994 resultados para Awoda sara


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Uma previsão de alterações futuras, assim como a simulação de cenários, podem sobretudo auxiliar e permitir uma antevisão de políticas de desenvolvimento de ordenamento do território. O desenvolvimento dos Sistemas de Informação Geográfica (SIG) nesta área permite, em conjunto com modelos espaciais, a simulação de cenários alternativos de uso e ocupação do solo com base em alterações passadas. O presente estudo consiste, numa primeira parte, na previsão em termos quantitativos do uso e ocupação do solo em Portugal Continental, utilizando um modelo de Markov para os anos de 2020, 2030 e 2040, tendo como base as alterações ocorridas entre 1990 e 2000. Este modelo permite prever a mudança de forma quantitativa do uso e ocupação do solo com base nas alterações do período imediatamente anterior. Estas previsões foram feitas para todo o território continental e detalhadamente para cada uma das cinco regiões NUTS II. Numa segunda parte, o modelo espacial de simulação de alteração de uso e ocupação do solo para o ano de 2040 foi realizado com recurso a cadeias de Markov com Autómatos Celulares e com base em Regressão Logística. Foi através do modelo, baseado em Autómatos Celulares, e após validação positiva deste, que se simularam três cenários futuros: (1) cenário de sustentabilidade ambiental; (2) cenário de desenvolvimento industrial; e (3) cenário de desertificação utilizando como referência a previsão para 2040, considerando o cenário Business-as-Usual.


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This study deals with investigating the groundwater quality for irrigation purpose, the vulnerability of the aquifer system to pollution and also the aquifer potential for sustainable water resources development in Kobo Valley development project. The groundwater quality is evaluated up on predicting the best possible distribution of hydrogeochemicals using geostatistical method and comparing them with the water quality guidelines given for the purpose of irrigation. The hydro geochemical parameters considered are SAR, EC, TDS, Cl-, Na+, Ca++, SO4 2- and HCO3 -. The spatial variability map reveals that these parameters falls under safe, moderate and severe or increasing problems. In order to present it clearly, the aggregated Water Quality Index (WQI) map is constructed using Weighted Arithmetic Mean method. It is found that Kobo-Gerbi sub basin is suffered from bad water quality for the irrigation purpose. Waja Golesha sub-basin has moderate and Hormat Golena is the better sub basin in terms of water quality. The groundwater vulnerability assessment of the study area is made using the GOD rating system. It is found that the whole area is experiencing moderate to high risk of vulnerability and it is a good warning for proper management of the resource. The high risks of vulnerability are noticed in Hormat Golena and Waja Golesha sub basins. The aquifer potential of the study area is obtained using weighted overlay analysis and 73.3% of the total area is a good site for future water well development. The rest 26.7% of the area is not considered as a good site for spotting groundwater wells. Most of this area fall under Kobo-Gerbi sub basin.


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The reduction of greenhouse gas emissions is one of the big global challenges for the next decades due to its severe impact on the atmosphere that leads to a change in the climate and other environmental factors. One of the main sources of greenhouse gas is energy consumption, therefore a number of initiatives and calls for awareness and sustainability in energy use are issued among different types of institutional and organizations. The European Council adopted in 2007 energy and climate change objectives for 20% improvement until 2020. All European countries are required to use energy with more efficiency. Several steps could be conducted for energy reduction: understanding the buildings behavior through time, revealing the factors that influence the consumption, applying the right measurement for reduction and sustainability, visualizing the hidden connection between our daily habits impacts on the natural world and promoting to more sustainable life. Researchers have suggested that feedback visualization can effectively encourage conservation with energy reduction rate of 18%. Furthermore, researchers have contributed to the identification process of a set of factors which are very likely to influence consumption. Such as occupancy level, occupants behavior, environmental conditions, building thermal envelope, climate zones, etc. Nowadays, the amount of energy consumption at the university campuses are huge and it needs great effort to meet the reduction requested by European Council as well as the cost reduction. Thus, the present study was performed on the university buildings as a use case to: a. Investigate the most dynamic influence factors on energy consumption in campus; b. Implement prediction model for electricity consumption using different techniques, such as the traditional regression way and the alternative machine learning techniques; and c. Assist energy management by providing a real time energy feedback and visualization in campus for more awareness and better decision making. This methodology is implemented to the use case of University Jaume I (UJI), located in Castellon, Spain.


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Serve o presente documento como registo descritivo da prossecução da componente não letiva do mestrado, por via de um estágio curricular realizado no Instituto Diplomático do Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros, cujo relatório aqui se apresenta. O presente relatório de estágio destina-se então não só a descrever as atividades desenvolvidas ao longo do estágio como também - após a definição dos seus conceitos estruturantes - a desenvolver a ideia de que a formação diplomática é ministrada como instrumento de diplomacia pública e não como ferramenta de soft power. Pretende-se, a propósito da I Reunião dos Diretores de Formação Diplomática no âmbito da Iniciativa 5+5, entender em que assenta esta nova parceria global euro-mediterrânica e os seus objetivos essenciais, as vantagens que poderão advir desta parceria para Portugal e especialmente para algumas unidades do Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiro, nomeadamente o IDI, no que respeita à formação diplomática, procurando ainda perceber o papel do IDI na área da diplomacia pública.


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Esta tese analisa o conceito de imagem-documento na arte contemporânea através do comentário a um conjunto de filmes, que têm em comum uma génese documental: A Cruz e a Prata (2010), de Harun Farocki, Cacheu (2010), de Filipa César e November (2004), de Hito Steyerl. Em primeiro lugar, é introduzido e definido o conceito de imagemdocumento e, em seguida, são identificadas as transformações a que o conceito de arquivo tem vindo a ser sujeito no contexto da arte contemporânea e, consequentemente, como é que esta transformação altera a noção de documento visual e a forma como este é recebido pelo espectador. A tese divide-se em três capítulos, sendo que no primeiro é feita uma abordagem ao conceito de imagem-documento relacionando o percurso que associa o documento ao espaço da arte com referências históricas; no segundo capítulo, é elaborado comentário individual dos filmes; e no terceiro é abordado o papel do documentário na arte contemporânea, bem como o conceito de “efeito de arquivo” e a sua relação com os filmes enunciados.


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The income support programs are created with the purpose of fighting both, the poverty trap and the inactivity trap. The balance between both is fragile and hard to find. Thus, the goal of this work is to contribute to solve this issue by finding how income support programs, particularly the Portuguese RSI, affect transitions to employment. This is made through duration analysis, namely using Cox and Competing Risks models. A particular feature is introduced in this work as it incorporates the possibility of Defective Risks. The estimated hazard elasticity with respect to the amount of RSI received for individuals who move to employment is -0,41. More than a half of RSI receivers stays for more than a year and the probability of never leaving to employment is 44%. The results appear to indicate that RSI has affected negatively transitions to employment.


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The following study aims to examine a controversial and relatively unexplored subject within our system: the legal framework on unfair business-to-consumer commercial practices. Given the fact that this subject is based on the Directive 2005/29/EC, we considered to be appropriate to explore, firstly, the background and origin of such normative instrument. Nevertheless, we have centered our analysis on the interpretation of the set rules established by the Portuguese legal system (Law nr 57/2008, March 26th). For this dissertation, we have proposed a model of tripartite approach. Chapter V seeks to shed light on the general clause by analyzing a set of open concepts such as professional diligence, honest market practice, good faith or material distortion of the consumer’s economic behavior. In chapter VI, we will focus on two common types of unfair commercial practices: misleading and aggressive practices. Finally, due to the fact that chapter VII deals with the black list, we have illustrated the listed practices by giving real life examples. Taking into account the indefinite concepts used in the general prohibition and in the misleading and aggressive clauses, it is particularly difficult to demonstrate the unfairness of the professional’s behavior. In the light of this information, we have concluded that the regime fails on achieving its main goal: it does not protect proper and effectively the consumer’s interests.


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Software as a service (SaaS) is a service model in which the applications are accessible from various client devices through internet. Several studies report possible factors driving the adoption of SaaS but none have considered the perception of the SaaS features and the pressures existing in the organization’s environment. We propose an integrated research model that combines the process virtualization theory (PVT) and the institutional theory (INT). PVT seeks to explain whether SaaS processes are suitable for migration into virtual environments via an information technology-based mechanism. INT seeks to explain the effects of the institutionalized environment on the structure and actions of the organization. The research makes three contributions. First, it addresses a gap in the SaaS adoption literature by studying the internal perception of the technical features of SaaS and external coercive, normative, and mimetic pressures faced by an organization. Second, it empirically tests many of the propositions of PVT and INT in the SaaS context, thereby helping to determine how the theory operates in practice. Third, the integration of PVT and INT contributes to the information system (IS) discipline, deepening the applicability and strengths of these theories.


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Esta tese centra-se na questão da relevância da literatura enquanto matéria curricular no Ensino Secundário. Tendo em conta a finalidade educativa de formar leitores autónomos e voluntários de literatura ao longo da vida, e procurando dar resposta à questão de fundo «de que forma valerá a pena que a literatura permaneça no currículo do Ensino Secundário?», defendo que a literatura seja didactizada enquanto experiência estética – em conformidade com a teoria transaccional de Louise Rosenblatt. Proponho, nesse sentido, um conjunto de princípios metodológicos assentes na leitura efectiva dos textos, enfatizando a importância do carácter pessoal dessa(s) leitura(s) e da natureza democrática da discussão interpretativa. Nesta perspectiva, o romance Ensaio sobre a Cegueira, de José Saramago, é apresentado enquanto texto literário cuja experiência de leitura em contexto escolar poderá ser particularmente adequada no último ano do Ensino Secundário.


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This thesis provides a complete analysis of the Standard Capital Requirements given by Solvency II for a real insurance portfolio. We analyze the investment portfolio of BPI Vida e Pensões, an insurance company affiliated with a Portuguese bank BPI, both at security, sub-portfolio and asset class levels. By using the Standard Formula from EIOPA, Total SCR amounts to 239M€. This value is mostly explained by Market and Default Risk whereas the former is driven by Spread and Concentration Risks. Following the methodology of Leblanc (2011), we examine the Marginal Contribution of an asset to the SCR which allows for the evaluation of the risks of each security given its characteristics and interactions in the portfolio. The top contributors to the SCR are Corporate Bonds and Term Deposits. By exploring further the composition of the portfolio, our results show that slight changes in allocation of Term and Cash Deposits have severe impacts on the total Concentration and Default Risks, respectively. Also, diversification effects are very relevant by representing savings of 122M€. Finally, Solvency II represents an opportunity for the portfolio optimization. By constructing efficient frontiers, we find that as the target expected return increases, a shift from Term Deposits/ Commercial Papers to Eurozone/Peripheral and finally Equities occurs.


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Recently, unethical conduct in the workplace has been a focus of literature and media. Unethical pro-organizational behavior (UPB) refers to unethical conduct that employees engage in to benefit the organization. Given the complexity of UPB, there is an increasing need to understand how and under what conditions this attitude originates within organizations. Based on a sample of 167 employees and seven organizations, results support the moderated mediation model. An ethical leader increases employees’ organizational affective commitment which increases the likelihood to engage in UPB. However, the indirect relationship diminishes when employees feel authentic at work.


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Field lab: Business project


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This research is an investigation on the deal-specific factors impacting long-term performance of cross-border M&A and on the nature of such relations. The analysis is conducted on a sample of 187 cross-border deals completed within the pharmaceutical and biotech industries by Western European bidders between 2000 and 2009. Findings suggest that post-deal variation in gross profit improves when bidders diversify in other businesses, when assets are purchased instead of equity, and when stock is used as deal currency. Furthermore, the method of payment is found to moderate the effects geographical distance has on deal outcomes.


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A few decades ago, global management consulting was considered to be one of the most attractive industries due to its abnormal high profit margins and above-average growth rates. However, after the dot-com bubble in 2000 and the last global financial crisis, firms folded and growth rates declined sharply. In an attempt to overcome the uncertainty and information volatility, internationalization is commonly cited as a good strategy. WMC, a Portuguese SME founded in 2012, has now decided to expand its management consulting services. Therefore, a scoring model was created to assess selected European countries’ attractiveness taking into consideration macro and microeconomic data. Results show that Spain is the best option at the moment, mainly because it is where the company has the larger number of projects already developed and is more likely to leverage its network.