956 resultados para Biodegradation of aromatic hydrocarbons


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In this work, the A(m) indices and the molecular connectivity indices of fifty aromatic compounds have been calculated, and applied for studying on relationship between partition coefficient and structure of aromatic compounds. The results demonstrate that the property of compounds can be described better with revisionary A(m) indices.


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Gas permeability coefficients of a series of aromatic polyetherimides, which were prepared from 1,4-bis(3,4-dicarboxyphenoxy) benzene dianhydride (HQDPA) with various aromatic diamines, to H-2, O-2 and N-2 have been measured under 7 atm and at the temperature range 30-100 degrees C. A significant change in the permeability and permselectivity resulting from the systematic variation in chemical structure of the polyetherimides was found. Among the polyetherimides, that were prepared from phenylenediamine and methyl substituted phenylenediamines, the increase of permeability is accompanied by a decrease of permselectivity. The polyetherimides that were prepared from 3,5-diaminobenzoic esters have lower permselectivity than the others. However, the polyetherimide from 3,5-diaminobenzoic acid possesses much higher permselectivity than the others due to cross-linking. Copyright (C) 1996 Elsevier Science Ltd


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Gas permeability coefficients of a series of aromatic polyetherimides, which were prepared from 1,4-bis(3,4-dicarboxyphenoxy) benzene dianhydride (HQDPA) and various aromatic diamines, to H-2, CO2, O-2, N-2 and CH4 have been measured under 7 atm pressure and over the temperature range 30-150 degrees C. A significant change in permeability and permselectivity, which resulted from a systematic variation in chemical structure of the polyetherimides, was found. Generally, increases in permeability of the polyetherimides are accompanied by decreases in permselectivity. The order of decrease of the permeability coefficients is as follows: HQDPA-IPDA > HQDPA-DDS > HQDPA-MDA > HQDPA-ODA > HQDPA-DABP > HQDPA-BZD. However, HQDPA-DMoBZD and HQDPA-DMoMDA, with bulky methoxy side-groups on the aromatic rings of the diamine residue, display both high permeability coefficients and high permselectivity. The favourable gas separation property, excellent thermal and chemical stability, and high mechanical strength make HQDPA-DMoBZD and HQDPA-DMoMDA promising candidates for membrane-based gas separation applications.


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Gas permeability coefficients of a series of aromatic polyetherimides prepared from 1,4-bis(3,4-dicarboxyphenoxy) benzene dianhydride (HQDPA) and four (methylene dianiline)s with a methyl side group to H-2, CO2, O-2, N-2, and CH4 were measured under 7 atm and within a temperature range from 30 to 150 degrees C. The gas permeabilities and permselectivities of these polymers were compared with those of the HQDPA-based polyetherimides from methylene dianiline (MDA) and isopropylidene dianiline (IPDA). The number and position of the methyl side groups on the benzene rings of the diamine residues strongly affect the gas permeabilities and permselectivities of the HQDPA-based polyetherimides. The gas permeability of the polyetherimide progressively increases with an increase in the number of the methyl side groups. Both the gas permeability and permselectivity of the polyetherimides with methyl side groups are higher than those of HQDPA-MDA. The polyetherimide prepared from 3,3'-dimethyl 4,4'-methylene dianiline (DMMDA1) possesses both higher permeability and permselectivity than the polyetherimides prepared from 2,2'-dimethyl 4,4'-methylene dianiline (DMMDA2). However, two of the polyetherimides prepared 2,2',3,3'-tetramethyl 4,4'-methylene dianiline (TMMDA1) or 2,2', 5,5'-tetramethyl 4,4'-methylene dianiline (TMMDA2) possess almost the same gas permeability and permselectivity.


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多环芳烃是环境中一种普遍存在的有机污染物。目前国内水体已受到了多环芳烃的严重污染,因而研究开发治理有机污染物的有效方法对于沿海生态系统的恢复具有重要意义。但现在对水体尤其是海洋环境中的多环芳烃植物修复仍知之甚少。 本课题在实验室中研究了海带对两种多环芳烃(菲和芘)不同浓度下的吸收及降解,并对代谢过程进行了初步探索。海带对多环芳烃的吸收及代谢与多环芳烃的初始浓度及种类有关。 多环芳烃浓度较低(<0.2mg/l)时,海带对多环芳烃具有很强的吸收及代谢能力。0.1mg/l多环芳烃中,加入海带后对菲和芘的去除效率分别为:99.88-99.89%和94-96.5%;而不加海带的对照液中菲和芘的去除效率分别为46.9%和44.7%。有约51.34%的菲、45.7%的芘被海带完全去除,证实了海带对多环芳烃的代谢。检测到了海带对芘的代谢产物二氢二醇芘,说明海带对多环芳烃的代谢过程为双加氧酶催化;且有少量二氢二醇芘的配合物生成,但结合物结构尚不确定。 高浓度的多环芳烃对海带具有极大危害,强烈抑制了海带生长,破坏了其色素体。海带体内的叶绿素-a及类胡萝卜素含量随时间、多环芳烃浓度而下降;过氧化物酶(POD)及超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)受激后活性升高,能对植物的生长起到一定的保护作用; POD能参与到藻体对多环芳烃的第一步氧化过程。 总之,海带能在一定浓度范围内(低于0.2mg/l)吸收、降解多环芳烃,能用来对多环芳烃污染海域进行植物修复。研究也表明高浓度的多环芳烃对海带的生长有强烈抑制作用。将来还应对海带对多环芳烃的具体代谢路径,以及代谢产物的生态影响进行进一步的研究。


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黑碳和多环芳烃都是燃烧产生的污染物,并广泛存在于土壤及海洋特别是近海沉积物中。由于黑碳和多环芳烃对环境及生态系统具有不同的影响途径和危害,多年来一直受到环境研究者的极大重视。本文对我国近海几个海区(渤海湾、北黄海、胶州湾、南海珠江口及其邻近海区)沉积物中黑碳和多环芳烃的含量、分布及来源进行了研究,并首次对各海区表层沉积物中黑碳和多环芳烃的相关性进行了分析。 数据显示,中国近海各海区(渤海湾、北黄海、胶州湾、南海珠江口及其邻近海区)表层沉积物中黑碳的浓度范围为0.1 - 2.45 mg/gdw,占总有机碳浓度的1 - 41%,具有较大的空间差异。渤海湾表层沉积物中黑碳浓度最高(平均为2.18 mg/gdw),占沉积物中总有机碳浓度的27 - 41%。相比之下,北黄海、胶州湾和南海珠江口及其邻近海区表层沉积物中黑碳浓度较低,分别占沉积物中总有机碳浓度的6%、8%和5%。黑碳的分布主要受其来源的影响,陆地来源和河流输入是中国近岸海区表层沉积物中黑碳的重要来源。该研究显示黑碳在沉积物中的埋藏可能代表我国近海各海区碳循环中的一个重要碳汇。 中国近海各海区(渤海湾、北黄海、南海珠江口及其邻近海区)表层沉积物中多环芳烃的浓度范围为47.5 – 3673.5 ng/g(均为干重),亦具有很大的空间差异。渤海湾中多环芳烃的浓度最高(82.9 – 3673.5 ng/g),反映了该地区受人类污染严重的特征。在三个海区表层沉积物中,单组分多环芳烃的分布也具有明显不同的特征,渤海湾主要以5、6环的多环芳烃为主,而北黄海和南海珠江口及其邻近海区3、4环多环芳烃的浓度较高。基于多环芳烃的单组分分布特征和一些特殊指数,可以得到渤海湾表层沉积物中的多环芳烃以木材、煤的不完全燃烧来源为主,而北黄海海区和南海珠江口及其邻近海区的多环芳烃显示出木材、煤的燃烧和石油燃烧的混合来源。 中国近海表层沉积物中黑碳浓度与多环芳烃的浓度并不存在很好的相关性,这说明中国近海表层沉积物中的黑碳和多环芳烃具有不同的来源,且在沉积物中的埋藏受控于不同的地球化学作用。


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自然界水体(如地下水、湖泊、河流及海洋)中的天然有机质(NOM)因具有显著的生态及环境功能而受到人们的广泛关注。NOM作为全球碳循环的主要组成部分,是水体中异养型微生物生长所需碳及能量的重要来源。此外,NOM对湖泊生态系统中的多种物理、化学过程具有不同程度的影响:NOM中的有机酸对淡水体系的酸度具有控制作用而且对酸沉降有一定的缓冲作用;NOM通过减弱可见光及紫外线照射从而影响淡水系统的光化学环境,这一方面降低了水体中自养生物的繁衍速度,同时保护水生生物免受有害的紫外线辐射。更为重要的是,NOM能够影响环境中污染物的命运,比如重金属离子和疏水性有机污染物与天然有机质结合后,其迁移途径、溶解度、生物可利用性及毒性受到明显的控制,这样其对环境中生物的危害性减弱。多环芳烃(PAHs)是一类对环境危害极大的疏水性有机污染物,多数PAHs对有机体具有毒性和致癌性而被美国环保署(EPA)列为优先处理的污染物。因此,确定NOM-PAHs反应的强弱,即PAHs在NOM中的分配系数(Kdoc)以及NOM的物化特性对Kdoc的影响对于预测PAHs毒性和生物可利用性大小、了解NOM-PAHs相互作用的机理及确立污染预测模型具有十分重大的意义。前人的研究结果表明,多环芳烃与天然有机质相互作用的分配系数Kdoc的与PAHs的疏水度(即Kow大小)、NOM的物化特性(如芳香度、脂肪碳含量、分子量及极性等)和水化学参数(pH、离子强度等)有很大的相关性。然而,许多学者在NOM的物化特性对分配系数的影响方面存有较大分歧。前人在研究天然有机质与多环芳烃之间的相互作用时所用的NOM多为腐殖质,即水体NOM中的疏水性组分,而其中的亲水性组分与PAHs的结合作用文献中却鲜见提及,因此人们对其结合作用的特性如反应机理和结合作用强弱等的了解十分有限。 本论文利用XAD树脂分离技术把红枫湖水体中天然有机质分成了疏水性酸、碱、中性物质和亲水性酸、碱、中性物质等六种有机组分。同时运用元素分析、有机碳分析仪、紫外-可见分光光度,高效液相体积排阻色谱、三维荧光光谱和荧光偏振技术等现代分析方法,对各有机组分的物理、化学特性进行了表征。荧光光谱技术被用于研究水化学参数对腐殖质荧光特性和分子构型的影响以及测定Amherst腐殖酸(Amherst HA)、垃圾渗滤液富里酸(LF FA)和红枫湖NOM有机组分与多环芳烃苝、菲和蒽的结合系数(分配系数、条件稳定常数)并探讨了影响分配系数的各种因素和NOM与多环芳烃相互作用的机理。本论文的获得的主要结果如下: 1. 在水化学参数对腐殖质荧光特性及分子构型的影响方面: 在NOM与PAHs相互作用过程中,腐殖质的分子构型起着关键性的作用,而其分子构型又受到其本身的浓度、溶液的pH和离子强度等水化学参数的影响。本论文运用三维荧光光谱和荧光偏振技术研究了水化学参数对腐殖质荧光特性的影响,并由此推断其分子构型变化情况。实验结果表明随着腐殖质浓度、溶液的pH和离子强度的改变,腐殖质荧光特性(如荧光强度、荧光峰位和荧光偏振值等)出现不同程度的变化,揭示了腐殖质分子构型的改变。因此,本实验结果有利于深入了解腐殖质的分子构型及其对吸附PAHs的重要影响,对理解NOM的环境行为具有一定的理论价值。 2. 运用荧光猝灭滴定法研究Amherst HA和红枫湖NOM有机组分对多环芳烃苝、菲和蒽的吸附作用,结果表明NOM对多环芳烃的吸附能力与其中芳香结构单元有很强的相关性,logKdoc值与NOM在280 nm处的摩尔吸收(ε280)和分子量有线性度较高的正比关系,而C/H原子比值对不饱和碳含量(芳香度)并没有很好的指示作用。同时,脂肪碳(0-50 ppm)中的聚亚甲基碳对吸附PAHs也有很大的贡献,而有机组分的极性与分配系数有明显的负相关性。不同种类的多环芳烃与NOM有机组分的结合能力有很大的差异,这取决于不同PAHs的疏水度大小。本研究结果有利于弥合前人在NOM物化特性对PAHs吸附能力的影响方面的分歧,揭示了NOM的组成和结构在与PAHs等疏水性有机污染物相互作用方面的重要影响。 3. 在结合机理方面,苝与NOM有机组分结合的Stern-Volmer图具有较高的线性度,这表明其结合机理以疏水反应(或分配)为主,而菲和蒽与有机组分相互作用的吸附等温线显示较多的非线性特征表明极性反应为主要反应机理,结合过程以吸附为主。在红枫湖NOM有机组分中,疏水性组分显示对PAHs较高的结合能力,同时疏水性组分与PAHs相互作用的吸附等温线具有较高的线性度。这一结果揭示了不同种类的PAHs和各NOM有机组分之间结合机理的差异,加深了人们对NOM与PAHs相互作用机理的认识。 4. 前人在研究pH、离子强度等水化学参数对分配系数的影响方面得到的结果多有矛盾之处,同时,对实验结果的解释也不尽相同。本实验结果表明分配系数随pH增加而下降;离子强度对分配系数的影响比较复杂,就总体趋势而言,增加离子强度有利于对PAHs吸附能力的提高,这一结果初步揭示了水化学参数对PAHs分配系数的影响,丰富了人们对其影响机理的认识。 5. 运用荧光偏振技术测定了蒽与Amherst HA、LF FA和红枫湖NOM有机组分的条件稳定常数,结果如下:随着NOM浓度增加,蒽的荧光偏振值不断下降,这表明蒽的分子构型由平面线性向圆柱状转变。在所有NOM样品中,土壤源的Amherst HA与蒽结合的条件稳定常数最大(pH 4时logK=5.6,pH 6时 logK=5.4);就NOM有机组分而言,疏水性组分的logK变化范围在pH 6时为(4.4-5.2),而亲水性组分为(4.3-4.8),这表明疏水性组分具有相对较高的蒽吸附能力。实验结果有利于了解PAHs与NOM相互作用前后的分子构型变化情况,揭示了不同的NOM有机组分在吸附PAHs过程中的差异。


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The combination of chemical and biological water treatment processes is a promising technique to reduce recalcitrant wastewater loads. The key to the efficiency of such a system is a better understanding of the mechanisms involved during the degradation processes. Ozonation has been applied to many fields in water and wastewater treatment. Especially for effluents of textile finishing industry ozonation can achieve high color removal, enhance biodegradability, destroy phenols and reduce the COD. However, little is known about the reaction intermediates and products formed during ozonation. This work focuses on the oxidative degradation of purified (>90%), hydrolyzed Reactive Red 120 (Color Index), a widely used azo dye in the textile finishing processes with two monochlorotriazine anchor groups. Ozonation of the dye in ultra pure water was performed in a laboratory scale cylindrical batch reactor. Decolorization, determined by measuring the light absorbance at the maximum wavelength in the visible range (53 5 nm), was almost complete after 150 min with an ozone concentration of 12.8 mg/l. The TOC/TOC0 ratio was about 74% and the COD was diminished to 46% of the initial value. The BOD5/COD ratio increased from 0.01 to 0.14. To obtain detailed information on the reaction processes during ozonation and the resulting oxidation products organic and inorganic anions were analyzed. Oxidation and cleavage of the azo group yielded nitrate. Cleavage of the sulfonic acid groups of aromatic rings caused an increase in the amount of sulfate. Formic acid and oxalic acid were identified as main oxidation products by high performance ion chromatography (HPIC). The concentrations of these major products were monitored at defined time intervals during ozonation.


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High-speed capillary electrochromatography was developed on both short and long packed columns with 2 mu m non-porous ODS as the stationary phase. Factors that affect the analysis time of samples, such as voltage, electrolyte concentration, pH and organic modifier concentration in the mobile phase, were studied systematically. Fast analysis of aromatic compounds within 13 seconds was realized with column efficiency of 573,000 plates/m and a R.S.D.% of the retention times of all components in 8 consecutive injections below 1.0%. which demonstrated the high efficiency and high reproducibility of such a technique. In addition, DNPH derived aldehydes and ketones in both standards and environmental samples were separated with high speed.


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Uniformly carbon-covered alumina (CCA) was prepared via the carbonization of sucrose highly dispersed on the alumina surface. The CCA samples were characterized by XRD, XPS, DTA-TG, UV Raman, nitrogen adsorption experiments at 77 K, and rhodamine B (RB) adsorption in aqueous media. UV Raman spectra indicated that the carbon species formed were probably conjugated olefinic or polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, which can be considered molecular subunits of a graphitic plane. The N(2) adsorption isotherms, pore size distributions, and XPS results indicated that carbon was uniformly dispersed on the alumina surface in the as-prepared CCA. The carbon coverage and number of carbon layers in CCA could be controlled by the tuning of the sucrose content in the precursor and impregnation times. RB adsorption isotherms suggested that the monolayer adsorption capacity of RB on alumina increased drastically for the sample with uniformly dispersed carbon. The as-prepared CCA possessed the texture of alumina and the surface properties of carbon or both carbon and alumina depending on the carbon coverage.


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The research work in this thesis reports rapid separation of biologically important low molecular weight compounds by microchip electrophoresis and ultrahigh liquid chromatography. Chapter 1 introduces the theory and principles behind capillary electrophoresis separation. An overview of the history, different modes and detection techniques coupled to CE is provided. The advantages of microchip electrophoresis are highlighted. Some aspects of metal complex analysis by capillary electrophoresis are described. Finally, the theory and different modes of the liquid chromatography technology are presented. Chapter 2 outlines the development of a method for the capillary electrophoresis of (R, S) Naproxen. Variable parameters of the separation were optimized (i.e. buffer concentration and pH, concentration of chiral selector additives, applied voltage and injection condition).The method was validated in terms of linearity, precision, and LOD. The optimized method was then transferred to a microchip electrophoresis system. Two different types of injection i.e. gated and pinched, were investigated. This microchip method represents the fastest reported chiral separation of Naproxen to date. Chapter 3 reports ultra-fast separation of aromatic amino acid by capillary electrophoresis using the short-end technique. Variable parameters of the separation were optimized and validated. The optimized method was then transferred to a microchip electrophoresis system where the separation time was further reduced. Chapter 4 outlines the use of microchip electrophoresis as an efficient tool for analysis of aluminium complexes. A 2.5 cm channel with linear imaging UV detection was used to separate and detect aluminium-dopamine complex and free dopamine. For the first time, a baseline, separation of aluminium dopamine was achieved on a 15 seconds timescale. Chapter 5 investigates a rapid, ultra-sensitive and highly efficient method for quantification of histamine in human psoriatic plaques using microdialysis and ultrahigh performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection. The method utilized a sub-two-micron packed C18 stationary phase. A fluorescent reagent, 4-(1-pyrene) butyric acid N-hydroxysuccinimide ester was conjugated to the primary and secondary amino moieties of histamine. The dipyrene-labeled histamine in human urine was also investigated by ultrahigh pressure liquid chromatography using a C18 column with 1.8 μm particle diameter. These methods represent one of the fastest reported separations to date of histamine using fluorescence detection.


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The primary objective of this thesis was the preparation of a series of pyridine-containing α-diazocarbonyl compounds and subsequent investigation of the reactivity of these compounds on exposure to transition metal catalysts. In particular, the reactivity of the pyridyl α-diazocarbonyls was compared to that of the analogous phenyl α-diazocarbonyl compounds to ascertain the impact of replacement of the phenyl ring with pyridine. The first chapter initially provides a brief introduction into α-diazocarbonyl chemistry, comprising a compendium of well-established and recently developed methods in the preparation of these compounds, as well as an outline of the reactivity of these versatile substrates. The substantive element of this introductory chapter comprises a detailed review focused on transition metal-catalysed transformations of heterocyclic α-diazocarbonyl compounds, highlighting the extraordinary diversity of reaction products which can be accessed. This review is undertaken to set the work of this thesis in context. The results of this research are discussed in the second and third chapters together with the associated experimental details, including spectroscopic and analytical data obtained in the synthesis of all compounds during this research. The second chapter describes the preparation of a range of novel pyridine-containing α-diazocarbonyl compounds via a number of synthetic strategies including both acylation and diazo transfer methodologies. In contrast to the phenyl analogues, the generation of the pyridine α-diazocarbonyl substrates was complicated by a number of factors including the inherent basicity of the pyridine ring, tautomerism and existence of rotamers. Rhodium- and copper-mediated transformations of the pyridine-containing α-diazocarbonyl compounds is discussed in detail displaying very different reactivity patterns to those seen with the phenyl analogues; oxidation to 2,3- diketones, 1,2-hydride shift to form enones and oxonium and sulfonium ylide formation/rearrangement are prominent in the pyridyl series, with no evidence of aromatic addition to the pyridine ring. The third chapter focuses on exploration of novel chiral rhodium(II) catalysts, developed in the Maguire team, in both intermolecular cyclopropanations and intramolecular C–H insertion reactions. In this chapter, the studies are focused on standard α-diazocarbonyl compounds without heteroaryl substituents. The most notable outcome was the achievement of high enantiopurities for intramolecular C–H insertions, which were competitive with, and even surpassed, established catalyst systems in some cases. This work has provided insight into solvent and temperature effects on yields as well as enantio- and diastereoselectivity, thereby providing guidance for future development and design of chiral rhodium carboxylate catalysts. While this is a preliminary study, the significance of the results lie in the fact that these are the first reactions to give substantial asymmetric induction with these novel rhodium carboxylates. While the majority of the α-diazocarbonyl compounds explored in this work were α-diazoketones, a number of α-diazoesters are also described. Details of chiral stationary phase HPLC analysis, single crystal analysis and 2D NMR experiments are included in the Appendix (Appendix III-V).


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The marine gastropod Littorina littorea from four sites in the vicinity of the Sullom Voe Oil Terminal was found to display reduced cytochemically determined latency of lysosomal arylsulphatase, β-glucuronidase and acid phosphatase in comparison with snails from a nearby ‘clean’ site. This is interpreted as indicating lysosomal destabilization by environmental factors. Elevated total activities of particular lysosomal hydrolases were recorded at three of the sites in Sullom Voe. Animals from a fourth site (Swarta Taing) showed significant depression of arylsulphatase and β-glucuronidase. Cytochemically determined activity of blood cell NADPH-neotetrazolium reductase, which is a component of microsomal detoxication systems, was stimulated in these same sites in comparison with the ‘clean’ reference site. This stimulation or induction is interpreted as a response to the presence of oil-derived polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons. These results are discussed in the light of previous work on the effects of hydrocarbons on lysosomes and in terms of the possible physiological consequences for the animals.


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The problems of relating the results of experiments in the laboratory to events in nature are twofold: to equate the response to a single variable (hydrocarbons) with the natural variability in the biological material in a multivariate environment, and to consider whether the response established experimentally has any relevance to the animal's chances of survival and reproduction (i.e. its fitness) in the natural population. Recent studies of the effects of petroleum hydrocarbons on marine invertebrates are reviewed, with an emphasis on the physiological and cytochemical responses by bivalve molluscs. The dose-response relations that emerge suggest the intensity of the 'signal' that must be detected in nature if the chronic, sublethal effects of petroleum pollution are to be measured. The natural variability in these physiological and cytochemical processes are then reviewed and the main causes of variability in natural populations, both endogenous and exogenous, discussed. These results indicate the extent of the `noise' above which the signal from possible pollution effects must be detected. The results from recent field studies on the common mussel, Mytilus edulis, are discussed. The results are as complex as expected, but it proves possible to reduce the variance in the measured responses so that pollution effects, including those due to hydrocarbons, can be detected. The ecological consequences of the observed effects of petroleum hydrocarbons are then discussed in terms of reproductive effort and reproductive value. Considerable variation between populations exists here also and this can be used to help in the interpretation of the extent of the impact of the environment on the ecology of the population. The result is to place the findings of the laboratory experiments in an ecological context of natural variability and of the physiological costs of adaptation.


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A consideration of some physiological (rates of oxygen consumption, the scope for growth) and cellular (the cytochemical latency of a lysosomal enzyme) processes in bivalve molluscs suggests that animal size and seasonal changes related to the gametogenic cycle are important sources of natural variability. Correcting for size using regression techniques, and limiting measurements to one part of the gametogenic cycle, reduces observed natural variability considerably. Differences between populations are then still apparent, but the results of laboratory experiments with hydrocarbons from crude oil suggest that it should be possible to detect sub-lethal effects due to pollution (the ‘signal’) in the presence of the remaining natural variability (the ‘noise’). Statistical considerations, taken together with results from current studies on Mytilus edulis and Scobicularia plana, indicate that sample sizes of 10–15 individuals should suffice for the detection of possible pollution effects. The physiological effects to be expected in the presence of sub-lethal levels of polluting hydrocarbons are on a scaie that can cause significant ecological damage to a population through a reduction in fecundity and the residual reproductive value of the individuals.