875 resultados para Bat Ecology
ETAk borroka armatuaren behin betiko etenaldi atzeraezinaren bidez, 2011ko urriaren 20an amaiera eman zion 53 urteko jardunari. Momentu horretatik, biktimen, presoen, adiskidetzearen inguruko politikak egunerokotasuneko eztabaida gai izan dira. Gau hauek, justizia trantsizionaleko gaiak badira ere, sektore batzuek justizia trantsizionala terminoa bera eta honek nazioartean dituen inplikazio eta edukiak eztabaida horietatik at kokatu nahi dute. Kontraesan honek nahasmena sortzen du aipaturiko politika horien irizpideen inguruko eztabaidan. Egoera honen aurrean, eztabaida hori justizia trantsizionalaren eremura eramateak izan ditzakeen onura eta garrantziaz gogoeta egin dut. Aldi berean ekarpen bat egin nahi izan dut, euskal kasuan aplikatu beharko litzatekeen justizia mota egokienaren inguruko eztabaidara. Honetarako, ezinbestekoa izan da justizia trantsizionalaren azterketa sakon bat egitea, interes alderdikoiak eta borroka terminologikoak alde batera utzita
Notebook of practical activities in Ecology during the 2on course of Biology career.
64 p. : il. - E-mail de la autora: maddijuaristi@gmail.com
Urbanization is associated with global biodiversity loss of macrophauna and flora through direct and indirect mechanisms, but to date few studies have examined urban soil microbes. Although there are numerous studies on the influence of agricultural management on soil microbial community composition, there has been no global-scale study of human control over urban soil microbial communities. This thesis extends the literature of urban ecology to include soil microbial communities by analyzing soils that are part of the Global Urban Soil Ecology and Education Network (GLUSEEN). Chapter 1 sets the context for urban ecology; Chapters 2 addresses patterns of community assembly, biodiversity loss, and the phylogenetic relationships among community members; Chapter 3 addresses the metabolic pathways that characterize microbial communities existing under different land-uses across varying geographic scales; and Chapter 4 relates Chapter 2 and 3 to one another and to evolutionary theory, tackling assumptions that are particular to microbial ecology.