976 resultados para BINARY-MIXTURES


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As a result of the drive towards waste-poor world and reserving the non-renewable materials, recycling the construction and demolition materials become very essential. Now reuse of the recycled concrete aggregate more than 4 mm in producing new concrete is allowed but with natural sand a fine aggregate while. While the sand portion that represent about 30\% to 60\% of the crushed demolition materials is disposed off. To perform this research, recycled concrete sand was produced in the laboratory while nine recycled sands produced from construction and demolitions materials and two sands from natural crushed limestone were delivered from three plants. Ten concrete mix designs representing the concrete exposition classes XC1, XC2, XF3 and XF4 according to European standard EN 206 were produced with partial and full replacement of natural sand by the different recycled sands. Bituminous mixtures achieving the requirements of base courses according to Germany standards and both base and binder courses according to Egyptian standards were produced with the recycled sands as a substitution to the natural sands. The mechanical properties and durability of concrete produced with the different recycled sands were investigated and analyzed. Also the volumetric analysis and Marshall test were performed hot bituminous mixtures produced with the recycled sands. According to the effect of replacement the natural sand by the different recycled sands on the concrete compressive strength and durability, the recycled sands were classified into three groups. The maximum allowable recycled sand that can be used in the different concrete exposition class was determined for each group. For the asphalt concrete mixes all the investigated recycled sands can be used in mixes for base and binder courses up to 21\% of the total aggregate mass.


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Städtische Biomassen der Grünflächen bilden eine potentielle, bisher weitgehend ungenutzte Ressource für Bioenergie. Kommunen pflegen die Grünflächen, lassen das Material aber verrotten oder führen es Deponien oder Müllverbrennungsanlagen zu. Diese Praxis ist kostenintensiv ohne für die Verwaltungen finanziellen Ausgleich bereitzustellen. Stattdessen könnte das Material energetisch verwertet werden. Zwei mögliche Techniken, um Bioenergie zu gewinnen, wurden mit krautigem Material des städtischen Straßenbegleitgrüns untersucht i) direkte anaerobe Fermentation (4 Schnitte im Jahr) und ii) „Integrierte Festbrennstoff- und Biogasproduktion aus Biomasse“ (IFBB), die Biomasse durch Maischen und mechanisches Entwässern in einen Presssaft und einen Presskuchen trennt (2 Schnitte im Jahr). Als Referenz wurde die aktuelle Pflege ohne Verwertungsoption mitgeführt (8faches Mulchen). Zusätzlich wurde die Eignung von Gras-Laub-Mischungen im IFBB-Verfahren untersucht. Der mittlere Biomasseertrag war 3.24, 3.33 und 5.68 t Trockenmasse ha-1 jeweils für die Pflegeintensitäten Mulchen, 4-Schnitt- und 2-Schnittnutzung. Obwohl die Faserkonzentration in der Biomasse der 2-Schnittnutzung höher war als im Material der 4-Schnittnutzung, unterschieden sich die Methanausbeuten nicht signifikant. Der Presskuchen aus dem krautigen Material des Straßenbegleitgrüns hatte einen Heizwert von 16 MJ kg-1 Trockenmasse, während der Heizwert des Presskuchens der Gras-Laub-Mischung in Abhängigkeit vom Aschegehalt zwischen 15 und 17 MJ kg-1 Trockenmasse lag. Der Aschegehalt der Mischungen war höher als der Grenzwert nach DIN EN 14961-6:2012 (für nicht-holzige Brennstoffe), was auf erhöhte Bodenanhaftung auf Grund der Erntemethoden zurückzuführen sein könnte. Der Aschegehalt des krautigen Materials vom Straßenrand hielt die Norm jedoch ein. Die Elementkonzentration (Ca, Cl, K, Mg, N, Na, P, S, Al, Cd, Cr, Cu, Mn, Pb, Si, Zn) im krautigen Material war generell ähnlich zu Landwirtschafts- oder Naturschutzgrünland. In den Mischungen nahm die Elementkonzentration (Al, Cl, K, N, Na, P, S, Si) mit zunehmendem Laubanteil ab. Die Konzentration von Ca, Mg und der Neutral-Detergenz-Fasern stieg hingegen an. Die IFBB-Technik reduzierte die Konzentrationen der in der Verbrennung besonders schädlichen Elemente Cl, K und N zuverlässig. Außer den potentiell hohen Aschegehalten, wurde während der Untersuchungen kein technischer Grund entdeckt, der einer energetischen Verwertung des getesteten urbanen Materials entgegenstehen würde. Ökonomische, soziale und ökologische Auswirkungen einer Umsetzung müssen beachtet werden. Eine oberflächliche Betrachtung auf Basis des bisherigen Wissens lässt hoffen, dass eine bioenergetische Verwertung städtischen Materials auf allen Ebenen nachhaltig sein könnte.


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"Expectation-Maximization'' (EM) algorithm and gradient-based approaches for maximum likelihood learning of finite Gaussian mixtures. We show that the EM step in parameter space is obtained from the gradient via a projection matrix $P$, and we provide an explicit expression for the matrix. We then analyze the convergence of EM in terms of special properties of $P$ and provide new results analyzing the effect that $P$ has on the likelihood surface. Based on these mathematical results, we present a comparative discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of EM and other algorithms for the learning of Gaussian mixture models.


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We present a tree-structured architecture for supervised learning. The statistical model underlying the architecture is a hierarchical mixture model in which both the mixture coefficients and the mixture components are generalized linear models (GLIM's). Learning is treated as a maximum likelihood problem; in particular, we present an Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm for adjusting the parameters of the architecture. We also develop an on-line learning algorithm in which the parameters are updated incrementally. Comparative simulation results are presented in the robot dynamics domain.


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En aquest estudi, la toxicitat de diversos metalls pesants i l'arsènic va ser analitzada utilitzant diferents models biològics. En la primera part d'aquest treball, el bioassaig de toxicitat Microtox, el qual està basat en la variació de l'emissió lumínica del bacteri luminiscent Vibrio fischeri, va ser utilitzat per establir les corbes dosi-resposta de diferents elements tòxics com el Zn(II), Pb(II), Cu(II), Hg(II), Ag(I), Co(II), Cd(II), Cr(VI), As(V) i As(III) en solucions aquoses. Els experiments es varen portar a terme a pH 6.0 i 7.0 per tal de mostrar que el pH pot influir en la toxicitat final mesurada d'alguns metalls degut als canvis relacionats amb la seva especiació química. Es varen trobar diferents tipus de corbes dosi-resposta depenent del metall analitzat i el pH del medi. En el cas de l'arsènic, l'efecte del pH en la toxicitat de l'arsenat i l'arsenit es va investigar utilitzant l'assaig Microtox en un rang de pHs comprès entre pH 5.0 i 9.0. Els valors d'EC50 determinats per l'As(V) disminueixen, reflectint un augment de la toxicitat, a mesura que el pH de la solució augmenta mentre que, en el cas de l'As(III), els valors d'EC50 quasi bé no varien entre pH 6.0 i 8.0 i només disminueixen a pH 9.0. HAsO42- i H2AsO3- es varen definir com les espècies més tòxiques. Així mateix, una anàlisi estadística va revelar un efecte antagònic entre les espècies químiques d'arsenat que es troben conjuntament a pH 6.0 i 7.0. D'altra banda, els resultats de dos mètodes estadístics per predir la toxicitat i les possibles interaccions entre el Co(II), Cd(II), Cu(II), Zn(II) i Pb(II) en mescles binàries equitòxiques es varen comparar amb la toxicitat observada sobre el bacteri Vibrio fischeri. L'efecte combinat d'aquests metalls va resultar ser antagònic per les mescles de Co(II)-Cd(II), Cd(II)-Zn(II), Cd(II)-Pb(II) i Cu(II)-Pb(II), sinèrgic per Co(II)-Cu(II) i Zn(II)-Pb(II) i additiu en els altres casos, revelant un patró complex de possibles interaccions. L'efecte sinèrgic de la combinació Co(II)-Cu(II) i la forta disminució de la toxicitat del Pb(II) quan es troba en presència de Cd(II) hauria de merèixer més atenció quan s'estableixen les normatives de seguretat ambiental. La sensibilitat de l'assaig Microtox també va ser determinada. Els valors d'EC20, els quals representen la toxicitat llindar mesurable, varen ser determinats per cada element individualment i es va veure que augmenten de la següent manera: Pb(II) < Ag(I) < Hg(II)  Cu(II) < Zn(II) < As(V) < Cd(II)  Co(II) < As(III) < Cr(VI). Aquests valors es varen comparar amb les concentracions permeses en aigues residuals industrials establertes per la normativa oficial de Catalunya (Espanya). L'assaig Microtox va resultar ser suficientment sensible per detectar els elements assajats respecte a les normes oficials referents al control de la contaminació, excepte en el cas del cadmi, mercuri, arsenat, arsenit i cromat. En la segona part d'aquest treball, com a resultats complementaris dels resultats previs obtinguts utilitzant l'assaig de toxicitat aguda Microtox, els efectes crònics del Cd(II), Cr(VI) i As(V) es varen analitzar sobre la taxa de creixement i la viabilitat en el mateix model biològic. Sorprenentment, aquests productes químics nocius varen resultar ser poc tòxics per aquest bacteri quan es mesura el seu efecte després de temps d'exposició llargs. Tot i això, en el cas del Cr(VI), l'assaig d'inhibició de la viabilitat va resultar ser més sensible que l'assaig de toxicitat aguda Microtox. Així mateix, també va ser possible observar un clar fenomen d'hormesis, especialment en el cas del Cd(II), quan s'utilitza l'assaig d'inhibició de la viabilitat. A més a més, diversos experiments es varen portar a terme per intentar explicar la manca de toxicitat de Cr(VI) mostrada pel bacteri Vibrio fischeri. La resistència mostrada per aquest bacteri podria ser atribuïda a la capacitat d'aquest bacteri de convertir el Cr(VI) a la forma menys tòxica de Cr(III). Es va trobar que aquesta capacitat de reducció depèn de la composició del medi de cultiu, de la concentració inicial de Cr(VI), del temps d'incubació i de la presència d'una font de carboni. En la tercera part d'aquest treball, la línia cel·lular humana HT29 i cultius primaris de cèl·lules sanguínies de Sparus sarba es varen utilitzar in vitro per detectar la toxicitat llindar de metalls mesurant la sobreexpressió de proteines d'estrès. Extractes de fangs precedents de diverses plantes de tractament d'aigues residuals i diferents metalls, individualment o en combinació, es varen analitzar sobre cultius cel·lulars humans per avaluar el seu efecte sobre la taxa de creixement i la capacitat d'induir la síntesi de les proteïnes Hsp72 relacionades amb l'estrès cel·lular. No es varen trobar efectes adversos significatius quan els components s'analitzen individualment. Nogensmenys, quan es troben conjuntament, es produeix un afecte advers sobre tan la taxa de creixement com en l'expressió de proteins d'estrès. D'altra banda, cèl·lules sanguínies procedents de Sparus sarba es varen exposar in vitro a diferents concentracions de cadmi, plom i crom. La proteïna d'estrès HSP70 es va sobreexpressar significativament després de l'exposició a concentracions tan febles com 0.1 M. Sota les nostres condicions de treball, no es va evidenciar una sobreexpressió de metal·lotioneïnes. Nogensmenys, les cèl·lules sanguínies de peix varen resultar ser un model biològic interessant per a ser utilitzat en anàlisis de toxicitat. Ambdós models biològics varen resultar ser molt adequats per a detectar acuradament la toxicitat produïda per metalls. En general, l'avaluació de la toxicitat basada en l'anàlisi de la sobreexpressió de proteïnes d'estrès és més sensible que l'avaluació de la toxicitat realitzada a nivell d'organisme. A partir dels resultats obtinguts, podem concloure que una bateria de bioassaigs és realment necessària per avaluar acuradament la toxicitat de metalls ja que existeixen grans variacions entre els valors de toxicitat obtinguts emprant diferents organismes i molts factors ambientals poden influir i modificar els resultats obtinguts.


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A simple "Y" shaped olfactometer was used in laboratory studies on the olfactory attractiveness of mixtures in various proportions of industrial analogues of some host plant and conspecific-based semiochemicals, or their combinations with banana rhizome, to the banana weevil. The aim was to identify factors that influence their attractiveness to the weevil, and consider the possibility for their use as lures for trapping the weevil in the field. Cosmopolites sordidus was attracted to the mixtures at specific concentrations and proportions of constituent chemicals. 6-methylhept-5-en-2-one was only attractive on its own at 1 µl/100 ml and in mixture with 4- mercaptophenol, but not at 10 µl, 0.01 µl, or in combination with banana rhizome. 4-mercaptohpenol and 2-n-butylfuran, which were compatible with most host plant-based chemicals and were attractive as a mixture, were perceived to be key elements in the composition of attractants to the weevil. It was concluded that in addition to the composition, other factors that may determine the attractiveness or otherwise of a mixture to C. sordidus are the proportions and concentrations of the constituent chemicals.


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Species rich semi-natural grasslands are an important but threatened habitat throughout Europe and much of the former area has been lost since the 1950s. However, in some countries large areas have been preserved and the demand for meadow recreation by sowing seed mixtures is increasing. In the White Carpathians Protected Landscape Area (Czech Republic) the use of commercial seed mixtures is undesirable and the use of regional mixtures has been investigated. The costs for seeding large areas are high and lower cost techniques are needed. In 1999 a field experiment was set up to investigate the establishment of hay meadow vegetation comparing sowing a regional mixture all over a plot with sowing narrow 2.5 In strips of regional seed mixtures into a matrix of a commercial grass mixture or into natural regeneration. The results after five seasons showed good establishment of the sown species in the meadow treatment. Spread of sown species from the sown strips into the surrounding matrix occurred but the cover of species was lower in the commercial grass matrix compared with the natural regeneration matrix. Colonisation of some plots by unsown desirable grassland species from adjacent grassland habitats also occurred, but more species colonised the natural regeneration matrix than the commercial grasses or the sown meadow matrix itself. Overall, the results indicate that, in appropriate situations, sown strips can provide a lower cost but slower and longer-term alternative to field scale sowing of regional seed mixtures for recreation of hay meadow vegetation. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Questions: How is succession on ex-arable land affected by sowing high and low diversity mixtures of grassland species as compared to natural succession? How long do effects persist? Location: Experimental plots installed in the Czech Republic, The Netherlands, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom. Methods: The experiment was established on ex-arable land, with five blocks, each containing three 10 m x 10 m experiment tal plots: natural colonization, a low- (four species) and high-diversity (15 species) seed mixture. Species composition and biomass was followed for eight years. Results: The sown plants considerably affected the whole successional pathway and the effects persisted during the whole eight year period. Whilst the proportion of sown species (characterized by their cover) increased during the study period, the number of sown species started to decrease from the third season onwards. Sowing caused suppression of natural colonizing species, and the sown plots had more biomass. These effects were on average larger in the high diversity mixtures. However, the low diversity replicate sown with the mixture that produced the largest biomass or largest suppression of natural colonizers fell within the range recorded at the five replicates of the high diversity plots. The natural colonization plots usually had the highest total species richness and lowest productivity at the end of the observation period. Conclusions: The effect of sowing demonstrated dispersal limitation as a factor controlling the rate of early secondary succession. Diversity was important primarily for its 'insurance effect': the high diversity mixtures were always able to compensate for the failure of some species.


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A Bayesian method of classifying observations that are assumed to come from a number of distinct subpopulations is outlined. The method is illustrated with simulated data and applied to the classification of farms according to their level and variability of income. The resultant classification shows a greater diversity of technical charactersitics within farm types than is conventionally the case. The range of mean farm income between groups in the new classification is wider than that of the conventional method and the variability of income within groups is narrower. Results show that the highest income group in 2000 included large specialist dairy farmers and pig and poultry producers, whilst in 2001 it included large and small specialist dairy farms and large mixed dairy and arable farms. In both years the lowest income group is dominated by non-milk producing livestock farms.


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Recently, various approaches have been suggested for dose escalation studies based on observations of both undesirable events and evidence of therapeutic benefit. This article concerns a Bayesian approach to dose escalation that requires the user to make numerous design decisions relating to the number of doses to make available, the choice of the prior distribution, the imposition of safety constraints and stopping rules, and the criteria by which the design is to be optimized. Results are presented of a substantial simulation study conducted to investigate the influence of some of these factors on the safety and the accuracy of the procedure with a view toward providing general guidance for investigators conducting such studies. The Bayesian procedures evaluated use logistic regression to model the two responses, which are both assumed to be binary. The simulation study is based on features of a recently completed study of a compound with potential benefit to patients suffering from inflammatory diseases of the lung.


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In this paper a robust method is developed for the analysis of data consisting of repeated binary observations taken at up to three fixed time points on each subject. The primary objective is to compare outcomes at the last time point, using earlier observations to predict this for subjects with incomplete records. A score test is derived. The method is developed for application to sequential clinical trials, as at interim analyses there will be many incomplete records occurring in non-informative patterns. Motivation for the methodology comes from experience with clinical trials in stroke and head injury, and data from one such trial is used to illustrate the approach. Extensions to more than three time points and to allow for stratification are discussed. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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A score test is developed for binary clinical trial data, which incorporates patient non-compliance while respecting randomization. It is assumed in this paper that compliance is all-or-nothing, in the sense that a patient either accepts all of the treatment assigned as specified in the protocol, or none of it. Direct analytic comparisons of the adjusted test statistic for both the score test and the likelihood ratio test are made with the corresponding test statistics that adhere to the intention-to-treat principle. It is shown that no gain in power is possible over the intention-to-treat analysis, by adjusting for patient non-compliance. Sample size formulae are derived and simulation studies are used to demonstrate that the sample size approximation holds. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.