947 resultados para Bergerettes (Songs)
Under the conditions of rapid and total change in the social, political, economic and legal environment in Lithuania, a re-orientation process is going on in all groups of society. In this process, not only younger but also middle-aged and old people become adherents to what Ms. Liubiniene calls the new, "post-materialist" values, strongly reinforced by powerful agents of socialisation originating in the West, like the media, advertising agencies and lifestyle-consumption models. As a result, the national identity of Lithuania and its inhabitants is being reconstructed. Ms. Liubiniene set out to examine the details of this evolving identity by conducting a survey of 1218 university staff and students. Her conclusions are set out in a 74 page manuscript, written in Lithuanian and available on disc. Change is most noticeable among the young. Indeed, time and time again, Ms. Liubiniene was to find that the age of 36 marks a natural watershed, with, for instance, the younger group valuing individualism highly and the older, collectivism. Ms. Liubiniene ventures to suggest that traditional values are deeply rooted amongst elderly people, women and people with an education in the humanities. Young people on the other hand, and especially those with a professional orientation towards business are more open to change and ready to adapt to new values. Turning to the evaluation of national symbols, Ms. Liubinie finds that those with an education in the humanities might be considered to be the most traditional, placing greater value on the symbols of nature, ethnic culture and religion. Folk songs and the crucifix are also in their top ten. Respondents with a technical education favour symbols of statehood and nature, and respondents with a business orientation assign greater value to the symbols of nature, history, sports and statehood. Ms. Liubinie concludes that the group of respondents most active and ready to adapt to new things is composed of young males of a business orientation. Generally the national identity of the young is weaker compared to that of the old. In the future, the combination of the evolution of values and the process of inter-generational replacement allows us to predict a weakening of the sense of national identity, or at least its transformation into something radically different to what it is today.
Woody Guthrie’s song, “The 1913 Massacre,” written around 1940-41, has become something of a folk anthem for progressives, leftists, and labor supporters. It depicts the Italian Hall Disaster of December 24, 1913, in a plainspoken and colorful way, but has been (rightfully) described as “deeply flawed historically.” Much like Guthrie’s English-language folk songs, Finnish immigrant Santeri Mäkelä had a major impact on capturing the working-world around him. Mäkelä’s lyrics for the “Kaivantomiehen Laulu (The Miners’ Song)” were first published in Hancock, 1909, in “Uusi Työväen Laulukirja (The New Workers’ Songbook),” and was probably sung widely by Finnish strikers during the 1913-14 Michigan Copper Strike. Leading up to, and during this Strike Centennial year, there have been renewed performances of the song, both in Finland and the United States—but only in the original Finnish language. This presentation will delve into the accuracy, history, and lyrics of these two important, but historically problematic labor songs.
The multi-layered enactment of a national past in music has been strongly intertwined with the usage of mythological elements. Having often been compiled as a coherent narrative during the emergence of the European nation-states (like the Finnish Kalevala), the mythological material has often been perceived as a form of historical truth and national justification. This focal role is also apparent in various music genres ranging from folk revival to metal in post-1989 Europe. Within the globalized context, however, local-national interpretations can collide with earlier nationalist appropriations. This complex and sometimes politically conflicting situation becomes particularly evident with groups falling back on symbols and narrations that had previously been employed by Nazi-Germany. While Nazi-Germany had, among others, tried replace the Christmas tradition with elements and songs from Germanic (and other) mythological sources, modern Neo-Nazi music groups often employ central mythological names (like Odin or Tyr) and iconic elements (like Vikings and warriors) in song lyrics and CD cover designs. However, while many covers and lyrics are legally forbidden in Germany, Scandinavian and Baltic groups (like the Faroese Viking metal group Tyr and the Latvian pagan metal band Skyforger) employ similar elements of Norse mythology, which are often combined with traditional material. Discussing selected case studies, this paper highlights central discursive points of colliding historical-national associations and individual interpretations of the mythological elements in musical contexts. How far can the material be disassociated from the earlier historical political usage and instrumentalization? Is this necessary ? And how can the specific global-local conflict points be approached by a theoretical framework ?
The charismatic and controversial Indian guru Sathya Sai Baba is the centre of attention and devotion for a great number of adherents from various national, religious, and ethnic backgrounds. Due to its global spread, the Sathya Sai Baba movement is an ideal case for examining displaced religious practices. Singing is a vital part of the religious practice of Sai devotees. In this article I will discuss the contents and usage of the songbook that Swiss devotees compiled. We can observe the extent to which Indian contents are carried over and how they are supplemented with Swiss songs, but also with songs perceived as being part of a universal spiritual treasury of songs (e.g. Native American, Hebrew or International Christian songs). I will suggest that the concept of de- and reterritorialization helps us to analyze the practices of this global religious community. Additionally, I will argue that the devotees’ choice of songs and their singing practices are indeed a manifestation of their claim to universalism as well as their need to be rooted locally. I will further argue that a globalized religious movement is limited in dealing with the encounter of diverse cultural contents by the strategy of reterritorialization, but beyond that creates a new and supraterritorial cultural context.
Content providers from the music industry argue that peer-to-peer (P2P) networks such as KaZaA, Morpheus, iMesh, or Audiogalaxy are an enormous threat to their business. They furthermore blame these networks for their recent decline in sales figures. For this reason, an empirical investigation was conducted during a period of 6 weeks on one of the most popular files-sharing systems, in order to determine the quantity and quality of pirated music songs shared. We present empirical evidence as to what extent and in which quality music songs are being shared. A number of hypotheses are outlined and were tested. We studied, among other things, the number of users online and the number of flies accessible on such networks, the free riding problem, and the duration per search request. We further tested to see if there are any differences in the accessibility of songs based on the nationality of the artist, the language of the song, and the corresponding chart position. Finally, we outline the main hurdles users may face when downloading illegal music and the probability of obtaining high quality music tracks on such peer-to-peer networks.
Objective. To conduct a summative evaluation of an Early Childhood Care, Education and Development (ECCED) Teacher Training Workshop in Mongu, Zambia by assessing changes in knowledge, attitudes and intent to use the information. ^ Study design. A matched cohort survey design was used with additional qualitative data collected by structured observation of workshop sessions, daily facilitator and participant debriefs and participant interviews. ^ Results. Matching pre and post tests were completed by 27 individuals in addition to daily debriefs, structured workshop observation and participant interviews with 22% of the group. The participant population was predominantly female individuals aged 15-44 years old that had completed high school and additional post-secondary training, been teaching children aged 0 – 8 years for 2-5 years in the Western Province and received other HIV/AIDS and ECCED education. Pre-tests indicated a strong understanding of ECCED principles and misconceptions regarding HIV transmission, prevention and the disease's impact on early childhood development. The workshop was found to significantly increase the participants' knowledge of topics covered by the curriculum (paired t-test, N=27, p = 0.004, 95% CI 1.8, 8.6). Participants began with a more limited understanding of HIV/AIDS than ECCED, but the mean gain was much greater at 7.4 +/- 12.3 points. Significantly more participants believed at post-test that HIV/AIDS education should increase for future educators. The 77.8% of participants that increased their knowledge scores at post-test expressed significantly less fear of having a child with HIV/AIDS in the classroom (Independent Samples t-test, N= 27, p = 0.011). Overall participant fear decreased 15.5%. 92.6% and 88.9% of participants planned at post-test to respectively use and share the taught information in their daily professional lives and reported on innovative strategies to communicate with the community. ^ Conclusions. Teacher training workshops can significantly increase HIV/AIDS awareness and promote positive attitudes in educators working with children affected by HIV/AIDS. Using participant suggested teaching techniques such as poems and songs and translating the materials to the local language could assist future facilitators to both culturally and professionally relate to the workshop audience as well as increase participant capacity to share the information with the local community. ^
Monasticism was not born nor grew up in contraposition to scholasticism. Both of them express the truth and unity of religious life. In this paper, the Author analyses the cases of a monk and a scholar, Bernardus of Claraval and Petrus Abelardus, respectively, by means of two of their major works: Commentary on The Song of Songs and Preface to the Commentary on the Letters of Saint Paul. Finally, a brief summary concerning longing for heaven in texts of Medium Ages is included.
La tesis analiza la forma en la que son presentados los monjes, las órdenes y la cultura monástica en las Cantigas de Santa María (mediados del siglo XIII) de Alfonso X, el Sabio. Se estudian no sólo la aparición de los monjes, como personajes de las cantigas narrativas, y sus diversas actividades (liturgia, plegaria, trabajo manual, lectura, estudio, etc.), sino también las diferentes fuentes que posiblemente hayan estado en la base de la gran empresa de confección de las Cantigas, en el scriptorium alfonsi. Por un lado, clérigos, frailes y monasterios estrechamente ligados a la persona misma del rey Alfonso X y a su corte (Juan Gil de Zamora, Bernardo de Brihuega, Rodrigo de Cerrato, monasterio de Las Huelgas de Burgos, etc.). Por otro, un enorme acervo de obras marianas de procedencia monacal: colecciones de milagros en latín y romance; compendios de himnos, secuencias y otros cantos litúrgicos; y obras doctrinales que contienen la marialogía monástica de los siglos anteriores. Todo ello puesto al servicio de la creación de un cancionero mariano con un específico ideal cristiano, monárquico y laico.
No podemos ignorar los cambios en los mecanismos de transmisión, también de aprendizaje, de las composiciones del Cancionero Popular Infantil. Dos trabajos de campo (2000 y 2009), donde se recogieron más de mil composiciones de dos grupos de informantes: niños (4o y 5o de Primaria) y adultos (de más de 55 años), muestran diferencias sobre: 1) El lugar en que aprendieron las composiciones transmitidas: los adultos (90 por ciento de los casos) en espacios relacionados con la familia o con la calle; los niños (40 por ciento) "en el colegio". 2) La persona que se las enseñó: el 7 de los adultos la aprendieron de profesores, frente al 23 por ciento de los niños. 3) El proceso de pérdida. En parte, se ha pasado de una transmisión oral, de generación a generación, a un aprendizaje escolar: de la oralidad a la escritura. Aunque seguimos siendo eslabones de una cadena de comunicación que tiene su sustento en la voz ancestral de la memoria, los cambios en la transmisión y el aprendizaje de las composiciones del Cancionero Popular Infantil nos obligan a preguntarnos si habrá que enseñar esas cantilenas para que no se pierdan de manera definitiva
Las composiciones formadas por tres o más pareados de métrica irregular han sido poco investigadas. Predominan las cancioncitas con dos versos; la forma más frecuente en que se desarrollaron durante los siglos xv y xvi fue el villancico. Las composiciones pareadas ya existían dentro de la región castellana desde el siglo xiii, y aunque durante los siglos posteriores desaparecieron de la superficie, las investigaciones folklorísticas modernas los han hecho emerger. Dentro de este tipo de "género" -si así podemos llamarlo-, son interesantes las composiciones no paralelísticas, que hablan de la cultura de campesinos y pastores. Este tipo de textos no se encuentra más que en los refraneros de la época. El encanto de las composiciones radica en la acumulación de sus elementos, como ocurre en las adivinanzas y en las rimas infantiles
La intertextualidad en la lírica tradicional y popular surge como resultado de dos fenómenos: el surgimiento de una canción nueva (canciones contrahechas), en especial como parodia de la primera, y cuando una canción menciona a otra, creando una complicidad entre los intérpretes y el público durante la performance
La figura de Alan Deyermond fue esencial para desarrollar los congresos de Lyra Minima. La oralidad, la autoría femenina y la interacción entre lírica culta y popular han sido temas caros a su obra. Uno de sus conceptos más acertado es la de textos transicionales referidos a los que fueron producidos durante el periodo final de la Edad Media y comienzos del Renacimiento. La relación oralidad - cultura-escrita durante esa época aparece como una transformación, como una superación y como una simbiosis. A Deyermond le resulta probable que la tradición poética popular y oral comenzara canciones de mujer llena de símbolos naturales e imágenes elementales
En este artículo se estudia el acto de hilar y tejer como espacio que propicia la transmisión de la tradición oral. Además se señala la presencia de este motivo en coplas y refranes podemos encontrar testimonios acerca del acto mismo de la trasmisión, del espacio en que ocurre, del tiempo, de lo que se juzga de la buena y la mala hilandera y de cómo seducirla
La sociedad argentina puede caracterizarse como "nueva", producto de proyectos poblacionales y migraciones internas y externas. Esta condición determinó que la cultura popular, y la poesía en particular, se manifestaran en distintas tradiciones superpuestas. Una tradición hispánica procedente del período colonial se asentó en el noroeste del país, área de población más antigua en la que fueron documentados romances y coplas tradicionales. Paralelamente, una tradición criolla heredera de la hispánica tuvo expresiones autóctonas en relación con los movimientos independentistas (romancero criollo, pero también décimas y coplas). Por último, una tradición europea se incorporó entre fines del siglo xix y principios del xx con el denominado aluvión inmigratorio. Esta última corriente impregnó todo lo anterior con nuevos temas procedentes especialmente de España, pero en contacto con diversas formas populares de otros países como Italia, Francia y Portugal. El propósito de este artículo es ofrecer un panorama de la superposición de estos distintos estratos culturales tal como se manifiesta en las coplas que se cantaron y se imprimieron en la primera mitad del Siglo xx