836), e energia digestível, expressa nas diferentes formas, ganho de peso médio diário, em kg/dia (1,283; 1,219; e 1,249), ganho em estado corporal, conversão alimentar (5,26; 4,98; e 4,97) e eficiência energética (14,02; 13,68; e 13,21). Os três híbridos são indicados como materiais genéticos de muito boa qualidade para produção de silagem, promovendo ganhos de peso diário superior a 1,2 kg/animal/dia, quando utilizados em dietas com relação volumoso:concentrado de 70:30.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi comparar o desempenho de bezerros mestiços de diferentes grupos genéticos até a desmama. Informações de 3631 bezerros F1 filhos de vacas Nelore com touros Aberdeen Angus, Brangus, Brangus (pelagem vermelha), Canchim, Gelbvieh, Nelore e Simental foram usadas (Grupo 1). Foram usadas também informações de 1896 bezerros de fêmeas Nelore com touros das raças supracitadas e de fêmeas F1 retrocruzadas com touros Gelbvieh e Nelore (Grupo 2). Os pesos à desmama foram ajustados aos 230 dias (PD230) e aos 240 dias (PD240), para os grupos 1 e 2, respectivamente, e o ganho médio diário até a desmama (GMD), para ambos os grupos, foi determinado. O modelo matemático usado nas análises pelo método de quadrados mínimos incluiu os efeitos fixos de grupo contemporâneo (GC), grupo genético do bezerro (GG) e idade do bezerro e idade da vaca. GC e GG influenciaram as características estudadas em ambos os grupos. A idade do bezerro não influiu significativamente no PD230 e GMD no Grupo 1, mas no Grupo 2 foi significativa para PD240 e GMD. A idade da vaca ao parto influenciou as características estudadas tanto no Grupo 1 como no Grupo 2. Os animais cruzados foram superiores aos puros Nelore em ambos os grupos. Foi obtido, a partir do Grupo 2, um terceiro conjunto de dados, Grupo 3, contendo os produtos do retrocruzamento de fêmeas F1, Nelore-Gelbvieh, com touros Gelbvieh e Nelore, contendo 722 informações de PD240 e GMD. Nesse arquivo foram estimados os efeitos aditivos direto e materno e heterótico individual. Apenas o efeito heterótico individual foi significativo.


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Red-cell potassium concentration was determined in five breeds of cattle: Brown Swiss, Nelore, Pitangueiras, Gir and Girolanda. All the cattle examined for the red cell potassium concentration presented low potassium concentration or LK type. This were divided in the following sub-types: low-low potassium concentration (LLK variation: 7.0 -15.9 m-equiv/l) in 16.9% of the animals; medium-low potassium concentration (MLK variation: 16.0 - 30.9 m-equiv/l) in 77% of animals and high-low potassium concentration (HLK variation: 31.0 - 50.0 m-equiv/l) in 6.1% of the animals. This results may be associated with a tropical environment because animals whith red-cell potassium concentration have advantage in this environment.


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During 90 days 243 finishing feedlot animals from two genetic groups, were weighed every 28 days in a randomized experimental procedure in a 2 x 3 factorial arrangement, with two breeds - Nelore (Nel) and Canchim (Can) - and three treatments: water (A), cane stillage + magnesium oxide (V) and cane stillage + magnesium oxide + sodium bicarbonate (V + B). The diet for all treatments was composed of 70% of corn silage and 30% of chopped sugar cane ad libitum plus 1 kg of ground corn and 1,5 kg of soluble yeast per animal. Results showed higher weight gain (P < 0,01) of the Can group relation to those of Nel, having respectively 1,35 and 1,22 kg/head/day. Both Can and Nel groups showed higher weight gain (P <.01) when fed with V + B, with 1,44 and 1,32 kg/head/day respectively when comparing to the other diets: Can (A) = 1,30; Can (V) = 1,31; Nel (A) = 1,16 and Nel (V) = 1,20 kg/head/day. The diet using V + B has also showed a tendency (.05


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The serum concentration of progesterone and lipidics metabolites were studied using tallow as lipidic suplementation during the estrous cycle of 32 crossbred goats, with average age and weight of five months and 25 kg. The goats were randomlly allocated in four treatments as described: treatment 1, restricted intake; treatment 2, full feed; treatments 3 and 4, hiperlipidics diets with 2.5% and 5.0% of tallow, respectively. The female goats under restricted intake, showed the small serum progesterone level (P<0.05) at 0, 3, 6, 9 and 12 days of the estrous cycle, while the ones under hiperlipidics diets, treatments 3 and 4, showed greater levels. The same results were found for serum levels of cholesterol and HDL in the estrous cycle days 6, 9 and 21, and 12, 15 and 21, respectively, that is, the females under restricted diet showed the small level and the ones treated with hiperlipidics diets, the highest. The hiperlipidics diets were important factor in altering the serum cholesterol and HDL levels, showing that the lipidic metabolism may be effective in cyclic luteal progesterone production in the puberal female goats.


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This research aimed at evaluating the effect of the semiarid climatic conditions on the physiological behavior of F1 Saanen x Boer crossbred goats, created at an intensive system. The experiment was carried out in the Health and Rural Technology Center, in the Federal University of Campina Grande, in the town of Patos, Paraiba. Twenty-four animals were used, with ages varying between three and four months, being 12 females and 12 males, weaned and prevented against worms, receiving ad libitum water and controlled concentrate and roughage. The environmental variables were checked inside and outside the experiment place, as well as the physiological variables of all animals. Except for the humid bulb temperature, the variance analysis revealed shift effect (P<0.05) for all environmental variables. There was merely shift effect (P<0.05) for Cardiac Frequency and Rectal Temperature, and the averages of both, in the afternoon, overcame those observed in the morning. The obtained results based on the studied physiological and environmental variables conclude that crossbred goats, resulting of Boer (paternal) and Saanen (maternal), present a good resistance to heat, permitting their indication for the meat production in confinement on semiarid conditions.


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The objective of this work was to estimate, by meta-analysis, the heritability (h(2)) and the genetic (r(g)) and phenotypic (r(f)) correlations of residual feed intake (RFI), and of its component traits in beef cattle from 19 breeds or genetic groups. Twenty-two scientific papers published from 1963 to 2011, from eight countries, totaling 52,637 cattle of ages from 28 days up to slaughter, were evaluated. The estimates of RFI, dry matter intake (DMI), average daily gain (ADG) and metabolic weight (BW0.75) were weighted by the inverse of sample variance. The variation between studies of h(2) for each trait was analyzed by weighted least squares. The effects of sex, country and breed were significant for h(2) of RFI, explaining 67% of variation between studies. For DMI, country and breed effects were significant and explained 96% of variation. Pooled estimates of h(2) were: 0.255+/-0.008, 0.278+/-0.012, 0.321+/-0.015, and 0.397+/-0.032 for RFI, DMI, ADG and BW0.75, respectively. Pooled estimates of genetic and phenotypic correlations were low between RFI and ADG and between RFI and BW0.75 (from -0.021+/-0.034 to 0.025+/-0.035), and moderate between RFI and DMI (0.636+/-0.035 and 0.698+/-0.041) and between DMI, ADG and BW0.75 (0.441+/-0.062 to 0.688+/-0.032). The trait RFI has lower heritability estimates than its components.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The biofertilizer was produced through anaerobic fermentation of cow manure adding milk, sugar, salts, cow liver parts and bone powder. After 73 days of fermentation it was evaluated the effect on micelial growth of Pythium aphanidermatum, Alternaria solani, Stemphylium solani, Septoria licopersici, Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, Botrytis cinerea, Rhizoctonia solani, Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. phaseoli and spores germination of B. cinerea, A. solani, Hemileia vastatrix and Coleosporium plumierae. In relation to micelial growth inhibition, the growth rate was calculated and it was found that, in general, concentrations over 10% caused a total inhibition of growth for the majority of fungi assayed. In case of spores germination, biofertilizer concentration over 20% has inhibited completely the germination of B. cinerea, over 10% inhibited A. solani, 5 and 1% of C. plumierae and H. vastatrix, respectively. Three different biofertilizers were also tested and one of them was less effective, which was the one produced with manure from confined cows opposed to the others produced with grazing cows.


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The newborn goat kids suffer several adjustments to life outside the uterus that affect different body functions that they need to produce heat, muscle activity and start searching for food. All these events lead to changes in several blood constituents such as proteins and serum biochemical parameters. Other studies have shown these variations, but not extend beyond the neonatal period to phase in young animals. The aim was to test the hypothesis that there is variation of the protein profile, and biochemical components of blood glucose in goat kids from birth to 75 days of life in terms of adaptation to extra uterine life. To achieve these objectives have been collected blood samples from 25 goats born by normal delivery, regardless of their sex. The variables serum total protein (TP), albumin, α-globulin, β-globulin, γ-globulin, which includes the immunoglobulin G (IgG), aspartate (AST), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), gamma-glutamyltransferase (GGT), creatinine and urea, and glucose were determined at times zero (immediately after birth), two, seven, 15, 30 and 75 days old. We observed significant differences in all variables between times, but only the creatinine concentration was higher than those of other moments in time zero and two days old, probably due to immaturity of renal function in newborn animals. The blood constituents of the kids had variations in the study period, related to physiological and nutritional causes.


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The objective was to test the hypothesis that there is variation of some protein components, biochemical and glucose from the blood of goats in the postpartum period. ElevenBoer goats were used to evaluate the serum following variables: total protein (TP), albumin, α-globulin, β-globulin, γ-globulin, immunoglobulin G (IgG), aspartate (AST), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), gamma-glutamyltransferase (GGT), creatinine, urea and glucose. These components were determined in moments zero (immediately after delivery), two, seven, 15, 30 and 75 days postpartum. The β-globulin, IgG, creatinine and urea from the goats did not show significant variations, the blood glucose at time zero was greater than the baseline values due to physiological stimulation of glycogenesis determined by the increase of cortisol in delivery. The blood constituents of goats showed variations in the period to 75 days postpartum as a result physiological causes related to delivery and postpartum.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FMVZ