902 resultados para Bag-of-visual Words


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When the illumination of a visual scene changes, the quantity of light reflected from objects is altered. Despite this, the perceived lightness of the objects generally remains constant. This perceptual lightness constancy is thought to be important behaviorally for object recognition. Here we show that interactions from outside the classical receptive fields of neurons in primary visual cortex modulate neural responses in a way that makes them immune to changes in illumination, as is perception. This finding is consistent with the hypothesis that the responses of neurons in primary visual cortex carry information about surface lightness in addition to information about form. It also suggests that lightness constancy, which is sometimes thought to involve “higher-level” processes, is manifest at the first stage of visual cortical processing.


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Efficient and reliable classification of visual stimuli requires that their representations reside a low-dimensional and, therefore, computationally manageable feature space. We investigated the ability of the human visual system to derive such representations from the sensory input-a highly nontrivial task, given the million or so dimensions of the visual signal at its entry point to the cortex. In a series of experiments, subjects were presented with sets of parametrically defined shapes; the points in the common high-dimensional parameter space corresponding to the individual shapes formed regular planar (two-dimensional) patterns such as a triangle, a square, etc. We then used multidimensional scaling to arrange the shapes in planar configurations, dictated by their experimentally determined perceived similarities. The resulting configurations closely resembled the original arrangements of the stimuli in the parameter space. This achievement of the human visual system was replicated by a computational model derived from a theory of object representation in the brain, according to which similarities between objects, and not the geometry of each object, need to be faithfully represented.


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The basal ganglia are known to receive inputs from widespread regions of the cerebral cortex, such as the frontal, parietal, and temporal lobes. Of these cortical areas, only the frontal lobe is thought to be the target of basal ganglia output. One of the cortical regions that is a source of input to the basal ganglia is area TE, in inferotemporal cortex. This cortical area is thought to be critically involved in the recognition and discrimination of visual objects. Using retrograde transneuronal transport of herpes simplex virus type 1, we have found that one of the output nuclei of the basal ganglia, the substantia nigra pars reticulata, projects via the thalamus to TE. Thus, TE is not only a source of input to the basal ganglia, but also is a target of basal ganglia output. This result implies that the output of the basal ganglia influences higher order aspects of visual processing. In addition, we propose that dysfunction of the basal ganglia loop with TE leads to alterations in visual perception, including visual hallucinations.


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The segregation of thalamocortical inputs into eye-specific stripes in the developing cat or monkey visual cortex is prevented by manipulations that perturb or abolish neural activity in the visual pathway. Such findings show that proper development of the functional organization of visual cortex is dependent on normal patterns of neural activity. The generalisation of this conclusion to other sensory cortices has been questioned by findings that the segregation of thalamocortical afferents into a somatotopic barrel pattern in developing rodent primary somatosensory cortex (S1) is not prevented by activity blockade. We show that a temporary block of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) and non-NMDA glutamate receptors in rat S1 during the critical period for barrel development disrupts the topographic refinement of thalamocortical connectivity and columnar organization. These effects are evident well after the blockade is ineffective and thus may be permanent. Our findings show that neural activity and specifically the activation of postsynaptic cortical neurons has a prominent role in establishing the primary sensory map in S1, as well as the topographic organization of higher order synaptic connections.


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The biochemistry of visual excitation is kinetically explored by measuring the activity of the cGMP phosphodiesterase (PDE) at light levels that activate only a few tens of rhodopsin molecules per rod. At 23 degrees C and in the presence of ATP, the pulse of PDE activity lasts 4 s (full width at half maximum). Complementing the rod outer segments (ROS) with rhodopsin kinase (RK) and arrestin or its splice variant p44 does not significantly shorten the pulse. But when the ROS are washed, the duration of the signal doubles. Adding either arrestin or p44 back to washed ROS approximately restores the pulse width to its initial value, with p44 being 10 times more efficient than arrestin. This supports the idea that, in vivo, capping of phosphorylated R* is mostly done by p44. When myristoylated (14:0) recoverin is added to unwashed ROS, the pulse duration and amplitude increase by about 50% if the free calcium is 500 nM. This effect increases further if the calcium is raised to 1 microM. Whenever R* deactivation is changed--when RK is exogenously enriched or when ATP is omitted from the buffer--there is no impact on the rising slope of the PDE pulse but only on its amplitude and duration. We explain this effect as due to the unequal competition between transducin and RK for R*. The kinetic model issued from this idea fits the data well, and its prediction that enrichment with transducin should lengthen the PDE pulse is successfully validated.


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Diseases characterized by retinal neovascularization are among the principal causes of visual loss worldwide. The hypoxia-stimulated expression of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) has been implicated in the proliferation of new blood vessels. We have investigated the use of antisense phosphorothioate oligodeoxynucleotides against murine VEGF to inhibit retinal neovascularization and VEGF synthesis in a murine model of proliferative retinopathy. Intravitreal injections of two different antisense phosphorothioate oligodeoxynucleotides prior to the onset of proliferative retinopathy reduced new blood vessel growth a mean of 25 and 31% compared with controls. This inhibition was dependent on the concentration of antisense phosphorothioate oligodeoxynucleotides and resulted in a 40-66% reduction in the level of VEGF protein, as determined by Western blot analysis. Control (sense, nonspecific) phosphorothioate oligodeoxynucleotides did not cause a significant reduction in retinal neovascularization or VEGF protein levels. These data further establish a fundamental role for VEGF expression in ischemia-induced proliferative retinopathies and a potential therapeutic use for antisense phosphorothioate oligodeoxynucleotides.


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We used positron emission tomography (PET) to examine the role of the hippocampal formation in implicit and explicit memory. Human volunteers studied a list of familiar words, and then they either provided the first word that came to mind in response to three-letter cues (implicit memory) or tried to recall studied words in response to the same cues (explicit memory). There was no evidence of hippocampal activation in association with implicit memory. However, priming effects on the implicit memory test were associated with decreased activity in extrastriate visual cortex. On the explicit memory test, subjects recalled many target words in one condition and recalled few words in a second condition, despite trying to remember them. Comparisons between the two conditions showed that blood-flow increases in the hippocampal formation are specifically associated with the conscious recollection of studied words, whereas blood-flow increases in frontal regions are associated with efforts to retrieve target words. Our results help to clarify some puzzles concerning the role of the hippocampal formation in human memory.


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The conversion of text to speech is seen as an analysis of the input text to obtain a common underlying linguistic description, followed by a synthesis of the output speech waveform from this fundamental specification. Hence, the comprehensive linguistic structure serving as the substrate for an utterance must be discovered by analysis from the text. The pronunciation of individual words in unrestricted text is determined by morphological analysis or letter-to-sound conversion, followed by specification of the word-level stress contour. In addition, many text character strings, such as titles, numbers, and acronyms, are abbreviations for normal words, which must be derived. To further refine these pronunciations and to discover the prosodic structure of the utterance, word part of speech must be computed, followed by a phrase-level parsing. From this structure the prosodic structure of the utterance can be determined, which is needed in order to specify the durational framework and fundamental frequency contour of the utterance. In discourse contexts, several factors such as the specification of new and old information, contrast, and pronominal reference can be used to further modify the prosodic specification. When the prosodic correlates have been computed and the segmental sequence is assembled, a complete input suitable for speech synthesis has been determined. Lastly, multilingual systems utilizing rule frameworks are mentioned, and future directions are characterized.


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During early development, interactions between the two eyes are critical in the formation of eye-specific domains within the lateral geniculate nucleus and the visual cortex. When monocular enucleation is done early in prenatal life, it induces remarkable anatomical and functional reorganizations of the visual pathways. Behavioral data have shown a loss in sensitivity to low-spatial-frequency gratings in cats. To correlate the behavioral observations with a possible change in the analysis of contrast at the level of primary visual areas we recorded visual evoked potentials at the 17/18 border in two cats enucleated prenatally (gestational age at enucleation, 39-42 days), three neonatal, two control animals, and one animal with a surgical removal of Y-ganglion fibers. Our results show a strong attenuation in the amplitude of response at all contrast values for gratings of low spatial frequency in prenatally enucleated cats, whereas neonatally enucleated and control animals present responses of comparable amplitude. We conclude that the behavioral results reflect the reduced sensitivity for low frequencies of visual cortical neurons. In addition, we define a critical period for the development of the contrast-sensitivity function that seems to be limited to the prenatal gestation period. We suggest that the prenatal interruption of binocular interactions leads to a functional elimination of the Y-ganglion system.


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O presente estudo buscou entender a influência da utilização da celebridade Gisele Bundchen em anúncios de propaganda no comportamento do consumidor por meio de uma das técnicas de Neuromarketing: o eye tracking. Sendo assim, esta pesquisa objetivou analisar se é realmente importante a presença da celebridade em propagandas de anúncio impresso analisada sob o ponto de vista do Neuromarketing por meio da análise da atenção visual ao estímulo \'celebridade\'. Para a verificação dos objetivos, das hipóteses e da proposição advindas destes objetivos, foi empregada uma metodologia em que se buscou avaliar a atenção visual dos consumidores acerca do estímulo \'celebridade\' em relação aos demais estímulos presentes nos anúncios impressos como a logomarca, nome ou símbolo que representa a marca; o produto; e outras pessoas não famosas. Essa avaliação foi realizada por meio da técnica de Neuromarketing que utiliza o equipamento de eye tracking. Assim, os participantes foram divididos em três grupos (um que avaliou os anúncios das seis marcas com a celebridade; o outro que avaliou os anúncios destas mesmas marcas com a presença de pessoas não famosas e um último grupo que avaliou os anúncios das marcas sem a presença de pessoas). No final do foi aplicado um questionário para confirmação de alguns dados e para análise em relação à lembrança da marca. Os resultados, no geral, demonstraram que, de alguma forma, os participantes prestaram atenção na celebridade considerada na pesquisa (o que foi evidenciado, principalmente, pelos mapas de calor apresentados). Quando as celebridades foram comparadas às pessoas não famosas, em alguns casos (com a confirmação de algumas hipóteses), foi evidenciada a importância da presença da celebridade; porém, em outros casos, houve mais destaque para a presença da pessoa não famosa. Na pesquisa ficou evidente, também, que a presença de pessoas (sendo elas celebridade ou não) pode atrapalhar no processo de atenção para a marca e o produto e que, quando não se utilizou pessoas, houve mais atenção dos participantes para estes outros estímulos.


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A imagem mental e a memória visual têm sido consideradas como componentes distintos na codificação da informação, e associados a processos diferentes da memória de trabalho. Evidências experimentais mostram, por exemplo, que o desempenho em tarefas de memória baseadas na geração de imagem mentais (imaginação visual) sofre a interferência do ruído visual dinâmico (RVD), mas não se observa o mesmo efeito em tarefas de memória visual baseadas na percepção visual (memória visual). Embora várias evidências mostrem que tarefas de imaginação e de memória visual sejam baseadas em processos cognitivos diferentes, isso não descarta a possibilidade de utilizarem também processos em comum e que alguns resultados experimentais que apontam diferenças entre as duas tarefas resultem de diferenças metodológicas entre os paradigmas utilizados para estuda-las. Nosso objetivo foi equiparar as tarefas de imagem mental visual e memória visual por meio de tarefas de reconhecimento, com o paradigma de dicas retroativas espaciais. Sequências de letras romanas na forma visual (tarefa de memória visual) e acústicas (tarefa de imagem mental visual) foram apresentadas em quatro localizações espaciais diferentes. No primeiro e segundo experimento analisou-se o tempo do curso de recuperação tanto para o processo de imagem quanto para o processo de memória. No terceiro experimento, comparou-se a estrutura das representações dos dois componentes, por meio da apresentação do RVD durante a etapa de geração e recuperação. Nossos resultados mostram que não há diferenças no armazenamento da informação visual durante o período proposto, porém o RVD afeta a eficiência do processo de recuperação, isto é o tempo de resposta, sendo a representação da imagem mental visual mais suscetível ao ruído. No entanto, o processo temporal da recuperação é diferente para os dois componentes, principalmente para imaginação que requer mais tempo para recuperar a informação do que a memória. Os dados corroboram a relevância do paradigma de dicas retroativas que indica que a atenção espacial é requisitada em representações de organização espacial, independente se são visualizadas ou imaginadas.


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This article studies generated scales having exactly three different step sizes within the language of algebraic combinatorics on words. These scales and their corresponding step-patterns are called non well formed. We prove that they can be naturally inserted in the Christoffel tree of well-formed words. Our primary focus in this study is on the left- and right-Lyndon factorization of these words. We will characterize the non-well-formed words for which both factorizations coincide. We say that these words satisfy the LR property and show that the LR property is satisfied exactly for half of the non-well-formed words. These are symmetrically distributed in the extended Christoffel tree. Moreover, we find a surprising connection between the LR property and the Christoffel duality. Finally, we prove that there are infinitely many Christoffel–Lyndon words among the set of non-well-formed words and thus there are infinitely many generated scales having as step-pattern a Christoffel–Lyndon word.


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Discovering a History: The School of Art at the University of Denver explores the early history of art education in Denver, and the significance of visual art education at the University of Denver within that history beginning in 1865, when the first classes in art were offered, and ending in 1929 when the University acquired the Chappell School of Art—an independent art school—and appointed Vance Kirkland as director. This paper also explores competing art institutions, which at times posed great hindrances to the University. Further, it illustrates how the artists who taught at the University of Denver School of Art, such as Ida De Steiguer, Preston Powers, Emma Richardson Cherry, and Henry Read, were amongst the great contributors to Denver’s burgeoning artistic culture.


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Many works have already dealt with anglicisms in Spanish, especially in science and information technologies. However, despite the high and growing number of English terms incorporated daily by the language of fashion, it has received comparative less attention in lexicographic and terminological studies than that of other areas, such as science or business. For several reasons, which include prestige or peer pressure, Spanish has not only adopted English words with new meanings and usage, but also contains other forms based on English patterns which users seem to consider more accurate or expressive. This paper concentrates on false anglicisms as indicators of some of the special relationships and influences between languages arising from the pervasive presence of English. We shall look at the Spanish language of fashion, which, in addition to genuine anglicisms, has for some time been using English words with different meanings, or even created items of its own (or imported them from other languages) with the appearance of English words. These false anglicisms, which have proven extremely popular in receiving languages (not only in Spanish) have frequently been disseminated by youth magazines and the new digital media, both in general spheres and in fashion-specific contexts.


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Proinsulin has been characterized as a neuroprotective molecule. In this work we assess the therapeutic potential of proinsulin on photoreceptor degeneration, synaptic connectivity, and functional activity of the retina in the transgenic P23H rat, an animal model of autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa (RP). P23H homozygous rats received an intramuscular injection of an adeno-associated viral vector serotype 1 (AAV1) expressing human proinsulin (hPi+) or AAV1-null vector (hPi−) at P20. Levels of hPi in serum were determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), and visual function was evaluated by electroretinographic (ERG) recording at P30, P60, P90, and P120. Preservation of retinal structure was assessed by immunohistochemistry at P120. Human proinsulin was detected in serum from rats injected with hPi+ at all times tested, with average hPi levels ranging from 1.1 nM (P30) to 1.4 nM (P120). ERG recordings showed an amelioration of vision loss in hPi+ animals. The scotopic b-waves were significantly higher in hPi+ animals than in control rats at P90 and P120. This attenuation of visual deterioration correlated with a delay in photoreceptor degeneration and the preservation of retinal cytoarchitecture. hPi+ animals had 48.7% more photoreceptors than control animals. Presynaptic and postsynaptic elements, as well as the synaptic contacts between photoreceptors and bipolar or horizontal cells, were preserved in hPi+ P23H rats. Furthermore, in hPi+ rat retinas the number of rod bipolar cell bodies was greater than in control rats. Our data demonstrate that hPi expression preserves cone and rod structure and function, together with their contacts with postsynaptic neurons, in the P23H rat. These data strongly support the further development of proinsulin-based therapy to counteract retinitis pigmentosa.