973 resultados para Beef Heifers


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Carne salgada desidratada é um produto largamente usado no Brasil, como fonte de proteína animal. O principal objetivo deste tipo de processamento é a remoção de água, inicialmente por mudanças de pressão osmótica e, a seguir por secagem, levando a um produto com umidade intermediária, como o charque e o "jerked beef". O processo de desidratação osmótica, pela penetração do sal e saída de água, causa redução nos níveis de atividade de água. Alterações de cor também ocorrem durante o processamento. Neste trabalho, estas duas variáveis são avaliadas, em pedaços de carne submetidos à salga seca e úmida. Os valores de atividade de água iniciais foram reduzidos em ambas as etapas, sendo mais acentuado para salga seca, obtendo ao término desse experimento 0,79 unidades a 10ºC e 0,75 a 20ºC. Os efeitos do sal também alteraram os parâmetros de cor, afetando os valores de L* a* b*, e direta e diferentemente o valor de DE das salgas. O estudo dos parâmetros de cor e da atividade de água é útil para um melhor conhecimento e controle do processo de carne salgada desidratada.


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The objective of this study is to evaluate the effect of the daily consumption of ostrich meat (lliofemuralis internus) and bovine meat (Psoas major) on the lipid metabolism in adult mice. The analyses of the centesimal composition of the meats and preparation of the diets were accomplished following the recommendations of the American Institute of Nutrition-AIN-93. Three groups of 150 day-old animals: group I (diet I, with casein), group II (diet II, with ostrich meat), and group III (diet III with bovine meat) were fed for 13 weeks with the respective diets and weight gain, food efficiency coefficient, total cholesterol, lipoprotein fractions, hepatic, transaminases and body fat percentage and hepatic fat content were evaluated. No difference (p < 0.05) it was found for weight gain and coefficients for feed efficiency among the groups. Total cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, relationship of total cholesterol/HDL-cholesterol, VLDL, triglycerides and hepatic transaminases were also not different among the groups (p < 0.05). This research suggests that the consumption of ostrich meat or thin bovine meat on a daily basis does not raise concerns about weight gain, and an increase in the plasma concentrations of lipoprotein and levels of hepatic transaminase.


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The objective of this work was to verify the availability of iron in the presence of vitamin A as components of foods and in combinations with medicines. The iron available was measured in the presence of vitamin A in foods - common bean (B), beef liver (Li) and carrot (C) - and medicines - Fer-In-Sol® (Fer) (Mead Johnson), Arovit® (A) (Roche) and Neutrofer® (N) (Sigma Pharma) - as well as in combinations of both. β-carotene, vitamin A, total iron, heme and non heme iron, percentage of dialyzable iron and amount of dialyzable iron was determined. Vitamin A and β-carotene had a positive effect on the percentage of iron dialysis. Carrot and liver had a better percentage of dialyzable iron than their respective medicine at similar concentrations. Therefore, we can conclude that there has been an influence of vitamin A over the dialysis of iron, being the mixtures containing liver the ones which achieved the highest concentrations of dialyzable iron, and also that, according to the amounts needed to obtain the daily recommended intake of iron, they are good for consumption.


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The demand for low-fat beef products has led the food industry to use fat substitutes such as modified starch. About 14% of broken rice is generated during processing. Nevertheless, this by-product contains high levels of starch; being therefore, great raw material for fat substitution. This study evaluated the applicability of chemically and physically modified broken rice starch as fat substitute in sausages. Extruded and phosphorylated broken rice was used in low-fat sausage formulation. All low-fat sausages presented about 55% reduction in the fat content and around 28% reduction in the total caloric value. Fat replacement with phosphorylated and extruded broken rice starch increased the texture acceptability of low-fat sausages, when compared to low-fat sausages with no modified broken rice. Results suggest that modified broken rice can be used as fat substitute in sausage formulations, yielding lower caloric value products with acceptable sensory characteristics.


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In many industrialized countries, including Brazil, sodium intake exceeds the nutritional recommendations. Excessive consumption is associated with hypertension and premature death by cardiovascular diseases. The industry's challenge is to produce products with reduced sodium that are similar to regular products in texture and flavor and consistent with consumers' dietary habits. The present study aimed at substituting 25 and 50% NaCl for KCl in marinated beef and chicken meat with the addition of aromatic herbs and spices. The following microbiological analyses were carried out: macronutrient, chemical composition, and sensorial analysis. The meats showed a reduction in NaCl contents without any changes in their physical and chemical characteristics, and the products´ quality and microbiological safety were maintained. Beef and chicken tenderness was maintained for both treatments. Furthermore, the use of 50% KCl did not cause any changes in the products' sensory quality, and the overall acceptance of both types of meat was maintained. Results showed that a reduction by 50% in the NaCl contents of marinated meat products with a combination of herbs and spices is possible. Future applications in other meat products and sausages are highly promising.


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The present study's objective was to analyze the procedures aimed at guaranteeing sanitary conditions when acquiring meat. The study was conducted with university restaurants of the Federal Institutions of Higher Education (IFES) located in the five regions of Brazil. Data were collected using a questionnaire and an evaluation list, which was available online to restaurant professionals. The results showed that restaurants chose one or two types of meat, the most frequent of which were beef and chicken. In restaurants managed by the IFES, the acquisition of raw material occurred by bidding. For vendor selection, the restaurants required product registration with the Inspection Service and requested regulation of the supplier by the Health Surveillance. Monitoring was carried out through a technical visit to the supplier and a review of the past records of the supplier. A higher percentage of restaurants in the Southeast region met appropriate sanitary and hygienic criteria for the receipt of meat, followed by the South, Midwest, Northeast and North. We conclude that restaurants meet most of the safety criteria set in the legislation. However, some weaknesses are evident in the physical and functional structure, the system of transportation of raw material and the records of control measures at the place of reception.


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The mechanism whereby cytochrome £ oxidase catalyses elec-. tron transfer from cytochrome £ to oxygen remains an unsolved problem. Polarographic and spectrophotometric activity measurements of purified, particulate and soluble forms of beef heart mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase presented in this thesis confirm the following characteristics of the steady-state kinetics with respect to cytochrome £: (1) oxidation of ferrocytochrome c is first order under all conditions. -(2) The relationship between sustrate concentration and velocity is of the Michaelis-Menten type over a limited range of substrate. concentrations at high ionic strength. (3) ~he reaction rate is independent from oxygen concentration until very low levels of oxygen. (4) "Biphasic" kinetic plots of enzyme activity as a function of substrate concentration are found when the range of cytochrome c concentrations is extended; the biphasicity ~ is more apparent in low ionic strength buffer. These results imply two binding sites for cytochrome £ on the oxidase; one of high affinity and one of low affinity with Km values of 1.0 pM and 3.0 pM, respectively, under low ionic strength conditions. (5) Inhibition of the enzymic rate by azide is non-c~mpetitive with respect to cytochrome £ under all conditions indicating an internal electron transfer step, and not binding or dissociation of £ from the enzyme is rate limiting. The "tight" binding of cytochrome '£ to cytochrome c oxidase is confirmed in column chromatographic experiments. The complex has a cytochrome £:oxidase ratio of 1.0 and is dissociated in media of high ionic strength. Stopped-flow spectrophotometric studies of the reduction of equimolar mixtures and complexes of cytochrome c and the oxidase were initiated in an attempt to assess the functional relevance of such a complex. Two alternative routes -for reduction of the oxidase, under conditions where the predominant species is the £ - aa3 complex, are postulated; (i) electron transfer via tightly bound cytochrome £, (ii) electron transfer via a small population of free cytochrome c interacting at the "loose" binding site implied from kinetic studies. It is impossible to conclude, based on the results obtained, which path is responsible for the reduction of cytochrome a. The rate of reduction by various reductants of free cytochrome £ in high and low ionic strength and of cytochrome £ electrostatically bound to cytochrome oxidase was investigated. Ascorbate, a negatively charged reagent, reduces free cytochrome £ with a rate constant dependent on ionic strength, whereas neutral reagents TMPD and DAD were relatively unaffected by ionic strength in their reduction of cytochrome c. The zwitterion cysteine behaved similarly to uncharged reductants DAD and TI~PD in exhibiting only a marginal response to ionic strength. Ascorbate reduces bound cytochrome £ only slowly, but DAD and TMPD reduce bound cytochrome £ rapidly. Reduction of cytochrome £ by DAD and TMPD in the £ - aa3 complex was enhanced lO-fold over DAD reduction of free £ and 4-fold over TMPD reduction of free c. Thus, the importance of ionic strength on the reactivity of cytochrome £ was observed with the general conclusion being that on the cytochrome £ molecule areas for anion (ie. phosphate) binding, ascorbate reduction and complexation to the oxidase overlap. The increased reducibility for bound cytochrome £ by reductants DAD and TMPD supports a suggested conformational change of electrostatically bound c compare.d to free .£. In addition, analysis of electron distribution between cytochromes £ and a in the complex suggest that the midpotential of cytochrome ~ changes with the redox state of the oxidase. Such evidence supports models of the oxidase which suggest interactions within the enzyme (or c - enzyme complex) result in altered midpoint potentials of the redox centers.


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Catalase dismutes H20 2 to O2 and H20. In successive twoelectron reactions H20 2 induces both oxidation and reduction at the heme group. In the first step the protoheme prosthetic group of beef liver catalase forms compound I, in which the heme has been oxidized from Fe3+ to Fe4+=0 and a porphyrin radical has been created. Compound II is formed by the oneelectron reduction of comp I. It retains Fe4+=0 but lacks the porphyrin radical and is catalytically inert. Molecular structures are available for Escherichia coli Hydroperoxidase II, Micrococcus Iysodeiktus, Penicillium vitale and beef liver enzymes, which contain different hemes and heme pockets. In the present work, the pockets and substrate access channels of protoheme (beef liver & Micrococcus) and heme d (HPII of E. coli and Penicillium) catalases have been analysed using Quanta™ and CharmMTM molecular modeling packages on the Silicon Graphics Iris Indigo 2 computer. Experimental studies have been carried out with two catalases, HPII (and its mutants) and beef liver. Fluoride and formate' are inhibitors of both enzymes, and their binding is modulated by the heme and by distal residues N201 & H128. Both HPII and beef liver enzymes form compound I with H202 or peracetate. The reduction of beef liver enzyme compound I to II and the decay of compound II are accelerated by fluoride. The decay of compound II is also accelerated by formate, and this reagent acts as a 2-electron donor towards compound I of both enzymes. It is concluded that heme d enzymes (Penicillium and HPII of E. coli) are formed by autocatalytic transformation of protoheme in a modified pocket which contains a characteristic serine residue as well as a partially occluded heme channel. They are less active than protoheme enzymes but also do not form the inactive compound II species. Binding of peroxide as well as fluoride and formate is prevented by mutation of H128 and modulated by mutation of N201.


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The article discusses a "new 'V-conveyor restrainer system' keeps cattle calmer at point of slaughter". The paper was published in BEEF, October 1989.


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The focus is on design, more specifically, "animal handling facilities which are labor saving and reduce bruise losses". The article studies: Unloading Chutes, Stockyard Design, Hog Plant Stockyard, General Purpose Small Stockyard, Beef Stockyard, Cattle Crowding Pens, Hog Crowding Pens, Slopes in Chutes and Crowding Pens, Single File Chutes General Recommendations, Single File Chutes for Cattle, Slaughter Restrainers,


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The conclusion of the article reads "good handling during processing and re-implanting could mean the difference between a going operation and financial disaster. But it's up to you to make certain your crew understands and follows proper chute practices. When they do, it will mean more money in your pocket."


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L’objectif de cette étude était de déterminer l’impact d’une infection intra-mammaire (IIM) subclinique causée par staphylocoque coagulase-négative (SCN) ou Staphylococcus aureus diagnostiquée durant le premier mois de lactation chez les taures sur le comptage de cellules somatiques (CCS), la production laitière et le risque de réforme durant la lactation en cours. Des données bactériologiques provenant d’échantillons de lait composites de 2 273 taures Holstein parmi 50 troupeaux ont été interprétées selon les recommandations du National Mastitis Council. Parmi 1 691 taures rencontrant les critères de sélection, 90 (5%) étaient positives à S. aureus, 168 (10%) étaient positives à SCN et 153 (9%) étaient négatives (aucun agent pathogène isolé). Le CCS transformé en logarithme népérien (lnCCS) a été modélisé via une régression linéaire avec le troupeau comme effet aléatoire. Le lnCCS chez les groupes S. aureus et SCN était significativement plus élevé que dans le groupe témoin de 40 à 300 jours en lait (JEL) (P < 0.0001 pour tous les contrastes). La valeur journalière du lnSCC chez les groupes S. aureus et SCN était en moyenne 1.2 et 0.6 plus élevé que le groupe témoin respectivement. Un modèle similaire a été réalisé pour la production laitière avec l’âge au vêlage, le trait génétique lié aux parents pour la production laitière et le logarithme népérien du JEL de la pesée inclus. La production laitière n’était pas statistiquement différente entre les 3 groupes de culture de 40 à 300 JEL (P ≥ 0.12). Les modèles de survie de Cox ont révélé que le risque de réforme n’était pas statistiquement différent entre le groupe S. aureus ou SCN et le groupe témoin (P ≥ 0.16). La prévention des IIM causées par SCN et S. aureus en début de lactation demeure importante étant donné leur association avec le CCS durant la lactation en cours.


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Résumé L’objectif de cette étude était de déterminer les effets de la source de sélénium sur les concentrations de Se et de GSH-Px des vaches de boucherie (n =33) et leurs veaux et sur des paramètres immunitaires des veaux. Deux groupes de vaches ont reçu 3 mg/j/animal de Se organique ou inorganique dans le minéral. Le troisième groupe n'a pas été supplémenté en Se et leurs veaux ont été divisés en deux sous-groupes, l’un des deux a reçu une injection de sélénite de sodium (0,087 mg/Kg) à la naissance. Le Se et la GSH-Px ont été respectivement mesurés par HPLC-UV et par cinétique enzymatique. La phagocytose, la flambée respiratoire et le ratio CD4:CD8ont été évalués par des kits commerciaux et les IgG totales ont été mesurés par immunodiffusion radiale. La supplémentation de Se a augmenté significativement le Se sérique et colostral (P<0,02) et la GSH-Px(P≤0,04) pour les vaches et leurs veaux avec un effet significativement plus élevé pour le Se organique. Le Se du lait a augmenté de façon significative uniquement avec la source organique du Se (P≤0,0007). L’injection du Se chez les veaux a permis une augmentation significative mais temporaire (P<0,0001) du Se sérique. La supplémentation en Se n’a pas influencé les paramètres immunitaires mesurés (P>0,01, non significatif après correction de Bonferroni). Nous concluons que la supplémentation en Se améliore le niveau du Se colostral, lacté et sérique ainsi que la GSH-Px pour les vaches et leurs veaux sans effet sur les paramètres immunitaires mesurés des veaux. Mots clés: Sélénium, veaux de boucherie, phagocytose, flambée respiratoire, anticorps, ratio CD4:CD8, GSH-Px.


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En Amérique du Nord, Mycoplasma bovis est le plus pathogène des mycoplasmes retrouvés chez les bovins. Les principales maladies qu’on lui associe (maladies respiratoires, mammites, arthrites septiques et otites moyennes et/ou internes) constituent un défi à l’industrie laitière à cause de la difficulté à les traiter et à les prévenir par une vaccination. L’objectif principal de ce projet était d’étudier l’excrétion nasale et la réponse sérologique à M. bovis chez les génisses de remplacement, entre la naissance et 7 mois d’âge, dans 4 troupeaux laitiers au Québec. Quatre-vingt-trois paires mère/génisse provenant de 4 cohortes de bovins laitiers étaient prélevées mensuellement (génisses : 0 à 7 mois ; mères : 0, 1 et 5 mois après vêlage). Écouvillons nasaux et échantillons de lait étaient analysés par culture bactériologique et par immunofluorescence indirecte. Les anticorps circulants étaient détectés par le test ELISA. À la naissance, la prévalence sérologique des génisses était supérieure à celle des mères (P = 0,01). La transmission de M. bovis aux génisses par le lait et par l’excrétion nasale des mères était faible. L’âge moyen (jour) d’une génisse à sa 1ère excrétion nasale et sa 1ère séroconversion à M. bovis était loin de la période néonatale: 77,5 ± 11,2 (n = 22) et 96,8 ± 7,4 (n = 36) respectivement. Conclusion, les vaches adultes n’ont constitué qu’une voie mineure de transmission de M. bovis aux génisses, la principale voie de transmission était fort probablement le contact direct ou indirect avec d’autres génisses excrétrices nasales de M. bovis.


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Une exposition aux viandes comporte un risque pour la santé, et les maladies transmises par ces viandes causent un fardeau important mondialement. En Afrique centrale, le gibier est une viande communément consommée en zone urbaine. L’absence d’information sur le niveau de consommation de gibier, ainsi que sur sa contamination, limite l’évaluation des risques sanitaires associés au gibier. Une étude transversale a visé la description du niveau de consommation des viandes parmi 205 ménages de Port-Gentil (Gabon), ainsi que certains déterminants de la consommation de ces viandes. Une seconde étude transversale a quantifié la contamination musculaire de gibier vendu à Port-Gentil par Salmonella, Campylobacter et Shigella. Sur une base de trois jours, 86% des ménages ont consommé de la volaille, 84% du poisson, 44% du bœuf, 25% du porc et 24% du gibier. La consommation de gibier fut plus fréquente le dimanche et parmi les ménages à revenu élevé. Le gibier fut principalement acquis en carcasse entière sans conservation particulière, mais toujours consommé bouilli. Des trois bactéries ciblées, seule Salmonella a été isolée parmi un de 128 échantillons de gibier. Ces études fournissent des informations utiles pour mieux comprendre les facteurs de risque pour la santé associés à la consommation de viandes au Gabon. Des études sur la contamination des viandes, notamment celles des carcasses de gibier, seront nécessaires pour mieux apprécier les risques spécifiques à chaque différente bactérie pathogène.