994 resultados para Biopsy
Infection of an intervertebral disk is a serious condition. Diagnosis often is elusive and difficult. It is imperative to obtain appropriate microbiological specimens before initiation of treatment. The authors describe a 51-year-old woman with lumbar spondylodiscitis that was because of infection after the placement of an epidural catheter for postoperative analgesia. A spinal magnetic resonance imaging confirmed the diagnosis, but computed tomography-guided fine needle biopsy did not provide adequate material for a microbiologic diagnosis. Laparoscopic biopsies of the involved disk provided good specimens and a diagnosis of Propionibacterium acnes infection. The authors believe that this minimally invasive procedure should be performed when computed tomography-guided fine needle biopsy does not provide a microbiologic diagnosis in spondylodiscitis.
T cell lymphoma of γδ T cell origin is a rare disease that mainly involves extranodal sites and shows aggressive clinical behavior. Here, we report a case of primary γδ T cell lymphoma of the lungs with epitheliotropism in the respiratory epithelium, a feature somewhat reminiscent of what is observed in enteropathy-associated T cell lymphoma. A 63-year-old man presented with chest pain and dyspnea on exertion, weight loss, and general weakness. On a positron emission tomography (PET) scan, multiple hypermetabolic lesions were found in both lungs. Microscopic examination of the wedge lung biopsy revealed nodular infiltration of monomorphic, medium- to large-sized atypical lymphocytes with round nuclei, coarse chromatin, and a variable amount of clear to eosinophilic cytoplasm. Of note, intraepithelial lymphocytosis by atypical lymphoid cells was observed in the respiratory epithelium within and around the nodule. Immunohistochemically, the tumor cells were CD3+, TCRβF1-, TCRγ+, CD5-, CD7+, CD20-, CD79a-, CD30-, CD4-, CD8-, CD10-, BCL6-, CD21-, CD56+, CD57-, and CD138-, and expressed cytotoxic molecules. Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) was not detected by an in situ hybridization assay for EBV-encoded RNA. Interestingly, CD103 was expressed by a subset of tumor cells, especially those infiltrating the epithelium. T cell clonality was detected by multiplex PCR analysis of TRG and TRD gene rearrangements. After 2 months of systemic chemotherapy, PET scan showed regression of the size and metabolic activity of the lesions. This case represents a unique γδ T cell lymphoma of the lungs showing epitheliotropism by CD103+ γδ T cells that is suggestive of tissue-resident γδ T cells as the cell of origin.
In 2004, a 56-year-old woman was diagnosed with Stage IA follicular lymphoma in a cervical lymph node biopsy. The patient experienced total remission after local radiation therapy. In 2009, a control computed tomography scan evidenced a pelvic mass, prompting total hysterectomy. The latter harbored a 4.8-cm intramural uterine tumor corresponding to a mostly diffuse and focally nodular proliferation of medium to large cells, with extensive, periodic acid-Schiff negative, signet ring cell changes, and a pan-keratin negative, CD20+, CD10+, Bcl2+, Bcl6+ immunophenotype. Molecular genetic studies showed the same clonal IGH gene rearrangement in the lymph node and the uterus, establishing the uterine tumor as a relapse of the preceding follicular lymphoma, although no signet ring cells were evidenced at presentation. Uterine localization of lymphomas is rare, and lymphomas with signet ring cell features are uncommon. This exceptional case exemplifies a diagnostically challenging situation and expands the differential diagnosis of uterine neoplasms displaying signet ring cell morphology.
rejection can lead to loss of function. Histological reading of endomyocardial biopsy remains the "gold standard" for guiding immunosuppression, despite its methodological limitations (sampling error and interobserver variability). The measurement of the T2 relaxation time has been suggested for detection of allograft rejection, on the pathophysiological basis that the T2 relaxation time prolongs with local edema resulting from acute allograft rejection. Using breath-held cardiac magnetic resonance T2 mapping at 1.5 T, Usman et al. (CircCardiovascImaging2012) detected moderate allograft rejection (grade 2R, ISHLT 2004). With modern immunosuppression grade 2R rejection has become a rare event, but the need remains for a technique that permits the discrimination of absent (grade 0R) and mild rejection (grade 1R). We therefore investigated whether an increase of magnetic field strength to 3T and the use of real-time navigator-gated respiration compensation allow for an increase in the sensitivity of T2 relaxation time detection that is necessary to achieve this discrimination. Methods: Eighteen patients received EMB (Tan et al., ArchPatholLabMed2007) and cardiac T2 mapping on the same day. Reading of T2 maps was blinded to the histological results. For final analysis, 3 cases with known 2R rejection at the time of T2 mapping were added, yielding 21 T2 mapping sessions. A respiration-navigator-gated radial gradient-recalled-echo pulse sequence (resolution 1.17 mm2, matrix 2562, trigger time 3 heartbeats, T2 preparation duration TET2 Prep = 60/30/0 ms) was applied to obtain 3 short-axis T2 maps (van Heeswijk et al., JACCCardiovascImaging2012), which were segmented according to AHA guidelines (Cerqueira et al, Circulation2001). The highest segmental T2 values were grouped according to histological rejection grade and differences were analyzed by Student's t-test, except for the non-blinded cases with 2R rejection. The degree of discrimination was determined using the Spearman's ranked correlation test. Results: The high-quality T2 maps allowed for visual differentiation of the rejection degrees (Figure 1), and the correlation of T2 mapping with the histological grade of acute cellular rejection was significant (Spearman's r = 0.56, p = 0.007). The 0R (n = 15) and 1R (n = 3) degrees demonstrated significantly different T2 values (46.9 ± 5.0 and 54.3 ± 3.0 ms, p = 0.02, Figure 2). Cases with 2R rejection showed clear T2 elevation (T2 = 60.3 ± 16.2 ms). Conclusions: This pilot study demonstrates that non-invasive free-breathing cardiac T2 mapping at 3T discriminates between no and mild cardiac allograft rejection. Confirmation of these encouraging results in a larger cohort should consider a study able to show equivalency or superiority of T2 mapping.
Altered bone micro-architecture is an important factor in accounting for fragility fractures. Until recently, it has not been possible to gain information about skeletal microstructure in a way that is clinically feasible. Bone biopsy is essentially a research tool. High-resolution peripheral Quantitative Computed Tomography, while non-invasive, is available only sparsely throughout the world. The trabecular bone score (TBS) is an imaging technology adapted directly from the Dual Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry (DXA) image of the lumbar spine. Thus, it is potentially readily and widely available. In recent years, a large number of studies have demonstrated that TBS is significantly associated with direct measurements of bone micro-architecture, predicts current and future fragility fractures in primary osteoporosis, and may be a useful adjunct to BMD for fracture detection and prediction. In this review, we summarize its potential utility in secondary causes of osteoporosis. In some situations, like glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis and in diabetes mellitus, the TBS appears to out-perform DXA. It also has apparent value in numerous other disorders associated with diminished bone health, including primary hyperparathyroidism, androgen-deficiency, hormone-receptor positive breast cancer treatment, chronic kidney disease, hemochromatosis, and autoimmune disorders like rheumatoid arthritis. Further research is both needed and warranted to more clearly establish the role of TBS in these and other disorders that adversely affect bone.
Direct evidence confirming the hypothesis that a dysfunction of the mitochondrial respiratory chain (MRC) underlies the pathogenesis of hyperlactatemia associated with highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) is scarce. We studied mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) content and MRC function in the skeletal muscle of an HIV-infected patient during an episode of symptomatic hyperlactatemia. Skeletal muscle biopsy was performed during the episode when the patient was symptomatic and 3 months later when the patient was clinically recovered. Assessment of mitochondria was performed using histological, polarographic, spectrophotometrical, and Southern blot and real time PCR DNA quantification methods. The histological study disclosed extensive mitochondrial impairment in the form of ragged-red fibers or equivalents on oxidative reactions. These findings were associated with an increase in mitochondrial content and a decrease in both mitochondrial respiratory capacity and MRC enzyme activities. Mitochondrial DNA content declined to 53% of control values. Mitochondrial abnormalities had almost disappeared later when the patient became asymptomatic. Our findings support the hypothesis that MRC dysfunction stands at the basis of HAART-related hyperlactatemia.
Direct evidence confirming the hypothesis that a dysfunction of the mitochondrial respiratory chain (MRC) underlies the pathogenesis of hyperlactatemia associated with highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) is scarce. We studied mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) content and MRC function in the skeletal muscle of an HIV-infected patient during an episode of symptomatic hyperlactatemia. Skeletal muscle biopsy was performed during the episode when the patient was symptomatic and 3 months later when the patient was clinically recovered. Assessment of mitochondria was performed using histological, polarographic, spectrophotometrical, and Southern blot and real time PCR DNA quantification methods. The histological study disclosed extensive mitochondrial impairment in the form of ragged-red fibers or equivalents on oxidative reactions. These findings were associated with an increase in mitochondrial content and a decrease in both mitochondrial respiratory capacity and MRC enzyme activities. Mitochondrial DNA content declined to 53% of control values. Mitochondrial abnormalities had almost disappeared later when the patient became asymptomatic. Our findings support the hypothesis that MRC dysfunction stands at the basis of HAART-related hyperlactatemia.
Introduction: Recent data have suggested that a population of CD4+ CD25high T cells, phenotypically characterized by the expression of CD45RO and CD127, is significantly expanded in stable liver and kidney transplant recipients and represents alloreactive T cells. We analyzed this putative new alloreactive cellular marker in various groups of kidney transplant recipients. Patients & methods: Flow cytometry was used to analyze the expression of CD25, CD45RO and CD127 on peripheral CD4+ T cells. Of 73 kidney transplant recipients, 59 had a stable graft function under standard immunosuppressive therapy (IS), 5 had biopsy-proven chronic humoral rejection (CHR), 8 were stable under minimal IS and one was an operationally "tolerant" patient who had discontinued IS for more than 3 years. Sixty-six healthy subjects (HS) were studied as controls. Results: Overall, the alloreactive T cell population was found to be significantly increased in the 73 kidney recipients (mean ± SE: 15.03 ± 1.04% of CD4+ CD25high T cells) compared to HS (5.93 ± 0.39%) (p<0.001). In the 5 patients with CHR, this population was highly expanded (31.33 ± 4.16%), whereas it was comparable to HS in the 8 stable recipients receiving minimal IS (6.12 ± 0.86%), in 4 patients who had been switched to sirolimus (4.21 ± 0.53%) as well as in the unique "tolerant" recipient (4.69%). Intermediate levels (15.84 ± 0.93%) were found in the 55 recipients with stable graft function on standard CNI-based IS. Regulatory T cells, defined as CD4+CD25high FoxP3+ CD127low, were found to be significantly reduced in all recipients except in those with minimal or no IS, and this reduction was particularly striking in recipients with CHR. Conclusion: After kidney transplantation, an alloreactive T cell population was found to be significantly expanded and it correlates with the clinical status of the recipients. Interestingly, in stable patients with minimal (or no) IS as well as in patients on sirolimus, alloreactive T cells were comparable the healthy controls. Measuring circulating CD4+CD25high CD45RO+ CD127high T cells may become a useful monitoring tool after transplantation.
A limited number of receptor tyrosine kinases (e.g., ErbB and fibroblast growth factor receptor families) have been genetically linked to breast cancer development. Here, we investigated the contribution of the Ret receptor tyrosine kinase to breast tumor biology. Ret was expressed in primary breast tumors and cell lines. In estrogen receptor (ER)alpha-positive MCF7 and T47D lines, the ligand (glial-derived neurotrophic factor) activated signaling pathways and increased anchorage-independent proliferation in a Ret-dependent manner, showing that Ret signaling is functional in breast tumor cells. Ret expression was induced by estrogens and Ret signaling enhanced estrogen-driven proliferation, highlighting the functional interaction of Ret and ER pathways. Furthermore, Ret was detected in primary cancers, and there were higher Ret levels in ERalpha-positive tumors. In summary, we showed that Ret is a novel proliferative pathway interacting with ER signaling in vitro. Expression of Ret in primary breast tumors suggests that Ret might be a novel therapeutic target in breast cancer.
Langerhans' cell histiocytosis (LCH) is a rare and enigmatic clonal disorder that affects mainly children. It is characterized by single or multiple granulomatous mass lesions composed of cells with the Langerhans' cell phenotype. Clinical presentation and behavior are heterogeneous and can range from a solitary lytic bone lesion (i.e., eosinophilic granuloma) with a favorable course to a fatal disseminated leukaemia-like form, with a wide spectrum of intermediate clinical presentations between these two extremes. Although LCH typically involves the bone, lesions can be found in almost all organs. We are reporting the case of a multisystem LCH in a 47-year-old patient who presented with a panhypopituitarism and diabetes insipidus, and who, 5 years later, developed mandibular, mastoid and femoral lesions. The final diagnosis of LCH was made on mandibular biopsy.
AIM: To report a case series of five patients diagnosed with choroidal schwannoma at the Liverpool Ocular Oncology Centre. METHODS: Patients with choroidal schwannoma were identified by searching the computerised database of the Liverpool Ocular Oncology Centre. RESULTS: The patients (3 males, 2 females) ranged in age from 15 years to 45 years. Three tumours were treated by enucleation, trans-scleral local resection, and combined bevacizumab and photodynamic therapy, respectively. Two were observed after confirmation of the diagnosis by biopsy. CONCLUSIONS: Choroidal schwannoma has a variety of clinical manifestations. Associated features include hard exudates, retinal feeder vessels and serous retinal detachment. Biopsy with immunohistochemistry is required for diagnosis. Tumours not amenable to resection may respond to photodynamic therapy.
The implementation of new techniques of imaging in the daily practice of the radiation oncologist is a major advance in these last 10 years. This allows optimizing the therapeutic intervals and locoregional control of the disease while limiting side effects. Among them, positron emission tomography (PET) offers an opportunity to the clinician to obtain data relative to the tumoral biological mechanisms, while benefiting from the morphological images of the computed tomography (CT) scan. Recently hybrid PET/CT has been developed and numerous studies aimed at optimizing its use in the planning, the evaluation of the treatment response and the prognostic value. The choice of the radiotracer (according to the type of cancer and to the studied biological mechanism) and the various methods of tumoral delineation, require a regular update to optimize the practices. We propose throughout this article, an exhaustive review of the published researches (and in process of publication) until December 2011, as user guide of PET/CT in all the aspects of the modern radiotherapy (from the diagnosis to the follow-up): biopsy guiding, optimization of treatment planning and dosimetry, evaluation of tumor response and prognostic value, follow-up and early detection of recurrence versus tumoral necrosis. In a didactic purpose, each of these aspects is approached by primary tumoral location, and illustrated with representative iconographic examples. The current contribution of PET/CT and its perspectives of development are described to offer to the radiation oncologist a clear and up to date reading in this expanding domain.
Marjolin's ulcer describes any malignant transformation of a chronic inflammatory lesion. In the majority of cases, a squamous cell carcinoma is diagnosed. Malignant transformation occurs usually after a long period of latency of chronic infection; it takes approximately 35 years on average. There are no typical clinical presentations, but several indirect signs may suggest the malignant transformation, such as increased or changed discharge, pathologic fracture, a slow-growing exophytic mass, or other suggestive signs of malignant transformation, which should prompt to biopsy for histological exam. The diagnosis of chronic osteomyelitis should not prevent to search for carcinoma. We present six patients with chronic osteomyelitis that developed well-differentiated squamous cell carcinoma. All patients were older than 50 years (mean 60 years, range 52-77 years). Five Marjolin's ulcers were located on the lower limb and one on the arm. The average time of the chronic discharging osteomyelitis before diagnosis of carcinoma ranged between 12 and 40 years. All patients were treated by amputation of the affected limb. None had metastasis, and one patient developed local recurrence and received palliative treatment. Our study emphasizes that Marjolin's ulcer should be considered as a rare but significant long-term complication of chronic osteomyelitis. The finding of microorganisms should not prevent from further diagnostic procedures by histopathological examination so that the correct surgical treatment can be performed.
Left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) is due to pressure overload or mechanical stretch and is thought to be associated with remodeling of gap-junctions. We investigated whether the expression of connexin 43 (Cx43) is altered in humans in response to different degrees of LVH. The expression of Cx43 was analyzed by quantitative polymerase chain reaction, Western blot analysis and immunohistochemistry on left ventricular biopsies from patients undergoing aortic or mitral valve replacement. Three groups were analyzed: patients with aortic stenosis with severe LVH (n=9) versus only mild LVH (n=7), and patients with LVH caused by mitral regurgitation (n=5). Cx43 mRNA expression and protein expression were similar in the three groups studied. Furthermore, immunohistochemistry revealed no change in Cx43 distribution. We can conclude that when compared with mild LVH or with LVH due to volume overload, severe LVH due to chronic pressure overload is not accompanied by detectable changes of Cx43 expression or spatial distribution.
BACKGROUND & AIMS: Clostridium difficile-associated disease (CDAD) is the leading cause of nosocomial diarrhea in the United States. C difficile toxins TcdA and TcdB breach the intestinal barrier and trigger mucosal inflammation and intestinal damage. The inflammasome is an intracellular danger sensor of the innate immune system. In the present study, we hypothesize that TcdA and TcdB trigger inflammasome-dependent interleukin (IL)-1beta production, which contributes to the pathogenesis of CDAD. METHODS: Macrophages exposed to TcdA and TcdB were assessed for IL-1beta production, an indication of inflammasome activation. Macrophages deficient in components of the inflammasome were also assessed. Truncated/mutated forms of TcdB were assessed for their ability to activate the inflammasome. The role of inflammasome signaling in vivo was assessed in ASC-deficient and IL-1 receptor antagonist-treated mice. RESULTS: TcdA and TcdB triggered inflammasome activation and IL-1beta secretion in macrophages and human mucosal biopsy specimens. Deletion of Nlrp3 decreased, whereas deletion of ASC completely abolished, toxin-induced IL-1beta release. TcdB-induced IL-1beta release required recognition of the full-length toxin but not its enzymatic function. In vivo, deletion of ASC significantly reduced toxin-induced inflammation and damage, an effect that was mimicked by pretreatment with the IL-1 receptor antagonist anakinra. CONCLUSIONS: TcdA and TcdB trigger IL-1beta release by activating an ASC-containing inflammasome, a response that contributes to toxin-induced inflammation and damage in vivo. Pretreating mice with the IL-1 receptor antagonist anakinra afforded the same level of protection that was observed in ASC-/- mice. These data suggest that targeting inflammasome or IL-1beta signaling may represent new therapeutic targets in the treatment of CDAD.