938 resultados para Beer, Advertising, Carling


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Three simple and sensitive spectrophotometric methods are described for the determination of ofloxacin (OFX) in pharmaceuticals and in spiked human urine. First and second methods are based on the measurement of absorbance of OFX in 0.1 M HCl at 293 nm (method A) and 0.1 M NaOH at 287 nm, respectively. The third method is based on the measurement of 2:1 complex formed between OFX and iron(III) in H2SO4 medium, the complex peaking at 420 nm (method C). The optimum conditions for all the three methods are optimized. Beer's law is obeyed over the ranges 0.63-12.5 using method A and method B, and 10-120 µg mL-1 using method C. The apparent molar absorptivity values are calculated to be 3.5 × 10(4), 2.76 × 10(4) and 2.51 × 10³ L mol-1cm-1 for method A, method B and method C, respectively. The Sandell sensitivity, limit of detection (LOD) and limit quantification (LOQ) values are also reported. All the methods were validated in accordance with current ICH guidelines. The developed methods were employed with high degree of precision and accuracy for the estimation of total drug content in commercial tablet formulations of DOX. The results obtained from human spiked urine are satisfactory and recovery values are in the range 95.5-106.6%.


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Two new, simple, rapid and reproducible spectrophotometric methods have been developed for the determination of lamotrigine (LMT) both in pure form and in its tablets. The first method (method A) is based on the formation of a colored ion-pair complex (1:1 drug/dye) of LMT with bromocresol green (BCG) at pH 5.02±0.01 and extraction of the complex into dichloromethane followed by the measurement of the yellow ion-pair complex at 410 nm. In the second (method B), the drug-dye ion-pair complex was dissolved in ethanolic potassium hydroxide and the resulting base form of the dye was measured at 620 nm. Beer's law was obeyed in the concentration range of 1.5-15 µg mL-1 and 0.5-5.0 µg mL-1 for method A and method B, respectively, and the corresponding molar absorptivity values are 1.6932 x 10(4) and 3.748 x 10(4) L mol-1cm-1. The Sandell sensitivity values are 0.0151 and 0.0068 µg cm-2 for method A and method B, respectively. The stoichiometry of the ion-pair complex formed between the dug and dye (1:1) was determined by Job's continuous variations method and the stability constant of the complex was also calculated. The proposed methods were applied successfully for the determination of drug in commercial tablets.


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A simple, sensitive and reproducible spectrophotometric method was developed for the determination of sitagliptin phosphate in bulk and in pharmaceutical formulations. The proposed method is based on condensation of the primary amino group of sitagliptin phosphate with acetyl acetone and formaldehyde producing a yellow colored product, which is measured spectrophotometrically at 430nm. The color was stable for about 1 hour. Beer's law is obeyed over a concentration range of 5-25 µg/ml. The apparent molar absorptivity and Sandell sensitivity values are 1.067 x 10(4) Lmol-1cm-1 and 0.0471 µgcm-2 respectively. All the variables were studied to optimize the reaction conditions. No interference was observed in the presence of common pharmaceutical excipients. The validity of the method was tested by analyzing sitagliptin phosphate in its pharmaceutical preparations. Good recoveries were obtained. The developed method was successfully employed for the determination of sitagliptin phosphate in various pharmaceutical preparations.


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A simple and rapid spectrophotometric method for the determination of nevirapine is described. The method is based on the reaction of nevirapine with tetrathiocyanatocobalt(II) ion in buffer of pH 4 to form the corresponding complex. Beer's law is obeyed in the range of 0.2 - 2.0 µg mL-1 for nevirapine. The optical parameters such as molar absorptivity, Sandell's sensitivity, detection limit and quantitation limit were found to be 1.16× 10(4) Lmol-1cm-1, 2.09 X 10-3 µg cm-2, 0.073 µg mL-1 and 0.222 µg mL-1 respectively. The optimum reaction conditions and other analytical parameters were evaluated. The statistical evaluation of the method was examined by determining intra-day and inter-day precision. The proposed method has been successfully applied for the determination of nevirapine in pharmaceutical formulations.


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A new spectrophotometric method is proposed for the assay of ranitidine hydrochloride (RNH) in bulk drug and in its dosage forms using ceric ammonium sulphate (CAS) and two dyes, malachite (MAG) green and crystal violet (CV) as reagents. The method involves the addition of a known excess of ceric ammonium sulphate to ranitidine hydrochloride in acid medium, followed by the determination of unreacted CAS by reacting with a fixed amount of malachite green or crystal violet and measuring the absorbance at 615 or 582 nm respectively against the reagent blank. The Beer's law is obeyed in the concentration range of 0.4-8.0 µg/ ml of ranitidine hydrochloride (RNH) for RNH-MAG system and 0.2-1.6µg/ml of ranitidine hydrochloride for RNH-CV system. The molar Absorptivity, Sandell's sensitivity for each system were calculated. The method has been successfully applied to the determination of ranitidine hydrochloride in pure and dosage forms.


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A simple, rapid and sensitive spectrophotometric method for the determination of captopril (CPT) in pharmaceutical formulations is proposed. This method is based on the reduction reaction of ammonium molybdate, in the presence of sulphuric acid, for the group thiol of CPT, producing a green compound (λ max 407 nm). Beer's law is obeyed in a concentration range of 4.60 x 10-4 - 1.84 x 10-3 mol l-1 of CPT with an excellent correlation coefficient (r = 0.9995). The limit of detection and limit of quantification were 7.31 x 10-6 e 2.43 x 10-5 mol l-1 of CPT, respectively. The proposed method was successfully applied to the determination of CPT in commercial brands of pharmaceuticals. No interferences were observed from the common excipients in the formulations. The results obtained by the proposed method were favorably compared with those given by the official reported method at 95 % confidence level.


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No presente trabalho, foi investigado o comportamento do extrato aquoso e alcoólico da beterraba (Beta vulgaris) como um indicador ácido-base, tendo como objetivo principal despertar o interesse pelo uso dos indicadores naturais, como alternativa didática para transmissão dos conceitos de titulação, equilíbrio químico e a lei de Lambert-Beer. Para a realização dos experimentos foram utilizadas soluções padrão de ácido clorídrico (HCl), ácido acético e hidróxido de sódio (NaOH). Inicialmente foram feitos testes para avaliar a reversibilidade do sistema, e observou-se que a coloração passa de vermelho para amarela com adição de base e retorna para vermelho com adição do ácido, sendo possível sua utilização para explicação do equilíbrio químico. As análises de espectroscopia UV-vis mostraram que os espectros de absorção molecular na região do visível, apresentam diferentes característica, dando indícios que ocorreu modificação na estrutura do indicador em meio ácido e básico. Após as análises volumétricas constatou-se que os pontos de equivalência determinados com o indicador natural tiveram concordância com os obtidos pelo método potenciométrico. Além disso, os extratos aquosos e alcoólicos da beterraba apresentam potencial didático para a explicação da lei de Lambert-Beer, sendo que no meio ácido houve uma melhor correlação comparado com o meio básico.


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Tutkielman tavoitteena on tiivistetysti edesauttaa Lappeenrannan Lifeterveyskaupan yritysmyyntiprosessia kuvailemalla kohdeyrityksen strategiaa, menestystekijöitä ja houkuttelevuutta yritysostajan näkökulma huomioiden siten, että niiden hahmottaminen ja omaksuminen helpottuu yritysostajalle. Tutkielman sisältöä voidaan hyödyntää yritysmyyntiprosessissa sellaisenaan tai tarpeen mukaan muunneltuna. Tutkielma on kvalitatiivinen tapaustutkimus, joka sisältää piirteitä käsite- ja toiminta-analyyttisestä sekä osin nomoteettisesta tutkimusotteesta. Aineisto kerättiin puolistrukturoiduilla teemahaastatteluilla. Kohdeyrityksen strategia on asiakaslähtöinen. Perusstrategia kohdeyrityksessä on riippuvainen kilpailijakontekstista, mutta useimmissa tapauksissa kilpailuetu perustuu differointiin. Suurena terveyskaupan erikoisliikkeenä voidaan hyödyntää myös suuruuden ekonomiaa. Yrityksen toiminta on alalle fokusoitua. Life-terveyskauppaketjuun kuuluminen ja erinomainen liiketilan sijainti ovat olleet tärkeitä tekijöitä menestyksessä. Runsas mainonta, suuri neuvotteluvoima toimittajiin nähden, tuoteportfolion hallinta, osaava henkilöstö ja hyvät sopimusehdot ovat edesauttaneet menestystä. Venäjä-potentiaali Lappeenrannassa on suuri. Markkina-asema on talousaseman ohella erinomainen ja hyödyksi sekä yritykselle että yritysostajalle.


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This study focuses on observing how Finnish companies execute their new product launch processes. The main objective was to find out how entry timing moderates the relationship between launch tactics (namely product innovativeness, price and emotional advertising) and new product performance (namely sales volume and customer profitability). The empirical analysis was based on data collected in Lappeenranta University of Technology. The sample consisted of Finnish companies representing different industries and innovation activities. Altogether 272 usable responses were received representing a response rate of 37.67%. The measures were first assessed by using exploratory factor analysis (EFA) in PASW Statistics 18 and then further verified with confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) in LISREL 8.80. To test the hypotheses of the moderating effects of entry timing, hierarchical regression analysis was used in PASW Statistics 18. The results of the study revealed that the effect of product innovativeness on new product sales volume is dependent on entry timing. This implies that companies should carefully consider what would be the best time for entering the market when launching highly innovative new products. The results also depict a positive relationship between emotional advertising and new product sales volume. In addition, partial support was found for a positive relationship between pricing and new product customer profitability.


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The present research focuses on the study of how to design message and select media in advertising to generate customer’s purchase intention towards senior mobile phone in China. The message design concentrates mainly on message framing and fear appeals study while the media selection method is only based on direct matching. For exploring the main research question, the study utilized qualitative methodology. The data collection consisted of a pre-interview questionnaire, interviews, and three sets of experiments. The experiments were designed to test the selected 18 participants’ responses toward different emotional appeals and message framings. The findings illustrate participants’ understanding of senior mobile phone and their media usage habits. Moreover, positive message framing and emotional appeals in advertising are more effective. Gender differences in responding to emotional appeals were explored as well.


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Abstract—This paper discusses existing military capability models and proposes a comprehensive capability meta-model (CCMM) which unites the existing capability models into an integrated and hierarchical whole. The Zachman Framework for Enterprise Architecture is used as a structure for the CCMM. The CCMM takes into account the abstraction level, the primary area of application, stakeholders, intrinsic process, and life cycle considerations of each existing capability model, and shows how the models relate to each other. The validity of the CCMM was verified through a survey of subject matter experts. The results suggest that the CCMM is of practical value to various capability stakeholders in many ways, such as helping to improve communication between the different capability communities.


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Abstract - This paper reviews existing military capability models and the capability life cycle. It proposes a holistic capability life-cycle model (HCLCM) that combines capability systems with related capability models. ISO 15288 standard is used as a framework to construct the HCLCM. The HCLCM also shows how capability models and systems relate to each other throughout the capability life cycle. The main contribution of this paper is conceptual in nature. The model complements the existing, but still evolving, understanding of the military capability life cycle in a holistic and systemic way. The model also increases understanding and facilitates communication among various military capability stakeholders.


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Abstract—Concept development and experimentation (CD&E) plays an important role in driving strategic transformation in the military community. Defence architecture frameworks, such as the NATO architecture framework, are considered excellent means to support CD&E. There is not much empirical evidence, however, to indicate how enterprise architectures (EA) are applied in the military community or particularly in military CD&E. Consequently, this paper describes and discusses empirical application of the EA approach in CD&E. The research method in the paper is a case study. Situational method engineering (SiME) is used as a framework to adapt the EA approach to the case project of the paper. The findings of the paper suggest that the EA is applicable to CD&E work, although all aspects of the original concept could not be expressed in the EA model of the case project. The results also show that the SiME method can support in applying the EA framework to the CD&E in the case project.


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The recent digitization, fragmentation of the media landscape and consumers’ changing media behavior are all changes that have had drastic effects on creating marketing communications. In order to create effective marketing communications large advertisers are now co-operating with a variety of marketing communications companies. The purpose of the study is to understand how advertisers perceive these different companies and more importantly how do advertisers expect their roles to change in the future as the media landscape continues to evolve. Especially the changing roles of advertising agencies and media agencies are examined as they are at the moment the most relevant partners of the advertisers. However, the research is conducted from a network perspective rather than focusing on single actors of the marketing communications industry network. The research was conducted using a qualitative theme interview method. The empirical data was gathered by interviewing representatives from nine of the 50 largest Finnish advertisers measured by media spending. Thus, the research was conducted solely from large B2C advertisers’ perspective while the views of their other relevant actors of the network were left unexplored. The interviewees were chosen with a focus on variety of points of view. The analytical framework that was used to analyze the gathered data was built the IMP group’s industrial network model that consists of actors, their resources and activities. As technology driven media landscape fragmentation and consumers’ changing media behavior continue to increase the complexity of creating marketing communications, advertisers are going to need to rely on a growing number of partnerships as they see that the current actors of the network will not be able to widen their expertise to answer to these new needs. The advertisers expect to form new partnerships with actors that are more specialized and able to react and produce activities more quickly than at the moment. Thus, new smaller and more agile actors with looser structures are going to appear to fill these new needs. Therefore, the need of co-operation between the actors is going to become more important. These changes pose the biggest threat for traditional advertising agencies as they were seen as being most unable to cope with the ongoing change. Media agencies are in a more favorable position for remaining relevant for the advertisers as they will be able to justify their activities and provided value by leveraging their data handling abilities. In general the advertisers expect to be working with a limited number of close actors and in addition having a network of smaller actors, which are used on a more ad hoc basis.